


14.4.2 外文文献

各类外文文献的文后参考文献格式与中文示例相同;为了计算机检索方便,建议题名的首字母及各个实词的首字母大写,期刊的刊名等可用全称或按ISO 4规定的缩写格式。为了减少外文刊名引用不规范所造成的引文统计及链接误差,建议以(SXXXX-XXXX)格式在刊名后加ISSN号。例:

[24]JONES R M.Mechanics of Composite Materials[M].New York:McGraw Hill Book Company,1975.

[25]Marcel Merle.Sociologie des Relations Internationales[M]. 4th ed. Paris: Dalloz,1988.

[26]CHERNIK B E. Introduction to Library Services for Library Technicians[M]. Littleton,Colo.:Libraries Unlimited,Inc,1982.

[27]International Federation of Library Association and Institutions.Names of Persons:National Usages for Entry in Catalogues[M]. 3rd ed.London:IFLA International Office for UBC,1977ر

[28]Klaus Hildbrand.Das Drite Reich[M].Müchen:Bund-Verlag GmbH,1979.

[29]Григорян С В.Рудничная Геохимия[M].Москва: Недра,1992.













以下为注意事项:⒈ 搜集文献应尽量全。掌握全面、大量的文献资料是写好综述的前提,否则,随便搜集一点资料就动手撰写是不可能写出好的综述。

⒉ 注意引用文献的代表性、可靠性和科学性。在搜集到的文献中可能出现观点雷同,有的文献在可靠性及科学性方面存在着差异,因此在引用文献时应注意选用代表性、可靠性和科学性较好的文献。

⒊ 引用文献要忠实文献内容。由于文献综述有作者自己的评论分析,因此在撰写时应分清作者的观点和文献的内容,不能篡改文献的内容。


如果综述作者从他人引用的参考文献转引过来,这些文献在他人引用时是否恰当,有无谬误,综述作者是不知道的,所以最好不要间接转引文献。⒋ 参考文献不能省略。







7. 引文罗列,缺少分析和概括。引言不仅要反映背景的广度,更重要的是要考查作者对研究背景了解的深度。




《关于毕业论文书写格式》 关于毕业论文书写格式 (参考某一学校的要求) 论文书写格式 论文全部要采用word 来书写,文件名统一为“report95´ ´ .doc”,其中´ ´ 代表自己的学号。

学位论文一般应包括下述几部分: 论文首页格式: 其中学位论文题目用黑体二号字,其余用宋体四号字 论文题目应能概括整个论文最重要的内容,简明、恰当,一般不超过25个字。 中文摘要及其关键词(宋体5号字b5排版): 4 论文第二页为500字左右的中文内容摘要,应说明本论文的目的、研究方法、成果和结论。

学位论文摘要是学位论文的缩影,尽可能保留原论文的基本信息,突出论文的创造性成果和 新见解。论文摘要应尽量深入浅出,通俗易懂,少用公式字母,语言力求精炼、准确。

4 在本页的最下方另起一行,注明本文的关键词3╠5个。 英文摘要及其关键词(宋体5号字b5排版): 论文第三页为英文摘要,内容与中文摘要和关键词相同。

学校名称:东北师范大学 院(系)名称:计算机系 本科生学号: 学 位 论 文 题 目 学 科、专 业:计算机科学技术 本科生姓名: _____ _ 指导教师姓名:_________ 指导教师职称:___________ 东北师范大学计算机系学位评定委员会 年 月 摘 要(粗宋体居中四号字) (空一行) 摘要内容(宋体5号左对齐) (空一行) 关键词:词1、词2 目录: 论文各章节的详细目录。格式如下: 计算机概论……… ………………………………..……1 1.1 计算机产生……..…………………………………………..1 1.2 计算机的发展……………………………………………..2 1.3 计算机中的进制 …………………………………………3 一 二进制表示法…………………………………………..….3 第二章 计算机文化基础……………………………………….6 其中:“章”部分使用宋粗体四号字;“节”部分采用宋体5号字 引言(或序言)(宋体5号字b5排版): 内容为本研究领域的国内外现状,本论文所要解决的问题,该研究工作在经济建设、科技进步和社会发展等某方面的实用价值与理论意义。

正文是学位论文的主体: 4 要求采用宋体5号字b5排版。每页36行,每行32个字。

页码打印在页面下方中间位置, 论文装订后尺寸为标准b5复印纸的尺寸。页眉部分奇数页使用“东北师范大学计算机系 学士学位论文”,偶数页使用论文题目的名称。

4 论文中图表、附注、参考文献、公式一律采用阿拉伯数字连续(或 分章)编号。图序及图名置于图的下方;表序及表名置于表的上方;论文中的公式编号, 用括弧括起写在右边行末,其间不加虚线。

4 学位论文一律在左侧装订,要求装订、剪切整齐,便于使用。 4 论文字数控制在1万字至3万字之间。

宋体3号字居中显示 (空一行) §1.1 宋体4号字居中显示 (空一行) 粗宋体5号字左起 正文部分宋体5号字,语言要简练,不能有错字、别字。也不能有错误的观点。

参考文献: 按学位论文中所引用文献的顺序、列于文末。 [编号]、作者、文章题目、期刊名(外文可缩写)、年份、卷号、期数、页码。

文献是图书时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、书名、出版单位、年份、版次、页码。 附录: 包括放在正文内过分冗长的公式、以备他人阅读方便所需的辅助性数学工具、重复 性的数据图表、论文使用的符号意义、单位缩写、程序全文及有关说明等。


Improve the urban medical service system of China's Countermeasures Community health service is to urbanization with Chinese characteristics with the health care system an important component of the. Community health services in community work as an important component of the various parts are actively promoting this work, and some have achieved good results. However, the construction of the current community health service there are still major problems to the following: First, the development of community awareness of the importance of health services is not in place. Community health services should be the basic medical insurance is a major commitment, and it can be a timely, convenient and economical way to provide insurance services, rational and effective use of medical insurance fund. Only do a good job of community building can be the most direct and convenient for the general population, a good, efficient service. However, some of the staff of local health services to develop community awareness of the importance of also not enough. Some think that hospitals, health centers, abundant resources, has been able to meet the need, and there is no need for further development of community health service organizations; Some think we should go with the flow development, it is not necessary to vigorously promote the development of awareness of less than urgency. In recognition of the bias, a number of local community health service lags behind the building of socio-economic development lags behind medical insurance and health, medicine circulation system reform, health services lags behind the demand for urban development. Secondly, the expansion of community health service functions are not in place. Community health service as a product of urbanization, the demand for its functions as the guide is based on the residents, for residents to provide preventive, medical, health, rehabilitation, health education, family planning, "Six in One" integrated health services. However, in actual operation, there is understanding in some areas of misunderstanding. Some believe that the community health services similar to the grass-roots hospitals, but is set by the district offices, for more than a brand; some believe that the community health services is only secondary and tertiary hospitals to district offices sent a number of branches. In the provision of services, and some believe that the main headache for the treatment of patients with influenza, vaccination for children, such as disease prevention. This function of community health services, one-sided understanding of the impact of a community health service institutions and functions of standardized construction brought into full play. Third, the community health care measures are not in place. The development of community health services, not only to keep up with the hardware construction, and the need for sound policies and measures. At present, the absence of a unified planning or planning is not scientific, in some areas of community health service agencies, hospitals or the streets from the hospital transfer form to send agencies, personnel, shortage of funds, facilities, backward, obsolete equipment; affected the normal work process. Not even a lot of community health services, development is very uneven. In terms of software development, taxation, prices and other preferential policies in place, two-way referral system is established, not covered by medical insurance institutions, the limited community health services, economic difficulties, the slow development. Fourth, inadequate personnel training mechanism. Community health service need is general practitioners, and the establishment of China's medical education system in general. At present, engaged in community health services, health care workers, mainly low-level specialist qualifications or other industries to switch from non-school medical staff, some staff had only received a small number of special education. Whether it is health care personnel or nursing staff, in terms of quantity and quality are far failed to meet the development needs of community health services. Strategies to address these problems: First, the practical importance of community health services building. The development of community health services, not only can effectively satisfy the growing urban demand for health services, but also conducive to urban health service system to adjust the structure, function and layout, to improve efficiency, reduce costs and at the same time, the stability of the urban basic medical insurance system operation, but also plays an 。


1. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Human Resource Allocation in a CPA Firm: A Fuzzy Set Approach Wikil Kwak, Yong Shi and Kooyul Jung The review of existing human resource allocation models for a CPA。

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Volume 20, Number 3 / 2003年5月 PDF (77.4 KB) 2. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Corporate Social Reporting in the European Context and Human Resource Disclosures: An Analysis of Finnish Companies Taru Vuontisjärvi 。interface between HR reporting (especially as based on measurements such as Human Resource Accounting and Intellectual Capital schools) and corporate social reporting practices. The results。

Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 69, Number 4 / 2006年12月 PDF (220.8 KB) 3. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Human resource accounting Carme Barcons-Vilardell, Soledad Moya-Gutierrez, Antonio Somoza-López, Josep Vallverdú-Calafell and Carlos Griful-Miquela Abstract Human resources is an old field of research in economics, as reflected by accounting treatments. This paper reviews this。International Advances in Economic Research, Volume 5, Number 3 / 1999年8月 PDF (571.7 KB) 4. 添加入标记条目中 图书章节 A Machine Learning Application for Human Resource Data Mining Problem Zhen Xu and Binheng Song 。

for problems with changing conditions. Human resource allocation is a kind of。Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining PDF (238.9 KB) 5. 添加入标记条目中 图书章节 Human Capital Management Peter Friederichs and Monika Labes Dieses einführende Kapitel geht zunächst auf den Begriff Human Capital und dessen unterschiedliche ein. In einem kurzen Problemaufriss wird die。

Human Capital Management, Teil I PDF (216.3 KB) 6. 添加入标记条目中 图书章节 Fuzzy Logic Experience Model in Human Resource Management Zhen Xu, Binheng Song and Liang Chen 。of most important functions in human resource management. It presents a new。

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems PDF (209.7 KB) 7. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Natural Resource Management to Offset Greenhouse Gas Emissions Robert A. Mickler Environmental Management, Volume 33, Number 4 / 2004年8月 PDF (135.0 KB)HTML 8. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Conflicts between humans over wildlife management: on the diversity of stakeholder attitudes and implications for conflict management Keith Marshall, Rehema White and Anke Fischer Abstract Conflicts involving wildlife are, in essence, often conflicts between human parties with differing wildlife management objectives. However, the study and management of。Biodiversity and Conservation, Volume 16, Number 11 / 2007年10月 PDF (494.6 KB)HTML 9. 添加入标记条目中 图书章节 For the Knowledge Society: How to Involve Human Resources in Gaming Arata Ichikawa and Mieko Nakamura Gaming, Simulations, and Society, Part IV PDF (179.4 KB) 10. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Characterization of the human lineage-specific pericentric inversion that distinguishes human chromosome 1 from the homologous chromosomes of the great apes Justyna M. Szamalek, Violaine Goidts, David N. Cooper, Horst Hameister and Hildegard Kehrer-Sawatzki Abstract The human and chimpanzee genomes are distinguishable in terms of ten gross karyotypic differences。

Human Genetics, Volume 120, Number 1 / 2006年8月。


Improve the urban medical service system of China's Countermeasures Community health service is to urbanization with Chinese characteristics with the health care system an important component of the. Community health services in community work as an important component of the various parts are actively promoting this work, and some have achieved good results. However, the construction of the current community health service there are still major problems to the following: First, the development of community awareness of the importance of health services is not in place. Community health services should be the basic medical insurance is a major commitment, and it can be a timely, convenient and economical way to provide insurance services, rational and effective use of medical insurance fund. Only do a good job of community building can be the most direct and convenient for the general population, a good, efficient service. However, some of the staff of local health services to develop community awareness of the importance of also not enough. Some think that hospitals, health centers, abundant resources, has been able to meet the need, and there is no need for further development of community health service organizations; Some think we should go with the flow development, it is not necessary to vigorously promote the development of awareness of less than urgency. In recognition of the bias, a number of local community health service lags behind the building of socio-economic development lags behind medical insurance and health, medicine circulation system reform, health services lags behind the demand for urban development. Secondly, the expansion of community health service functions are not in place. Community health service as a product of urbanization, the demand for its functions as the guide is based on the residents, for residents to provide preventive, medical, health, rehabilitation, health education, family planning, "Six in One" integrated health services. However, in actual operation, there is understanding in some areas of misunderstanding. Some believe that the community health services similar to the grass-roots hospitals, but is set by the district offices, for more than a brand; some believe that the community health services is only secondary and tertiary hospitals to district offices sent a number of branches. In the provision of services, and some believe that the main headache for the treatment of patients with influenza, vaccination for children, such as disease prevention. This function of community health services, one-sided understanding of the impact of a community health service institutions and functions of standardized construction brought into full play. Third, the community health care measures are not in place. The development of community health services, not only to keep up with the hardware construction, and the need for sound policies and measures. At present, the absence of a unified planning or planning is not scientific, in some areas of community health service agencies, hospitals or the streets from the hospital transfer form to send agencies, personnel, shortage of funds, facilities, backward, obsolete equipment; affected the normal work process. Not even a lot of community health services, development is very uneven. In terms of software development, taxation, prices and other preferential policies in place, two-way referral system is established, not covered by medical insurance institutions, the limited community health services, economic difficulties, the slow development. Fourth, inadequate personnel training mechanism. Community health service need is general practitioners, and the establishment of China's medical education system in general. At present, engaged in community health services, health care workers, mainly low-level specialist qualifications or other industries to switch from non-school medical staff, some staff had only received a small number of special education. Whether it is health care personnel or nursing staff, in terms of quantity and quality are far failed to meet the development needs of community health services. Strategies to address these problems: First, the practical importance of community health services building. The development of community health services, not only can effectively satisfy the growing urban demand for health services, but also conducive to urban health service system to adjust the structure, function and layout, to improve efficiency, reduce costs and at the same time, the stability of the urban basic medical insurance system operation, but also plays an importa。















OCLC NetLibrary图书























原文就是指原作品,原件,即作者所写作品所用的语言。如莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》原文是英语。 译文就是翻译过来的文字,如在中国也可以找到莎士比亚《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的中文版本,这个中文版本就称为译文 。



1、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。



4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。

5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。






《关于毕业论文书写格式》 关于毕业论文书写格式 (参考某一学校的要求) 论文书写格式 论文全部要采用word 来书写,文件名统一为“report95´ ´ .doc”,其中´ ´ 代表自己的学号。

学位论文一般应包括下述几部分: 论文首页格式: 其中学位论文题目用黑体二号字,其余用宋体四号字 论文题目应能概括整个论文最重要的内容,简明、恰当,一般不超过25个字。 中文摘要及其关键词(宋体5号字b5排版): 4 论文第二页为500字左右的中文内容摘要,应说明本论文的目的、研究方法、成果和结论。

学位论文摘要是学位论文的缩影,尽可能保留原论文的基本信息,突出论文的创造性成果和 新见解。论文摘要应尽量深入浅出,通俗易懂,少用公式字母,语言力求精炼、准确。

4 在本页的最下方另起一行,注明本文的关键词3╠5个。 英文摘要及其关键词(宋体5号字b5排版): 论文第三页为英文摘要,内容与中文摘要和关键词相同。

学校名称:东北师范大学 院(系)名称:计算机系 本科生学号: 学 位 论 文 题 目 学 科、专 业:计算机科学技术 本科生姓名: _____ _ 指导教师姓名:_________ 指导教师职称:___________ 东北师范大学计算机系学位评定委员会 年 月 摘 要(粗宋体居中四号字) (空一行) 摘要内容(宋体5号左对齐) (空一行) 关键词:词1、词2 目录: 论文各章节的详细目录。格式如下: 计算机概论……… ………………………………..……1 1.1 计算机产生……..…………………………………………..1 1.2 计算机的发展……………………………………………..2 1.3 计算机中的进制 …………………………………………3 一 二进制表示法…………………………………………..….3 第二章 计算机文化基础……………………………………….6 其中:“章”部分使用宋粗体四号字;“节”部分采用宋体5号字 引言(或序言)(宋体5号字b5排版): 内容为本研究领域的国内外现状,本论文所要解决的问题,该研究工作在经济建设、科技进步和社会发展等某方面的实用价值与理论意义。

正文是学位论文的主体: 4 要求采用宋体5号字b5排版。每页36行,每行32个字。

页码打印在页面下方中间位置, 论文装订后尺寸为标准b5复印纸的尺寸。页眉部分奇数页使用“东北师范大学计算机系 学士学位论文”,偶数页使用论文题目的名称。

4 论文中图表、附注、参考文献、公式一律采用阿拉伯数字连续(或 分章)编号。图序及图名置于图的下方;表序及表名置于表的上方;论文中的公式编号, 用括弧括起写在右边行末,其间不加虚线。

4 学位论文一律在左侧装订,要求装订、剪切整齐,便于使用。 4 论文字数控制在1万字至3万字之间。

宋体3号字居中显示 (空一行) §1.1 宋体4号字居中显示 (空一行) 粗宋体5号字左起 正文部分宋体5号字,语言要简练,不能有错字、别字。也不能有错误的观点。

参考文献: 按学位论文中所引用文献的顺序、列于文末。 [编号]、作者、文章题目、期刊名(外文可缩写)、年份、卷号、期数、页码。

文献是图书时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、书名、出版单位、年份、版次、页码。 附录: 包括放在正文内过分冗长的公式、以备他人阅读方便所需的辅助性数学工具、重复 性的数据图表、论文使用的符号意义、单位缩写、程序全文及有关说明等。




献,可以在谷歌,用英文文献名+空格+PDF 这样比较容易找到。







4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。 主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。

5、论文正文: (1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。 〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容: a.提出-论点; b.分析问题-论据和论证; c.解决问题-论证与步骤; d.结论。

6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。 中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息 所列参考文献的要求是: (1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。 (2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。


















You've probably been sick before. It's not fun.In many cases, like the flu, you're sick because of a virus…tiny germs ready to multiply and spread from person-to-person, via handshakes or sneezes。


Computer viruses are no different.Instead of germs, they are computer programs.These programs are usually designed by criminals to multiply and spread from computer-to-computer like a disease.If one makes it to your computer, it can erase your files, send emails without your permission or even communicate sensitive info to criminals。 电脑病毒亦然。


Let's take a closer look, because what we call computer viruses can actually be Viruses, worms or trojanswe'll start with viruses.These bugs hitch a ride when something, like a file, is shared between computers. This often happens via attachments sent in email or shared USB drives.Once someone clicks to open the file, the damage is done.The virus is now on that computer, where it starts to multiply and look for chances to hitch a ride to a new computer。 电脑病毒可以细分为三种,普通病毒、蠕虫 、木马先来说说普通病毒。


然后复制,等着感染下一台电脑。 Like a sick human, it's sometimes hard to to tell when a file has a virus.For this reason, the best defense is anti-virus software.It prevents viruses from getting to your computer and removes them when they are found。


Now, worms are a little scarier.They are programs that spread to computers without humans doing anything.Criminals create worms to spread via computers that are connected in a network. They worm their way from computer-to-computer automatically.Whether it's a small office or a global network like the Internet。 蠕虫则更可怕,即使我们什么也没操作,它也能传播。


Usually, the worms find a back door.a way to trick the computer's software into letting them in.Once they're in, they look for the same backdoor in similar computers,wreaking havoc along the way。 蠕虫擅长走”后门”。


The best defense is keeping your computer software up to date at work and home.This helps close the doors and prevent problems。 最好的防护措施是,更新系统、修复漏洞,门关好了,蠕虫就爬不进来了。

Trojans, our last example, are sneaky bugs.Like the real trojan horse, they're a trick.If you fall for it, you end up downloading a virus from the Internet.It may appear to be a game or useful software, but hidden inside is a program that can cause problems.For example, these programs can open new backdoors,giving criminals access to your computer and information over the Web。 木马则是最最阴险狡诈的病毒。


Not fun.To avoid trojans, only download software from sites you trust.Just like washing your hands and covering your cough,you have to be aware of what causes problems to avoid them。 可怕吧?要防木马,你必须只在信任的网站上下载软件,提高警惕,时刻注意网络安全,就像咳嗽要掩口,饭前便后要洗手一样。

Keep your computer up to date and get anti-virus software.It will help prevent problems and help you recover.And please…don't click on links, attachments and downloadable files.unless you know they're legit。 还要经常更新电脑软件,安装杀毒工具。


除非能确认它们的安全性。 Through a little awareness, you and your computer will stay happy and healthy。


童鞋你好!这个估计需要自己搜索了!网上基本很难找到免费给你服务的!我在这里给你点搜索国际上常用的外文数据库:---------------------------------------------------------- ⑴ISI web of knowledge Engineering Village2 ⑵Elsevier SDOL数据库 IEEE/IEE(IEL) ⑶EBSCOhost RSC英国皇家化学学会 ⑷ACM美国计算机学会 ASCE美国土木工程师学会 ⑸Springer电子期刊 WorldSciNet电子期刊全文库 ⑹Nature周刊 NetLibrary电子图书 ⑺ProQuest学位论文全文数据库 ⑻国道外文专题数据库 CALIS西文期刊目次数据库 ⑼推荐使用ISI web of knowledge Engineering Village2-----------------------------------------------------------中文翻译得自己做了,实在不成就谷歌翻译。







去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:zg9wu2计算机毕业设计外文参考文献[1].Abdellatif, T. and F. Boyer. A node allocation system for deploying JavaEE systems on Grids. 2009. Hammemet, Tunisia.[2].Bharti, A.K. and S.K. Dwivedi, E-Governance in Public Transportation: U.P.S.R.T.C.——A Case Study. 2011: Kathmandu, Nepal. p. 7-12.[3].ChangChun, S.Z.C.S., et al., A Novel Two-stage Algorithm of Fuzzy C-Means Clustering. 2010: 中国吉林长春. p. 85-88.[4].Changchun, Z.Z.H.Q., Simulation of 3-C Seismic Records In 2-D TIM. 1991: 中国北京. p. 489-493.[5].CHINA, G.C.O.M., The trust model based on consumer recommendation in B-C e-commerce. 2011: 中国湖北武汉. p. 214-217.[6].ENGINEERING, W.C.H.X., H.T.S.H. PROPAGATION and XINXIANG, A C BAND SYSTEM FOR IONOSPHERIC SCINTILLATION OBSERVATION. 1991: 中国北京. p. 470-476.[7].Henriksson, K., K. Nordlund and J. Wallenius, Simulating model steels:An analytical bond-order potential for Fe-C. 2008: 中国北京. p. 138.[8].Jiansen, Y., et al., Suspension K&C Characteristics and the Effect on Vehicle Steering. 2010: 中国吉林长春. p. 408-411.[9].Jilin, W.G.D.O., C.W.S.D. Changchun and China, Realization and Optimization of Video Encoder Based on TMS320C6455 DSPs. 201。




iOS (originally iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc. and distributed exclusively for Apple hardware. It is the operating system that presently powers many of the company's mobile devices, including the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.Originally unveiled in 2007 for the iPhone, it has been extended to support other Apple devices such as theiPod Touch (September 2007), iPad (January 2010), iPad Mini (November 2012) and second-generation Apple TVonward (September 2010). As of January 2015, Apple's App Store contained more than 1.4 million iOS applications, 725,000 of which are native for iPad.These mobile apps have collectively been downloaded more than 75 billion times.[9] It had a 21% share of the smartphone mobile operating system units shipped in the fourth quarter of 2012, behind Google's Android.[10] By the middle of 2012, there were 410 million devices activated.[11] At WWDC 2014, Tim Cook said 800 million devices had been sold by June 2014.[12] During Apple's quarterly earnings call in January 27, 2015, Apple announced that they have now sold one billion iOS devices.The user interface of iOS is based on the concept of direct manipulation, using multi-touch gestures. Interface control elements consist of sliders, switches, and buttons. Interaction with the OS includes gestures such as swipe, tap, pinch, and reverse pinch, all of which have specific definitions within the context of the iOS operating system and its multi-touch interface. Internal accelerometers are used by some applications to respond to shaking the device (one common result is the undo command) or rotating it inthree dimensions (one common result is switching from portrait to landscape mode).iOS shares with OS X some frameworks such as Core Foundation and Foundation; however, its UI toolkit isCocoa Touch rather than OS X's Cocoa, so that it provides the UIKit framework rather than the AppKitframework. It is therefore not compatible with OS X for applications. Also while iOS also shares the Darwinfoundation with OS X, Unix-like shell access is not available for users and restricted for apps, making iOS not fully Unix-compatible either.Major versions of iOS are released annually. The current release, iOS 8.3, was released on April 8, 2015. In iOS, there are four abstraction layers: the Core OS layer, the Core Services layer, the Media layer, and the Cocoa Touch layer. The current version of the operating system (iOS 8.0), dedicates 1.3 - 1.5GB of the device's flash memory for the system partition, using roughly 800 MB of that partition (varying by model) for iOS itself.[14][15] It runs on the iPhone 4S and later, iPad 2 and later, all models of the iPad Mini, and the 5th-generation iPod Touch.。


iOS (originally iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc. and distributed exclusively for Apple hardware. It is the operating system that presently powers many of the company's mobile devices, including the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.Originally unveiled in 2007 for the iPhone, it has been extended to support other Apple devices such as theiPod Touch (September 2007), iPad (January 2010), iPad Mini (November 2012) and second-generation Apple TVonward (September 2010). As of January 2015, Apple's App Store contained more than 1.4 million iOS applications, 725,000 of which are native for iPad.These mobile apps have collectively been downloaded more than 75 billion times.[9] It had a 21% share of the smartphone mobile operating system units shipped in the fourth quarter of 2012, behind Google's Android.[10] By the middle of 2012, there were 410 million devices activated.[11] At WWDC 2014, Tim Cook said 800 million devices had been sold by June 2014.[12] During Apple's quarterly earnings call in January 27, 2015, Apple announced that they have now sold one billion iOS devices.The user interface of iOS is based on the concept of direct manipulation, using multi-touch gestures. Interface control elements consist of sliders, switches, and buttons. Interaction with the OS includes gestures such as swipe, tap, pinch, and reverse pinch, all of which have specific definitions within the context of the iOS operating system and its multi-touch interface. Internal accelerometers are used by some applications to respond to shaking the device (one common result is the undo command) or rotating it inthree dimensions (one common result is switching from portrait to landscape mode).iOS shares with OS X some frameworks such as Core Foundation and Foundation; however, its UI toolkit isCocoa Touch rather than OS X's Cocoa, so that it provides the UIKit framework rather than the AppKitframework. It is therefore not compatible with OS X for applications. Also while iOS also shares the Darwinfoundation with OS X, Unix-like shell access is not available for users and restricted for apps, making iOS not fully Unix-compatible either.Major versions of iOS are released annually. The current release, iOS 8.3, was released on April 8, 2015. In iOS, there are four abstraction layers: the Core OS layer, the Core Services layer, the Media layer, and the Cocoa Touch layer. The current version of the operating system (iOS 8.0), dedicates 1.3 - 1.5GB of the device's flash memory for the system partition, using roughly 800 MB of that partition (varying by model) for iOS itself.[14][15] It runs on the iPhone 4S and later, iPad 2 and later, all models of the iPad Mini, and the 5th-generation iPod Touch.。







1、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。



4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。

5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。







外文资料可以到外文数据库找,如:ELSEVIER数据库等检索技巧:选择与检索主题密切相关的检索词;包含常用词及专业词汇;如:kidney disease OR renal failure;包括同义词和缩写形式;如:mri OR magnetic resonance imaging;避免使用过于宽泛的词汇:如:influence;使用单词的单数形式;使用单数单词将可以检索到大多数单词单数、复数和所有格如:city---city,cities,city's,cities'一般这一规则对不规则单词可能不适用;优先顺序 OR AND AND NOT 例:genes OR chromosomes W/5 splicing OR cloning (genes OR chromosomes W/5 splicing) OR cloning 运用临近符进行作者检索 例: raymond W/3 smith 可检索到Raymond Smith, Raymond J. Smith and Raymond J。




Improve the urban medical service system of China's Countermeasures Community health service is to urbanization with Chinese characteristics with the health care system an important component of the. Community health services in community work as an important component of the various parts are actively promoting this work, and some have achieved good results. However, the construction of the current community health service there are still major problems to the following: First, the development of community awareness of the importance of health services is not in place. Community health services should be the basic medical insurance is a major commitment, and it can be a timely, convenient and economical way to provide insurance services, rational and effective use of medical insurance fund. Only do a good job of community building can be the most direct and convenient for the general population, a good, efficient service. However, some of the staff of local health services to develop community awareness of the importance of also not enough. Some think that hospitals, health centers, abundant resources, has been able to meet the need, and there is no need for further development of community health service organizations; Some think we should go with the flow development, it is not necessary to vigorously promote the development of awareness of less than urgency. In recognition of the bias, a number of local community health service lags behind the building of socio-economic development lags behind medical insurance and health, medicine circulation system reform, health services lags behind the demand for urban development. Secondly, the expansion of community health service functions are not in place. Community health service as a product of urbanization, the demand for its functions as the guide is based on the residents, for residents to provide preventive, medical, health, rehabilitation, health education, family planning, "Six in One" integrated health services. However, in actual operation, there is understanding in some areas of misunderstanding. Some believe that the community health services similar to the grass-roots hospitals, but is set by the district offices, for more than a brand; some believe that the community health services is only secondary and tertiary hospitals to district offices sent a number of branches. In the provision of services, and some believe that the main headache for the treatment of patients with influenza, vaccination for children, such as disease prevention. This function of community health services, one-sided understanding of the impact of a community health service institutions and functions of standardized construction brought into full play. Third, the community health care measures are not in place. The development of community health services, not only to keep up with the hardware construction, and the need for sound policies and measures. At present, the absence of a unified planning or planning is not scientific, in some areas of community health service agencies, hospitals or the streets from the hospital transfer form to send agencies, personnel, shortage of funds, facilities, backward, obsolete equipment; affected the normal work process. Not even a lot of community health services, development is very uneven. In terms of software development, taxation, prices and other preferential policies in place, two-way referral system is established, not covered by medical insurance institutions, the limited community health services, economic difficulties, the slow development. Fourth, inadequate personnel training mechanism. Community health service need is general practitioners, and the establishment of China's medical education system in general. At present, engaged in community health services, health care workers, mainly low-level specialist qualifications or other industries to switch from non-school medical staff, some staff had only received a small number of special education. Whether it is health care personnel or nursing staff, in terms of quantity and quality are far failed to meet the development needs of community health services. Strategies to address these problems: First, the practical importance of community health services building. The development of community health services, not only can effectively satisfy the growing urban demand for health services, but also conducive to urban health service system to adjust the structure, function and layout, to improve efficiency, reduce costs and at the same time, the stability of the urban basic medical insurance system operation, but also plays an 。


论文可以吗?第一篇:谈产品质量管理On product quality management and improvement [Abstract] modern society, the quality of mechanical products is particularly important here for the quality of products, as well as measures to improve the management of the program was discussed. [Key words] product quality management to improve the quality of I. Overview And improve the quality of the sound system and maintain its effective operation of the fundamental purpose is to improve the quality of management and the quality of products, improving economic efficiency, reduce waste and maximize meet the needs of users. To achieve this goal, one of the main ways and means is to carry out continuous quality improvement, including its quality system and improve the product quality improvements. This article talk about the product quality control measures and improved. Second, product quality control measures (A) customer requirements In accordance with ISO9000-2000, in the eight quality management principles, the first principle of "customer-focus of attention." The requirements of customers, including product features, performance requirements, the current and future needs are to be taken into account. To meet the requirements of customers, products will have a true sense of quality. (B) regulations Product development and manufacturing, first of all, it should be noted that the "safety". It is to protect the safety of production, workers and the safety of state property security, the prevention of major accidents and regulations. In addition, countries should also pay attention to environmental protection laws and regulations on the product. (C) standards Product development and manufacturing must follow the national standard, the provisions of the subject by the national testing agencies authorized by the check only after the production and sale of investment. (D) specific standard products of control Comply with the People's Republic of China Standardization Law, in the absence of a specific product or industry standards for national standards, the development of enterprises should be the standard. The standards must be reported to local enterprises standardized administrative departments for the record. Standard products are product design, development, production, the basis for acceptance. Product standards, taking full account of customer requirements, regulations and safety standards on the basis of the technology should also be given to the advanced nature of economic rationality and the protection of the environment. (E) control of product design Control of product design, including design input, design output and design review, design verification, to confirm the design and design to improve control. ① designed to control the importation, which is based on standard products based on the formation of the document. Design is the importation of products that meet customers, laws and regulations required by the root, it should review the design input, and there is a written record. Design and Design ② output control assessment, design output is the product of design drawings. Design of output assessment should be carried out. Assessment of its compliance with the standards, advanced technology, economy, technology and standardization. Accreditation should have a written record. Design output should be approved before publication. ③ design verification control products in the formation of the appropriate phase of the implementation of the verification to prove that the input and design compliance. ④ confirmed that the design control, to verify the records and running to prove that the product is expected to meet the requirements. ⑤ sent to the national mandate for the inspection agency review. ⑥ to change the design of control, either from outside or within the requirements changes should be authorized to carry out the assessment and approval before the implementation of change. (F) raw materials, quality control ① suppliers selected by the Ministry of Technology, Engineering, procurement department, QC 4 responsible for the supply of test makers, the assessment confirmed that point. ② suppliers must have a quality assurance system, supply capacity, to deal with complaints and service capabilities in order to be included in the assessment of suppliers. ③ through the assessment of the use of qualified suppliers to send samples, a small number of trial, low-volume trial, the bulk of the trial all qualified and have the capacity to supply over the conditions of manufacturers in order to be included in the procurement unit fixed. ④ raw materials into 。







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5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。












2.按照这个系统39%以下的都是显示黄色,那么是否意味着在可容忍的限度内呢?最近看到对上海大学某教师的国家社科基金课题被撤消的消息,原因是其发表的两篇论文有抄袭行为,分别占到25%和30%. 请明示超过多少算是警戒线?











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原文就是指原作品,原件,即作者所写作品所用的语言。如莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》原文是英语。 译文就是翻译过来的文字,如在中国也可以找到莎士比亚《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的中文版本,这个中文版本就称为译文 。



1、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。



4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。

5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。






1.一般学校里的图书馆都会有关于自己数据库、论文库的链接的,比方万方 维普 清华等等。基本都是在电子阅览室里,你可以向图书馆的工作人员咨询。



3.图书馆的专业期刊, 这些上面也有很多不错的内容的,一般图书馆还有过刊检索库,可以试试,有时候也蛮管用的。



朋友 如果你的论文题目过于生僻,你可以向指导老师寻求帮助。当年为了防止大家论文撞题,我们系里是由论文老师写好方向及参考题目,然后抽签。再由做某一方面研究的老师带,有些同学分到的题目很生僻,数据库也找不到,就是老师有资料,毕竟他们在搞学术研究的。







1、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。



4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。

5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。






4.英语专业毕业论文中 关于翻译著作的英文参考文献

没想到,还有人和我一样和找相关的参考文献:About Translation P. Newmark 《论翻译》A Practical Guide for Translators G. Samuelsson-Brown 《译者实用指南》Can Theory Help Translators? A Dialogue Between the Ivory Tower and the Wordface A. Chesterman & E. Wagner 《理论对译者有用吗?象牙塔与语言工作面之间的对话》Corpora in Translator Education F. Zanettin et al.《语料库与译者培养》Corpus-based Approaches to Contrastive Linguistics and Translation Studies S. Granger 《基于语料库的语言对比和翻译研究》Crosscultural Transgressions: Research Models in Translation studies Ⅱ, Historical and Ideological Issues T. Hermans 《跨文化侵越——翻译学研究模式(Ⅱ):历史与意识形态问题》Electronic Tools for Translators F. Austermuhl 《译者的电子工具》Intercultural Fautlines: Research Models in Translation Studies Ⅰ, Textual and Cognitive Aspects M. Olohan 《超越文化断裂——翻译学研究模式(Ⅰ):文本与认知的译学研究》Method in Translation History A.Pym 《翻译史研究方法》Text Analysis in Translation: Theory, Methodology, and Didactic Application of a Model for Translation- Orented Text Analysis(Second Edition) C. Nord 《翻译的文本分析模式:理论、方法及教学应用》(第二版) The Translator's Turn D. Robinson 《译者登场》Translated! Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies J.S. Holmes 《译稿杀青!文学翻译与翻译研究文集》Translating Literature: Practice and Theory in a Comparative Literature Context 《文学翻译:比较文学背景下的理论与实践》Translation and Empire : Postcolonial Theories Explained D. robinson 《翻译与帝国:后殖民理论解读》Translation and Language : Linguistic Theories Explained P.Fawcett 《翻译与语言:语言学理论解读》Translation and Literary Criticism: Translation as Analysis M.G. Rose 《翻译与文学批评:翻译作为分析手段》Translation and Nation : Towards a Cultural Politics of Englishness R. Ellis & L. Ley-Brown 《翻译与民族:英格兰的文化政治》Translation and Norms C. Schaffner 《翻译与规范》Translation and Norms C. Schaffner 《翻译,权力,颠覆》Translation Today: Trends and Perspectives G. Anderman & M.Rogers 《今日翻译:趋向与视角》Unity in Diversity? Current Trends in Translation Studies L. Bowker et al.《多元下的统一?当代翻译研究潮流》Western Translation Theory: from Herodotus to Nietzsche D. Robinson 《西方翻译理论:从希罗多德到尼采》以上全是外研社的,建议你挑几个.千万别全写上,一定穿帮。


1.一般学校里的图书馆都会有关于自己数据库、论文库的链接的,比方万方 维普 清华等等。

基本都是在电子阅览室里,你可以向图书馆的工作人员咨询。 然后用U盘拷走做参考。

2.历年师哥师姐的论文,这个你可以向论文老师,或者已经毕业的校友要。 3.图书馆的专业期刊, 这些上面也有很多不错的内容的,一般图书馆还有过刊检索库,可以试试,有时候也蛮管用的。

4.其实有不少专业点的书,比方翻译、文学,都是有中英文对照,或者全英文的,上面就有不少好的东西,可以做参照的。 如果楼主还有什么问题,尽管问我,我也是英语专业的,说不定能帮上忙。

朋友 如果你的论文题目过于生僻,你可以向指导老师寻求帮助。当年为了防止大家论文撞题,我们系里是由论文老师写好方向及参考题目,然后抽签。




1] A S Hornby. Oxford Advanced learner's English-Chinese Dictionary [Z], Oxford: Oxford University Press, The Commercial Press, 2004.

[2] Baker, M. In Other Words: A Course Book on Translation [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.

[3] Fernando. C. Idioms and idiomatic [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2002.

[4] Judy Pearsall. The New Oxford dictionary of English [Z] Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001.

[5] Nida, E.A. Language and Culture [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.

7.英语翻译 毕业论文外文翻译 作者和来源


Yang-Byung Park, Jun-Su Yoo

Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, College of Engineering,Kyung Hee University (Republic of Korea)

(大韩民国)韩国庆熙大学工程学院工业与管理系统工程专业 朴阳炳 柳俊洙








翻译的外文文献应主要选自学术期刊、学术会议的文章、有关著作及其他相关材料,应与毕业论文(设计)主题相关,并在中文译文首页用“脚注”形式注明原文作者及出处,外文原文后应附中文译文。 扩展资料: 外文翻译需要注意的问题 1、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。

2、作者姓名以及作者的工作单位也不用必须翻译。 3、abstract翻译成“摘要”,不要翻译成“文章摘要”等其他词语。

4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。 5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。

6、注意排版格式,都是单排版,行距1.25,字号小4号,等(按照格式要求)。 7、各节的标号I、II等可以直接使用,不要再翻译成“第一部分”“第二部分”,等。

  8、里面的图可以拷贝粘贴,但要将图标、横纵指标的英文标注翻译成中文。  9、里面的公式、表不可以拷贝粘贴,要自己重新录入、重新画表格。























4.论文 把外文文献翻译成中文并使用,会不会被查重



对任意一篇需要检测的文献,系统首先对其进行分层处理,按照篇章、段落、句子等层级分别创建指纹,而比对资源库中的比对文献,也采取同样技术创建指纹索引。扩展资料:论文查重的相关要求规定:1、若用户提交的论文是MS Word格式,且按照MS Word格式生成了文档目录,检测系统会自动识别论文章节,按论文实际章节信息显示论文内容。

2、若学位论文不存在明显的章节信息,或者不是MS Word格式论文,则系统会自动按照每段1万余字符切分学位论文,按照切分后的结果显示。3、重合字数为学位论文该章节与比对文献比较后,重合部分的字数。


5.毕业论文的外文翻译 直接抄已经翻译好的书可以么


翻译的外文文献可以是一篇,也可以是两篇,但英文字符要求不少于2万翻译的外文文献应主要选自学术期刊、学术会议的文章、有关著作及其他相关材料。 一般专业的学术网站,都会有相关的外文翻译,这个时候可以根据自己的论文话题,找到对应的学术网站去查找。

如果实在找不到相关的外文翻译,可以去请教有经验的老师,他们应该都会有相关的参考网站,自己也可以有方向地寻找。 扩展资料: 外文翻译需要注意的问题 一、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。

二、作者姓名以及作者的工作单位也不用必须翻译。 三、abstract翻译成“摘要”,不要翻译成“文章摘要”等其他词语。

四、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。 五、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。

六、各节的标号I、II等可以直接使用,不要再翻译成“第一部分”“第二部分”,等。  七、注意排版格式,都是单排版,行距1.25,字号小4号,等(按照格式要求)。

八、里面的图可以拷贝粘贴,但要将图标、横纵指标的英文标注翻译成中文。  九、里面的公式、表不可以拷贝粘贴,要自己重新录入、重新画表格。





献,可以在谷歌,用英文文献名+空格+PDF 这样比较容易找到。







4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。 主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。

5、论文正文: (1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。 〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容: a.提出-论点; b.分析问题-论据和论证; c.解决问题-论证与步骤; d.结论。

6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。 中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息 所列参考文献的要求是: (1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。 (2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。






















包含常用词及专业词汇;如:kidney disease OR renal failure;

包括同义词和缩写形式;如:mri OR magnetic resonance imaging;






例:genes OR chromosomes W/5 splicing OR cloning

(genes OR chromosomes W/5 splicing) OR cloning


例: raymond W/3 smith 可检索到Raymond Smith, Raymond J. Smith and

Raymond J.


1. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Human Resource Allocation in a CPA Firm: A Fuzzy Set Approach Wikil Kwak, Yong Shi and Kooyul Jung The review of existing human resource allocation models for a CPA。

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Volume 20, Number 3 / 2003年5月 PDF (77.4 KB) 2. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Corporate Social Reporting in the European Context and Human Resource Disclosures: An Analysis of Finnish Companies Taru Vuontisjärvi 。interface between HR reporting (especially as based on measurements such as Human Resource Accounting and Intellectual Capital schools) and corporate social reporting practices. The results。

Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 69, Number 4 / 2006年12月 PDF (220.8 KB) 3. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Human resource accounting Carme Barcons-Vilardell, Soledad Moya-Gutierrez, Antonio Somoza-López, Josep Vallverdú-Calafell and Carlos Griful-Miquela Abstract Human resources is an old field of research in economics, as reflected by accounting treatments. This paper reviews this。International Advances in Economic Research, Volume 5, Number 3 / 1999年8月 PDF (571.7 KB) 4. 添加入标记条目中 图书章节 A Machine Learning Application for Human Resource Data Mining Problem Zhen Xu and Binheng Song 。

for problems with changing conditions. Human resource allocation is a kind of。Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining PDF (238.9 KB) 5. 添加入标记条目中 图书章节 Human Capital Management Peter Friederichs and Monika Labes Dieses einführende Kapitel geht zunächst auf den Begriff Human Capital und dessen unterschiedliche ein. In einem kurzen Problemaufriss wird die。

Human Capital Management, Teil I PDF (216.3 KB) 6. 添加入标记条目中 图书章节 Fuzzy Logic Experience Model in Human Resource Management Zhen Xu, Binheng Song and Liang Chen 。of most important functions in human resource management. It presents a new。

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems PDF (209.7 KB) 7. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Natural Resource Management to Offset Greenhouse Gas Emissions Robert A. Mickler Environmental Management, Volume 33, Number 4 / 2004年8月 PDF (135.0 KB)HTML 8. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Conflicts between humans over wildlife management: on the diversity of stakeholder attitudes and implications for conflict management Keith Marshall, Rehema White and Anke Fischer Abstract Conflicts involving wildlife are, in essence, often conflicts between human parties with differing wildlife management objectives. However, the study and management of。Biodiversity and Conservation, Volume 16, Number 11 / 2007年10月 PDF (494.6 KB)HTML 9. 添加入标记条目中 图书章节 For the Knowledge Society: How to Involve Human Resources in Gaming Arata Ichikawa and Mieko Nakamura Gaming, Simulations, and Society, Part IV PDF (179.4 KB) 10. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Characterization of the human lineage-specific pericentric inversion that distinguishes human chromosome 1 from the homologous chromosomes of the great apes Justyna M. Szamalek, Violaine Goidts, David N. Cooper, Horst Hameister and Hildegard Kehrer-Sawatzki Abstract The human and chimpanzee genomes are distinguishable in terms of ten gross karyotypic differences。

Human Genetics, Volume 120, Number 1 / 2006年8月。


[24] Allen, Richard S, Charles S. White, Margaret B. Takeda, Rewards and organizational performance in Japan and the United States,[J]. 2004, 7-14.Rewards and organizational performance in Japan and the United States这貌似不是一本书吧,是他们的成就的表现。

如果不是你就把这换成他们的书。[25] Marylin M. Helms, A comparison, Compensation and Benefits Review [J]. 2004, 7-14.[26] Andrews, Alice O,The effect of the chief executive officer's financial orientation,[M]. 2000,25(1), 93-106.[27] Theresa M, Welbourne, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice [M]. 2000,25(1), 93-106.[28] Heneman, Robert L., Judith W. Tansky, Sheng Wang , Compensation practices in small entrepreneurial and high-growth companies in the United States and China,[M],2002,13-22 [29]Zhong-Ming Wang, Compensation and Benefits Review,[M],2002,13-22 希望有帮助。

呵呵 你看看,对你有帮助:毕业论文参考文献规范格式 一、参考文献的类型 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下:M——专著 C——论文集 N——报纸文章 J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——报告 对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。对于英文参考文献,还应注意以下两点:①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是: 姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, M.R.,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & I.Gordon.;②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly。

二、参考文献的格式及举例1.期刊类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码.【举例】 [1] 王海粟.浅议会计信息披露模式[J].财政研究,2004,21(1):56-58.[2] 夏鲁惠.高等学校毕业论文教学情况调研报告[J].高等理科教育,2004(1):46-52.[3] Heider, E.R.& D.C.Oliver. The structure of color space in naming and memory of two languages [J]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1999, (3): 62 – 67.2.专著类 【格式】[序号]作者.书名[M].出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码.【举例】[4] 葛家澍,林志军.现代西方财务会计理论[M].厦门:厦门大学出版社,2001:42.[5] Gill, R. Mastering English Literature [M]. London: Macmillan, 1985: 42-45.3.报纸类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次).【举例】 [6] 李大伦.经济全球化的重要性[N]. 光明日报,1998-12-27(3).[7] French, W. Between Silences: A Voice from China[N]. Atlantic Weekly, 1987-8-15(33).4.论文集 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码.【举例】 [8] 伍蠡甫.西方文论选[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979:12-17.[9] Spivak,G. “Can the Subaltern Speak?”[A]. In C.Nelson & L. Grossberg(eds.). Victory in Limbo: Imigism [C]. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988, pp.271-313.[10] Almarza, G.G. Student foreign language teacher's knowledge growth [A]. In D.Freeman and J.C.Richards (eds.). Teacher Learning in Language Teaching [C]. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1996. pp.50-78.5.学位论文 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[D].出版地:保存者,出版年份:起始页码.【举例】 [11] 张筑生.微分半动力系统的不变集[D].北京:北京大学数学系数学研究所, 1983:1-7.6.研究报告 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[R].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码.【举例】 [12] 冯西桥.核反应堆压力管道与压力容器的LBB分析[R].北京:清华大学核能技术设计研究院, 1997:9-10.7.条例 【格式】[序号]颁布单位.条例名称.发布日期 【举例】[15] 中华人民共和国科学技术委员会.科学技术期刊管理办法[Z].1991—06—058.译著 【格式】[序号]原著作者. 书名[M].译者,译.出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码.三、注释 注释是对论文正文中某一特定内容的进一步解释或补充说明。注释前面用圈码①、②、③等标识。

四、参考文献 参考文献与文中注(王小龙,2005)对应。标号在标点符号内。

多个都需要标注出来,而不是1-6等等 ,并列写出来。


Role of Enterprise Strategy Successful companies are those that focus their efforts strategically. Strategy should be a stretch exercise, not a fit exercise. To meet and exceed customer satisfaction, the business team needs to follow an overall organizational strategy. A successful strategy adds value for the targeted customers over the long run by consistently meeting their needs better than the competition does. Strategy is the way in which a company orients itself towards the market in which it operates and towards the other companies in the marketplace against which it competes. It is a plan an organization formulates to gain a sustainable advantage over the competition. The central strategic issue: why different companies, facing the same environment, perform differently. Strategy answers the following questions: what are the sources of the company's sustainable competitive advantage? how a company will position itself against competition in the market over the long run to secure a sustainable competitive advantage? what are the key strategic priorities? Strategy is an agreed-on guide to action that should lead business to success in the marketplace by satisfying customer needs better than the competition does. Strategy formulation is the major task for the company entrepreneur and CEO, but it is the task of middle managers and project managers to carry this strategy out and turn it into results. Strategic Leadership As a strategic leader your prime responsibility is to ensure that your organization is going in the right direction. To be able to identify the right strategy and pursue it to the desired result, you need to master two important functions: strategic thinking and strategic planning. Ten Major Schools of Strategic Management Ten deeply embedded, though quite narrow, concepts typically dominate current thinking on strategy. These range from the early Design and Planning schools to the more recent Learning, Cultural and Environmental Schools8 New Approaches to Strategy Formulation The currently dominant view of strategy is the resource-based theory. Traditional strategy models, such as Michael Porter's five forces model, focus on the company's external competitive environment. Most of them do not attempt to look inside the company. In contrast, the resource-based perspective highlights the need for a fit between the external market context in which a company operates and its internal capabilities. According to this view, a company's competitive advantage derives from its ability to assemble and exploit an appropriate combination of resources. Sustainable competitive advantage is achieved by continuously developing existing and creating new resources and capabilities in response to rapidly changing market conditions. In relation to the 10 traditional approaches, today, strategy formulation should also be a combination of them - judgmental designing, intuitive visioning, and emergent learning; it should be about transformation as well as perpetuation; it has to involve individual cognition and social interaction, co-operative as well as conflictive; it must include analyzing before and programming after as well as negotiating during; and all of this must be in response to what can be a demanding environment.8 Blue Ocean Strategy: 6 Principles Blue ocean strategy is about revolutionary value innovation. The six principles drive the successful formulation and execution of Blue Ocean Strategy. These principles attenuate the six risks。

More Balanced Organization: 5 Basic Elements Empowered Employees (Metal): Building Your Sustainable Competitive Advantage Sustainable competitive advantage is the prolonged benefit of implementing some unique value-creating strategy based on unique combination of internal organizational resources and capabilities that cannot be replicated by competitors。 More SWOT Analysis: Questions To Answer What is your strongest business asset? What unique resources do you have? What do you offer that makes you stand out from the rest?。

More Your Strategic Intent Strategic intent is a high-level statement of the means by which your organization will achieve its vision. It is a core component of your dynamic strategy. Strategic intent cannot be planned all in advance. It must evolve on the basis of experience during its implementation。 More Market Leadership Strategies The market leader is dominant in its industry and has substantial market share. If you want to lead the market, you must be the industry leader in developing new business models and new products or services. You must be on the cutting edge of new t。


Improve the urban medical service system of China's Countermeasures Community health service is to urbanization with Chinese characteristics with the health care system an important component of the. Community health services in community work as an important component of the various parts are actively promoting this work, and some have achieved good results. However, the construction of the current community health service there are still major problems to the following: First, the development of community awareness of the importance of health services is not in place. Community health services should be the basic medical insurance is a major commitment, and it can be a timely, convenient and economical way to provide insurance services, rational and effective use of medical insurance fund. Only do a good job of community building can be the most direct and convenient for the general population, a good, efficient service. However, some of the staff of local health services to develop community awareness of the importance of also not enough. Some think that hospitals, health centers, abundant resources, has been able to meet the need, and there is no need for further development of community health service organizations; Some think we should go with the flow development, it is not necessary to vigorously promote the development of awareness of less than urgency. In recognition of the bias, a number of local community health service lags behind the building of socio-economic development lags behind medical insurance and health, medicine circulation system reform, health services lags behind the demand for urban development. Secondly, the expansion of community health service functions are not in place. Community health service as a product of urbanization, the demand for its functions as the guide is based on the residents, for residents to provide preventive, medical, health, rehabilitation, health education, family planning, "Six in One" integrated health services. However, in actual operation, there is understanding in some areas of misunderstanding. Some believe that the community health services similar to the grass-roots hospitals, but is set by the district offices, for more than a brand; some believe that the community health services is only secondary and tertiary hospitals to district offices sent a number of branches. In the provision of services, and some believe that the main headache for the treatment of patients with influenza, vaccination for children, such as disease prevention. This function of community health services, one-sided understanding of the impact of a community health service institutions and functions of standardized construction brought into full play. Third, the community health care measures are not in place. The development of community health services, not only to keep up with the hardware construction, and the need for sound policies and measures. At present, the absence of a unified planning or planning is not scientific, in some areas of community health service agencies, hospitals or the streets from the hospital transfer form to send agencies, personnel, shortage of funds, facilities, backward, obsolete equipment; affected the normal work process. Not even a lot of community health services, development is very uneven. In terms of software development, taxation, prices and other preferential policies in place, two-way referral system is established, not covered by medical insurance institutions, the limited community health services, economic difficulties, the slow development. Fourth, inadequate personnel training mechanism. Community health service need is general practitioners, and the establishment of China's medical education system in general. At present, engaged in community health services, health care workers, mainly low-level specialist qualifications or other industries to switch from non-school medical staff, some staff had only received a small number of special education. Whether it is health care personnel or nursing staff, in terms of quantity and quality are far failed to meet the development needs of community health services. Strategies to address these problems: First, the practical importance of community health services building. The development of community health services, not only can effectively satisfy the growing urban demand for health services, but also conducive to urban health service system to adjust the structure, function and layout, to improve efficiency, reduce costs and at the same time, the stability of the urban basic medical insurance system operation, but also plays an 。


如需全文,请发邮箱过来Electronic trading platforms and the cost-effective distribution of open market option (OMO) pension annuities AbstractOver the next years, the ageing profile of the UK population will lead to a sharp increase in the volumes of pension annuity sales. Every individual that participates in a defined contribution occupational or a personal pension scheme is obliged to convert the capital accumulated into a regular post-retirement income by purchasing an annuity before the age of 75. To ensure a more competitive market the UK Financial Services Authority has ruled that from 1 September 2002 pensioners must be informed that they have the right to purchase their annuities from suppliers other than their current pension provider—this is termed exercising an open market option (OMO).However, the complicated nature of pensions and annuities means the purchase of an annuity is highly dependent upon the information provided by the sellers of these products and the advice received. Given that OMO's are supposed to encourage purchasers to be able to access information on a whole range of annuities from the various suppliers in the market, a single web-based hub that linked manufacturers, distributors and existing industry portals seemed the obvious solution to the challenges facing the industry following the government legislation. However, while the industry recognised that a single product purchasing and servicing system would meet the data management needs of all its stakeholders and carry enormous potential to realise cost and business process efficiencies, the competitive nature of the industry and the slow decision making processes within the individual companies has meant that the project to build 'The Annuity Exchange' has suffered a number of setbacks and delays.This article describes the business case for 'The Annuity Exchange', its objectives and design, and the technical/industry engagement issues it has faced.Keywords: E-commerce; Financial services; Pension annuitiesArticle Outline1. Introduction2. Background: the UK pensions system and the regulatory structure of advice2.1. Recent trends in the UK pensions system2.2. The changing structure of advice3. Previous information management strategies and their shortcomings4. An industry-wide dynamic quotations model4.1. Access to the intermediary portal4.2. Costs and benefits of The Annuity Exchange4.3. Issues with The Annuity Exchange project5. 。




翻译的外文文献应主要选自学术期刊、学术会议的文章、有关著作及其他相关材料,应与毕业论文(设计)主题相关,并在中文译文首页用“脚注”形式注明原文作者及出处,外文原文后应附中文译文。 扩展资料: 外文翻译需要注意的问题 1、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。

2、作者姓名以及作者的工作单位也不用必须翻译。 3、abstract翻译成“摘要”,不要翻译成“文章摘要”等其他词语。

4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。 5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。

6、注意排版格式,都是单排版,行距1.25,字号小4号,等(按照格式要求)。 7、各节的标号I、II等可以直接使用,不要再翻译成“第一部分”“第二部分”,等。

  8、里面的图可以拷贝粘贴,但要将图标、横纵指标的英文标注翻译成中文。  9、里面的公式、表不可以拷贝粘贴,要自己重新录入、重新画表格。



外文资料可以到外文数据库找,如:ELSEVIER数据库等检索技巧:选择与检索主题密切相关的检索词;包含常用词及专业词汇;如:kidney disease OR renal failure;包括同义词和缩写形式;如:mri OR magnetic resonance imaging;避免使用过于宽泛的词汇:如:influence;使用单词的单数形式;使用单数单词将可以检索到大多数单词单数、复数和所有格如:city---city,cities,city's,cities'一般这一规则对不规则单词可能不适用;优先顺序 OR AND AND NOT 例:genes OR chromosomes W/5 splicing OR cloning (genes OR chromosomes W/5 splicing) OR cloning 运用临近符进行作者检索 例: raymond W/3 smith 可检索到Raymond Smith, Raymond J. Smith and Raymond J。






包含常用词及专业词汇;如:kidney disease OR renal failure;

包括同义词和缩写形式;如:mri OR magnetic resonance imaging;






例:genes OR chromosomes W/5 splicing OR cloning

(genes OR chromosomes W/5 splicing) OR cloning


例: raymond W/3 smith 可检索到Raymond Smith, Raymond J. Smith and

Raymond J.


1. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Human Resource Allocation in a CPA Firm: A Fuzzy Set Approach Wikil Kwak, Yong Shi and Kooyul Jung The review of existing human resource allocation models for a CPA。

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Volume 20, Number 3 / 2003年5月 PDF (77.4 KB) 2. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Corporate Social Reporting in the European Context and Human Resource Disclosures: An Analysis of Finnish Companies Taru Vuontisjärvi 。interface between HR reporting (especially as based on measurements such as Human Resource Accounting and Intellectual Capital schools) and corporate social reporting practices. The results。

Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 69, Number 4 / 2006年12月 PDF (220.8 KB) 3. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Human resource accounting Carme Barcons-Vilardell, Soledad Moya-Gutierrez, Antonio Somoza-López, Josep Vallverdú-Calafell and Carlos Griful-Miquela Abstract Human resources is an old field of research in economics, as reflected by accounting treatments. This paper reviews this。International Advances in Economic Research, Volume 5, Number 3 / 1999年8月 PDF (571.7 KB) 4. 添加入标记条目中 图书章节 A Machine Learning Application for Human Resource Data Mining Problem Zhen Xu and Binheng Song 。

for problems with changing conditions. Human resource allocation is a kind of。Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining PDF (238.9 KB) 5. 添加入标记条目中 图书章节 Human Capital Management Peter Friederichs and Monika Labes Dieses einführende Kapitel geht zunächst auf den Begriff Human Capital und dessen unterschiedliche ein. In einem kurzen Problemaufriss wird die。

Human Capital Management, Teil I PDF (216.3 KB) 6. 添加入标记条目中 图书章节 Fuzzy Logic Experience Model in Human Resource Management Zhen Xu, Binheng Song and Liang Chen 。of most important functions in human resource management. It presents a new。

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems PDF (209.7 KB) 7. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Natural Resource Management to Offset Greenhouse Gas Emissions Robert A. Mickler Environmental Management, Volume 33, Number 4 / 2004年8月 PDF (135.0 KB)HTML 8. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Conflicts between humans over wildlife management: on the diversity of stakeholder attitudes and implications for conflict management Keith Marshall, Rehema White and Anke Fischer Abstract Conflicts involving wildlife are, in essence, often conflicts between human parties with differing wildlife management objectives. However, the study and management of。Biodiversity and Conservation, Volume 16, Number 11 / 2007年10月 PDF (494.6 KB)HTML 9. 添加入标记条目中 图书章节 For the Knowledge Society: How to Involve Human Resources in Gaming Arata Ichikawa and Mieko Nakamura Gaming, Simulations, and Society, Part IV PDF (179.4 KB) 10. 添加入标记条目中 期刊文章 Characterization of the human lineage-specific pericentric inversion that distinguishes human chromosome 1 from the homologous chromosomes of the great apes Justyna M. Szamalek, Violaine Goidts, David N. Cooper, Horst Hameister and Hildegard Kehrer-Sawatzki Abstract The human and chimpanzee genomes are distinguishable in terms of ten gross karyotypic differences。

Human Genetics, Volume 120, Number 1 / 2006年8月。


Improve the urban medical service system of China's Countermeasures Community health service is to urbanization with Chinese characteristics with the health care system an important component of the. Community health services in community work as an important component of the various parts are actively promoting this work, and some have achieved good results. However, the construction of the current community health service there are still major problems to the following: First, the development of community awareness of the importance of health services is not in place. Community health services should be the basic medical insurance is a major commitment, and it can be a timely, convenient and economical way to provide insurance services, rational and effective use of medical insurance fund. Only do a good job of community building can be the most direct and convenient for the general population, a good, efficient service. However, some of the staff of local health services to develop community awareness of the importance of also not enough. Some think that hospitals, health centers, abundant resources, has been able to meet the need, and there is no need for further development of community health service organizations; Some think we should go with the flow development, it is not necessary to vigorously promote the development of awareness of less than urgency. In recognition of the bias, a number of local community health service lags behind the building of socio-economic development lags behind medical insurance and health, medicine circulation system reform, health services lags behind the demand for urban development. Secondly, the expansion of community health service functions are not in place. Community health service as a product of urbanization, the demand for its functions as the guide is based on the residents, for residents to provide preventive, medical, health, rehabilitation, health education, family planning, "Six in One" integrated health services. However, in actual operation, there is understanding in some areas of misunderstanding. Some believe that the community health services similar to the grass-roots hospitals, but is set by the district offices, for more than a brand; some believe that the community health services is only secondary and tertiary hospitals to district offices sent a number of branches. In the provision of services, and some believe that the main headache for the treatment of patients with influenza, vaccination for children, such as disease prevention. This function of community health services, one-sided understanding of the impact of a community health service institutions and functions of standardized construction brought into full play. Third, the community health care measures are not in place. The development of community health services, not only to keep up with the hardware construction, and the need for sound policies and measures. At present, the absence of a unified planning or planning is not scientific, in some areas of community health service agencies, hospitals or the streets from the hospital transfer form to send agencies, personnel, shortage of funds, facilities, backward, obsolete equipment; affected the normal work process. Not even a lot of community health services, development is very uneven. In terms of software development, taxation, prices and other preferential policies in place, two-way referral system is established, not covered by medical insurance institutions, the limited community health services, economic difficulties, the slow development. Fourth, inadequate personnel training mechanism. Community health service need is general practitioners, and the establishment of China's medical education system in general. At present, engaged in community health services, health care workers, mainly low-level specialist qualifications or other industries to switch from non-school medical staff, some staff had only received a small number of special education. Whether it is health care personnel or nursing staff, in terms of quantity and quality are far failed to meet the development needs of community health services. Strategies to address these problems: First, the practical importance of community health services building. The development of community health services, not only can effectively satisfy the growing urban demand for health services, but also conducive to urban health service system to adjust the structure, function and layout, to improve efficiency, reduce costs and at the same time, the stability of the urban basic medical insurance system operation, but also plays an 。


Role of Enterprise Strategy Successful companies are those that focus their efforts strategically. Strategy should be a stretch exercise, not a fit exercise. To meet and exceed customer satisfaction, the business team needs to follow an overall organizational strategy. A successful strategy adds value for the targeted customers over the long run by consistently meeting their needs better than the competition does. Strategy is the way in which a company orients itself towards the market in which it operates and towards the other companies in the marketplace against which it competes. It is a plan an organization formulates to gain a sustainable advantage over the competition. The central strategic issue: why different companies, facing the same environment, perform differently. Strategy answers the following questions: what are the sources of the company's sustainable competitive advantage? how a company will position itself against competition in the market over the long run to secure a sustainable competitive advantage? what are the key strategic priorities? Strategy is an agreed-on guide to action that should lead business to success in the marketplace by satisfying customer needs better than the competition does. Strategy formulation is the major task for the company entrepreneur and CEO, but it is the task of middle managers and project managers to carry this strategy out and turn it into results. Strategic Leadership As a strategic leader your prime responsibility is to ensure that your organization is going in the right direction. To be able to identify the right strategy and pursue it to the desired result, you need to master two important functions: strategic thinking and strategic planning. Ten Major Schools of Strategic Management Ten deeply embedded, though quite narrow, concepts typically dominate current thinking on strategy. These range from the early Design and Planning schools to the more recent Learning, Cultural and Environmental Schools8 New Approaches to Strategy Formulation The currently dominant view of strategy is the resource-based theory. Traditional strategy models, such as Michael Porter's five forces model, focus on the company's external competitive environment. Most of them do not attempt to look inside the company. In contrast, the resource-based perspective highlights the need for a fit between the external market context in which a company operates and its internal capabilities. According to this view, a company's competitive advantage derives from its ability to assemble and exploit an appropriate combination of resources. Sustainable competitive advantage is achieved by continuously developing existing and creating new resources and capabilities in response to rapidly changing market conditions. In relation to the 10 traditional approaches, today, strategy formulation should also be a combination of them - judgmental designing, intuitive visioning, and emergent learning; it should be about transformation as well as perpetuation; it has to involve individual cognition and social interaction, co-operative as well as conflictive; it must include analyzing before and programming after as well as negotiating during; and all of this must be in response to what can be a demanding environment.8 Blue Ocean Strategy: 6 Principles Blue ocean strategy is about revolutionary value innovation. The six principles drive the successful formulation and execution of Blue Ocean Strategy. These principles attenuate the six risks。

More Balanced Organization: 5 Basic Elements Empowered Employees (Metal): Building Your Sustainable Competitive Advantage Sustainable competitive advantage is the prolonged benefit of implementing some unique value-creating strategy based on unique combination of internal organizational resources and capabilities that cannot be replicated by competitors。 More SWOT Analysis: Questions To Answer What is your strongest business asset? What unique resources do you have? What do you offer that makes you stand out from the rest?。

More Your Strategic Intent Strategic intent is a high-level statement of the means by which your organization will achieve its vision. It is a core component of your dynamic strategy. Strategic intent cannot be planned all in advance. It must evolve on the basis of experience during its implementation。 More Market Leadership Strategies The market leader is dominant in its industry and has substantial market share. If you want to lead the market, you must be the industry leader in developing new business models and new products or services. You must be on the cutting edge of new t。


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如需全文,请发邮箱过来Electronic trading platforms and the cost-effective distribution of open market option (OMO) pension annuities AbstractOver the next years, the ageing profile of the UK population will lead to a sharp increase in the volumes of pension annuity sales. Every individual that participates in a defined contribution occupational or a personal pension scheme is obliged to convert the capital accumulated into a regular post-retirement income by purchasing an annuity before the age of 75. To ensure a more competitive market the UK Financial Services Authority has ruled that from 1 September 2002 pensioners must be informed that they have the right to purchase their annuities from suppliers other than their current pension provider—this is termed exercising an open market option (OMO).However, the complicated nature of pensions and annuities means the purchase of an annuity is highly dependent upon the information provided by the sellers of these products and the advice received. Given that OMO's are supposed to encourage purchasers to be able to access information on a whole range of annuities from the various suppliers in the market, a single web-based hub that linked manufacturers, distributors and existing industry portals seemed the obvious solution to the challenges facing the industry following the government legislation. However, while the industry recognised that a single product purchasing and servicing system would meet the data management needs of all its stakeholders and carry enormous potential to realise cost and business process efficiencies, the competitive nature of the industry and the slow decision making processes within the individual companies has meant that the project to build 'The Annuity Exchange' has suffered a number of setbacks and delays.This article describes the business case for 'The Annuity Exchange', its objectives and design, and the technical/industry engagement issues it has faced.Keywords: E-commerce; Financial services; Pension annuitiesArticle Outline1. Introduction2. Background: the UK pensions system and the regulatory structure of advice2.1. Recent trends in the UK pensions system2.2. The changing structure of advice3. Previous information management strategies and their shortcomings4. An industry-wide dynamic quotations model4.1. Access to the intermediary portal4.2. Costs and benefits of The Annuity Exchange4.3. Issues with The Annuity Exchange project5. 。





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