


我觉得范围不是很大,一般法语不象英语,日语韩语那样广泛被人接受,而且这样的企业也很少.就算真的有招,也不见得你能找到的呢.我原来的大学老师就是法语.但她说现在更难的,因为要想当大学老师,至少也要有研究生的资格了.本科就业很难.除非你找不对口的工作. 一般,没想象的好,也没想象的坏. 法语专业就业面比较窄,进法国公司就是做前台,秘书,助理.也有进领馆,去外交部和非洲的.还有就是做老师.基本上就是这么几种.也有少数同学去了银行或者国企,也就是说彻底告别专业,转行了. 语言专业的话,缺乏别的专业知识.语言毕竟只是工具,所以进公司的话要从头做起.大的法国公司工作语言都是英语,除了帮老板打杂的秘书.当然做得好也可以晋升. 而且法语这几年扩招得非常多,你看我那么多同学都去做老师就明白了.当然咯,重点大学的法语专业还是有很大竞争力的. 如果要学小语种的话,我还是推荐学日语、。


先说格式: 两个封面,封面1用汉语(方便学校归档),封面2用法语。

封面包含论文题目,名字,班级或学籍好,指导教师等。 接下来是Remerciments (本科论文这部分也可以不写,但最好是有,会感觉比较专业) 然后是Résumé(不宜太长,一页左右),包括下面几个内容: 1.Sujet et point important 2.Méthode (即简单说明一下编写论文你所采取的方式手法) 3.Présentation de chaque partie (从哪几个方面来说明主题,论文的意义何在等) 4.Conclusion 紧接着Résumé,应该是mots clefs(不要多,三五个即可) 然后是Sommaire (Table des matières)即目录 进入正文部分,一开始应该有个Introduction,包括: 1.Remarque générale(即关于你所选的主题都已经有过哪些研究成果,文学方面的论文一定要写) 2.Questionnement (针对这些已经有过的研究还哪些问题,可以是你不同意别人的观点,也可以是你认为可以扩展的,等等) 3.Problématique + méthologie (扩展你的主题) 4.Annonce du plan (尤其要指出你的立足点以及你这篇论文的重要性) Introduction完了之后,就是论文的主要部分了 接着是Conclusion(1 ou 2 pages) - une reprise de l'introduction, mais l'utilisation d'autre terme (其实也就是对Introduction的重述,但换一种表达方式) 接下来是Notes,你的论文中一定有一些引用或者是需要说明的部分,在正文中加入批注(如① ② ③等) 最后别忘了你的Bibliographie,你的参考书目。

基本上就是这些东东了,我这个可能太理论化,其实你可以参考一下别人的论文,可能会更有体会。 关于题目,本科生的话,我建议写文化方面的,资料比较多,论据也比较好找。












1. Introduction 1

2. Trademark translation and cross-cultural communication 2

2.1 Trademark's cultural features 2

2.2 Cross-cultural communication in trademark translation 2

3. The impact of cultural diversity in trademark translation 3

3.1 The impact of religious diversity in trademark translation 4

3.2 The impact of political system diversity in trademark translation 4

3.3 The impact of historical diversity in trademark translation 4

3.4 The impact of the customs diversity in trademark translation 5

3.5 The impact of the national psychological diversity in trademark translation 6

4. Suggestions on trademark translation involved in cultural factors


2.小弟忙于英语专业毕业论文.. 急求英文商标翻译方面的参考文献或者范

(英语系毕业论文)论商标翻译中存在的问题及对策 摘 要商标,俗称品牌,是区别不同生产者或经营者所生产或经营商品的标记,这种标记通常用文字或图形单独构成,或是文字与图形共同构成。



关键词:商标的特点;商标翻译的现状及问题;翻译策略Table of I摘 要 IIABSTRACT IIITABLE OF CONTENTS IVINTRODUCTION 1PART ONE CHARACTERISTICS OF TRADEMARKS 2PART TWO CURRENT SITUATION AND PROBLEMS OF TRADEMARK TRANSLATION 32.1 CURRENT SITUATION OF TRADEMARK TRANSLATION 32.2 PROBLEMS OF TRADEMARK TRANSLATION 42.2.1 Application of Pinyin in Chinese trademarks 42.2.2 Abuse of Literal Translation 52.2.3 Disadvantages of Abbreviation 52.2.4 Ignorance of Cultural Differences and Taboos 62.2.5 Serious Repetition of Trademarks 6PART THREE STRATEGIES IN TRADEMARK TRANSLATION 73.1 TRANSLITERATION 73.1.1 Definition 73.1.2 Advantages and Disadvantages 73.1.3 Application 73.1.4 Examples 83.1.5 Cultural Factors 83.2 LITERAL TRANSLATION 93.2.1 Definition 93.2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages 93.2.3 Application 93.2.4 Examples 103.2.5 Cultural Factors 103.3 LIBERAL TRANSLATION 113.3.1 Definition 113.3.2 Application 113.3.3 Advantages 113.3.4 Examples 123.3.5 Cultural Factors 123.4 COMPLEMENTARY TRANSLATION 133.4.1 Definition 133.4.2 Advantages 133.4.3 Examples 133.4.4 Application 14PART FOUR PRINCIPLES IN TRADEMARK TRANSLATION 154.1 PAY ATTENTION TO THE PSYCHOLOGICAL REACTION OF CONSUMERS 154.2 BE SIMPLE AND NEAT 154.3 BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTIONS OF PRODUCTS 164.4 TAKE CULTURAL FACTORS INTO FULL CONSIDERATION 164.5 BE THE ONLY LOGO OF COMMODITY 16CONCLUSION 17WORKS CITED 18。


商务英语毕业论文 精选 西方翻译研究的新发展 [中文摘要] 在西方翻译研究领域,近年来可以说有两大派别占据了主导地位:一派以广义上的语言学为基础,致力于建构和发展经验性质的翻译科学;另一派则从历史的角度通过描写的方式来研究翻译问题。


关键词:翻译研究、新发展、代表作 Recent Developments in Translation Studies as Seen from Three Representative Books Published in the 1990's Dan SHEN Abstract: In the field of translation studies, despite the existence of multiple approaches, two trends of development seem to have been dominating in recent years: one based on linguistics in the wide sense; the other marked by a historical-descriptive orientation. While the two trends of development are contrastive with each other, they share one thing in common, namely, both being essentially empirical, forming a contrast to translation studies with a somewhat 'purely' theoretical orientation. The present paper offers a discussion of some recent developments in the field by way of reviewing three representative books published in the 1990's. Through the present review, we may get a glimpse not only of the characteristics of the two major trends of development, but also of certain features of the theoretical versus the empirical orientation. Key words: translation studies, developments, representative books 20世纪80年代初以来,西方翻译研究进展迅速。如果说西方译学研究在60和70年代的突飞猛进主要得益于语言学的快速发展的话,在近二十年里,文化研究、文学研究、人类学、信息科学、认知科学、心理学和广义上的语言学等均对翻译学科的发展起了较大的推进作用(参见Gentzler 1993, Neubert & Shreve 1992)。

尽管翻译研究的方法纷呈不一,但近年来可以说有两大派别占据了主导地位:一派以广义上的语言学(尤其是语篇语言学和话语分析)为基础,致力于建构和发展经验性质的翻译科学;另一派则从历史的角度通过描写的方式来研究翻译问题,意在揭示翻译实践与研究中蕴含的文化与政治因素(参见Venuti, 1997)。 本文旨在通过对20世纪90年代出版的三本西方译学研究代表作的考察,来看西方翻译研究新发展的一些特点。

这三本著作分别为巴兹尔·哈廷姆(Basil Hatim)所著《跨文化交际:翻译理论与对比语篇语言学》(1997);哈罗尔德·基特尔(Harald Kittel)与阿明·弗兰克(Armin Frank)主编《跨文化性与文学翻译的历史研究》(1991);丁达·戈尔莱(Dinda Gorlee)所著《符号学与翻译问题》(1994)。就这三本书来说,哈廷姆的著作可视为上文提到的第一大研究派别的典型著作,基特尔与弗兰克的书则是第二大派别的一部代表作。


通过对这三本书的考察,我们不仅可以管中窥豹,看到当今西方两个主要译学研究派别的某些特点,而且可以对西方的纯理论研究略有了解。 一 近二十年来,对比语言学、语篇语言学和翻译理论均取得了长足的进展,但将这三者结合起来研究的论著尚不多见。

哈廷姆的《跨文化交际》一书在这方面作出了可喜的努力(详见Shen 1999)。哈廷姆在书中提出了一个语篇处理的理论模式。

它包含语境、语篇结构和语篇组织这三大部分。在探讨语境时,哈廷姆主要采用了语域理论(the theory of register),但将符号学和语用学(主要用于意图研究)也纳入了语域分析,如下图所示(Hatim 1997:22): 二 20世纪80年代以来,受文化研究大潮的影响,翻译的历史文化研究日益受到重视。








在一个竞争市场上,产品的商标是其中一个公司能达到成功的关键。它确定 公司的印象、信用和经济实力。



英语商标词翻译并不仅仅是字面意义上的对应转换,更重要的是实现其联想意义的装换以求达到语用等效,从而使读者获得更好的感觉,以激发他们的购买欲。本文结合尤金·奈德(Eugene A.Nida)的形式对等和动态对等翻译理论,具体讨论了英语商标词的翻译对策,并阐述作者观点,即商标词翻译是一种“动态对应交际”,使目的语被目标市场接受,像被消费者接受一样,成功地发挥商标词的语用功能。

从文化差异的角度,来讨论商标翻译的不同类型、翻译原则,介绍几种商标翻译方法和讨论因文化的差异导致的错误现象。关 键 词商标; 文化差异; 翻译原则; 翻译方法; 英语商标词 语用翻译AbstractWith the highly developing of commodity economy and international trade, the translation of trademarks becomes increasingly important and influential in the economic life. In a competitive market, the trademark of a product is one of the key factors for a company to achieve success. It determines the image, credit and economic power of a company. A successful trademark plays a noticeable role in developing the international market and creating the enterprise wealth. From the perspective of cultural differences, this article attempts to outline the word origin and the characteristic of trademarks as well as the translation principle, introduce several kinds of trademark translation methods, and meanwhile discusses the phenomenon of cultural error in trademark translation.Eugene A.Nida as the complementary theories to support pragmatic translation and discuss in detail the translating strategies of English brand names. The author holds that the translation of brand names is a kind of “dynamic corresponding communication”, which aims at making translated band names accepted the target market as original rand names are accepted by the consumers in the original language and realizing the pragmatic functions of brand names successfully.Key wordstrademark; cultural difference; translation strategies; pragmatic translation谢谢采纳。


The meaning of colour, in many times, colour is needs careful consideration an important thing. Usually people cannot wear red clothes in the funeral, grey colour in festive occasions are unpopular. These, colour is only a simple color. A choice of colour, disseminating information of impact beyond imagination. Common sense is simply a binding phenomenon of Cezanne, said: "the color is our brain is the place to meet with the universe." For packaging decoration design, colour is the indispensable element in the era of information explosion, so how to make a commodity or advertising obviously different from other products, how to attract, stimulate and guide consumers, timeliness and how to prolong the deepening of consumer has become the impression problems such as production and designers extreme focus. Use "lust, with good" color "packaging can give a person with inexplicable attraction, so use colour design to show the characteristics and connotation, commodity packaging decoration design is the important means. Colour is the element, commodity packaging is the soul of packaging design sales. The color is the expression of emotion and function, the function of fusion performance has certain common cognitive personality. Marx on colour have such comments: "colour feeling is generally the most popular form of beauty." in the process of packaging decoration design requirements must strictly abide by the commodity of publicity, bright color reappearance of color design. Use various contrast methods produce distinctive color combination, can make a commodity of similar products and different surroundings. Each color has its unique charm, but colour design can use proper colour combination to make a strong effect. Accurate, appropriate "lewd" colour design can enhance the visual attraction, thereby increasing sales of commodity packaging decoration design. As the brunt of a task, is to use "lust, and one of the important principles are: high purity, levels of contrast clearly span of color combination, colour is pure succinct bright, unique. Facts have proved that only those who tend to。


请看近期相关方向的学位论文的选题;也可以进一步从相关论文的参考文献中找小论文的选题方向(其他语言的,也有参考价值) [1]于金平. 侧向测井方法与装备专利说明书翻译实践报告[D].中国石油大学(华东),2014. [2]胡杨. 企业外宣新闻网络文本翻译研究报告[D].天津财经大学,2014. [3]李培璐. 功能对等理论视阈下的商标翻译研究[D].兰州交通大学,2015. [4]陈琛. 西班牙语商标汉译研究[D].西安外国语大学,2016. [5]饶娜. 英国《知识财产法》翻译报告[D].西南政法大学,2015. [6]熊剑. 《商标法的历史基础》第七章翻译报告—英语名词化结构的汉译方法及技巧[D].西南政法大学,2015. [7]王媛媛. Cross-Lingual Meme in Brand Name Translation[D].西安外国语大学,2016. [8]马佳佳. 目的论视角下英语品牌名称的翻译[D].延安大学,2013. [9]韩晓岚. 试论关联理论下商标英汉翻译[D].西安电子科技大学,2013. [10]王燕娟. “衣译”生辉[D].福建师范大学,2013. [11]郭新文. 中文商标英译中的动态顺应研究[D].太原理工大学,2013. [12]张蕾. 基于语料库的海洋石油英语的词汇特征分析[D].长江大学,2013. [13]胡静文. 《装瓶及许可协议》翻译报告[D].烟台大学,2013. [14]张文茹. 《灌装许可协议》翻译报告[D].中南民族大学,2013. [15]赵静. 关联顺应模式下商标名称英译的文化缺省研究[D].西北师范大学,2013. [16]伊先婷. 文本类型理论视角下商业广告翻译研究[D].东北农业大学,2014. [17]周俊. 汉译英中不可译及其转化的研究[D].南京师范大学,2014. [18]李敏. 翻译适应选择论视阈下《喜福会》汉译本研究[D].河南师范大学,2014. [19]张立电. A Study on English Translation of Chinese Geographical Indications: from the Perspective of Language Planning[D].西安外国语大学,2014. [20]傅红. 顺应论视角下的商标翻译[D].中南大学,2013. [21]金宜洛. 《洛阳聚慧投资股份有限公司合同》翻译实践报告[D].中南大学,2013. [22]印越. 从兵法思想中体现出的跨文化整合看英汉商标中动物词的翻译[D].兰州交通大学,2014. [23]范洁婷. 从功能主义翻译理论探究日本商标名称的汉译[D].湖南大学,2014. [24]连天娥. On Chinese-english Translation of Brands Named by Animal Terms from the Perspective of Conceptual Metaphor Theory[D].西安外国语大学,2014. [25]文婕. 基于功能派翻译理论的商标名称英汉互译[D].北京第二外国语学院,2012. [26]金蕾. 商标名称英汉互译的最佳关联性研究[D].长江大学,2012. [27]蓝婕. 优选论视角下的商标名称英汉翻译策略研究[D].中南民族大学,2012. [28]杨婷婷. 审美移情视阈下商标品牌名中英翻译中的文化缺省与重建[D].武汉科技大学,2012. [29]叶育春. 目的论视角下的商标翻译[D].福建师范大学,2012. [30]沈尧. 跨文化交际视角下的中俄商务翻译[D].上海外国语大学,2012. [31]刘玲英. 功能翻译理论视角下商务合同的汉译[D].中南大学,2011. [32]陶韵竹. 目的论视角下外交辞令中语用模糊的翻译策略[D].西南石油大学,2012. [33]杨阳. 翻译美学视角下的俄语商标词翻译[D].上海外国语大学,2013. [34]席欣. 英语商标名的词汇特征分析[D].北京林业大学,2008. [35]李旭晴. 目的与合作[D].西南交通大学,2008. [36]王婧. 从顺应性理论看商标翻译[D].中国海洋大学,2008. [37]李诗涛. 外来商标翻译中的问题和对策[D].中国海洋大学,2008. [38]冯志健. 商标名的汉英翻译:商业利益与语际一致的矛盾[D].广东外语外贸大学,2008. [39]应葳. 从广告翻译看概念整合理论对翻译实践的认知解释力[D].天津大学,2007. [40]沈菊芹. 英语商标汉译[D].上海外国语大学,2008. [41]吴迪菲. 试论商标词翻译[D].上海外国语大学,2008. [42]牟燕. Cultural Differences in Chinese-English Brand Name Translation[D].电子科技大学,2008. [43]吴晓明. 从文化差异的角度论汉语商标的英译[D].重庆大学,2008. [44]孙艳霞. 文化视阈下的服装商标翻译研究[D].大连海事大学,2009. [45]李自恒. A Dual Equivalence Translation Model for Legal Texts Based on Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory[D].电子科技大学,2009. [46]王婷. 汉语商品牌名的文化内涵及翻译[D].华中师范大学,2001. [47]刘卫东. 广告翻译的基本策略[D].华中师范大学,2002. [48]杨秋霞. 中英互借词及其翻译[D].广西大学,2002. [49]胡晓姣. 论我国商标词翻译[D].重庆大学,2003. [50]游玉祥. 从关联理论看商标词翻译中文化意象的灵活移植[D].华中师范大学,2003. [51]沈碧莉. 研究性学习与英语教学[D].福建师范大学,2003. [52]陈福宇. 从消费心理学的角度论商标翻译中的功能理论[D].四川师范大学,2004. [53]罗卫佳. 运用奈达功能对等理论研究汉语广告的英译[D].吉林大学,2004. [54]黄永亮. 英文商标音译词分析[D].河北师范大学,2004. [55]王娟. 从文化视角谈中文商标名的英译[D].重庆师范大学,2008. [56]冯小春. 从功能翻译理论分析化妆品商标翻译[D].上海外国语大学,2009. [57]郭丹丹. 从接受美学的角度看英文商标的汉译[D].西安电子科技大学,2009. [58]李丽伟. 从社会符号学角度看英汉商标词翻译[D].长春理工大学,2009. [59]曾婷. 俄语广告口号的语。


First, the purpose of skimming is to skim the method with browse fulltext of careless and get the main idea of the article structure and a general concept. Skimming must use the prancing reading, faster, general 250 words in the passage to two or three minutes after reading. In skimming should pay special attention to the beginning of the text segment, the concluding paragraph, article of each segment ending sentence first sentence and paragraph links and discourse in the article means and keywords, because they are often the most briefly to the content of the summary of the general idea of the text, is to understand the key. In examination process skimming applies to generalize careless topic and the reading comprehension questions of the types of questions purpose such as reading practice. Followed by check, check read read that roughly reading the whole text. After reading through checking out this theme should be further grasp the main facts and theme used in the article with a purpose for specific information and details. Check pronunciation apply to reading judge questions, to complete the sentence and reading comprehension of the details of the topic to wait, according to question the key words of dry clues to find answers. The third is to read, read on for certain passage is sentence to keywords and reading, especially the key words to carefully study the deeper, more accurate understanding and mastery. Not only to realize its literal meaning, but also to articles by reasoning judgment clear lines of potential meaning. The reader must from grasping material and explore according to their own understanding of the author's intention. Make certain aspects of the evaluation and judgment. This method is applicable to reading comprehension questions, the reasoning gestalt fills up the topic, etc. The last is guess read the new words, reading materials are the important factors affect reading speed. Reading when should not for meet individual words and stopped reading the dictionary, this will interrupt read and slow reading speed and will eventually affect understanding of it. In addition to the efficacy using reading skills should also guarantee the speed of reading, to ensure that certain extensive reading speed must first develop good reading habits, namely to overcome the wrong with word for word reading. While reading will statements into several small one meaning group, meaning group to read, so can make reading speed faster speed. In speed and skill and coordination with extensive reading level under will have a considerable improvement. 好了。






























我找不到汉语翻译,不过都是很简单的句子,而且汉语无法再现英语台词的经典,抱歉。1 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." Rhett Butler Clark Gable Gone with the Wind 1939 2 "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse."[2] Vito Corleone Marlon Brando The Godfather 1972 3 "You don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am."[3] Terry Malloy Marlon Brando On the Waterfront 1954 4 "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." Dorothy Gale Judy Garland The Wizard of Oz 1939 5 "Here's looking at you, kid." Rick Blaine Humphrey Bogart Casablanca 1942 6 "Go ahead, make my day." Harry Callahan Clint Eastwood Sudden Impact 1983 7 "All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up."[4] Norma Desmond Gloria Swanson Sunset Boulevard 1950 8 "May the Force be with you." Han Solo Harrison Ford Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope 1977 9 "Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night." Margo Channing Bette Davis All About Eve 1950 10 "You talking to me?" Travis Bickle Robert De Niro Taxi Driver 1976 11 "What we've got here is failure to communicate."[5] Captain Strother Martin Cool Hand Luke 1967 12 "I love the smell of napalm in the morning!" Lt. Col. Bill Kilgore Robert Duvall Apocalypse Now 1979 13 "Love means never having to say you're sorry." Jennifer Cavilleri Barrett Ali MacGraw Love Story 1970 14 "The stuff that dreams are made of."[6] Sam Spade Humphrey Bogart The Maltese Falcon 1941 15 "E.T. phone home." E.T. Pat Welsh E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial 1982 16 "They call me Mister Tibbs!" Virgil Tibbs Sidney Poitier In the Heat of the Night 1967 17 "Rosebud." Charles Foster Kane Orson Welles Citizen Kane 1941 18 "Made it, Ma! Top of the world!" Arthur "Cody" Jarrett James Cagney White Heat 1949 19 "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Howard Beale Peter Finch Network 1976 20 "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." Rick Blaine Humphrey Bogart Casablanca 1942 21 "A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti." Hannibal Lecter Anthony Hopkins The Silence of the Lambs 1991 22 "Bond. James Bond." James Bond Sean Connery[7] Dr. No[8] 1962 23 "There's no place like home." Dorothy Gale Judy Garland The Wizard of Oz 1939 24 "I am big! It's the pictures that got small." Norma Desmond Gloria Swanson Sunset Boulevard 1950 25 "Show me the money!" Rod Tidwell Cuba Gooding, Jr. Jerry Maguire 1996 26 "Why don't you come up sometime and see me?"[9] Lady Lou Mae West She Done Him Wrong 1933 27 "I'm walking here! I'm walking here!"[10] "Ratso" Rizzo Dustin Hoffman Midnight Cowboy 1969 28 "Play it, Sam. Play 'As Time Goes By.'"[11] Ilsa Lund Ingrid Bergman Casablanca 1942 29 "You can't handle the truth!" Col. Nathan Jessup Jack Nicholson A Few Good Men 1992 30 "I want to be alone." Grusinskaya Greta Garbo Grand Hotel 1932 31 "After all, tomorrow is another day!" Scarlett O'Hara Vivien Leigh Gone with the Wind 1939 32 "Round up the usual suspects." Capt. Louis Renault Claude Rains Casablanca 1942 33 "I'll have what she's having." Customer Estelle Reiner When Harry Met Sally。

1989 34 "You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow." Marie "Slim" Browning Lauren Bacall To Have and Have Not 1944 35 "You're gonna need a bigger boat." Martin Brody Roy Scheider Jaws 1975 36 "Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"[12] "Gold Hat" Alfonso Bedoya The Treasure of the Sierra Madre 1948 37 "I'll be back." The Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger The Terminator 1984 38 "Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth."[13] Lou Gehrig Gary Cooper The Pride of the Yankees 1942 39 "If you build it, he will come."[14] Shoeless Joe Jackson Ray Liotta (voice) Field of Dreams 1989 40 "Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Forrest Gump Tom Hanks Forrest Gump 1994 41 "We rob banks." Clyde Barrow Warren Beatty Bonnie and Clyde 1967 42 "Plastics." Mr. Maguire Walter Brooke The Graduate 1967 43 "We'll always have Paris." Rick Blaine Humphrey Bogart Casablanca 1942 44 "I see dead people." Cole Sear Haley Joel。


The Analysis of the Professional Leon(此文是这个杀手不太冷的影评) The Meaning of Life—Hope The Professional Leon which is directed by Luc Besson is an attractive and affecting movie. It is a story about a professional killer and a 14-year-old girl. In my opinion, this film reflects the influence of hope in people's lives. Life is a magic thing. It is like a thick forest and when we walk through it, we need hope to lead us. Hope can change one's mind. Hope can change one's life.The first reason is the change between the settings from the beginning to the end. The film began with the oppressive cityscapes: roads, streets, alleys and then the screen turned dark. They are the characteristics of Film Noir. Besides, the protagonist Leon appeared from a black shot which is a special close-up. In addition, the following shot are fighting in some rooms. The whole beginning leads to a mood of cold and oppression. However, at the end of the film is a scene of orphanage. The sunshine illuminated the trees and the grass. The scene is bright and warm. Then the shot got far and far. This showed that life was going on and the sunshine brought us hope to live. The world turned peace again, and the mood turned soft and cozy. Therefore, the change of the beginning and the end showed the dark had gone and everyone got their hope. In this film, there is a symbol of hope-Leon's evergreen. It ran through the whole film. The protagonist Leon, at fist, was a typical killer who was skillful and cold. The evergreen for him is the hope of life. It meant Leon's valuable memory-the girl he loved. Everyday he cleaned the leaves of the evergreen carefully. He thought the evergreen was quiet and happy, so he took care of it as his most valuable thing. Actually, he lived in his memory and what he must protect is the hope-evergreen. For Leon, there was no meaning of the reality until he met the girl –Mathilda. When the girl implored Leon to open the door, he hesitated. Yes, of course. It was because everything would change since he opened the door. Actually, Leon was a simple, kind and attentive man who was not good at express himself. We can know that from watching old movie and ironing clothes. After accepting the girl, Leon chose the responsibility in his heart. His life changed because his hope changed. His living purpose was to protect the girl and revenge on Stan. Furthermore, his good-side was stimulated by the girl's love. They were interdependent as a special relationship. I fact, Leon was not a killer any more since he met Mathilda. He was a real man. Another hope is reflected by Mathilda's attitude of life. Mathilda's family was inharmonious. She couldn't feel love in this family, so she became unyielding and mature at an early age. She hated her relatives except her little brother. If she didn't met Leon, her life would be out of imagination. When Leon opened the door, a light shone on Mathilda. This light of life is a symbol of change. Since she lived with Leon, she felt care from Leon, and she fell in love with him. She wanted to be with him forever. The hope of her life is Leon. She took care of their“home”and took care of him. When Leon ordered her go, she was in agony. She knew that she wouldn't see him again. She was afraid that the hope of life would disappear. At last, she planted the evergreen near the orphanage, and the evergreen became her hope. She got a new view of this world, and she would cherish the memory of Leon who saved her life and soul. This story is a fairy tale of killer. The killer managed to protect his hope as the expanse of his life, whereas he died in comfort. Maybe, there is another dark world concealed near us. However, it is because the shine of hope has not illuminated it. And the meaning of life is the process of seeking hope.。

4.高分 英语论文 电影




英语论文有个关键,就是你的thesis statement(主题)你的论文到底要说明一个什么结论。有了这大方向,你只要分开些观点,论据这里还包括引用,解释介绍一些概念,大体论文就出来了。总之,希望你享受这个难得的过程!may you success!







































































































。..也就是说,选题,首先要根据自己情况和能力,全盘考虑,千万别跟自己过不去 == 去选那些做了半截就做比下去的东西。




1, The Old Man and The Sea

2, 论学前儿童的语言教育

3, 企业文化与企业经营业绩关系探讨

4, 浅析英语双关

5, 浅析英语委婉语

6, 英语称谓词的性别含义

7, China's Strengths and Weaknesses in the World Economy

8, Comments on the Tragedy of Hamlet

9, Coping With the Culture Problems in Teaching Foreign Languages

10, Errors in language learning and use

11, Globalization brings healthy economic development to the developing nations

12, Multinational Corporations Help China Develop Its Economy

13, The Beauty in the Works of John Keats

14, The rise and influence of DIY in western youth

15, 浅谈中西方非语言交际中身体语言

16, 浅谈商务广告翻译及应用









Cultural Differences and Advertisement TranslationAbstract At present, with the rapid pace of economy's development, advertising tends to be a main way to, so it is natural that international Ads translation becomes decisive for the products' successful launching to the world market. Advertisements' translation is a cross-cultural communication. Cultural differences determine that it would be far from easy for Ad to reach its function for the world market. The cultural connotation reflected in translation must win receptors' acceptance. Just like the idiom says “when in Rome do as Romans do”. Advertising language should be kept in corresponding with cultural background of the target language, whenever this is done, it becomes possible for advertisements to exert its function to attract the receptors. Combining with translation practices this paper will analyze how the cultural differences influence Ad function in six aspects, including cultural habits, social political constitution, courteous principle, reasoning, aesthetic thought and language structure, Ad translation will not reach its function if such cultural differences are neglected, and how much importance should be attached to the cultural identity, which plays a positive role in Ad translation Key Words: Ad Translation, Cultural Differences, Cultural Connotation, Cultural Identity 摘要: 广告语言作为一种特殊的实用文体,有其独有的特点,并蕴含一定的文化内涵。

广告语言的翻译,是跨文化的交流活动,它不仅仅是将一种语言文字转换成另一种语言文字,而且使读者自然而然地认同广告的深层文化内涵,通过被吸引而产生广告的效应。 广告翻译必须注重目的语的文化背景,高质量的翻译不仅可以准确传达信息,还能引发读者的文化联想和审美想象,产生良好的广告效应,同时也宣传了本民族的文化,起到了对外交流的作用。


关键词:广告翻译、文化差异、文化内涵、文化认同Contents Introduction Chapter 1:Introduction of Cultural Differences Chapter 2: Misunderstandings Caused by Cultural Differences 2.1 Different Cultural Habits Cause Misunderstanding 2.2 Different Social Political Constitution May Hinder the Convey of Information 2.3 Different Courteous Principle May Lead to Communication Failure 2.4 Different Reasoning May Cause Misunderstanding 2.5 Different Aesthetic Thought Result in Different Appreciation View 2.6 Different Language Structure May Make Information Depart from the Original Meaning Chapter 3: Role of Cultural Identity Conclusion References Introduction Advertisement should express a certain expectation. It is a special pragmatic type of writing with a unique feature, and it also contains a certain cultural connotation. It should not as easy as a word-to-word exchange, but much of a flexible work. Cultural background of the target language is significant to Ad translation; much impotence should be attached. A good translated version will not only convey the information in accuracy, reaching a good advertising effect, but also stimulate receptor's cultural and appreciating association, which will be of much help to the cultrural communication, thus it also is a impulse in cultural diffusion. Cultural differences as the main factor give much hindrance to the translation work. Misunderstandings will come about if it is ignored, the advertisement may consequently fail to meet its goal. How the cultural differences influence the advertisement's function and target and how to make the cultural differences optimized when translating? What kind of role does culture identity play in this course? All these questions are the main discussions in this paper.Chapter 1 Cultural Differences As the product of culture, advertisement can show the close relationship between language and culture. Advertisement is a comprehensive art with commercial identity, which persuades people for a certain publicity goal. On some extent, it is a special pragmatic type of writing with unique feature, which contains a certain cultural connotation; only when put into the same or a similar social culture can its function and efficiency be completely explored. However, Ad translation is an across-cultural communication, which determines that it is not as eas。


英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译 李祥 摘 要:双关语是英语广告中一种较为常见的修辞手段。


并在考虑双关语的双重含义及广告语体风格的基础上,从契合译法、分别表义法、套译法、侧重译法和补偿译法等方面对英语广告双关语的翻译作了初步的探讨。 关键词:广告语言;双关语;翻译 Punning and the Translation of Puns in English Advertisements MENG Lin & ZHAN Jing-hui (Foreign Languages Dept。

, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China) Abstract: Punning is one of the most common rhetorical devices used in advertisement。 This paper is about the techniques of punning and the translation of puns in English advertisements。

There are various ways to form puns in advertisements。 The translation of puns is difficult because of the double meanings, and the translation of puns in advertisements is even more difficult because one must keep both the double meanings of a pun and the style of the advertisement in mind。

Key words: advertising language; pun; translation 引 言 不论是商品广告,还是公益广告,广告的创作都是一门综合性艺术。它集社会学、美学、心理学、市场营销学、声电学、文学、语言学等于一身。


因此广告文案中文学语言运用精当会使得广告语言的内涵与影响远远超出广告本身。 双关语这一修辞手段是广告创作常用的技巧。


1。 双关语在广告中的运用 作为一种修辞手段,双关语在广告中比较常用,它存在于语音、词汇、句法等各个语言层面。

在广告中,广告制作者为了增加广告的吸引力,挖空心思地追求新的创意,使得双关语在广告中的运用技巧更加纷繁复杂。 巧妙的双关能使语言含蓄、幽默、生动、给人以回味和想象的余地。

较为常见的有以下几个方面。 1。

1。 谐音双关 “谐音双关是用拼写相似,发音相同或相近的词构成的” 1 。

广告制作者非常乐于使用谐音双关,因为此类双关具有风趣、幽默、俏皮、滑稽的语言风格,能增强广告的说服力和感染力,从而给消费者留下深刻的印象。 (1) More sun and air for your son and heir。

2 译文:这里有充足的阳光,清新的空气,一切为了您的子孙后代。 在这则海滨浴场的宣传广告中,制作者巧妙地运用了sun-son, air-heir这两对谐音字,使广告语言不仅和谐悦耳,读来朗朗上口,而且颇风趣、幽默,具有感召力。

(2)Trust us。 Over 5000 ears of experience。

3 译文:相信我们吧。历经5000多只耳朵的检验,有着5000多年的经验。



品牌名称中的双关语大多采用谐音的方法。 (3) WEAR-EVER introduces a new concept in glass oven ware: CLEANABILITY。

4 译文:“恒久”玻璃炉具带给你一个全新的概念:洁净。 这里生产商利用其商标WEAR-EVER一词多义的特点,大力推销其产品:一方面WEAR-EVER为其品牌名称,另一方面该词又另有含义:既为wear forever(体现产品结实耐用),又为wherever(说明到处受人欢迎)。

该广告从多角度推销其产品,能够激起顾客的购买欲望,具有一定的劝说作用。 1。

2。 语义双关 “语义双关是利用词语或句子的多义性在特定环境下形成的双关” 5 。

这种双关在广告中运用得也非常广泛,它与谐音双关有异曲同工之妙。 (4) The label of achievements。

Black Label commands more respects。 6 译文:酒是功成名就的标志。

黑色标志使您更显尊贵。 语义双关也多见于品牌名称中。

这是一则威士忌酒的广告,Label有两层含义,一为“标志”,一为酒的牌子—Black Label。该广告通过双关手段的运用,使人联想到功成名就时就要饮用该酒;同时,用品牌名称形成双关,又便于消费者对品牌的记忆,从而对商品发生兴趣。

(5) Spoil yourself and not your figure。 7 译文:尽情大吃,不增体重。


spoil oneself意为“尽兴”;而spoil one's figure。







《韦伯斯特词典》对广告的定义是:广告是指在通过直接或间接的方式强化销售商品、传播某种主义或信息、召集参加各种聚会和集会等意图下开展的所有告之性活动的形式(韦伯斯特辞典1977年版)。 在现代,广告被认为是运用媒体而非口头形式传递的具有目的性信息的一种形式,它旨在唤起人们对商品的需求并对生产或销售这些商品的企业产生了解和好感,告之提供某种非营利目的的服务以及阐述某种意义和见解等(韦伯斯特辞典1988版)。


广告不同于其他传递信息的形式,它必须由登广告者付给传播的媒介以一定的报酬。 社会学家、评论家艾君在1994年由现代出版社出版的《当代生意经》对于广告概念问题这样阐述,读完一些广告定义,不难发现有的还可以说是个较为完整的定义,有的则只是对广告的简单地判断。


人们便会问:没有讲明艺术的定义,不知道什么叫艺术,怎么会出现艺术家? 艾君认为,在弄清广告定义之前,首先要看看生活中的广告活动是怎样运转的。他解读为,组织或个体(广告主)为了目的(树立形象、推销产品、求购、声明、招生、求职等)依靠(付出费用)确定媒体,按规定时间、要求,真实地传播信息的活动。

从广告运转的规律、程序,艾君为广告下这样一个定义: 广告,即确定的组织或个人为了一定的目的,依靠付出费用,在规定的时间内,按照要求,由指定的媒体,将真实信息传播出去的一种交流活动。他认为,这个定义从实践中来,必然能反映广告的本质属性,也能够解释通除商业广告之外的一些广告现象。

如“征婚启事”、“政府通告”、“聚会通知”等一些与经济无关的公益广告。 在中国,商业广告还没有到达颠峰,已存在着极大的泡沫成分和非理性行为;随着消费者的成熟、行业的规范,企业也会走向理性,自然会回落,启用普通模特将成为主流;同时,广告将异军突起并逐渐走向成熟,避免不了挑战。




而他们也应有自我约束的责任意识,真正融入这个企业文化,真正用心去演绎产品宣传理念,才会凸现广而告之的意思。英文The advertisement nature is propagation , the advertisement soul is an innovative idea. That word , evidence once research textually advertisement is one word of foreign origin. It originates from Latin advertere first , it's intention is guidance , propagation pay attention to. Middle English times (makes an appointment with A.D. 1300 develops into Advertise in 1475), that it's import spreads out Hua Wei "makes a certain person pay attention to arriving at some matter " , "informs others of or some matter, to arouse others's paying attention to ". Until 17 ends of the century , United Kingdom begin to carry out large-scale commerce use 。


Abstract: Literature is a mirror of real life which can reflect all aspects of people's lives. More and more scholars have begun to study a country from the roots of economy, politics and culture. As early as ancient Greece, there were some creations of tragedy. Tragedy is a kind of literary creation, which is not a simple artistic form or technique but the repeat of real society. It can depict the piteous, sad, distressing and sentimental plots by describing some tortuous or complicated events. The British famous writer Thomas Hardy was one of the excellent novelists of the Victorian age. He delineated a lot of characters of tragedies, showing various persons' enchantment. Besides providing the dignity of life tragedy to the readers, the novels contains the profound rationalism of the writer and Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'urbervilles reflected his real society. Hardy succeeded in portraying the image of heroine Tess and revealing the hypocritical ethics and morals of bourgeois society. This paper will d。


Influence of Chinese Traditional Cultural elements to Modern Advertisement

Abstract: Advertisement is a special phenomenon in human social life, and is a cultural phenomenon as well. Thus, it will be necessarily restricted and influenced by the national culture it belongs to. China has a long and influential tranditional cultural history. Modern advertisement industry under Chinese cultural environment imperceptibly inherits and utilizes Chinese tranditional culture. Meanwhile, if advertisement will efficiently affect customer's consuming idear with cultural characteristics, it needs to benefit from Chinese long tranditianal culture. Therefore, it is important to study the influence of Chinese traditional culture to modern advertisement, and thus to accurately understand psychological features and behaviors of Chinese customers. It is of crucial significance for improving the level of composing advertisement and realizing the target of globalizing Chinese advertisement.

Key words: Culture of Advertisement, Traditional Culture, Modern Advertisement


orientation and innovation in outdoor advertising design(户外广告设计的创新理念) Abstract: With the pace of China's market economy continues to accelerate, there is bound to affect the enterprise's survival and development. In addition to improving its own internal business management system and product quality, and often would resort to outdoor advertising in the mass media for product promotion, corporate image promotion, because advertisers, especially in outdoor advertising design, targeted, targeted, consumers appear places, outdoor advertising is also arise where a corresponding, to enable enterprises to increase even greater benefits. Outdoor advertising design and placement should fully take into account the different geographical groups of aesthetic and consumer preferences, in large and medium cities and rural areas should also be targeted advertising is different, and even between the city and neighboring cities are different, in the Advertising location choice, advertisers and advertising companies should avoid over-concentration of outdoor advertising of lots released, where too much visual interference factors, often can not be accurate and clear transmission of advertising messages, but should choose advertising patchwork of lots, ambient lighting at night to avoid interfering with an accurate flow of advertising content, while the ad is released, Ad-designed social environmental factors can not be ignored in order to target advertising design as a starting point; For example: product concentration in the electronic business point of sale with the food content and form completely different food advertising, in the content, it can be from a cultural Folk connotation dig, while electronic products to reflect the role of technology and knowledge, there must be a certain degree of cultural taste, because the consumer groups in the present is the relative concentration of highly educated groups. Only in-depth investigation and analysis, to understand their aesthetic preferences, targeted to develop accurate and targeted advertising creative and marketing tools, it Be able to achieve the desired results. To Beijing and Guangzhou as an example, Guangzhou, outdoor advertising design like the straight to the point, given away, which is Guangzhou's fast-paced lifestyle and preferences related to outdoor advertising in Beijing is seeking a taste and mood, only the scientific and precise positioning, will receive good results, kind of "a world of paper copy line" strategy will not work. Japan's Toyota Motor in China, a long period of research, playing a "must have car to the Piedmont Road, there are roads there must be Toyota," a very Chinese advertising language, click on China's Ai Chezu impressed. A place where there is consumer groups, outdoor advertising will accordingly appear where it is. In the countryside, our outdoor advertising design for the performance of township consumer groups content, and thus the performance of our content and form of outdoor advertising design and urban differences should be so adapted to local people's aesthetic form of expression, can be a more appropriate and easier to impress people. Conversely, Right one from the content and form of outdoor advertising are better designed to reflect the degree of feedback can be a reflection of a regional consumer base level of the cultural heritage and style. Third, the quality of positioning People's lives can not do without advertising, but advertising will not be able to leave the consumer, China's current need to have entertainment, humor, and viewing of advertising works, so that the audience in a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere, to accept the transmission of messages; Therefore, the understanding of consumer psychology, with high-quality advertising works impress people. Creative design is the positioning of outdoor advertising from the concept expressed by the form of a special theme of the performance of ads, with the design of practical and emotional connotation graphics, outdoor advertising design creativity without trend, without borders. Creative design is constantly on the ideological and cultural innovation, rather than the technical design. Creativity to reflect the human spirit, reflecting cultural. How to do creative, is advertisers and advertising planning, writers, designers are commonly faced challenges. The creative design of outdoor advertising signs must have a clear form of language into the sales of graphic language, and have the aesthetic connotation and denotation. Gestalt psychology, on the form of aesthetic vision, perception analysis, stressed the importance of。


Since the reform and opening up, China's growing soft drinks market, gradually prospered. As the world's giant soft drink industry, Coca-Cola, with its strong brand, strong capital, advanced management and excellent marketing, has been retaining its position in the industry. This paper intends to start its advertising strategy, trying to apply the theoretical framework of ad-related basis, analyze and summarize the success of Coca-Cola advertising strategy, and to further explore the reasons for its success in order to provide a reference for the domestic beverage industry. Requirements: simple and concise, to reject China's English.





Cultural Differences and Advertisement TranslationAbstract At present, with the rapid pace of economy's development, advertising tends to be a main way to, so it is natural that international Ads translation becomes decisive for the products' successful launching to the world market. Advertisements' translation is a cross-cultural communication. Cultural differences determine that it would be far from easy for Ad to reach its function for the world market. The cultural connotation reflected in translation must win receptors' acceptance. Just like the idiom says “when in Rome do as Romans do”. Advertising language should be kept in corresponding with cultural background of the target language, whenever this is done, it becomes possible for advertisements to exert its function to attract the receptors. Combining with translation practices this paper will analyze how the cultural differences influence Ad function in six aspects, including cultural habits, social political constitution, courteous principle, reasoning, aesthetic thought and language structure, Ad translation will not reach its function if such cultural differences are neglected, and how much importance should be attached to the cultural identity, which plays a positive role in Ad translation Key Words: Ad Translation, Cultural Differences, Cultural Connotation, Cultural Identity 摘要: 广告语言作为一种特殊的实用文体,有其独有的特点,并蕴含一定的文化内涵。

广告语言的翻译,是跨文化的交流活动,它不仅仅是将一种语言文字转换成另一种语言文字,而且使读者自然而然地认同广告的深层文化内涵,通过被吸引而产生广告的效应。 广告翻译必须注重目的语的文化背景,高质量的翻译不仅可以准确传达信息,还能引发读者的文化联想和审美想象,产生良好的广告效应,同时也宣传了本民族的文化,起到了对外交流的作用。


关键词:广告翻译、文化差异、文化内涵、文化认同Contents Introduction Chapter 1:Introduction of Cultural Differences Chapter 2: Misunderstandings Caused by Cultural Differences 2.1 Different Cultural Habits Cause Misunderstanding 2.2 Different Social Political Constitution May Hinder the Convey of Information 2.3 Different Courteous Principle May Lead to Communication Failure 2.4 Different Reasoning May Cause Misunderstanding 2.5 Different Aesthetic Thought Result in Different Appreciation View 2.6 Different Language Structure May Make Information Depart from the Original Meaning Chapter 3: Role of Cultural Identity Conclusion References Introduction Advertisement should express a certain expectation. It is a special pragmatic type of writing with a unique feature, and it also contains a certain cultural connotation. It should not as easy as a word-to-word exchange, but much of a flexible work. Cultural background of the target language is significant to Ad translation; much impotence should be attached. A good translated version will not only convey the information in accuracy, reaching a good advertising effect, but also stimulate receptor's cultural and appreciating association, which will be of much help to the cultrural communication, thus it also is a impulse in cultural diffusion. Cultural differences as the main factor give much hindrance to the translation work. Misunderstandings will come about if it is ignored, the advertisement may consequently fail to meet its goal. How the cultural differences influence the advertisement's function and target and how to make the cultural differences optimized when translating? What kind of role does culture identity play in this course? All these questions are the main discussions in this paper.Chapter 1 Cultural Differences As the product of culture, advertisement can show the close relationship between language and culture. Advertisement is a comprehensive art with commercial identity, which persuades people for a certain publicity goal. On some extent, it is a special pragmatic type of writing with unique feature, which contains a certain cultural connotation; only when put into the same or a similar social culture can its function and efficiency be completely explored. However, Ad translation is an across-cultural communication, which determines that it is not as eas。


英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译 李祥 摘 要:双关语是英语广告中一种较为常见的修辞手段。


并在考虑双关语的双重含义及广告语体风格的基础上,从契合译法、分别表义法、套译法、侧重译法和补偿译法等方面对英语广告双关语的翻译作了初步的探讨。 关键词:广告语言;双关语;翻译 Punning and the Translation of Puns in English Advertisements MENG Lin & ZHAN Jing-hui (Foreign Languages Dept。

, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China) Abstract: Punning is one of the most common rhetorical devices used in advertisement。 This paper is about the techniques of punning and the translation of puns in English advertisements。

There are various ways to form puns in advertisements。 The translation of puns is difficult because of the double meanings, and the translation of puns in advertisements is even more difficult because one must keep both the double meanings of a pun and the style of the advertisement in mind。

Key words: advertising language; pun; translation 引 言 不论是商品广告,还是公益广告,广告的创作都是一门综合性艺术。它集社会学、美学、心理学、市场营销学、声电学、文学、语言学等于一身。


因此广告文案中文学语言运用精当会使得广告语言的内涵与影响远远超出广告本身。 双关语这一修辞手段是广告创作常用的技巧。


1。 双关语在广告中的运用 作为一种修辞手段,双关语在广告中比较常用,它存在于语音、词汇、句法等各个语言层面。

在广告中,广告制作者为了增加广告的吸引力,挖空心思地追求新的创意,使得双关语在广告中的运用技巧更加纷繁复杂。 巧妙的双关能使语言含蓄、幽默、生动、给人以回味和想象的余地。

较为常见的有以下几个方面。 1。

1。 谐音双关 “谐音双关是用拼写相似,发音相同或相近的词构成的” 1 。

广告制作者非常乐于使用谐音双关,因为此类双关具有风趣、幽默、俏皮、滑稽的语言风格,能增强广告的说服力和感染力,从而给消费者留下深刻的印象。 (1) More sun and air for your son and heir。

2 译文:这里有充足的阳光,清新的空气,一切为了您的子孙后代。 在这则海滨浴场的宣传广告中,制作者巧妙地运用了sun-son, air-heir这两对谐音字,使广告语言不仅和谐悦耳,读来朗朗上口,而且颇风趣、幽默,具有感召力。

(2)Trust us。 Over 5000 ears of experience。

3 译文:相信我们吧。历经5000多只耳朵的检验,有着5000多年的经验。



品牌名称中的双关语大多采用谐音的方法。 (3) WEAR-EVER introduces a new concept in glass oven ware: CLEANABILITY。

4 译文:“恒久”玻璃炉具带给你一个全新的概念:洁净。 这里生产商利用其商标WEAR-EVER一词多义的特点,大力推销其产品:一方面WEAR-EVER为其品牌名称,另一方面该词又另有含义:既为wear forever(体现产品结实耐用),又为wherever(说明到处受人欢迎)。

该广告从多角度推销其产品,能够激起顾客的购买欲望,具有一定的劝说作用。 1。

2。 语义双关 “语义双关是利用词语或句子的多义性在特定环境下形成的双关” 5 。

这种双关在广告中运用得也非常广泛,它与谐音双关有异曲同工之妙。 (4) The label of achievements。

Black Label commands more respects。 6 译文:酒是功成名就的标志。

黑色标志使您更显尊贵。 语义双关也多见于品牌名称中。

这是一则威士忌酒的广告,Label有两层含义,一为“标志”,一为酒的牌子—Black Label。该广告通过双关手段的运用,使人联想到功成名就时就要饮用该酒;同时,用品牌名称形成双关,又便于消费者对品牌的记忆,从而对商品发生兴趣。

(5) Spoil yourself and not your figure。 7 译文:尽情大吃,不增体重。


spoil oneself意为“尽兴”;而spoil one's figure。







《韦伯斯特词典》对广告的定义是:广告是指在通过直接或间接的方式强化销售商品、传播某种主义或信息、召集参加各种聚会和集会等意图下开展的所有告之性活动的形式(韦伯斯特辞典1977年版)。 在现代,广告被认为是运用媒体而非口头形式传递的具有目的性信息的一种形式,它旨在唤起人们对商品的需求并对生产或销售这些商品的企业产生了解和好感,告之提供某种非营利目的的服务以及阐述某种意义和见解等(韦伯斯特辞典1988版)。


广告不同于其他传递信息的形式,它必须由登广告者付给传播的媒介以一定的报酬。 社会学家、评论家艾君在1994年由现代出版社出版的《当代生意经》对于广告概念问题这样阐述,读完一些广告定义,不难发现有的还可以说是个较为完整的定义,有的则只是对广告的简单地判断。


人们便会问:没有讲明艺术的定义,不知道什么叫艺术,怎么会出现艺术家? 艾君认为,在弄清广告定义之前,首先要看看生活中的广告活动是怎样运转的。他解读为,组织或个体(广告主)为了目的(树立形象、推销产品、求购、声明、招生、求职等)依靠(付出费用)确定媒体,按规定时间、要求,真实地传播信息的活动。

从广告运转的规律、程序,艾君为广告下这样一个定义: 广告,即确定的组织或个人为了一定的目的,依靠付出费用,在规定的时间内,按照要求,由指定的媒体,将真实信息传播出去的一种交流活动。他认为,这个定义从实践中来,必然能反映广告的本质属性,也能够解释通除商业广告之外的一些广告现象。

如“征婚启事”、“政府通告”、“聚会通知”等一些与经济无关的公益广告。 在中国,商业广告还没有到达颠峰,已存在着极大的泡沫成分和非理性行为;随着消费者的成熟、行业的规范,企业也会走向理性,自然会回落,启用普通模特将成为主流;同时,广告将异军突起并逐渐走向成熟,避免不了挑战。




而他们也应有自我约束的责任意识,真正融入这个企业文化,真正用心去演绎产品宣传理念,才会凸现广而告之的意思。英文The advertisement nature is propagation , the advertisement soul is an innovative idea. That word , evidence once research textually advertisement is one word of foreign origin. It originates from Latin advertere first , it's intention is guidance , propagation pay attention to. Middle English times (makes an appointment with A.D. 1300 develops into Advertise in 1475), that it's import spreads out Hua Wei "makes a certain person pay attention to arriving at some matter " , "informs others of or some matter, to arouse others's paying attention to ". Until 17 ends of the century , United Kingdom begin to carry out large-scale commerce use 。


Abstract: Literature is a mirror of real life which can reflect all aspects of people's lives. More and more scholars have begun to study a country from the roots of economy, politics and culture. As early as ancient Greece, there were some creations of tragedy. Tragedy is a kind of literary creation, which is not a simple artistic form or technique but the repeat of real society. It can depict the piteous, sad, distressing and sentimental plots by describing some tortuous or complicated events. The British famous writer Thomas Hardy was one of the excellent novelists of the Victorian age. He delineated a lot of characters of tragedies, showing various persons' enchantment. Besides providing the dignity of life tragedy to the readers, the novels contains the profound rationalism of the writer and Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'urbervilles reflected his real society. Hardy succeeded in portraying the image of heroine Tess and revealing the hypocritical ethics and morals of bourgeois society. This paper will d。


一、翻译类毕业论文选题 1.Study on Translation of Trade Marks and Culture 商标翻译与文化研究 2.The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice 影响翻译实践的社会和文化因素 3.On the Translation of English Idioms 论英语习语的翻译 4.Study on Features and Translation of English Idioms 英语习语翻译特点研究 5.The Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms 中英习语翻译与比较 6.Study on Loyalty in English-Chinese Translation 中英互译的忠实性研究 7.Cultural Equivalence in Translation 翻译中的文化对等性研究 8.Literature Translation and the Important of it 文学翻译与重要性研究 9.On the Du Fu's Poems Translation 论杜甫的诗词翻译 10.The Analysis of Techniques for Learning a Foreign Language Through Translation 通过翻译学习外语的技巧分析 11.中英颜色词的文化差异及翻译 Cultural Differences and Translation in Chinese and English Color words 翻译中不可译性的文化阐释 12.An Cultural Perspective on Untranslatability 中英动物文化内涵的不同及翻译 13.Cultural Connotation and Translation in Chinese and English Animals 浅论翻译中的译者主体性发挥的度 14.On Degree of Translator's Subjectivity in Translation 修辞策略在广告英语中的效用探究 15.A Probe of the Effect of Rhetorical Devices in English Advertisement 16.Error Analysis of the English Translation of the Information about Scenic Spots in Wuhan 武汉旅游景点资料的英译错误分析 17.Semantic--Transliteration-the Most Favorable Method for Translating Foreign Words into Chinese 音意兼译—外来词中译之首选方法 18.A Tentative Study on the Cohesion and Coherence in Sun Zhili's Chinese Translation of Pride and Prejudice 浅论《傲慢与偏见》孙致礼中译本的衔接与连贯 19.Chinese Translation of Attributive Clauses in English for Science and Technology 科技英语中定语从句的汉译 20.Film Titles and Their Translation——A cross-cultural perspective 从跨文化角度分析电影片名及其翻译 21.Translating Expressions on Public Signs from Chinese into English 汉语公示语英译 22.论文化差异与翻译 Cultural differences and translation 23.商标名的翻译原则与品牌文化 The Translation Principle of Brand Names and Brand Culture 24.英文电影片名的翻译策略与翻译方法研究 On Translation of English Film Names 25.意美、音美、形美--英文商标的汉译 Beauty in Sense, Sound and Form--On Translation of English Trademarks into Chinese 26.中文商标英译探 On the Translation of Trademarks from Chinese into English 二、文化类毕业论文选题 27.国际商务谈判中的双赢语用策略 The Win-Win Pragmatic Strategies in International Business Negotiation 28.Grice 的合作原则在国际商务谈判中的应用 The Application of Grice's Cooperation Principle in International Business Negotiation 29.中西文化面子观差异对比分析 An Analysis on Differences between Chinese and Western Ideas on Face 30.中西文化中女性角色意识差异及其对职业发展影响 Differences between Chinese and Western Role Awareness of Women and the Effects on Their Career Development 31.英语学习中文化障碍 Cultural Obstacles in English Learning 32.从中西委婉语的对比透视中西文化差异 Understand Chinese and English Cultural Differences through the Comparison between Chinese and western Euphenism 33.中英禁忌语比较 A Comparison between Chinese and English taboos 34.从隐私权看中西文化差异 A Comparison between Chinese and Western Cultural Differences from the Aspect of Privacy right 35.中西社会习俗比较 A Comparison Between Chinese and Western Social Conventions 36.言语行为理论及其应用 Speech Act and its Application 37.湖北经济学院英语自主学习现状调查 A Survey on the Students' English Autonomous Learning in Hubei University of Economics 38.湖北经济学院双语课程学习现状调查 A Survey on Bilingual Courses' Learning in Hubei University of Economics 39.1The Cultural Connotation of English Etymology and the Teaching of English Vocabulary 英语词源的文化内涵与词汇教学 40.English idioms—A Mirror Reflecting British Culture 英语习语与英国文化反映 41.On Values of Chinese from Perspective of Lexicon 从词汇角度读中国人的价值观 42.On Cultural Differences of Body Language between English and Chinese 论中英体态语文化差异 43.The Analysis on the Differences of Interpersonal Relationship between Eastern and Western People 东西方人际关系要素差异探析 44.Approach to Cultural Differences in Sino-U.S. Business Negotiation and its Impacts 中美商务谈判中的文化差异及其影响探析 45.Asymmetrical Features of Politeness Principle in Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交际中的礼貌原则。


orientation and innovation in outdoor advertising design(户外广告设计的创新理念) Abstract: With the pace of China's market economy continues to accelerate, there is bound to affect the enterprise's survival and development. In addition to improving its own internal business management system and product quality, and often would resort to outdoor advertising in the mass media for product promotion, corporate image promotion, because advertisers, especially in outdoor advertising design, targeted, targeted, consumers appear places, outdoor advertising is also arise where a corresponding, to enable enterprises to increase even greater benefits. Outdoor advertising design and placement should fully take into account the different geographical groups of aesthetic and consumer preferences, in large and medium cities and rural areas should also be targeted advertising is different, and even between the city and neighboring cities are different, in the Advertising location choice, advertisers and advertising companies should avoid over-concentration of outdoor advertising of lots released, where too much visual interference factors, often can not be accurate and clear transmission of advertising messages, but should choose advertising patchwork of lots, ambient lighting at night to avoid interfering with an accurate flow of advertising content, while the ad is released, Ad-designed social environmental factors can not be ignored in order to target advertising design as a starting point; For example: product concentration in the electronic business point of sale with the food content and form completely different food advertising, in the content, it can be from a cultural Folk connotation dig, while electronic products to reflect the role of technology and knowledge, there must be a certain degree of cultural taste, because the consumer groups in the present is the relative concentration of highly educated groups. Only in-depth investigation and analysis, to understand their aesthetic preferences, targeted to develop accurate and targeted advertising creative and marketing tools, it Be able to achieve the desired results. To Beijing and Guangzhou as an example, Guangzhou, outdoor advertising design like the straight to the point, given away, which is Guangzhou's fast-paced lifestyle and preferences related to outdoor advertising in Beijing is seeking a taste and mood, only the scientific and precise positioning, will receive good results, kind of "a world of paper copy line" strategy will not work. Japan's Toyota Motor in China, a long period of research, playing a "must have car to the Piedmont Road, there are roads there must be Toyota," a very Chinese advertising language, click on China's Ai Chezu impressed. A place where there is consumer groups, outdoor advertising will accordingly appear where it is. In the countryside, our outdoor advertising design for the performance of township consumer groups content, and thus the performance of our content and form of outdoor advertising design and urban differences should be so adapted to local people's aesthetic form of expression, can be a more appropriate and easier to impress people. Conversely, Right one from the content and form of outdoor advertising are better designed to reflect the degree of feedback can be a reflection of a regional consumer base level of the cultural heritage and style. Third, the quality of positioning People's lives can not do without advertising, but advertising will not be able to leave the consumer, China's current need to have entertainment, humor, and viewing of advertising works, so that the audience in a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere, to accept the transmission of messages; Therefore, the understanding of consumer psychology, with high-quality advertising works impress people. Creative design is the positioning of outdoor advertising from the concept expressed by the form of a special theme of the performance of ads, with the design of practical and emotional connotation graphics, outdoor advertising design creativity without trend, without borders. Creative design is constantly on the ideological and cultural innovation, rather than the technical design. Creativity to reflect the human spirit, reflecting cultural. How to do creative, is advertisers and advertising planning, writers, designers are commonly faced challenges. The creative design of outdoor advertising signs must have a clear form of language into the sales of graphic language, and have the aesthetic connotation and denotation. Gestalt psychology, on the form of aesthetic vision, perception analysis, stressed the importance of。


Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. “While now central to the contemporary global economy and the reproduction of global production networks, it is only quite recently that advertising has been more than a marginal influence on patterns of sales and production. The formation of modern advertising was intimately bound up with the emergence of new forms of monopoly capitalism around the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century as one element in corporate strategies to create, organize and where possible control markets, especially for mass produced consumer goods. Mass production necessitated mass consumption, and this in turn required a certain homogenization of consumer tastes for final products. At its limit, this involved seeking to create 'world cultural convergence', to homogenize consumer tastes and engineer a 'convergence of lifestyle, culture and behaviors among consumer segments across the world'.” [1] Many advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of those products and services through the creation and reinvention of the "brand image" . For these purposes, advertisements sometimes embed their persuasive message with factual information. Every major medium is used to deliver these messages, including television, radio, cinema, magazines, newspapers, video games, the Internet, carrier bags and billboards. Advertising is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company or other organization.[citation needed] Organizations that frequently spend large sums of money on advertising that sells what is not, strictly speaking, a product or service include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations, and military recruiters. Non-profit organizations are not typical advertising clients, and may rely on free modes of persuasion, such as public service announcements.[citation needed] Money spent on advertising has increased dramatically in recent years. In 2007, spending on advertising has been estimated at over $150 billion in the United States[2] and $385 billion worldwide,[3] and the latter to exceed $450 billion by 2010.While advertising can be seen as necessary for economic growth, it is not without social costs. Unsolicited Commercial Email and other forms of spam have become so prevalent as to have become a major nuisance to users of these services, as well as being a financial burden on internet service providers.[4] Advertising is increasingly invading public spaces, such as schools, which some critics argue is a form of child exploitation.[5] Contents [hide]1 History1.1 Mobile billboard advertising1.2 Public service advertising2 Types of advertising2.1 Media2.1.1 Covert advertising2.1.2 Television commercials2.1.3 Infomercials2.1.4 Celebrities2.1.5 Media and advertising approaches3 Criticism of advertising3.1 Hyper-commercialism and the commercial tidal wave3.2 Advertising and constitutional rights3.3 The price of attention and hidden costs3.4 Influencing and conditioning3.5 Dependency of the media and corporate censorship3.6 The commercialisation of culture and sports3.7 Occupation and commercialisation of public space3.8 Socio-cultural aspects, sexism, discrimination and stereotyping3.9 Children and adolescents as target groups3.10 Opposition and campaigns against advertising3.11 Taxation as revenue and control4 Regulation5 Future5.1 Global advertising5.2 Trends6 Advertising research7 See also8 References9 Bibliography10 External links [edit] History Egyptians used papyrus to make sales messages and wall posters. Commercial messages and political campaign displays have been found in the ruins of Pompeii and ancient Arabia. Lost and found advertising on papyrus was common in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Wall or rock painting for commercial advertising is another manifestation of an ancient advertising form, which is present to this day in many parts of Asia, Africa, and South America. The tradition of wall painting can be traced back to Indian rock art paintings that date back to 4000 BCE.[6] As the towns and cities of the Middle Ages began to grow, and the general populace was unable to read, signs that today would say cobbler, miller, tailor or blacksmith would use an image associated with their trade such as a boot, a suit, a hat, a clock, a diamond, a horse shoe, a candle or even a bag of flour. Fruits and vegetables were sold in the city square from the backs of carts and wagons and 。


Influence of Chinese Traditional Cultural elements to Modern Advertisement

Abstract: Advertisement is a special phenomenon in human social life, and is a cultural phenomenon as well. Thus, it will be necessarily restricted and influenced by the national culture it belongs to. China has a long and influential tranditional cultural history. Modern advertisement industry under Chinese cultural environment imperceptibly inherits and utilizes Chinese tranditional culture. Meanwhile, if advertisement will efficiently affect customer's consuming idear with cultural characteristics, it needs to benefit from Chinese long tranditianal culture. Therefore, it is important to study the influence of Chinese traditional culture to modern advertisement, and thus to accurately understand psychological features and behaviors of Chinese customers. It is of crucial significance for improving the level of composing advertisement and realizing the target of globalizing Chinese advertisement.

Key words: Culture of Advertisement, Traditional Culture, Modern Advertisement



1.英语专业的论文 那个方向比较好写些












比较文学研究就是将两个以上的作家或作品进行比较。这两个作品或作家可以是同一国别的(如“雪莱与拜伦的诗歌比较”),也可以是不同国别的(如《牡丹亭》与《罗密欧与朱丽叶》) 提供一些英语专业论文文学方向的选题,供写作参考。

Study on the Child Image of the Catcher in the Rye From Linguistic Perspective 从语言的角度分析《麦田里的守望者》中的儿童形象 A CHILD OF NATURE: ON EMILY DICKINSON'S NATURE COMPLEX璞玉无暇,浑然天成:论艾米莉.狄金森的自然情结 A POLYPHONIC ANALYSIS OF THE SOUNF AND FURY “对位法”分析《喧哗与骚动》 The Use of Zero Article Before Class Nouns 类名词前的零冠词用法解析 An Analysis of Factors of Martin Eden's Suicide 导致马丁.伊登自杀因素的分析 Factors Affecting Marriage in Pride and Prejudice。







我是英语专业毕业,以下为个人经验:1.英语专业的论文需要用全英文吗? 当然要用全英文。





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3.翻译方向论文选题 我们规定先找好翻译理论,然后确定作品,是文学或


像你们外语类的论文一般就是文化、语言等相关课题的研究。 一般来说,现在文学方向比较容易,也容易入手;语言学比较生涩,而且到后期答辩的时候过程比较辛苦;翻译的话,主要需要熟悉大量的语词和内容,同时也需要较高的文学素养;因此建议选择文学。






英语专业翻译方向毕业论文选题参考:地方名胜古迹汉译英探析语境在翻译中的作用商标的翻译广告语言的翻译论英汉互译中的语义等值问题中西文化差异与不可译性英汉谚语的理解和翻译浅谈颜色词在英语中的翻译英语比喻性词语中文化内涵及翻译英语意义否定表现法及其汉译浅谈新闻标题的翻译伟大的翻译家严复英语长句汉译简评《简•爱》的几种汉译本英语专业本科论文所涉及的专业方向 (一)英语语言习得理论研究 该方向着重研究英语语言学及语言习得的相关理论与实践,可着重讨论某一种语言现象产生的原因及具体表现或某一语言理论在实际生活、教学中的运用。



学生可以进行:1.商务英语语言特征研究;2.商务英语文体研究;3.商务英语翻译理论研究;4.商务英语翻译时间探讨;5.商务英语翻译标准探讨等。 (四)翻译理论与实践该方向着重研究英汉互译过程中的口、笔译理论、翻译标准、原则、方法及技巧。


(五)英美人文与历史研究 该方向主要研究英美国家的社会、文化、人文、历史各个方面的具体内容,既可宏观也可微观地研究或比较英美国家的某一历史阶段的社会问题或文化现象或评论某一历史事件或历史人物,或跨文化交际方面的相关内容。学生可以进行:1.英美社会制度、社会问题研究;2.英美历史问题、历史人物研究;3.英美文化现象研究;4.西方宗教研究;5.西方影视作品研究;6.跨文化交际研究等。




一、文学类1. A Comparative Study of Tao Yuan-Min and William Wordsworth2. On Characterization of Jane Eyre3. An Analysis of Jane Eyre4. Mrs. Browning's Sonnets from the Portuguese5. Jane Eyre's Search for Christianity6. Comment in the Techniques of Emily Bronte's Dual Personalities in Wuthering Heights7. The Realism of the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn8. Mark Twain and Huck Finn9. Love Stories in William Cather's “O Pioneers”10. Life with Struggle11. A Character Analysis of the Heroine of Emma12. Thought of Marriage in Jane Austen's “Pride and Prejudice”13. An Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe's “The Raven” and “Annabel Lee”14. An Analysis of the Source of Tess' Tragedy 15. Heroism in Hemingway's Works16. “Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty”17. The Light of the Dark:the Greatest Works of Conan and Agatha18. The Ambiguity in The Scarlet Letter19. About the Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter20. On Wuthering Heights21. Money and Marriage22. The Literature Characteristics in A Tale of Two Cities23. Jane Eyre, a Symbol of Feminism24. Desalination and Optimization25. The Impact of Money on Marriage in Pride and Prejudice26. The Dilemma of Marriage27. On Wordsworth's View of Nature28. On the Symbolism of D.H. Lawrence's “The Rainbow”29. A Brief Discussion about Tess30. The Character of Jane Eyre 语言学类1. Latin's Influence on the English Vocabulary in the History Perspective2. The Recognition of Componential Analysis and Its Application 3. On English Language Historical Changes 4. On English Vocabulary Acquisition5. My Study on Complimenting6. Change of Meaning7. Personality Equality and Wealth Equality8. An Exploration of Body Language9. The Linguistic Characteristics of Advertising English10. On the Merit and Application of Computer-assisted Instruction11. Multiple Intelligence Theory and Language Teaching-Considering Student-Countered 12. Body Language on Nonverbal Communication13. Analysis of Language Characteristics in Advertising English。


英语毕业论文-翻译理论与实践(共9篇) 1.The Translation of Brand Names /english-essay-traslation/The-Translation-of-Brand-Names/ 2.The Strategies to Avoid Bad Brand Translations /english-essay-traslation/The-Strategies-to-Avoid-Bad-Brand-Translations/ 3.English-Chinese Advertisement Culture and Translation /english-essay-traslation/English-Chinese-Advertisement-Culture-and-Translation/ 4.On Idioms and Their Translation from Chinese into English /english-essay-traslation/On-Idioms-and-Their-Translation-from-Chinese-into-English/ 5.On the Use of Rhetoric in English Advertisement /english-essay-traslation/On-the-Use-of-Rhetoric-in-English-Advertisement/ 6.英文谚语的文化场景在中译文中的缺失与弥合 /english-essay-traslation// 7.Different Translation to Idioms under Chinese and Western Cultures /english-essay-traslation/Different-Translation-to%20-dioms/ 8.Cultural Differences in English-Chinese Advertisement Translation /english-essay-traslation/English-Chinese%20Advertisement%20Translation/ 9.The Colour Terms' Translation in English and Chinese /english-essay-traslation/The-Colour-Terms-Translation/。


提供一些英语专业翻译方向的论文题目,供参考。 英汉文化差异和翻译 英语习语翻译 翻译与语境 翻译中的对等问题 翻译中的衔接与连贯 翻译中的文化信息传递 语篇体裁与翻译策略 汉语四字词语的翻译 数字的翻译 翻译中的语序转换 谈英语被动句的翻译 英汉句法对比和翻译 谈合同(或其他各种类型文本)的翻译 英语否定句的翻译 广告英语及其翻译 中国特色词汇及其英译 英语长句的理解与翻译 商号、商标、公司名称等的翻译






比较文学研究就是将两个以上的作家或作品进行比较。这两个作品或作家可以是同一国别的(如“雪莱与拜伦的诗歌比较”),也可以是不同国别的(如《牡丹亭》与《罗密欧与朱丽叶》) 提供一些英语专业论文文学方向的选题,供写作参考。

Study on the Child Image of the Catcher in the Rye From Linguistic Perspective 从语言的角度分析《麦田里的守望者》中的儿童形象 A CHILD OF NATURE: ON EMILY DICKINSON'S NATURE COMPLEX璞玉无暇,浑然天成:论艾米莉.狄金森的自然情结 A POLYPHONIC ANALYSIS OF THE SOUNF AND FURY “对位法”分析《喧哗与骚动》 The Use of Zero Article Before Class Nouns 类名词前的零冠词用法解析 An Analysis of Factors of Martin Eden's Suicide 导致马丁.伊登自杀因素的分析 Factors Affecting Marriage in Pride and Prejudice。


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