

How time fies.!

My school life is over.

Here're what I want to say to classmates,teachers.

I love my teachers so much,beacause they teach me a lot .

When I was in trouble ,they gave me a hand .

When I failed the exam,they gave me a smile.

And they tell me not to give up.

In a word,thank them so much at the bottle of my heart.

I will miss them though I am not their student any longer.

I enjoy myself with my classmates .I got on well with them.

And I never forget them because they are very good.

Most importantly,many happy moments about us are kept in my memory.

I'll try my best to suady that I can Return my school.

I had a good time in school and I learn a lot of Knowlegle from my beautiful school



英语毕业论文-How to improve your students。

. 阅读关键词:英语毕业论文-How to improve your students。. At the moment, most of the teachers of English are trying their best to make their students improve their written English.But how to improve writing level isn't easy. You should put hearts into it and pay much more attation to the grammar knowledge,spelling,sentences,phrases and so on.I'll tell you my ideas about how to improve your students' writing level. First of all, we had better ask our students to make some simple sentences according to the English grammar knowledge. If they can write down some corrct sentences,they are sure to write some passages.Sometimes we can still let them translate a few interesting sentences.If they keep on making sentences, they will be confident in writing compositions.Because phrases and sentences are the basic requirement for the students of English. Secondly, we can ask our students to discuss about the interesting and instructive topics.For example,the students have learned somethinbg about travel.Let them discuss where they have ever been to and which places are beautiful and interesting.First,we can ask them to write down the outlines of the story.In my opinion,this is one of the most effective methods to improve their writing skills.In this way,they'll be interested ion expressing their ideas in English.In fact,interest is the best teacher in learing everything.So I suggest that we teachers of English should develop the studentsi' interests.Step by step,they are glad and active to write compositions.The teachers needn't force them to write,while they'll be active to express their thoughts. Thirdly, I suggest that we should guide our students to write after they have finished looking at some interesting and instructive pictures which are formed onto a story. At the beginning,we had better guide them to have some discussion about it.Then they can make up a whloe story in the limited time.I advise that the pictures we'll choose should be easy for them to read .If they can understand the maening of the story very easily,they are able to express their ideas better,otherwise they'll be bored Fourthly, our students should try to form good habits of making diaries every day, at least they had better write down some stories every week. As teachers of English, we should encourage them to write more in English.On the other hand, we should be strict in our work and with our students. We should ask our students to hand in their compositions on time and ought to check their articles in time. My last advice is that we can hold some English Composition Competition regularly. We'll give the excellent students some prizes and put up their compositions on the wall of the classrooms.By doing this,they are willing to write once they have free time.They'll be interested in it.If some of them can really write wonderful aticles,we can introduce their articles to some English magazines or newspapers,such as English Weekly, which is very popular to most of the middle school students in our country. All in all, it's very important and necessary for us teachers of English to improve our students writing level. We should try all kinds of the most advanced methods to teach them to write more and better. The more,the better! 3.翻译学:翻译学的选题一般可以在两个方向上进行:翻译理论以及翻译活动。


应该注意的是,在对翻译活动作研究时,往往需要某种翻译理论支撑,总结规律,并对这一活动作出评价,要避免仅仅时例子的罗列。 二.英语专业毕业论文格式要求 学位论文包括前置、主体、附录等三个部分。

(一)前置 1.英文封面:由论文英文题目、解释、作者、指导老师姓名和职称、时间组成。 2.目录:由论文的中、英文摘要、篇、章、条、款以及参考书目、附录等序号、题名和页码组成,排在英文封面之后另页。

3.中、英文内容摘要:摘要是论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,宜以最简洁的语言介绍论文的概要、作者的突出论点、新见解或创造性成果以及实验方法、数据或结论,是一篇完整的短文,可以独立使用,中文摘要一般在200字左右 4关键词:关键词是用以表示全文主题内容信息的单词或术语。为便于文献检索,学位论文应注明三至五个具有代表意义中、外文“关键词”,这些关键词就是论文的中心词,以显著的字符另起一行,分别排在中、外文摘要的左下方。


(二)主体部分 主题部分包括引言(Introduction)、正文(Body)、结论(Conclusion)、参。


(For children and primary school pupils) (一) Developing oral communication skills Oral communication skills here refer to listening and speaking skills. They are very important skills for beginners. Children learning their native language begin by understanding through listening. They comprehend the language long before they can speak. With primary school pupils, it is better that we let them listen and understand the language first. Let them speak gradually when they feel ready and comfortable with it. In fact, listening and speaking are always used inseparably in real life situations. However, listening is an important basis for speaking. The following are some listening and speaking activities you can use in the classroom. Read them and discuss which ones are adaptable in your teaching and which ones are not practical for your situations and explain why. Listening Activities ♠ Listen and act/follow instructions This type of activity is also known as TPR (Total Physical Response). TPR is an extremely useful and adaptable teaching technique in the primary classroom for language learning. With TPR, children listen to their teacher telling them what to do and then do it. This is also the way how children acquired their first language. They are able to do things according to what they hear long before they are able to speak the language. By doing TPR, you are also giving chil- dren a sense of security. It does not matter if they cannot pronounce the word or say the sentence. They can simply listen and watch others to understand the meaning. For TPR activities, the easiest is to start with classroom commands, 'touch' activities and verbs in action, etc. (二)Speaking activities Speaking activities do not need to be always reading aloud, reciting dialogues or repeating what the teacher said. When we speak, we speak with a purpose and we speak with interest as well. Therefore, we need to create interesting topics and genuine purposes for children to speak the language. Of course some imitations and repetitions are necessary to prepare children to speak, but even with imi- tations and repetitions, we can make them more interesting and meaningful. One important point to note is that speaking only develops gradually with plenty of practice and with a lot of encouragement. We should have realistic expectations with children beginning with English. The following are some speaking activities. Some of them are basic speaking activities and some of them are more advanced speaking activities. They can only be applied with different levels of learners and in different contexts. 本文摘自:。

4.英语写作心得体会 200字中文




笔者在英语写作几点心得。 一、要善于模仿 对大多数学习英语的同学,英语的词汇量、句式的积累还极其有限,远用英文流畅,挥洒自如的境地。

在创作是不合时宜的,非要,写出“long time no see”的文字来。,模仿是的必经途径。


如何模仿呢? ,模仿的要。模仿的永远要的句式结构上,而非各类的词汇。

道理很简单:词,文章内容的变换,就用了;而句式结构是放置四海而皆准的东西,适用的范围广,学来对写作的帮助也就。 ,模仿的要地道。


最后,模仿要体动笔上。比如说,新概念册有句式说:“…for the simple reasonthat…”表示某种的原因是,用在英语考试中,就可以拿来解释为自行车在的流行,为:“The bicycleis very popular in China for the simple reasonthat…”。

然而,同学经常背了句式不用,一谈到原因仍然是“…because…”,等等。 二、要灵活变通 在批改英语作文的过程中,经常能将中文生硬地翻译成英文的法。



翻译界的故事说:在某大型国际会议的招待会上,一道菜是用鸡蛋做的。与会的客人问翻译:“What is it madeof?”本来是非常简单的,结果翻译太紧张,“egg”词,他急中生智,回答:“It is made of MissHen's son.”这里,灵活变通的范例。

绕道,是写作中应该常常运用的方法。 三、要细心观察 要写好英语作文,还要敏锐的目光细心地观察,英语中上的习惯。

比如说,在正式文体的写作中,用 “it isn”t”的略缩形式,而是一板一眼地写作 “it is not”。同理,在正式文体中的日期不缩写,阿拉伯数字英文(长的数字除外)。


最后,同学在写作文时,习惯于把 “since” “because”“for”的词句首原因状语从句。事实上,在见到的英语报刊杂志文章中,的从句主句的。

“and”也常常被误话的,表示句子的并列或递进关系。其实,经常留心地道的英语文章能,是并列关系,完全可以不用连词;是递进关系,用 “furthermore” “what is more”更为。

四、要心有全局 英文写作强调形式上的严谨性,是全丝丝入扣。写作时结构意识,应试写作就简化填空的过程了。

框架万变不离其宗,地填如观点、素材,文章就而然地立了。 了英文写作中的练习技巧,会使英文写作的努力有更大的收益。


customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction is the customer-to-business and enterprise product / service satisfaction. Customer satisfaction, the enterprise is a state of feeling, and feelings in such a state more likely to arouse trading activities. A commonly used statistical results are: a satisfied customer, six times in a dissatisfied customers more willing to continue to buy that product or service enterprises. In an increasingly competitive, customer-oriented market environment, more and more companies began chasing the upgrading of customer satisfaction. However, many companies chasing the results were not satisfactory. We found that business if it is only the pursuit of customer satisfaction and often can not solve the ultimate problem, because very often, enterprises improve customer satisfaction, does not mean that corporate profits immediately improved. Only contributions to the company "profit" is a direct customer value customers. Moreover, the value of the profits of enterprises also contribute to the high and low points. Therefore, enterprises should operate on the scarce resources to optimize the allocation and concentrate on high-value enhancing customer satisfaction at the same time, we should also look at potential high-value customers, gradual increase their satisfaction. From all customer satisfaction, to the value of customer satisfaction, to the high-value customer satisfaction, the final key to the high-value customer satisfaction factors, it is enterprises to enhance the "customer satisfaction value in return," "process." Customer loyalty Customer loyalty from the concept of customer satisfaction leads to the concept of customer satisfaction is the result of a product brand or company's trust, and hope to maintain a repeat of psychological tendency. Customer loyalty is actually a continuity of customer behavior, customer loyalty, customer loyalty is the corporate level. Customer loyalty for the two forms of performance, is a corporate customer loyalty in the wishes of a customer loyalty is in the behaviour of enterprises. And general enterprises tend to be confused with two forms of this fact, a fundamental difference between the two, the former is not for the businesses themselves have a direct value of the enterprises while the latter is very valuable; The reason is very simple Customers only wishes, but no action, for enterprises of no significance. Enterprises should do is, first, to promote customers from "will" to "act" conversion; Second, through cross-selling and additional marketing to further enhance customer and business transactions frequency. Customer satisfaction does not mean that customer loyalty, customer satisfaction is a kind of psychological satisfaction, in consumption is revealed by the attitude of, but customer loyalty is a continuous transactions, is to promote the occurrence of repeat customers. Measuring customer loyalty is the key indicators of customers (CustomerRetention), which describes enterprises and maintaining customer relationships length of time; customers share (CustomerShare), namely, the budget will be spent on the company's ratio. Data show that only the customer satisfaction is not enough. When a better product suppliers, large customers may change suppliers. Satisfaction is measured by customer expectations and feelings, and customer loyalty reflect the purchase of future actions and purchase commitments. Customer satisfaction surveys customer purchase experience of the past views and ideas, can only reflect the past and not the future acts as a reliable forecast. Loyalty survey can predict what products customers want most, and when to buy, how many of these could have purchased sales. Customer satisfaction and their actual purchase behavior is not necessarily directly linked, satisfied customers may not be able to guarantee that they will always be faithful enterprises, a repeat purchase behavior. In a "worthless customer satisfaction, customer loyalty Extreme priceless" (Cus tomer Satis faction Is Worthles s, Cus tomer Loyalty Is Priceles s) of the "customer loyalty" of the best-selling book, the author debate: "Customers satisfied with the worthless, because satisfied customers still buy the products of other enterprises. process of the transaction are satisfied with every aspect of the customer will be better because of the price of a replacement suppliers, customers and sometimes even though your products and satisfied with the service is not absolute, you have been able to lock the customer. " For example, many users of Microsoft products such as the views and dissatisfaction, but if you change the use 。


Dear teachers, good morning! My name is xx, is 08 levels of English this regular professional training students, I dissertation5 topic is "the cultural differences between Chinese and western communication". Papers are in the x professor of meticulous coaxed completion, here I asked my tutor our deepest thanks to all the teacher pains to attend my thesis heartfelt thanks for three years, and I have a chance to listen to all teachers teaching our heartfelt tribute. Below I will this paper designed and main content to each teacher makes a report, kindly fellow teachers criticized guidance.First of all, I want to talk about the graduation thesis of purpose and meaning.As China's social and economic development, world various nationalities between commercial frequent communication and cooperation. People in different cultures in the process of communication is cross-cultural communication. To understand the cultural differences between Chinese and western communication can better promote the national economy, cultural exchange between and communication. This paper with the relationship between language and culture of Chinese and western culture by listing from daily communicative language communication to the understanding of the euphemism, taboo language and posture language differences in learning English analysis how to foster intercultural communication competence, avoid in our daily communication appear misurclerstanding was discussed in the paper.Secondly, I want to talk about this essay structure and its main content.Thesis mainly divided into five parts.The first part is the introduction. Summary of Chinese and western culture communication system in today's social importance.The second part is the relationship between language and culture. Through the description of the relationship between language and culture, explains the relationship between language and culture are inseparable, deep influence culture, different language caused the cultural difference.The third part is the cultural differences between Chinese and western communication. For example demonstrated through communication between China and the west in everyday language used in the course, euphemism, taboo language and posture language is different, thus explain that communication between Chinese and western cultural difference.The fourth part is of the cultivation of intercultural communication competence. Lists related to foster intercultural communication competence methods, in order to avoid people in our daily communication appear erroneous zone.The fifth part is summarized and Suggestions. In order to succeed in cross-cultural communication, will realize our national culture and western culture, the differences between in communication right choice accords with western cultural norms expression in order to achieve the aim of communication. Foreign language learners should not only try to master the accurate and fluent and natural English language, learn to decent, naturally transmitted and received communicative message, Also want to understand and grasp of English countries cultural background knowledge and customs, learn to overcome in communication barriers produced cultural differences. Meanwhile, foreign language learners but must take the culture differences, trying to broaden their perspective of culture, to learn more about English culture of the country, in a solid foundation of language application ability at the same time, develop their intercultural consciousness, improve their ability to cross-cultural communication.Finally, I want to talk about this essay and system deficiency.This essay writing and modification process, also is the more I realize his lack of experience and knowledge of the process. Although, I will try to collect materials, we try our best to use their own knowledge thesis paper writing, but there are still many shortcomings, needs to be improved. Please, judges much criticism and corrections, let me in the future learn more.thank you 可能有些错误。



What is the American Dream? The term was first used by James Truslow Adams in his book The Epic of America which was written in 1931. He states: "The American Dream is "that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position." (p.214-215) In the United States' Declaration of Independence, our founding fathers: "…held certain truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Might this sentiment be considered the foundation of the American Dream? Were homesteaders who left the big cities of the east to find happiness and their piece of land in the unknown wilderness pursuing these inalienable Rights? Were the immigrants who came to the United States looking for their bit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, their Dream? And what did the desire of the veteran of World War II - to settle down, to have a home, a car and a family - tell us about this evolving Dream? Is the American Dream attainable by all Americans? Would Martin Luther King feel his Dream was attained? Did Malcolm X realize his Dream? Some say, that the American Dream has become the pursuit of material prosperity - that people work more hours to get bigger cars, fancier homes, the fruits of prosperity for their families - but have less time to enjoy their prosperity. Others say that the American Dream is beyond the grasp of the working poor who must work two jobs to insure their family's survival. Yet others look toward a new American Dream with less focus on financial gain and more emphasis on living a simple, fulfilling life. Thomas Wolfe said, "…to every man, regardless of his birth, his shining, golden opportunity ….the right to live, to work, to be himself, and to become whatever thing his manhood and his vision can combine to make him." 。


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