


题目是:The analysis of Symbolic Images in Tony Morrison's Beloved

Thesis statement: The paper intends to analyze the symbolic images in Tony Morrison's Beloved.

I. Introduction

A.The introduction of the author

a.A brief review of symbolid

b.The appraisal

B.The brief of the paper

II.The Origin of Tony Morrison's Symbolic Images

A.The production of the work

B.Comparing with other works in symbolic images

III.Five Categories of Symbolic Images in Beloved

A.symbolic figures


C. Body marks

D. Linguistic application


IV.Theme Interpreation with Reference to Symbolic Images

A. Memory of the past

B.Seeking self-recognition

C.Recuperating Afro-American traditional culture

D. Maternal love


A.The contribution to Afro-American literature.

B.Social influence produced by Symbolic Images and its profound meaning.

2.本人学的是商务英语的专业 高分求关于翻译的论文提纲






关键词:商务函件; 商务英语; 翻译科学; 商务交往; 函电翻译; 翻译方法 Abstract English, as an international used language, has been playing a very important role in our international business life. All kinds of business correspondence are written in English. With the economic globalization and China's entry into WTO, translating of Business English is becoming more and more important in our economic life. The Business English comes from common used English, and is based on it; however, it possesses its own special characteristics as a result of long practice with a synthesis of business knowledge and English language knowledge. Thus, in the very field of translation, translation for Business English is more complex than that for common English translation in a sense. As a section of Business English, international business correspondence is an important one of business practice. Namely, to translators, doing business correspondence translation well is very useful for business communication. This thesis analyzes the features of business correspondence from its layout, vocabulary, syntax, and so on. And then, the author studies of the translation methods which are fit for business correspondence. At last, the dissertation summarizes some problems existing in the present Business English translation and raises requirements for translators. At present, there are lots of research works published about literature translation, but less research on Business English translation. The author hopes that this thesis can do some inspiration and contribution to translation for Business Correspondence English.Key words: business correspondence; business English; translating science; business communication; business correspondence translation; means of translation Contents Introduction 11 Classification and Layout of Business Correspondence 21.1 Classification of Business Correspondence 21.2 Layout of a Business Letter 22 Features of Business Correspondence 22.1 Lexical Features of Business Correspondence 32.2 Syntactic Features of Business Correspondence 52.2.1 Sentences are Formal and Complete 52.2.2 Idiomatical Phrases 62.3 Politeness in Business Correspondence 6。


题目是:The analysis of Symbolic Images in Tony Morrison's BelovedThesis statement: The paper intends to analyze the symbolic images in Tony Morrison's Beloved.I. IntroductionA.The introduction of the authora.A brief review of symbolidb.The appraisalB.The brief of the paperII.The Origin of Tony Morrison's Symbolic ImagesA.The production of the workB.Comparing with other works in symbolic imagesIII.Five Categories of Symbolic Images in BelovedA.symbolic figuresB.SettingC. Body marksD. Linguistic applicationE.EventIV.Theme Interpreation with Reference to Symbolic ImagesA. Memory of the pastB.Seeking self-recognitionC.Recuperating Afro-American traditional cultureD. Maternal loveV.ConclusionA.The contribution to Afro-American literature.B.Social influence produced by Symbolic Images and its profound meaning。

4.商务英语毕业论文的摘要翻译 急

Economic Globalization makes the world more close contacts and exchanges between Chinese and Western countries have become increasingly frequent. Business English as a language bridge rather important. Since the cross-cultural activities, translation and culture inseparable relationship. However, the frequent cross-cultural exchange to accelerate the presentation of cultural collision, Business English Translation of cultural factors are also more and more, affect the translation is correct or not, appropriate or not. English, Chinese, there are many differences between English-Chinese translation of each other when it is difficult to put two languages ??。


题目是:The analysis of Symbolic Images in Tony Morrison's Beloved

Thesis statement: The paper intends to analyze the symbolic images in Tony Morrison's Beloved.

I. Introduction

A.The introduction of the author

a.A brief review of symbolid

b.The appraisal

B.The brief of the paper

II.The Origin of Tony Morrison's Symbolic Images

A.The production of the work

B.Comparing with other works in symbolic images

III.Five Categories of Symbolic Images in Beloved

A.symbolic figures


C. Body marks

D. Linguistic application


IV.Theme Interpreation with Reference to Symbolic Images

A. Memory of the past

B.Seeking self-recognition

C.Recuperating Afro-American traditional culture

D. Maternal love


A.The contribution to Afro-American literature.

B.Social influence produced by Symbolic Images and its profound meaning.


拟制标题 (一)标题和主题 关系十分密切,但是它服务于主题;标题可以更换,主题不能随意更换。


这样的命题,适应面广泛,力求考生都有话可说。 (二)审题立意 考试作文大都是命题作文,也有不少规定条件、提供材料后让考生自己命题,这就一定要慎重而又缓慢地审题(自己命题也要审)。

古人审题常用抓题眼的办法,如《陋室铭》的题眼是“陋”字。 古人将完整的题目分为题身、题神和题眼,如《依依惜别的深情》,题身是“惜别”,即主要内容,题神是“依依”,即程度色彩,而题眼就是“深情”,即核心关键。



步骤如下: 第一步,明确题目和主题及内容的关系,分析每个限制词语,把握题眼及重点。题目中心词的修饰成份显示了限制范围。

如《一位英雄的事迹鼓舞了我》,限制词语是“一位”和“英雄”。 标题成份还限制了作文的文体、内容、主题、人称等。



如《我的一个好习惯》,重点在“好”字。 2.对深层含义的标题,要由此及彼,联系现实和自身,小中见大。


3.对提供线索的标题,要围绕线索确定作文的范围和重点。 如《我在实践着一条格言》,线索是“格言”,要围绕它联想,特别要联想到现实生活和自身。



要分析把握材料的重心。如材料: “一九五四年三月二十七日,爱因斯坦给一位美国自学成才的实习机械师回信,说:“我认为你对我们社会的见解是颇有道理的。

……你的来信还使我认识到,智慧并不产生于学历,而是来自于对知识的终生不懈的追求。” 重心是爱因斯坦对智慧、学历和追求的看法,而不是他的贡献。

有的材料会有两个以上的重要意义,这就要从不同角度分析。如: 香港回归前夕——6月1日。

“亚州第一飞人”柯受良为了向祖国献上一份珍贵的厚礼,驾车成功地飞越了黄河壶口瀑布,完成了华夏儿女征服大自然的又一壮举。 在“飞黄”前,他说,他要用自己成功的飞越向世界宣布,中国人不是懦夫。




如标题《我的亲人》,可以确定这样的主题:“我的亲人 是一个慈爱、高尚的人。”如上述爱因斯坦的材料,可以写一个这样的主题:“智慧来自于对知识的终生追求。


(三)标题类型 给材料作文就要自定题目。这就是说,对作文的题目都要分清类别。

以标题与主题的关系为主要标准,标题类型如下。 一是文学性作文的标题: 1。



2.指出作文内容,即题材范围。 这类标题也常见。

如范文标题《妈妈眼里的我》、《深情厚谊》 和《记一次升旗活动》等。 3。

与主题有关的一事一物,或人物语言。如《 的回忆》、《书包》和《压岁钱》等。


如《母亲的爱》、《放学路上》和《我在星期天》等。 这类标题要求:形象、含蓄和新奇。


中国女排曾以0:3输给古巴队,第二年大学生运动会上以3:0击败古巴队,这件事,大多新闻标题都是平实无误地概括这一事实。 有一篇新闻的标题颇为生动,《还她一个三比0》。




① 中国知网也好、万方数据也好都有例子!

② 并且大部分的院校都有免费的接口!

③ 如果真没有免费的接口,那就百度知道悬赏求助下载吧!

④ 要是要外文的论文准备翻译的话,最好的办法就是【谷歌学术】

⑤ 需要什么语言的论文直接就用相应的语言搜索!100% 能找到类似的!

⑥ 至于翻译,可以直接谷歌翻一下,弄完在自己缕缕就可以了!

⑦ 要是计算机类的代码什么的到CSDN或者51CTO下载!



① 其实,原创的论文网上没有免费为你代谢的!谁愿意花时间给你写这个呢?难道你在空闲的时间原以为别人提供这种毫无意义的服务么?所以:还不如自己写。主要是网上的不可靠因素太多,万一碰到骗人的,就不上算了。

② 写作论文的简单方法,首先大概确定自己的选题【这个很可能老师已经给你确定了】,然后在网上查找几份类似的文章。

③ 通读一些相关资料,对这方面的内容有个大概的了解!看看别人都从哪些方面写这个东西!

④ 参照你们学校的论文的格式,列出提纲,接着要将提纲给你们老师看看,再修改。等老师同意你这个提纲之后,你就可以补充内容!

⑤ 也可以把这几份论文综合一下,从每篇论文上复制一部分,组成一篇新的文章!然后把按自己的语言把每一部分换下句式或词,经过换词不换意的办法处理后,网上就查不到了!

⑥ 最后,到万方等数据库进行检测【这里便宜啊,每一万字才1块钱】,将扫红部分进行再次修改!

⑦ 祝你顺利完成论文!


[Ⅰ] 如果确认找人代笔,交押金的要慎重考虑!

[Ⅱ] 淘宝交易的话,一定看好他的打款时间,有的设定为【3天】,到期之后人家自然收到钱!

[Ⅲ] 希望用我的回答能让童鞋们多个心眼!

8.商务英语毕业论文的摘要翻译 急

Economic Globalization makes the world more close contacts and exchanges between Chinese and Western countries have become increasingly frequent. Business English as a language bridge rather important. Since the cross-cultural activities, translation and culture inseparable relationship. However, the frequent cross-cultural exchange to accelerate the presentation of cultural collision, Business English Translation of cultural factors are also more and more, affect the translation is correct or not, appropriate or not. English, Chinese, there are many differences between English-Chinese translation of each other when it is difficult to put two languages ??。


Commercial English is that we understand English applied to under the commercial scene, in fact there are material differences in English spoken language, writing which it understands with us, the main difference lies in some vocabularies, based on different vocabularies, it is mainly the noun. In addition other differences still include different sentences, basically propose different vocabularies and sentences in order to adapt to different commercial occasions, form the commercial characteristic certain in English. There is not a very great difference with ordinary English in essence. The purpose of this thesis lies in enabling reader\'s importance to understand commercial English study and method, hope to enable and read some outstanding problems that will be studied in commercial English and can be solved, and get the understanding one layer deeper。




英语饮料广告中的语用预设研究 字数:4962.页数:17 论文编号:YY217 AbstractAdvertising language has received a thorough study from different aspects. With the development of linguistics, the studies on advertising language are inclined to the relationship between language and context. In this case, pragmatic presupposition appears to be the very tool for its sensitive nature to context. In addition, common ground and appropriateness of pragmatic presupposition also make great contribution to the concise and economical advertisement. However, other properties like one-sidedness, subjectivity and latency are equally noticed. Proper exploitation of these features may develop useful market strategies. Therefore, it is of great significance to study advertising language from pragmatic presupposition perspective.The thesis focuses on the phenomenon of pragmatic presupposition in English advertisement for beverage. Based on the foundational theory, the classifications and functions of pragmatic presupposition are exposed by qualitative study method. Meanwhile, a case study is conducted to tentatively explore the distribution and frequency of each type by quantitative analysis. Research findings show that pragmatic presupposition occurs in 94% of the collected 100 drinks advertisements; the state presupposition accounts for the largest percentage (40%) among all five classifications , followed by belief presupposition, behavior presupposition, existential presupposition and fact presupposition, for 22%, 14%, 13%, 5% respectively.Key Words: advertising language pragmatic presupposition function classifications description 摘要广告语言的研究一直以来都备受各个领域学者们的青睐。






其余的信仰预设、行为预设、存在预设和事实预设分别占22%、14%、13%和5%。 关键词:广告语 语用预设 功能 分类描写 目录Abstract 。


.2Chapter 1 Introduction。

3Chapter 2 Literature Review 。

.42.1 Previous studies on pragmatic presupposition abroad 。

42.2 Previous studies on pragmatic presupposition at home。

.. 5Chapter 3 Theoretical Foundations。

..63.1 The definitions of pragmatic presupposition 。

..63.2 The characteristics of pragmatic presupposition。

. 73.2.2 Subjectivity。

..73.2.3 Latency 。

73.3 The classifications of pragmatic presupposition in print advertisement language 83.3.1 Existential presupposition 。

83.3.2 Fact presupposition。

. 83.3.3 State presupposition。

.93.3.4 Belief alue presupposition。

93.3.5 Behavior presupposition。

103.4 Functions of pragmatic presupposition in drink advertisement language。

103.4.1 Concise function。

.103.4.2 Euphemism function 。

.113.4.3 Persuasive function 。

11Chapter 4 Case Study。

114.1 Research aims 。

..114.2 Data collection。

.124.3 Data analysis 。

..124.3.1 Statistic numbers 。

..124.3.2 Analysis findings。

14Chapter 5 Conclusion 。

..155.1 General summary 。

155.2 Limitations of present study 。



英语饮料广告中的语用预设研究 字数:4962.页数:17 论文编号:YY217 Abstract Advertising language has received a thorough study from different aspects. With the development of linguistics, the studies on advertising language are inclined to the relationship between language and context. In this case, pragmatic presupposition appears to be the very tool for its sensitive nature to context. In addition, common ground and appropriateness of pragmatic presupposition also make great contribution to the concise and economical advertisement. However, other properties like one-sidedness, subjectivity and latency are equally noticed. Proper exploitation of these features may develop useful market strategies. Therefore, it is of great significance to study advertising language from pragmatic presupposition perspective. The thesis focuses on the phenomenon of pragmatic presupposition in English advertisement for beverage. Based on the foundational theory, the classifications and functions of pragmatic presupposition are exposed by qualitative study method. Meanwhile, a case study is conducted to tentatively explore the distribution and frequency of each type by quantitative analysis. Research findings show that pragmatic presupposition occurs in 94% of the collected 100 drinks advertisements; the state presupposition accounts for the largest percentage (40%) among all five classifications , followed by belief presupposition, behavior presupposition, existential presupposition and fact presupposition, for 22%, 14%, 13%, 5% respectively. Key Words: advertising language pragmatic presupposition function classifications description 摘要 广告语言的研究一直以来都备受各个领域学者们的青睐。






其余的信仰预设、行为预设、存在预设和事实预设分别占22%、14%、13%和5%。 关键词:广告语 语用预设 功能 分类描写 目录 Abstract 。

..1 摘要。

.2 Chapter 1 Introduction。

3 Chapter 2 Literature Review 。

.4 2.1 Previous studies on pragmatic presupposition abroad 。

4 2.2 Previous studies on pragmatic presupposition at home。

.. 5 Chapter 3 Theoretical Foundations。

..6 3.1 The definitions of pragmatic presupposition 。

..6 3.2 The characteristics of pragmatic presupposition。

. 7 3.2.2 Subjectivity。

..7 3.2.3 Latency 。

7 3.3 The classifications of pragmatic presupposition in print advertisement language 8 3.3.1 Existential presupposition 。

8 3.3.2 Fact presupposition。

. 8 3.3.3 State presupposition。

.9 3.3.4 Belief alue presupposition。

9 3.3.5 Behavior presupposition。

10 3.4 Functions of pragmatic presupposition in drink advertisement language。

10 3.4.1 Concise function。

.10 3.4.2 Euphemism function 。

.11 3.4.3 Persuasive function 。

11 Chapter 4 Case Study。

11 4.1 Research aims 。

..11 4.2 Data collection。

.12 4.3 Data analysis 。

..12 4.3.1 Statistic numbers 。

..12 4.3.2 Analysis findings。

14 Chapter 5 Conclusion 。

..15 5.1 General summary 。

15 5.2 Limitations of present study 。



商务英语专业毕业论文参考题目 一、1、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧2、商务英语函电翻译技巧3、商务英语信函的语体分析3、浅谈商务信函的文体特征4、商务英语学习方法探究5、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养6、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素7、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突8、试论普通英语与商务英语的差异9、商务谈判中的语言艺术10、商标名称的翻译与策略11、广告英语的分类与分析12、试论文化因素对商务活动的作用13、商务英语听力策略研究14、商务英语写作问题研究15、商务英语考试技巧研究16、电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策17、The Ways to Increase the Competitiveness ofChina's Export Goods18、TheAdvantages and the Disadvantages of China's Cheap Labor in Its Foreign Trade19、Multinational Corporations Help ChinaDevelop Its Economy20、Export and Import Are Equally Necessary toChina 二、1、初析英文广告句式结构及修辞的功能2、从文化视角比较中英文广告语言3、国际商务英语信函话语分析4、商务英语发展现状浅祈5、商务英语翻译技巧6、商务英语函电中的文化因素初探7、商务英语专业人才培养模式改革与实践8、试论文化导入在商务英语教学中的作用9、中英文广告标题的共同点10、中英文广告传播之语言特色及跨文化问题11、商品译文的品牌形象对商务英语翻译教学的启示12、商务英语翻译标准初探13、试论商务英语写作的简洁礼貌原则及写作技巧14、我国在国际贸易中实施反倾销的应对策略15、现代商务英语书信的写作风格和语法特点16、英文广告的特点及翻译17、从修辞方面浅探商务英语的语言特色18、浅议国际贸易的几点理论创新19、高职高专商务英语专业教学模式探讨20、商务英语翻译技巧21、商务英语书面语篇词汇特点分析22、礼貌原则在商务英语信函写作当中的应用 三、1、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 2、商务函电翻译的用词技巧 3、商标名称的翻译与策略 4、商务谈判中的语言艺术 5、商务谈判的文化障碍 6、商务英语课程设置的探讨 7、商务谈判中英语的重要性 8、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养9、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突10、商务英语阅读研究 11、商务英语写作问题研究 12、商务英语考试技巧研究 13、商务英语听力策略研究 14、商务英语考证口语考试技巧研究 15、商务英语交往中的礼貌原则 16、如何翻译好日常商务文书 17、商务英语信函的语体分析 18、浅谈商务信函的文体特征 19、英语商务信函和合同中被动语态的语用意义及其翻译 20、商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧 21、商务谈判的艺术性 22、跨文化的商务谈判 23、商务英语的特征与翻译 24、商务英语写作中的错误与商务英语写作教学之间的关系 25、汉译英中遇到新词语的译法问题 26、浅谈涉外合同英语特色27、商务英语背景知识与商务英语28、广告英语的分类及分析 29、国际商务谈判中的“文化壁垒”30、英语口语或语法在商务领域中的应用 四、1、论文化因素对英汉翻译的影响 2、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 3、商务函电翻译的用词技巧 4、商标名称的翻译与策略 5、商务谈判的艺术性 6、跨文化的商务谈判 7、美国英语习语与文化 8、中美日常交际中的文化差异 9、TheCultural Comparison in Business Activities 商务活动中的中西方文化差异 10、商务英语交往中的礼貌原则 11、如何翻译好日常商务文书 12、商务英语信函的语体分析 13、浅谈商务信函的文体特征 14、英语商务信函和合同中被动语态的语用意义及其翻译 15、商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧 16、论跨文化因素对商业广告英语翻译的影响 17、跨文化商务交际中的语言和非语言因素 18、浅谈英语告示语的语言特色与翻译 19、商务英语信函的用语特征分析(An Analytical Term Features ofEnglish Business Correspondence ) 20、商务英语学习方法 21、跨文化交际与中西文化冲突 22、国际商务中的跨文化交际问题 23、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突 24、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素 25、国际商务谈判中的“文化壁垒” 26、广告英语的分类及分析 27、商务英语背景知识与商务英语Business Knowledge and Business English 28、虚拟语气与商务英语表达Subjunctive Mood and Business English 29、跨文化交际在商务英语学习中的运用Utilization of Cross-culture Communication in BusinessEnglish Learning 30、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养Developing Cross-culture Communication Skill in BusinessEnglish Learning 31、商务英语在国际营销中的作用The Role of Business English in International Marketing32、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用 33、Etiquettein Business Activities 商务活动中商务礼仪 五、1、商务英语信函的写作特点2、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突3、商务英语中的委婉策略4、商务英语书信翻译的特点5、商务英语听力理解障碍分析及对策6、网络与商务英语学习7、商务活动中的中西方文化差异8、商务英语专业毕业生就业岗位之探讨9、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用10、影响高职学生口语能力的因素及对策11、浅谈高职学生英。


一、论文写作目的: 毕业论文是商务英语专业教学计划的最后一个环节,也是对学生2年半学期各门课程学习效果的检查.其主要目的是: 1、培养学生的英语阅读、写作能力及运用商务知识分析问题和解决问题的能力,达到学以致用的目的。

2、检查学生对所学专业理论知识和基本技能的掌握程度,并将论文成绩作为学生能否毕业的主要依据之一。 3、训练学生搜集运用资料的技能,同时培养学生理论联系实际,增强独立思考问题和解决问题的能力。

二、论文写作要求:1、以英文/汉语完成论文写作。2、字数要求不低于3000个单词或字, 统一采用A4(210x297mm)页面复印纸单面打印.其中上边距2.8cm,下面距2.5cm,左边距2.5cm,右边距2.5cm,页眉1.6cm页脚1.5cm装订线0.5cm.字间距为标准,行间距为1.25倍行距.页眉内统一为:用5号宋体3、论文的内容要与本专业所要求的知识和技能相结合,要求论述者阅读一定量的英文和中文资料,能够对所有的资料进行合理删减、组织和编辑,掌握论文撰写的结构与布局。

要求语言流畅,层次清晰,论点明确,论据充分。具有以下特性:1) 科学性:观点正确,论据充分可靠,结构合理,能反映出学生对本学科知识系统掌握的程度及其某一问题有较深理解很认识2) 实用性:选题应该具有现实意义和学术价值,应该体现出分析问题解决问题的能力水平3) 逻辑性:论证应该有力,层次应该分明,逻辑应该严密,结构应该完整合理4) 技术性:应该具有收集整理运用材料的能力,语言表达应该清晰准确,格式应该规范4、写作时间安排:1月14日:学生与导师见面选题和开题1月15日-3月25日学生写作,提交提纲,初稿,导师修改并将完成情况向系里汇报3月31号前根据导师的修改意见完成第二稿交导师修改4月7号前完成定稿并按照要求打印装订成册.打印3份,交系里2份4月8号-4月13号准备答辩,原则上采用英语答辩2007年4月14号论文答辩,原则上采用英语答辩5:论文成绩评定:采用5级记分制,及优秀,良好,中等,及格和不及格五等.其中优秀没,良好等次的人数分别按不高于15%,20%的比例评定.终结成绩必须经指导老师学院毕业论文指导小组认定.6:特别说明:毕业论文写作是严肃的事情.严禁抄袭剽窃他人论文.一经发现此次论文成绩判为0分.三、论文选题方向:1、商务英语教学改革的方向,途径,课程设置等2、商务英语教学在新形势下的影响和意义;3、我国贸易的现状及其发展方向4、商务英文翻译技巧;5、江西招商引资探讨及其对策6.WTO保护期过后对我国的影响;四、论文设计与拟定的程序:1、指导教师的帮助下,根据本指导书提供的选题范围,从中选择论文方向,确定题目。

(注:选择其他的题目,需与指导教师商议确定)2、搜寻与本人论文题目相关的资料,文献,形成论文大纲,注意论文结构安排的合理性。3、论文结构:包括题目,中英文摘要和关键词,目录和正文. 详见后面附件附件1:外语系英语专业(高职)毕业论文选题(商英专业)1. 《商务英语课程设置的探讨》2. 《跨文化因素对英汉翻译的影响》3. 《商务英语的特点及翻译技巧》4. 《商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用》5. 《单证员在国际贸易中的地位》6. 《商务英语函电翻译技巧》7. 《商务谈判中英语的重要性》8. 《浅谈出口结汇风险的防范》9. 《中国退税制度的改革及其影响》10. 《商标名称的翻译与策略》11. 《外贸企业信用风险管理与控制》12. 《2007年外资银行在我国本土注册探讨》13. 《我国利用国际贷款/国际援助现状分析》14. 《WTO与我国反倾销探讨》15. 《我国对外直接投资之现状》16. 《内陆地区对外贸易发展策略研究》17. 《中印两国两国对外贸易战略分析》18. 《人民币升值对我国出口贸易的影响》19. 《浅谈商务英语写作时避免修饰语错位的方法》20. 《商务函电翻译的用词技巧》21. 《外商直接在华投资探讨》22. 《社会文化迁移对中国式英语的影响》23. 《我国外贸出口品牌战略的实施与研究》24. 《商务英语专业口语课程教学探讨》25. 《入世对我国农产品贸易的影响与对策研究》26. 《应对经济全球化,加快我国企业跨国经营》27. 《英语写作中常见中式英语分析》28. 《入世商务英语写作的研究》29. 《制单工作在国际结算中的地位》30. 《关税壁垒与非关税壁垒探讨》31. 《浅谈实质利益谈判法》32. 《国际电子商务发展面临的新问题》33. 《商务英语写作中的错误与商务英语写作教学之间的关系》34. 《清算所在期货市场上的地位》35. 《跨国公司在华扩张模式透析》36. 《汉译英中遇到新词语的译法问题》37. 英汉互译中词义的不对应(文化意义、风格意义、修辞意义等)38. 我国市场经济国家地位与反倾销39. 如何防范信用证诈骗40. 我国中小企业开拓国际市场之探讨41. "10+1"自由贸易区未来前景展望42. 汉语中新词汇的翻译技巧43. 商务英语的特征与翻译44. 珠江三角洲外贸现状及存在的问题45. 南昌现利用外资纵谈46. 广州/深圳等地区三资企业结构分析47. 浅谈广州等地区外贸企业的困境与出路48. 浅谈广州等地区出口产品结构的市场分布49. 商务英语专业毕业生就业岗位之探 [page_break]讨50. 。



毕业论文以及毕业设计的,推荐一个网 /54/。


The Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems on Management Accounting: An Australian Study Abstract Information technology is significantly changing the operating practices of an increasing number of companies globally. These developments have important implications for the accounting profession and in particular accounting practices in the twenty-first century. This study examines the development of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems as a means of illustrating how changes in information technology allows all systems in a company to be linked to manage operations holistically. The study investigates the change in accounting systems using a sample of Australian companies with emphasis on the adoption of ERP systems including the potential impact of ERP on capital budgeting processes. The results show that ERP systems are changing management accounting practices, although at this stage, the impact on capital budgeting techniques appears to be limited. The findings contribute to the emerging body of literature on the development of ERP systems and its impact on management accounting teaching and research. Key words: Management accounting, capital budgeting, enterprise resource planning systems, information technology. 1. Introduction During the past decade an increasing number of companies have been impacted by information technology in terms of computerized transaction processing and electronic telecommunications such as that done with the Internet, intranet, and extranet. For competitive reasons, companies have had to change from manual and then mainframe systems to what has been called enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. An ERP system has a common database or data warehouse that links together all systems in all parts of a company including, for example, capital budgeting with financial, control, manufacturing, sales, fixed assets, inventory, human resources modules, etc. An ERP system, by linking all systems through a data warehouse, allows a company to manage its operations holistically. A second impact of ERP systems has been a general shift to manage at the activity level rather than at the more abstract level of financial transactions. This means that management accounting, with its focus on activities, can be most effective when it is used with ERP systems to incorporate the activity level for costing and performance measurement. To be effective an ERP system will contain an extensive chart of accounts or codes for activities such as accurate recording and tracking of activities, revenues and costs. The coding incorporates stable entities of a business, such as divisions, plants, stores, and warehouses. At a detailed level there are codes for functions such as finance, production, sales, marketing, and materials management. There are also the traditional financial account codes such as assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses, and the central ERP feature of coding processes, activities, and sub-activities. There must be consistent coding among all parts of a company in order for them to relate to one another. As the ERP system incorporates activities in terms of quantities of resources, including labour, a record of resource use is maintained. Therefore, performance can be measured in physical terms and compared to standards, which allows for the calculation of variances. This performance measurement at the activity level serves as a feedback system on efficiency and effectiveness. The confusion from abstract monetary measures is erased, and what is actually happening with the conversion of resources into goods and services can be seen. ERP systems have the potential to change management ccounting systems with more detailed, more integrated, and faster produced information. To date the research on the impact of ERP systems on management accounting can best be described as preliminary. It has involved case studies of one or two companies at a time and some field studies. The findings from these studies have been largely anecdotal. Also, some have been deductive in that arguments based on ERP attributes have been made on how management accounting should be affected. For instance, in a field study, Cook et al. (2000) described activity-based capital budgeting at a division of a US telecommunications company. The findings from Cook et al.'s field work suggests that ERP systems can increase the effectiveness of capital budgeting by anchoring financial numbers to activities rather than stopping at monetary measures with pre-ERP practices. The 。



每个方向有各自的写作要求,但都包括Title, Abstract, Introduction, Body, Conclusion,Notes, Bibliography, Acknowledgement。当然,在写之前还要写选题报告,开题报告还有结题报告。

写文学方面的要看英文原著,当然也可搜索大量资料,但要想写出好的文章得到高分必须要Do it by yourself.还有我想说的是论文最好提早下手,这样才可以有大量时间不断的修改。总之,要写出好论文就得多用心,多找资料,多跟论文导师交流,多看,多写。




题目是:The analysis of Symbolic Images in Tony Morrison's Beloved

Thesis statement: The paper intends to analyze the symbolic images in Tony Morrison's Beloved.

I. Introduction

A.The introduction of the author

a.A brief review of symbolid

b.The appraisal

B.The brief of the paper

II.The Origin of Tony Morrison's Symbolic Images

A.The production of the work

B.Comparing with other works in symbolic images

III.Five Categories of Symbolic Images in Beloved

A.symbolic figures


C. Body marks

D. Linguistic application


IV.Theme Interpreation with Reference to Symbolic Images

A. Memory of the past

B.Seeking self-recognition

C.Recuperating Afro-American traditional culture

D. Maternal love


A.The contribution to Afro-American literature.

B.Social influence produced by Symbolic Images and its profound meaning.


题目是:The analysis of Symbolic Images in Tony Morrison's Beloved

Thesis statement: The paper intends to analyze the symbolic images in Tony Morrison's Beloved.

I. Introduction

A.The introduction of the author

a.A brief review of symbolid

b.The appraisal

B.The brief of the paper

II.The Origin of Tony Morrison's Symbolic Images

A.The production of the work

B.Comparing with other works in symbolic images

III.Five Categories of Symbolic Images in Beloved

A.symbolic figures


C. Body marks

D. Linguistic application


IV.Theme Interpreation with Reference to Symbolic Images

A. Memory of the past

B.Seeking self-recognition

C.Recuperating Afro-American traditional culture

D. Maternal love


A.The contribution to Afro-American literature.

B.Social influence produced by Symbolic Images and its profound meaning.


题目是:The analysis of Symbolic Images in Tony Morrison's BelovedThesis statement: The paper intends to analyze the symbolic images in Tony Morrison's Beloved.I. IntroductionA.The introduction of the authora.A brief review of symbolidb.The appraisalB.The brief of the paperII.The Origin of Tony Morrison's Symbolic ImagesA.The production of the workB.Comparing with other works in symbolic imagesIII.Five Categories of Symbolic Images in BelovedA.symbolic figuresB.SettingC. Body marksD. Linguistic applicationE.EventIV.Theme Interpreation with Reference to Symbolic ImagesA. Memory of the pastB.Seeking self-recognitionC.Recuperating Afro-American traditional cultureD. Maternal loveV.ConclusionA.The contribution to Afro-American literature.B.Social influence produced by Symbolic Images and its profound meaning。


英语饮料广告中的语用预设研究 字数:4962.页数:17 论文编号:YY217 Abstract Advertising language has received a thorough study from different aspects. With the development of linguistics, the studies on advertising language are inclined to the relationship between language and context. In this case, pragmatic presupposition appears to be the very tool for its sensitive nature to context. In addition, common ground and appropriateness of pragmatic presupposition also make great contribution to the concise and economical advertisement. However, other properties like one-sidedness, subjectivity and latency are equally noticed. Proper exploitation of these features may develop useful market strategies. Therefore, it is of great significance to study advertising language from pragmatic presupposition perspective. The thesis focuses on the phenomenon of pragmatic presupposition in English advertisement for beverage. Based on the foundational theory, the classifications and functions of pragmatic presupposition are exposed by qualitative study method. Meanwhile, a case study is conducted to tentatively explore the distribution and frequency of each type by quantitative analysis. Research findings show that pragmatic presupposition occurs in 94% of the collected 100 drinks advertisements; the state presupposition accounts for the largest percentage (40%) among all five classifications , followed by belief presupposition, behavior presupposition, existential presupposition and fact presupposition, for 22%, 14%, 13%, 5% respectively. Key Words: advertising language pragmatic presupposition function classifications description 摘要 广告语言的研究一直以来都备受各个领域学者们的青睐。






其余的信仰预设、行为预设、存在预设和事实预设分别占22%、14%、13%和5%。 关键词:广告语 语用预设 功能 分类描写 目录 Abstract 。

..1 摘要。

.2 Chapter 1 Introduction。

3 Chapter 2 Literature Review 。

.4 2.1 Previous studies on pragmatic presupposition abroad 。

4 2.2 Previous studies on pragmatic presupposition at home。

.. 5 Chapter 3 Theoretical Foundations。

..6 3.1 The definitions of pragmatic presupposition 。

..6 3.2 The characteristics of pragmatic presupposition。

. 7 3.2.2 Subjectivity。

..7 3.2.3 Latency 。

7 3.3 The classifications of pragmatic presupposition in print advertisement language 8 3.3.1 Existential presupposition 。

8 3.3.2 Fact presupposition。

. 8 3.3.3 State presupposition。

.9 3.3.4 Belief alue presupposition。

9 3.3.5 Behavior presupposition。

10 3.4 Functions of pragmatic presupposition in drink advertisement language。

10 3.4.1 Concise function。

.10 3.4.2 Euphemism function 。

.11 3.4.3 Persuasive function 。

11 Chapter 4 Case Study。

11 4.1 Research aims 。

..11 4.2 Data collection。

.12 4.3 Data analysis 。

..12 4.3.1 Statistic numbers 。

..12 4.3.2 Analysis findings。

14 Chapter 5 Conclusion 。

..15 5.1 General summary 。

15 5.2 Limitations of present study 。



拟制标题 (一)标题和主题 关系十分密切,但是它服务于主题;标题可以更换,主题不能随意更换。


这样的命题,适应面广泛,力求考生都有话可说。 (二)审题立意 考试作文大都是命题作文,也有不少规定条件、提供材料后让考生自己命题,这就一定要慎重而又缓慢地审题(自己命题也要审)。

古人审题常用抓题眼的办法,如《陋室铭》的题眼是“陋”字。 古人将完整的题目分为题身、题神和题眼,如《依依惜别的深情》,题身是“惜别”,即主要内容,题神是“依依”,即程度色彩,而题眼就是“深情”,即核心关键。



步骤如下: 第一步,明确题目和主题及内容的关系,分析每个限制词语,把握题眼及重点。题目中心词的修饰成份显示了限制范围。

如《一位英雄的事迹鼓舞了我》,限制词语是“一位”和“英雄”。 标题成份还限制了作文的文体、内容、主题、人称等。



如《我的一个好习惯》,重点在“好”字。 2.对深层含义的标题,要由此及彼,联系现实和自身,小中见大。


3.对提供线索的标题,要围绕线索确定作文的范围和重点。 如《我在实践着一条格言》,线索是“格言”,要围绕它联想,特别要联想到现实生活和自身。



要分析把握材料的重心。如材料: “一九五四年三月二十七日,爱因斯坦给一位美国自学成才的实习机械师回信,说:“我认为你对我们社会的见解是颇有道理的。

……你的来信还使我认识到,智慧并不产生于学历,而是来自于对知识的终生不懈的追求。” 重心是爱因斯坦对智慧、学历和追求的看法,而不是他的贡献。

有的材料会有两个以上的重要意义,这就要从不同角度分析。如: 香港回归前夕——6月1日。

“亚州第一飞人”柯受良为了向祖国献上一份珍贵的厚礼,驾车成功地飞越了黄河壶口瀑布,完成了华夏儿女征服大自然的又一壮举。 在“飞黄”前,他说,他要用自己成功的飞越向世界宣布,中国人不是懦夫。




如标题《我的亲人》,可以确定这样的主题:“我的亲人 是一个慈爱、高尚的人。”如上述爱因斯坦的材料,可以写一个这样的主题:“智慧来自于对知识的终生追求。


(三)标题类型 给材料作文就要自定题目。这就是说,对作文的题目都要分清类别。

以标题与主题的关系为主要标准,标题类型如下。 一是文学性作文的标题: 1。



2.指出作文内容,即题材范围。 这类标题也常见。

如范文标题《妈妈眼里的我》、《深情厚谊》 和《记一次升旗活动》等。 3。

与主题有关的一事一物,或人物语言。如《 的回忆》、《书包》和《压岁钱》等。


如《母亲的爱》、《放学路上》和《我在星期天》等。 这类标题要求:形象、含蓄和新奇。


中国女排曾以0:3输给古巴队,第二年大学生运动会上以3:0击败古巴队,这件事,大多新闻标题都是平实无误地概括这一事实。 有一篇新闻的标题颇为生动,《还她一个三比0》。



英语专业规范 A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Idioms (题目:二号,,加粗,居中,除了英语小词外,其他单词首字母都要大写;另外:除了题目外,论文中所有英文的字体均采用“”) (学院、专业、、作者姓名、指导教师姓名(号,加粗),依次排印在论文题目下,上空二行,居中) 【Abstract】 This paper centers on the different expressions of …… (英文摘要:上空二行;题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,置于粗体【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体【】之间空一格,不用其他任何;采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗;。)

【Key Words】 idiom; comparison; English; Chinese (英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他,采用五号“”字体,不加粗,除了外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用“;”隔开,之后空一格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何;。) 1. Introduction (顶格,除了第一个单词及外,其他单词首字母都不要大写;标题最后不用任何标点符号,上空两行) In both English and Chinese, …. So, this essay is trying to focus on the differences between Chinese and English idoms in terms of their essential meaning, customary usage and typical expression (Chang Liang, 1993:44; Li Guangling, 1999). (段落第一行缩进4个英文字符;的标注法:出现在中的作者必须与文后的形成一一对应关系;注意一个或多个作者间的标点符号,时间、等的标注法;另外,汉语的作者要以拼音形式出现,不能出现汉语姓氏;出现在标点符号之前) 2. The similarities between English idioms and Chinese idioms In English, …. And it can be clearly seen in the below examples: (1) I don't know。

我不知道。 (2) I am not a poet. 我不是诗人。

(正文中的例子以(1),(2)…为序号排列,直至最后一个例子;而①, ②…则为或的上标序号) 3. The differences between English idioms and Chinese idioms 3.1 The characteristics of English idioms (正文章节序号编制:章的编号:1. ,2., 3.,…;节的编号:1.1,1.2…,2.1,2.2…;小节的编号为:1.1.1, 1.1.2…。小节以下层次,采用加括号为序,如(i),(ii)…;之后再采用字母加括号,如(a), (b),…;每章题目左顶格,号字,加粗;每节(及小节以下)题目左顶格,号字,不加粗但要;所有章节的题目都单独一行,最后不加任何标点符号) …. In conclusion, …. 3.2 The characteristics of Chinese idioms …. Feng (1998) found some problems as shown in the following examples (注意此句中夹注的另一种写法): (9) We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. (10) People take no thought of the value of time until they lose it. …. 3.2.1 The analysis of the differences between English and Chinese idioms … (i) …. …. (ii) …. …. 4. Conclusion …. Bibliography (References) (小四号,加粗,后面不加任何标点符号) Sanved, ed. The Oxford book of American literary anecdotes[C]. New York: OUP, 1981. 一、的标题 一篇较长的(如英语毕业论文)一般都需要标题页,其书写格式如下:第一行标题与顶端的距离约为全长的三分之一,与下行(通常为by,居中)的距离则为5cm,第三、第四行分别为作者姓名及日期(均居中)。

如果该篇是学生针对某门课程而写,则在作者姓名与日期之间还需分别打上教师学衔及其姓名(如:Dr./Prof.C.Prager)及本门课程的编号或名称(如:English 734或British Novel)。打印时,如无特殊要求,每一行均需double space,即隔行打印,行距约为0.6cm(论文其他部分行距同此)。


接下来便是论文标题及正文(日期与标题之间及标题与正文第一行之间只需隔行打印,不必留出更多空白)。 二、英语英语页包括论题句及提纲本身,其规范格式如下:先在第一行(与打印纸顶端的距离仍为2.5cm左右)的始端打上 Thesis 一词及,空一格后再打论题句,回行时左边须与论题句的第一个字母上下对齐。



三、英语论文正文 有标题页和提纲页的英语论文,其正文第一页的规范格式为:论文标题居中,其位置距打印纸顶端约5cm,距正文第一行约1.5cm。段首字母须缩进五格,即从第六格打。


举个例子换上你自己论文内容就可以了! Contents I. Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 II. Several kinds of the origin of festivals in English-speaking Countries--------1 1. Religious and Customary-------------------------------------------------------------1 1.1 Christmas----------------------------------------------------------------------------2 1.2 Boxing Day--------------------------------------------------------------------------2 1.3 Easter Sunday ----------------------------------------------------------------------2 1.4 Halloween----------------------------------------------------------------------------3 1.5 New Year's Day -------------------------------------------------------------------4 1.6 All fool's day------------------------------------------------------------------------5 1.7 Thanksgiving Day------------------------------------------------------------------5 2. Memorial--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 2.1 For great peoples-------------------------------------------------------------------8 2.2 For great events--------------------------------------------------------------------10 3. Brought in by immigrant------------------------------------------------------------11 Ⅲ.The festivals' influence on people's daily life in English-speaking countries.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 1.Activities on the festivals' day. ---------------------------------------------------12 1.1 Christmas party, songs and Christmas Eve dinner --------------------------12 1.2 Boxing Day sporting events-----------------------------------------------------13 1.3 Lent during Easter Day ----------------------------------------------------------13 1.4 Parties and religious observances on New Year's Day ----------------------14 1.5 Activities associated with Halloween Day ------------------------------------14 2. Various gifts on festivals -----------------------------------------------------------15 3. Decorations on festivals ------------------------------------------------------------16 4. Family gatherings and holiday meals--------------------------------------------17 Ⅳ The western culture features from the point view of the festivals of English-speaking countries.--------------------------------------------------------------18 1.The heavy influence on people's daily life from religion.----------------------18 2.The culture has an obvious special feature of city-originality-------------------18 Ⅴ.Conclusion--------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 (后面的数字是你论文内容的具体页数,希望帮到你,望采纳!)。


选题的基本思路、方法和主要观点 论文写作提纲: I. 引言 II.翻译中的文化“陷阱”现象 2.1习语及委婉语的误译 2.2数字与颜色的误译 2.3典故文化中的误译 III.翻译中文化“陷阱”的原因 3.1地理环境 3.2文化传统 3.3思维模式 3.4价值观念 IV.翻译中文化误译的解决方法 4.1理解中西文化差异性 4.2提高跨文化翻译意识 4.3掌握有效的翻译策略 V.结语 工作进度(以周为单位):----- 这是大概的思路 格式 本来我想发个word 文档供你参考 可是这里没办法发 就粘贴了大概的格式和思路 主要参考文献------。




题目是:The analysis of Symbolic Images in Tony Morrison's Beloved

Thesis statement: The paper intends to analyze the symbolic images in Tony Morrison's Beloved.

I. Introduction

A.The introduction of the author

a.A brief review of symbolid

b.The appraisal

B.The brief of the paper

II.The Origin of Tony Morrison's Symbolic Images

A.The production of the work

B.Comparing with other works in symbolic images

III.Five Categories of Symbolic Images in Beloved

A.symbolic figures


C. Body marks

D. Linguistic application


IV.Theme Interpreation with Reference to Symbolic Images

A. Memory of the past

B.Seeking self-recognition

C.Recuperating Afro-American traditional culture

D. Maternal love


A.The contribution to Afro-American literature.

B.Social influence produced by Symbolic Images and its profound meaning.


题目是:The analysis of Symbolic Images in Tony Morrison's BelovedThesis statement: The paper intends to analyze the symbolic images in Tony Morrison's Beloved.I. IntroductionA.The introduction of the authora.A brief review of symbolidb.The appraisalB.The brief of the paperII.The Origin of Tony Morrison's Symbolic ImagesA.The production of the workB.Comparing with other works in symbolic imagesIII.Five Categories of Symbolic Images in BelovedA.symbolic figuresB.SettingC. Body marksD. Linguistic applicationE.EventIV.Theme Interpreation with Reference to Symbolic ImagesA. Memory of the pastB.Seeking self-recognitionC.Recuperating Afro-American traditional cultureD. Maternal loveV.ConclusionA.The contribution to Afro-American literature.B.Social influence produced by Symbolic Images and its profound meaning。


拟制标题 (一)标题和主题 关系十分密切,但是它服务于主题;标题可以更换,主题不能随意更换。


这样的命题,适应面广泛,力求考生都有话可说。 (二)审题立意 考试作文大都是命题作文,也有不少规定条件、提供材料后让考生自己命题,这就一定要慎重而又缓慢地审题(自己命题也要审)。

古人审题常用抓题眼的办法,如《陋室铭》的题眼是“陋”字。 古人将完整的题目分为题身、题神和题眼,如《依依惜别的深情》,题身是“惜别”,即主要内容,题神是“依依”,即程度色彩,而题眼就是“深情”,即核心关键。



步骤如下: 第一步,明确题目和主题及内容的关系,分析每个限制词语,把握题眼及重点。题目中心词的修饰成份显示了限制范围。

如《一位英雄的事迹鼓舞了我》,限制词语是“一位”和“英雄”。 标题成份还限制了作文的文体、内容、主题、人称等。



如《我的一个好习惯》,重点在“好”字。 2.对深层含义的标题,要由此及彼,联系现实和自身,小中见大。


3.对提供线索的标题,要围绕线索确定作文的范围和重点。 如《我在实践着一条格言》,线索是“格言”,要围绕它联想,特别要联想到现实生活和自身。



要分析把握材料的重心。如材料: “一九五四年三月二十七日,爱因斯坦给一位美国自学成才的实习机械师回信,说:“我认为你对我们社会的见解是颇有道理的。

……你的来信还使我认识到,智慧并不产生于学历,而是来自于对知识的终生不懈的追求。” 重心是爱因斯坦对智慧、学历和追求的看法,而不是他的贡献。

有的材料会有两个以上的重要意义,这就要从不同角度分析。如: 香港回归前夕——6月1日。

“亚州第一飞人”柯受良为了向祖国献上一份珍贵的厚礼,驾车成功地飞越了黄河壶口瀑布,完成了华夏儿女征服大自然的又一壮举。 在“飞黄”前,他说,他要用自己成功的飞越向世界宣布,中国人不是懦夫。




如标题《我的亲人》,可以确定这样的主题:“我的亲人 是一个慈爱、高尚的人。”如上述爱因斯坦的材料,可以写一个这样的主题:“智慧来自于对知识的终生追求。


(三)标题类型 给材料作文就要自定题目。这就是说,对作文的题目都要分清类别。

以标题与主题的关系为主要标准,标题类型如下。 一是文学性作文的标题: 1。



2.指出作文内容,即题材范围。 这类标题也常见。

如范文标题《妈妈眼里的我》、《深情厚谊》 和《记一次升旗活动》等。 3。

与主题有关的一事一物,或人物语言。如《 的回忆》、《书包》和《压岁钱》等。


如《母亲的爱》、《放学路上》和《我在星期天》等。 这类标题要求:形象、含蓄和新奇。


中国女排曾以0:3输给古巴队,第二年大学生运动会上以3:0击败古巴队,这件事,大多新闻标题都是平实无误地概括这一事实。 有一篇新闻的标题颇为生动,《还她一个三比0》。



题目是:The analysis of Symbolic Images in Tony Morrison's Beloved

Thesis statement: The paper intends to analyze the symbolic images in Tony Morrison's Beloved.

I. Introduction

A.The introduction of the author

a.A brief review of symbolid

b.The appraisal

B.The brief of the paper

II.The Origin of Tony Morrison's Symbolic Images

A.The production of the work

B.Comparing with other works in symbolic images

III.Five Categories of Symbolic Images in Beloved

A.symbolic figures


C. Body marks

D. Linguistic application


IV.Theme Interpreation with Reference to Symbolic Images

A. Memory of the past

B.Seeking self-recognition

C.Recuperating Afro-American traditional culture

D. Maternal love


A.The contribution to Afro-American literature.

B.Social influence produced by Symbolic Images and its profound meaning.

5.本人学的是商务英语的专业 高分求关于翻译的论文提纲






关键词:商务函件; 商务英语; 翻译科学; 商务交往; 函电翻译; 翻译方法 Abstract English, as an international used language, has been playing a very important role in our international business life. All kinds of business correspondence are written in English. With the economic globalization and China's entry into WTO, translating of Business English is becoming more and more important in our economic life. The Business English comes from common used English, and is based on it; however, it possesses its own special characteristics as a result of long practice with a synthesis of business knowledge and English language knowledge. Thus, in the very field of translation, translation for Business English is more complex than that for common English translation in a sense. As a section of Business English, international business correspondence is an important one of business practice. Namely, to translators, doing business correspondence translation well is very useful for business communication. This thesis analyzes the features of business correspondence from its layout, vocabulary, syntax, and so on. And then, the author studies of the translation methods which are fit for business correspondence. At last, the dissertation summarizes some problems existing in the present Business English translation and raises requirements for translators. At present, there are lots of research works published about literature translation, but less research on Business English translation. The author hopes that this thesis can do some inspiration and contribution to translation for Business Correspondence English.Key words: business correspondence; business English; translating science; business communication; business correspondence translation; means of translation Contents Introduction 11 Classification and Layout of Business Correspondence 21.1 Classification of Business Correspondence 21.2 Layout of a Business Letter 22 Features of Business Correspondence 22.1 Lexical Features of Business Correspondence 32.2 Syntactic Features of Business Correspondence 52.2.1 Sentences are Formal and Complete 52.2.2 Idiomatical Phrases 62.3 Politeness in Business Correspondence 6。


英语专业规范 A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Idioms (题目:二号,,加粗,居中,除了英语小词外,其他单词首字母都要大写;另外:除了题目外,论文中所有英文的字体均采用“”) (学院、专业、、作者姓名、指导教师姓名(号,加粗),依次排印在论文题目下,上空二行,居中) 【Abstract】 This paper centers on the different expressions of …… (英文摘要:上空二行;题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,置于粗体【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体【】之间空一格,不用其他任何;采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗;。)

【Key Words】 idiom; comparison; English; Chinese (英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他,采用五号“”字体,不加粗,除了外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用“;”隔开,之后空一格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何;。) 1. Introduction (顶格,除了第一个单词及外,其他单词首字母都不要大写;标题最后不用任何标点符号,上空两行) In both English and Chinese, …. So, this essay is trying to focus on the differences between Chinese and English idoms in terms of their essential meaning, customary usage and typical expression (Chang Liang, 1993:44; Li Guangling, 1999). (段落第一行缩进4个英文字符;的标注法:出现在中的作者必须与文后的形成一一对应关系;注意一个或多个作者间的标点符号,时间、等的标注法;另外,汉语的作者要以拼音形式出现,不能出现汉语姓氏;出现在标点符号之前) 2. The similarities between English idioms and Chinese idioms In English, …. And it can be clearly seen in the below examples: (1) I don't know。

我不知道。 (2) I am not a poet. 我不是诗人。

(正文中的例子以(1),(2)…为序号排列,直至最后一个例子;而①, ②…则为或的上标序号) 3. The differences between English idioms and Chinese idioms 3.1 The characteristics of English idioms (正文章节序号编制:章的编号:1. ,2., 3.,…;节的编号:1.1,1.2…,2.1,2.2…;小节的编号为:1.1.1, 1.1.2…。小节以下层次,采用加括号为序,如(i),(ii)…;之后再采用字母加括号,如(a), (b),…;每章题目左顶格,号字,加粗;每节(及小节以下)题目左顶格,号字,不加粗但要;所有章节的题目都单独一行,最后不加任何标点符号) …. In conclusion, …. 3.2 The characteristics of Chinese idioms …. Feng (1998) found some problems as shown in the following examples (注意此句中夹注的另一种写法): (9) We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. (10) People take no thought of the value of time until they lose it. …. 3.2.1 The analysis of the differences between English and Chinese idioms … (i) …. …. (ii) …. …. 4. Conclusion …. Bibliography (References) (小四号,加粗,后面不加任何标点符号) Sanved, ed. The Oxford book of American literary anecdotes[C]. New York: OUP, 1981. 一、的标题 一篇较长的(如英语毕业论文)一般都需要标题页,其书写格式如下:第一行标题与顶端的距离约为全长的三分之一,与下行(通常为by,居中)的距离则为5cm,第三、第四行分别为作者姓名及日期(均居中)。

如果该篇是学生针对某门课程而写,则在作者姓名与日期之间还需分别打上教师学衔及其姓名(如:Dr./Prof.C.Prager)及本门课程的编号或名称(如:English 734或British Novel)。打印时,如无特殊要求,每一行均需double space,即隔行打印,行距约为0.6cm(论文其他部分行距同此)。


接下来便是论文标题及正文(日期与标题之间及标题与正文第一行之间只需隔行打印,不必留出更多空白)。 二、英语英语页包括论题句及提纲本身,其规范格式如下:先在第一行(与打印纸顶端的距离仍为2.5cm左右)的始端打上 Thesis 一词及,空一格后再打论题句,回行时左边须与论题句的第一个字母上下对齐。



三、英语论文正文 有标题页和提纲页的英语论文,其正文第一页的规范格式为:论文标题居中,其位置距打印纸顶端约5cm,距正文第一行约1.5cm。段首字母须缩进五格,即从第六格打。



Abstract Key Words Introduction I. Introduction to the background II. The Symbolism in the Works A, The definition of Symbolism B. Major Symbols in The Old Man and the Sea 1. The Old Man 2. The Boy 3. The Sea. 4. The Shark 5. The Marlin 6. Other Symbolical Factors III. . Hemingway's Philosophy of Life Reflected by the Symbols in The Old Man and the Sea A. Hemingway's Philosophy of Life Reflected in The Old Man and the Sea B. Hemingway's Attitude towards the Society Reflected through the Symbol of the sea C. Hemingway's Attitude towards the Enemy Reflected through the Symbol of the Shark D. Hemingway's Attitude towards the Achievements Reflected through the Symbol of the Marlin. Conclusion Acknowledgements Notes Bibliography。


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