

有机化学英语论文Abstract In this work the effects of the microporosity and chemical surfaceof polymeric adsorbents on adsorptive properties of phenol wereinvestigated. Textural parameters of four kinds of polymeric resins namely AB-8 D4006 NKA-II and D16 resin were separately measuredby ASAP 2010. The surface chemistry of these polymeric resins was determined by means of inverse gaschromatography (IGC) and diffusereflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS). Static equilibrium adsorption experiments were carried out to obtain theisotherms of phenol on the polymeric resins. It was shown that NKA-II and AB-8 resin possessed relatively high BET surface areas andmicropore volumes while D4006 and D16 resin possessed comparatively low BET surface areas and micropore volumes. The results of IGCexperiments revealed that NKA-II resin had extraordinary high specific component of the free energy of adsorption both for polar acetone andbenzene probe and thus extraordinary strong surface polarity compared to the other polymeric resins. It was also found that the isotherm ofphenol on NKA-II was much higher than that on the other polymeric resins due to its strongest surface polarity and largest micropore volumeamong four kinds of resins. These experimental observations indicated that adsorption of phenol on the polymeric resins depended greatly ontheir microporosity and surface chemistry. The well-developed microporosity and the strong surface polarity would improve the adsorptionof phenol on the polymeric resins. 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Polymeric resin; Phenol; Porosity; Surface chemistry; Inverse gas chromatography。


Intermediate Quantum Theory of Crystalline Solids Professor Alexander Obiefoka Enukora Animalu, Chairman/CEO, Institute of Basic Research (Nigeria Division), is a scientist, researcher, University teacher, administrator and publisher; former Director National Mathematical Centre, Abuja; President of Nigerian Academy of Science; and Winner Nigerian National Merit Award 2000. Born on the 28th August 1938, at Oba, Idemili South Local Government Area of Anambra State, Professor Alexander Animalu attended the University College, Ibadan from 1959 to 1962 graduating with B.Sc. (Maths) Second Class (Upper division) in June 1962 on top of his class and winning the Faculty of Science Prize for the best performance for two consecutive years. He also won the Crowe's Prize on Abstract Algebra and Theory of Numbers and the University College Postgraduate Scholarship. It was this College Scholarship that saw him through the University of Cambridge in the U.K. between October, 1962 and December, 1965 when he obtained the M.A. (Cantab) and Ph.D. (Maths) in Theoretical Solid State Physics. The high quality of his Ph.D. thesis was attested to, when the main results were published in the Philosophical Magazine in 1965 and included in W.A. Harrison's book entitled “Pseudopotentials in the Theory of Metals”. The book contained the model potential tables which were in such high demand by researchers in the field of metal physics and semiconductor electronics that the Ph.D. thesis work became by 1983, a citation classic, having been cited more than 729 times between 1965 and 2001. Professor Animalu is the only African in Physics to have earned such a record of citations, his paper being the best among the best twelve cited papers from the University of Cambridge in fifty years (1930-1980). It is of interest to note that four of these twelve most cited works from Cambridge have subsequently won the Nobel Prize in Physics. Between January, 1966 and December, 1967, he was Research Associate in Division of Applied Physics, Stanford University and between January, 1968 and August, 1968, a visiting scientist at the Department of Physics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. In September, 1968, he was appointed Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Missouri, Rolla. His research works were in the fields of solid state and elementary particle physics. In 1970, moving through Drexel University in Pennsylvania, as Associate Professor of Physics, a major breakthrough in his career came in April 1972 when he was appointed a research physicist, at the Lincoln Laboratory of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) working under Professor H.J. Zeiger and Professor J.B. Goodenough on research projects related to development of computer core memory and primarily on the development of the transition-metal model potential, thus extending his Ph.D. thesis area to now include all elements of the Periodic Elements of Chemical Elements. It was within this period that he completed his main line book entitled Intermediate Quantum Theory of Crystalline Solids published by Prentice-Hall of New Jersey in 1977. It became a world-wide classic with an Indian Edition published by Prentice-Hall of India in 1978. It was also translated into Russian by the Russian Academy of Science in 1981, reprinted in USA in 1994 and is currently on the world-wide web. His achievements in teaching and research in the UK and USA between 1962-1976 having equipped him intellectually, he was now prepared for challenges he was going to face on return to Nigeria in 1976. Within a year of coming back, he surrendered his green card to the American government in order to better focus his intellect on the development of Nigeria. His return to Nigeria never diminished his productive scholarship and international recognition. His continued contributions to the field of theoretical solid state physics led to his recognition as the only African member till date of the Advisory Board of the Euro-Journal Physica (B). His recent theory of high-temperature superconductivity based on the novelty of the pairing mechanism for electrons published in Hadronic Journal in 1991 led to his recognition as the only African member of the Editorial Board of the USA-based international Hadronic Journal and Hadronic Journal Supplement. He is the founding editor of the Nigerian Journal of Solar Energy and one of the pioneering editors of the Bulletin of the Nigerian Institute of Physics. Professor Animalu who was the Foundation President of the Solar Energy Society of Nigeria ha。


Computational chemistry that can predict the spectra of a variety of compounds that cannot be obtained as

pure compounds was used to study the highly sensitive detection of bromate in ion chromatography. Several

possible ions, molecules, and their complexes were constructed by a molecular editor, and optimized by

molecular mechanics (MM2) and MOPAC (PM3) calculations. The possible electronic spectra of these

ions, molecules, and complexes were then obtained by the ZINDO (INDO)-Vizualyzer in the CAChe program.

The lambda maximum (ìmax) of the spectra and the transition dipole were calculated using the ProjectLeader

program. The comparison of the experimental and predicted results indicated that Br3

- was the probable

reaction product, and that NO2

- and ClO- accelerated the reaction.


Bromate is considered a carcinogen and the World Health

Organization (WHO) has recommended the provisional

bromate guideline value of 25 mg/L, which is associated with

an excess lifetime cancer risk of 7 10-5, because of the

limitations in the available analytical and treatment methods.1

A highly sensitive analytical method was therefore developed.

Bromate in ozonized water was detected with very

high sensitivity by ion chromatography with a postcolumn

reaction detection using ultraviolet absorption. With the

addition of nitrite for the postcolumn reaction, the sensitivity

was improved 738-fold. The detection limit was 0.35 mg/

L, and the linear range was >4 orders of magnitude, from

0.5 to 10 mg/L.2 The addition of ClO- improved the

sensitivity 327-fold.2

Chiu and Eubanks3 examined bromide ;

they proposed a reaction mechanism and suggested

that the end product is tribromide.3 The proposed reactions

are as follows:

In addition, bromate and chlorate


The actual state, hazards, and prevention and comprehensive treatment of "White Pollution"

Abstract: The invention of plastic bag brings people lots of convenience. However, with widespread use and lack of environmental awareness, plastic bags have generated some hazards to the life of human. Along with the development of economy, "White pollution" has been becoming a public nuisance. which negatively affect the sustainable development. China has employed various manners to prevent and treat it to return the green to earth again.

Key words:"White pollution", actual state in our country hazard, reasons of formation, prevention manners, comprehensive treatment


At present, the industrial route for the production of cyclohexanone cyclohexane oxidation, there are two First cyclohexane catalytic oxidation, and the other is non-catalytic oxidation of cyclohexane. The traditional process of production of cyclohexyl alcohol and cyclohexanone (KA oil), the process is complex and serious pollution. Therefore, to find a new energy to maximize cyclohexane conversion rate and the selectivity of the alcohol and ketone oxidation method has great significance.Metal porphyrin catalysts to improve the role of traditional crafts shortcomings, showing high activity and selectivity is the main object of study of the catalytic oxidation of cyclohexane.The conversion rate of cyclohexane, cyclohexyl alcohol selectivity of cyclohexanone as the indexes were tetraphenylporphyrin copper (TPPCu), four (m-methylphenyl) porphyrin copper (Tm-MPPCu) (3,4 - dimethylphenyl) porphyrin copper (TDMPPCu) and other three metal porphyrin catalyzed oxidation of cyclohexane synthesis of cyclohexyl alcohol and cyclohexanone experiments, the purpose is to explore the tetraphenylporphyrin copper even methyl substituents at the benzene ring, the number of methyl substituted biomimetic catalytic oxidation of cyclohexane law.The experimental results show that: (1) within the scope of this experimental study, with methyl substituents on the benzene ring of the tetraphenylporphyrin copper, and its catalytic performance has improved, methyl substituted with a base number is more catalytic properties to improve more; (2) three metalloporphyrins have to study indicators of conditions, the optimum catalyst for is TDMPPCu. Suitable reaction conditions: the pressure 1.0MPa, air flow 0.10-0.12m3 / h, the catalyst concentration of 4 * 10-6g / g conditions, the optimum reaction temperature of 150 ° C, the reaction time was 80min. Under these conditions, the cyclohexane conversion rate of 6.23% of alcohol and ketone selectivity of 90.1%.Keywords: cyclohexane; Metalloporphyrins; catalytic oxidation; methyl substituents the number of。


Chemical science education as an important component of the new curriculum from the student advocacy and social development needs, disciplines play to their advantages, and Scientific Research will be applied to teaching, require students to know how to use chemical knowledge and methods to explain in the daily lives of related issues, such as pollution control, and rational development and use of chemical resources. Such students have enhanced the natural and social responsibility; inspired the students to learn initiative and sense of innovation and the promotion of students to learn more proactive so that the chemical knowledge and skills to understand the process has become chemical, Scientific Inquiry, the associated social life and the actual process of the formation of scientific values.。






同时,为保证固体和液体燃料燃烧充分,增大燃料与空气的接触面(固体燃料粉碎、液体燃料以雾状喷出等)也是有效的措施。 燃烧的条件:1.可燃物(不论固体,液体和气体,凡能与空气中氧或其它氧化剂起剧烈反应的物质,一般都是可燃物质,如木材,纸张,汽油,酒精,煤气等)2.充足的氧气 3.达到物质的着火点 灭火的基本原理及方法:燃烧必须同时具备三个条件,采取措施以至少破坏其中一个条件则可达到扑灭火灾的目的.,灭火的基本方法有三个:(1)冷 却法: 将燃烧物质降温扑灭,如木材着火用水扑灭;(2)窒息法:将助燃物质稀释窒息到不能燃烧反应,如用氮气、二氧化碳 等惰性气体灭火。

(3)隔离法:切断可燃气体来源,移走可燃物质,施放阻燃剂,切断阻燃物质,如油类着火用泡沫灭火机。 当今世界常用燃料:煤、石油和天然气是当今世界上最重要的三大矿物燃料,又是化学工业中极为重要的原料,它们又细分为(1)固体燃料:木柴、烟 煤、揭煤、无烟煤、木炭、焦炭、煤粉等;(2)液体燃料;汽油、煤油、柴油、重油等;(3)气体燃料:天然气、人工煤气、液 化石油气等 清洁燃料:液氨、酒精、液氢(最清洁的燃料,燃烧产物是水)、甲醇等 二、教育类 1、教研论文交流中心 .cn/teacher/resource/lunwen/ 以中小学教育为主,基础教育、英语教学文章居多。

2、教育教学论文网 /gb/art/ttd/index.asp 以教育论文为主,包含:语文论文 美术论文 物理论文 化学论文 英语论文 历史论文 德育论文 教学论文 数学论文 音乐论文 生物论文 自然论文 体育论文 地理论文 摄影论文 劳动技术 农村教育 毕业论文 素质论文 医学论文 电子电器学 思维科学 计算机论文 活动课教学 书法篆刻论文 创新教育研究 心理健康教育 西部教育论文 信息技术论文 3、教育论文 /teach.asp4、中国园丁网论文大观 /papers5、北大附小学校教师的文章: /5jslw.htm 化学教学中实施“STS"教育的探索 一、认识 “STS”是科学—技术—社会英文字母的缩写。它是近二、三十年来世界上形成的一种新的教育思想和模式,其影响正在日益扩大。





二、实践 几年来,在学校的统一组织和上级科研部门的指导下,我们在化学教学过程中实施STS教育主要采取如下做法: 1.改进教材的知识结构,加强应用科学的教育,使学生能认识到科学的价值,使教学的目的具有直接的针对性,激发学生的学习兴趣和创造精神。应用知识的增加,开阔了学生的知识视野,使学生看到了科学知识在生产及生活各方面的应用,认识到学好化学知识是进行和发展社会生产,提高生活水平的需要,形成了自觉渴求新知识的意识。


通过这些技术教育,使学生学会了一些劳动生产技术,提高了从事社会生产的能力。 3.加强学生的社会实践活动,培养学生的参与意识和决策能力。

为了使学生所学知识能在实践中得到应用,培养学生的实践能力,并在实践活动中使学生看到自身在社会中的存在和价值,为社会能做出更大的贡献。 (l)加强知识和技术应用的实践。

(2)针对当地自然、经济和社会的具体问题,让学生参与解决的决策。 三、体会 化学教学中实施“STS”教育以来,学生学习的积极性空前提高,智能得到较好发展,学生的整体素质提高了。



In nowadays, chemical products play a more important role in people's everyday life than ever before. As some people enjoy the convinience brought by artificial chemical products, more people begin to concern about the consequence after excessive use of chemical products. Many researches have shown the fact that chemical products are not as perfect as people used to believe; in fact, the harmful consequences of using particular chemical products are rapidly influence our environment and people's health.我认为开头这样就可以了,接下来就是主体,1楼列的几个可当作论点。



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