

Novels "Red" has been published about the history of 200 years, why, in this ever-changing 200 years of fiction can still enduring? The reason lies in the novel not only very successful in shaping the company's claim that highly era black color, but also has the distinct personality of artistic images, but also through leading character experience, and demonstrated French restoration dynasty period vast era painting scroll, then touched many acute social problems. Even leading character in the novel experience and reflects the experience of young petty bourgeoisie universal destiny. Even behave themselves in the USA, supercilious, enthusiasm, determination, but selfish, skeptical. In monks power elite, powerful family system stern feudal society, and discriminated against by birth civilians. Such oppression of the status of his growing discontent with the reality : the impact of Enlightenment thought and caught up in his anti-character. He decided to rely on individual talents like Napoleon, a meritorious, fine. But in restoration period, Napoleon-style rank of the Road has been closed by the elite class. On this rock beneath evergreen trees to grow along. In order to get even with her all the knowledge that worthless, yet the Latin of the "New Testament" back in verse. Recite his amazing ability to let him into the home of the mayor of Victoria Aguilar Ye Fall, when a family of teachers. In that period, he and Germany.Switzerland ambiguous relationship that Mrs. occurred, mostly in resistance and retaliation for his abuse of elite class. However, growing, were blinded by the upper class in society corrupts even the soul, he contributed to the upward desire and ambitions. Even in the dark terror seminary, witnessed manipulate strategically, reveals the ugly inside, so he offered a double-dealing tactics, such behaviour has been the duplicity of the table and patrons stare. Seminary life even further distorted in the character, and strengthen his climbing ambitions and hypocrisy style. In the company to log when the Private Secretary's marquis after exposing civilians, although not the class ideology, but by the marquis trusted, Miss conquest Mateer, even in the "civilian class treason heart" has disappeared. He became a faithful restoration dynasty pawns. As a step towards him in the company for the "bright", as a result of firing Germany and Switzerland that Mrs. complete ruin their future, their present a head. As a fine critical realism novels, the "Red" and not starting from the concept will even reach into a leading character in the pursuit of personal symbols. Instead, the author has given his deep sympathy to the people through the dedicated pursuit of lust and the pursuit of less than critical to the suffering of that era specific social realities, and this is the "force" has spread charm forever good reason. 小说《红与黑》出版至今已有200年左右的历史了,为什么在这风云变幻的200年中小说仍可以经久不衰?原因在于小说不仅十分成功地塑造了于连·索黑尔这个极富时代色彩,又具有鲜明个性的艺术形象,而且通过主人公的经历,展示了法国复辟王朝时期广阔的时代画卷,触及到当时许多尖锐的社会问题。






但是,纸醉金迷、利欲熏心的上流社会也腐蚀了于连的灵魂,助长了他向上爬的欲望和野心。 于连进入阴森恐怖的神学院后,亲眼目睹了勾心斗角、尔虞我诈的丑恶内幕,于是他便耍起了两面派手法,这种表里不一的行为居然得到院长的表睐和宠幸。





Novels "Red" has been published about the history of 200 years, why, in this ever-changing 200 years of fiction can still enduring? The reason lies in the novel not only very successful in shaping the company's claim that highly era black color, but also has the distinct personality of artistic images, but also through leading character experience, and demonstrated French restoration dynasty period vast era painting scroll, then touched many acute social problems. Even leading character in the novel experience and reflects the experience of young petty bourgeoisie universal destiny. Even behave themselves in the USA, supercilious, enthusiasm, determination, but selfish, skeptical. In monks power elite, powerful family system stern feudal society, and discriminated against by birth civilians. Such oppression of the status of his growing discontent with the reality : the impact of Enlightenment thought and caught up in his anti-character. He decided to rely on individual talents like Napoleon, a meritorious, fine. But in restoration period, Napoleon-style rank of the Road has been closed by the elite class. On this rock beneath evergreen trees to grow along. In order to get even with her all the knowledge that worthless, yet the Latin of the "New Testament" back in verse. Recite his amazing ability to let him into the home of the mayor of Victoria Aguilar Ye Fall, when a family of teachers. In that period, he and Germany. Switzerland ambiguous relationship that Mrs. occurred, mostly in resistance and retaliation for his abuse of elite class. However, growing, were blinded by the upper class in society corrupts even the soul, he contributed to the upward desire and ambitions. Even in the dark terror seminary, witnessed manipulate strategically, reveals the ugly inside, so he offered a double-dealing tactics, such behaviour has been the duplicity of the table and patrons stare. Seminary life even further distorted in the character, and strengthen his climbing ambitions and hypocrisy style. In the company to log when the Private Secretary's marquis after exposing civilians, although not the class ideology, but by the marquis trusted, Miss conquest Mateer, even in the "civilian class treason heart" has disappeared. He became a faithful restoration dynasty pawns. As a step towards him in the company for the "bright", as a result of firing Germany and Switzerland that Mrs. complete ruin their future, their present a head. As a fine critical realism novels, the "Red" and not starting from the concept will even reach into a leading character in the pursuit of personal symbols. Instead, the author has given his deep sympathy to the people through the dedicated pursuit of lust and the pursuit of less than critical to the suffering of that era specific social realities, and this is the "force" has spread charm forever good reason. 小说《红与黑》出版至今已有200年左右的历史了,为什么在这风云变幻的200年中小说仍可以经久不衰?原因在于小说不仅十分成功地塑造了于连·索黑尔这个极富时代色彩,又具有鲜明个性的艺术形象,而且通过主人公的经历,展示了法国复辟王朝时期广阔的时代画卷,触及到当时许多尖锐的社会问题。






但是,纸醉金迷、利欲熏心的上流社会也腐蚀了于连的灵魂,助长了他向上爬的欲望和野心。 于连进入阴森恐怖的神学院后,亲眼目睹了勾心斗角、尔虞我诈的丑恶内幕,于是他便耍起了两面派手法,这种表里不一的行为居然得到院长的表睐和宠幸。





简.爱 oliver twist, one of the most famous works of charles dickens', is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in britain in 18th century. the author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in london. the hero of this novel was oliver twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. he suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. while reading the tragic experiences of the little oliver, i was shocked by his sufferings. i felt for the poor boy, but at the same time i detested the evil fagin and the brutal bill. to my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and oliver lived a happy life in the end. one of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of mrs. maylie and rose and began a new life. he went for walks with them, or rose read to him, and he worked hard at his lessons. he felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty. how can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind? the reason is the nature of goodness. i think it is the most important information implied in the novel by dickens-he believed that goodness could conquer every difficulty. although i don't think goodness is omnipotent, yet i do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded. for me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person. goodness is to humans what water is to fish. he who is without goodness is an utterly worthless person. on the contrary, as the famous saying goes, 'the fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose', he who is with goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person. people receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself. to my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity. they look down on people's honesty and kindness, thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted. as a result, they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others.。


Stendhal's The Red and the Black The Red and the Black (1830) is a novel by Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle). It is the story of a young man抯 ambition to become prominent and successful in aristocratic society. Its setting is eastern France, in 1830.Julien Sorel is the nineteen-year-old son of a woodcutter in the provincial town of Verrières. Julian and his father cannot get along with each other. Julien is sensitive and scholarly, and is unsuited to the trade of his father.Julien has romantic dreams of achieving power and glory, and of overcoming his low social status as the son of a tradesman. He dreams of being like Napoleon, but sees that military ability is not presently the best way to have a successful career. Thus, he decides to prepare for a career in the church rather than in the army. He studies theology with Father Chélan, the eighty-year-old priest of the local parish.Julien takes on a superficial appearance of piety, and wears the black cassock of a priest. He is hired as a tutor for the children of Monsieur de Rênal, who is mayor of Verrières.Julien falls in love with the mayor抯 wife, Madame de Rênal. She is ten years older than Julien, but she has never really loved her husband, who married her when she was sixteen. She is very religious and devout, but she falls passionately in love with Julien.Julien is very aware of the social class difference between himself and Madame de Rênal. When he falls in love with her, it is the first time that he has ever fallen in love, but he tries to play the part of a man who is accustomed to brilliant success with women. He is awkward and clumsy, and is unsophisticated, but is eager to learn the elegant manners of aristocratic society.Because he is acutely aware of the social class difference between himself and Madame de Rênal, he initially questions her sincerity. Thus, his love for her becomes a form of ambition to try to overcome his own feelings of inferiority. His goal is to have power and control over a noble and beautiful woman. At the same time, his unstable sense of pride and self-esteem makes him very sensitive to any perceived slight or humiliation by Monsieur de Rênal or by other members of aristocratic society.The King makes an official visit to Verrières, and the town engages in a celebration. Madame de Rênal wants to see Julien wear something other than his usual black cassock, and she arranges for him to wear a military uniform in the procession and to ride a horse in the honor guard. After the procession, Julien gallops back to Monsieur de Rênal抯 house, so that he can change back into his black cassock and then appear with the bishop and clergy when the King visits the church.Julien's sudden change of appearance, alternating between the uniform of the army and the church, between the red and the black, is symbolic of the conflict in his personality between truthfulness and pretense, between sincerity and hypocrisy.Monsieur de Rênal learns of the affair between his wife and Julien from an anonymous letter which has been sent to the Renal house. The letter has been secretly written by Monsieur Valenod, the sub-prefect of Verrières, who dislikes Julien. Monsieur Valenod is a rival of Monsieur de Rênal for public esteem and prestige, and wants to become the mayor of the town.Father Chélan hears of the relationship between Julien and Madame de Rênal, and arranges for Julien to leave town and to become a student in the seminary at Besançon. Monsieur Rênal also wants to send Julian to the seminary in order to avoid a public scandal over Julien抯 relationship with Madame de Rênal, and in order to prevent Julien from becoming a tutor at Monsieur Valenod抯 house.Madame de Rênal feels guilty about her relationship with Julien, and becomes increasingly remorseful and penitent.Julien meets his friend Fouqué before traveling to the seminary. Fouqué is a timber merchant and offers to make Julien a partner in his business but Julien does not accept the offer.Julien becomes a student in the seminary at Besançon, and gradually realizes that he is unaware of the internal politics of the religious community. He discovers that the seminary is a place of deception and hypocrisy, but he becomes a friend of Father Pirard, the fair-minded and unselfish director of the seminary. Father Pirard is rather stern and severe, but differs from the other clergy in that he is scrupulous and truthful.Father Pirard loses his position as director, because he has supported the Marquis de la Mole in a lawsuit against the Abbé de Frilair, a clever and ambitious man who has a powerful position in the church hierarchy. Father Pirard finds a position for 。


红与黑》是十九世纪法国批判现实主义小说家斯汤达的作 品, 只要是读过这本小说的人都不可能把小说中人物的个性, 言 谈举止从自己的脑海中赶出去。

这一切都不停的萦绕在他们的 脑际, 让他们去思索, 让他们浮想联翩。 所有的评论家一致肯定斯汤达深刻的反映了他的时代。

只 要看看小说的副标题“** 年记事”就可以体会到斯汤达和巴 尔扎克一样, 只是在自觉地为现代社会谱写历史。可是对大多数 的读者来说, 显然不是因为关心一百多年前的政治才喜欢《红与 黑》的。

人们真正感兴趣的是它的主人公于连·索雷尔。于连和 整个社会的环境的冲突, 他的野心, 抱负与孤军奋斗, 他对现实 的愤懑不平和报复性的反抗。

这才是小说扣人心弦的地方。离开 了于连的悲剧, 其他的一切对读者便毫无意义。

在体味着小说引人的情节, 在对主人公的命运经过迭荡的 推进而突然戛然而止于死亡而悲叹时, 人们不能不一再问到: “红”与“黑”究竟是什么? 它的真正喻意是什么? 对于这个问题, 一百年来文艺研究家进行无休止的争论, 一直没有一致的看法, 众说纷纭, 莫衷一是, 或者认为“红”指红色的军装, 代表军队; “黑”指教士的黑袍, 代表教会。或者认为“红”是指法国大革命和 拿破仑战争的英雄时代;“黑”是指复辟王朝的反动统治。

或者认 为“红”指以特殊方式反抗复辟制度的小资产阶级叛逆者于连; “黑”指包揽反动教会、贵族阶级和资产阶级在内的黑暗势力。有 人以“人性的深度”的角度认为红与黑是以“红”为象征的一种感 情力量和以“黑”为象征的另一种感情力量的拼搏。

还有人利用 拉康精神分析理论对《红与黑》中欲望主体和叙述结构的关系进 行剖析, 认为小说的主人公主体徘徊在“想象界”和“象征界”之 间。因此对小说书名的解释为“红”是想象界, 是缺失的母亲、血、生命律动之源, 是欲望本身的形象;“黑”是象征界, 是父亲、法律 制度、现实原则, 阉割、修道院、宗教之权威。

可以说是“仁者见 仁, 义者见义”, 当然无可非议, 这是所有可以被称作伟大小说的 共同品格。例如《红楼梦》, 有人读出了革命, 有人读出了政治, 有 人读出了爱情, 有人读出了人生等等。

透过《红与黑》的字里行间, 随着引人入胜的情节, 我们仔细 体味着之中所含的“红”与“黑”。我认为这个作品从开始、发展到 结束, 贯穿着三组“红”与“黑”的主线, 顺着这三组线索才能深刻 理解作者赋予这篇作品的深刻意义, 才能理解主人公短暂的一 生和他的命运。

第一组:“红”象征着拿破仑士兵的红军服;“黑”象征着教士 的黑色道袍。 第二组:“红”象征着于连·索雷尔追求的飞黄腾达;“黑”象 征着主人公结局的死亡。

第三组:“红”象征着教堂的圣水、死亡、子宫、于连的重生; “黑”同时象征着教堂、死亡、洞穴。 下面我们分组来解析其中的寓意。

第一组:“红”象征着拿破仑士兵的红军服;“黑”象征着教士 的黑色袍子 这是斯汤达本人在回答朋友的询问时的解释。在小说的开 始, 作者就给人们展示了表面虽然文弱但是心灵的深处, 有一团 火一样的进取力量, 一股往着高处涌流的狂奔不息的热血的于 连。

那么怎样才能出人头地呢?拿破仑士兵的红军服是他心中的 向往, 他们想自己像拿破仑那样年三十立功于战场而成为显赫 的将军。然而于连生不逢时, 在王政复辟时期, 平民甚至没有穿 上军制服的可能, 最好能够通向上层社会的途径就是当教士了。

当于连看到一个德高望重的老法官在一场无聊的纠纷中被一个 小小的教士所击败, 一个四十多岁的神甫就拿到三倍于拿破仑 麾下名将的薪俸, 他就不再提拿破仑的名字而发奋攻读神学了。 他想:“在一切事业里都需要聪明人……在拿破仑统治下, 我会 是一名军官, 在未来的神甫中, 我将是一名主教。”

因此,“红与 黑”在这里平行的, 都是于连新追求的飞黄腾达之路。 第二组:“红”象征着于连索雷尔的追求的飞黄腾达;“黑”象 征着主人公的结局 要理解这一组, 笔者认为应从以下三个方面理解。

1. 从小说的创作原意 值得注意的是, 斯汤达为什么在小说里使他的主人公这样 一个“才智之士”, 这样一个充满理想而处事慎重、谨慎的青年的 结局以悲剧告终, 而不是塑造一个成功者形象呢?我认为这就是 斯汤达没有解释完的书名的喻意, 也就是“红”象征着于连的追 求;“黑”象征着死亡。在这里“红”与“黑”不是平行的, 而是对立 的矛盾。

要理解这一组, 应该从以下两个方面入手。 一是作者将拿破仑士兵的红色军装和教士的黑袍子这一 “红”——“黑”作为主人公于连所追求的梦想, 不仅仅是因为作 者曾经十七岁就投入军界, 三次随拿破仑远征欧洲, 亲身参加过 朗戈战役、耶拿战役, 曾经进驻米兰……他是同时代作家中唯一 真正了解拿破仑时代的人。

而时过境迁, 教士是一个能实现于连 野心的职业。 若想细致入微的理解斯汤达的作品, 必须先了解他的内心, 斯汤达的内心并非原动力旺盛, 充满志趣。

由于天赋与志趣自身 只不过是一些笼统的东西, 所以他所迷恋的是一些空洞形式, 也 就是说没有明确和具体的东西, 由于缺乏那种功利。


(一) 、Julien is a liberator This viewpoint may be disputed by many people; I still believe that it is Julient which brought free ideology to such women who were being long term oppression. Chairman Mao had said that “You said Julien had destroyed others' family, even a happy family, this comment is not objective. Actually, such a happy family cannot be destroyed, if it were true, it would be unhappy obviously. That family has oppression, therefore, where is oppression, where is revolt. This is called reacting force, I am sure Julien is the liberator which helps Madame to carry on the revolt.” As every body knows that Julien is the commonest in lower class, he has ambition that changing his mortal status which prevent him from entering upper class and having highly self-development, although his tactics seemed too harsh or, at least, aggressive, he had spared no effort to pursuit what he believes belongs to his inner heart, let alone love between M. cie Renal and Mathilde. What causes Julien's death is not his immoral or illegal behaviors but the need of the politician's nasty competition for respective political profits. Julien is a liberator because his words and behaviors' influence had set an idol for the publicity, even the representative of upper class, M. cie Renal, we can see these lines in the ending of this novel: “M. cie Renal was faith to her promise. She did not seek in any way at all to take her own life; but three days after Julien (Julien' death), she died with her children in her arms.” Without Julien's influences, the ideology of revolt, even lightly disobey to such oppression could not be a little spark. Julien's death just the incident which sparked off a whole chain of disasters to the system of society, Julien became the deaf lamb of political tricks, whose miserable life showing to us just the initial intention of the writer to write this tragedy, that is to say, to reveal such nasty secrets behind pert faces.。


Stendhal's The Red and the BlackThe Red and the Black (1830) is a novel by Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle). It is the story of a young man抯 ambition to become prominent and successful in aristocratic society. Its setting is eastern France, in 1830.Julien Sorel is the nineteen-year-old son of a woodcutter in the provincial town of Verrières. Julian and his father cannot get along with each other. Julien is sensitive and scholarly, and is unsuited to the trade of his father.Julien has romantic dreams of achieving power and glory, and of overcoming his low social status as the son of a tradesman. He dreams of being like Napoleon, but sees that military ability is not presently the best way to have a successful career. Thus, he decides to prepare for a career in the church rather than in the army. He studies theology with Father Chélan, the eighty-year-old priest of the local parish.Julien takes on a superficial appearance of piety, and wears the black cassock of a priest. He is hired as a tutor for the children of Monsieur de Rênal, who is mayor of Verrières.Julien falls in love with the mayor抯 wife, Madame de Rênal. She is ten years older than Julien, but she has never really loved her husband, who married her when she was sixteen. She is very religious and devout, but she falls passionately in love with Julien.Julien is very aware of the social class difference between himself and Madame de Rênal. When he falls in love with her, it is the first time that he has ever fallen in love, but he tries to play the part of a man who is accustomed to brilliant success with women. He is awkward and clumsy, and is unsophisticated, but is eager to learn the elegant manners of aristocratic society.Because he is acutely aware of the social class difference between himself and Madame de Rênal, he initially questions her sincerity. Thus, his love for her becomes a form of ambition to try to overcome his own feelings of inferiority. His goal is to have power and control over a noble and beautiful woman. At the same time, his unstable sense of pride and self-esteem makes him very sensitive to any perceived slight or humiliation by Monsieur de Rênal or by other members of aristocratic society.The King makes an official visit to Verrières, and the town engages in a celebration. Madame de Rênal wants to see Julien wear something other than his usual black cassock, and she arranges for him to wear a military uniform in the procession and to ride a horse in the honor guard. After the procession, Julien gallops back to Monsieur de Rênal抯 house, so that he can change back into his black cassock and then appear with the bishop and clergy when the King visits the church.Julien's sudden change of appearance, alternating between the uniform of the army and the church, between the red and the black, is symbolic of the conflict in his personality between truthfulness and pretense, between sincerity and hypocrisy.Monsieur de Rênal learns of the affair between his wife and Julien from an anonymous letter which has been sent to the Renal house. The letter has been secretly written by Monsieur Valenod, the sub-prefect of Verrières, who dislikes Julien. Monsieur Valenod is a rival of Monsieur de Rênal for public esteem and prestige, and wants to become the mayor of the town.Father Chélan hears of the relationship between Julien and Madame de Rênal, and arranges for Julien to leave town and to become a student in the seminary at Besançon. Monsieur Rênal also wants to send Julian to the seminary in order to avoid a public scandal over Julien抯 relationship with Madame de Rênal, and in order to prevent Julien from becoming a tutor at Monsieur Valenod抯 house.Madame de Rênal feels guilty about her relationship with Julien, and becomes increasingly remorseful and penitent.Julien meets his friend Fouqué before traveling to the seminary. Fouqué is a timber merchant and offers to make Julien a partner in his business but Julien does not accept the offer.Julien becomes a student in the seminary at Besançon, and gradually realizes that he is unaware of the internal politics of the religious community. He discovers that the seminary is a place of deception and hypocrisy, but he becomes a friend of Father Pirard, the fair-minded and unselfish director of the seminary. Father Pirard is rather stern and severe, but differs from the other clergy in that he is scrupulous and truthful.Father Pirard loses his position as director, because he has supported the Marquis de la Mole in a lawsuit against the Abbé de Frilair, a clever and ambitious man who has a powerful position in the church hierarchy. Father Pirard finds a position for 。


Novels "Red" has been published about the history of 200 years, why, in this ever-changing 200 years of fiction can still enduring? The reason lies in the novel not only very successful in shaping the company's claim that highly era black color, but also has the distinct personality of artistic images, but also through leading character experience, and demonstrated French restoration dynasty period vast era painting scroll, then touched many acute social problems. Even leading character in the novel experience and reflects the experience of young petty bourgeoisie universal destiny. Even behave themselves in the USA, supercilious, enthusiasm, determination, but selfish, skeptical. In monks power elite, powerful family system stern feudal society, and discriminated against by birth civilians. Such oppression of the status of his growing discontent with the reality : the impact of Enlightenment thought and caught up in his anti-character. He decided to rely on individual talents like Napoleon, a meritorious, fine. But in restoration period, Napoleon-style rank of the Road has been closed by the elite class. On this rock beneath evergreen trees to grow along. In order to get even with her all the knowledge that worthless, yet the Latin of the "New Testament" back in verse. Recite his amazing ability to let him into the home of the mayor of Victoria Aguilar Ye Fall, when a family of teachers. In that period, he and Germany. Switzerland ambiguous relationship that Mrs. occurred, mostly in resistance and retaliation for his abuse of elite class. However, growing, were blinded by the upper class in society corrupts even the soul, he contributed to the upward desire and ambitions. Even in the dark terror seminary, witnessed manipulate strategically, reveals the ugly inside, so he offered a double-dealing tactics, such behaviour has been the duplicity of the table and patrons stare. Seminary life even further distorted in the character, and strengthen his climbing ambitions and hypocrisy style. In the company to log when the Private Secretary's marquis after exposing civilians, although not the class ideology, but by the marquis trusted, Miss conquest Mateer, even in the "civilian class treason heart" has disappeared. He became a faithful restoration dynasty pawns. As a step towards him in the company for the "bright", as a result of firing Germany and Switzerland that Mrs. complete ruin their future, their present a head. As a fine critical realism novels, the "Red" and not starting from the concept will even reach into a leading character in the pursuit of personal symbols. Instead, the author has given his deep sympathy to the people through the dedicated pursuit of lust and the pursuit of less than critical to the suffering of that era specific social realities, and this is the "force" has spread charm forever good reason. 小说《红与黑》出版至今已有200年左右的历史了,为什么在这风云变幻的200年中小说仍可以经久不衰?原因在于小说不仅十分成功地塑造了于连·索黑尔这个极富时代色彩,又具有鲜明个性的艺术形象,而且通过主人公的经历,展示了法国复辟王朝时期广阔的时代画卷,触及到当时许多尖锐的社会问题。






但是,纸醉金迷、利欲熏心的上流社会也腐蚀了于连的灵魂,助长了他向上爬的欲望和野心。 于连进入阴森恐怖的神学院后,亲眼目睹了勾心斗角、尔虞我诈的丑恶内幕,于是他便耍起了两面派手法,这种表里不一的行为居然得到院长的表睐和宠幸。





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