

我帮你换了一篇可以吗?"苔丝"人物分析.这篇着重分析人物.原来的是"飘".主要是从对人物的喜好来说.我想这篇可能比教好.不喜欢你再给我发信.Analysis of Major Characters Tess Durbeyfield Intelligent, strikingly attractive, and distinguished by her deep moral sensitivity and passionate intensity, Tess is indisputably the central character of the novel that bears her name. But she is also more than a distinctive individual: Hardy makes her into somewhat of a mythic heroine. Her name, formally Theresa, recalls St. Teresa of Avila, another martyr whose vision of a higher reality cost her her life. Other characters often refer to Tess in mythical terms, as when Angel calls her a “Daughter of Nature” in Chapter XVIII, or refers to her by the Greek mythological names “Artemis” and “Demeter” in Chapter XX. The narrator himself sometimes describes Tess as more than an individual woman, but as something closer to a mythical incarnation of womanhood. In Chapter XIV, he says that her eyes are “neither black nor blue nor grey nor violet; rather all these shades together,” like “an almost standard woman.” Tess's story may thus be a “standard” story, representing a deeper and larger experience than that of a single individual.In part, Tess represents the changing role of the agricultural workers in England in the late nineteenth century. Possessing an education that her unschooled parents lack, since she has passed the Sixth Standard of the National Schools, Tess does not quite fit into the folk culture of her predecessors, but financial constraints keep her from rising to a higher station in life. She belongs in that higher world, however, as we discover on the first page of the novel with the news that the Durbeyfields are the surviving members of the noble and ancient family of the d'Urbervilles. There is aristocracy in Tess's blood, visible in her graceful beauty—yet she is forced to work as a farmhand and milkmaid. When she tries to express her joy by singing lower-class folk ballads at the beginning of the third part of the novel, they do not satisfy her—she seems not quite comfortable with those popular songs. But, on the other hand, her diction, while more polished than her mother's, is not quite up to the level of Alec's or Angel's. She is in between, both socially and culturally. Thus, Tess is a symbol of unclear and unstable notions of class in nineteenth-century Britain, where old family lines retained their earlier glamour, but where cold economic realities made sheer wealth more important than inner nobility.Beyond her social symbolism, Tess represents fallen humanity in a religious sense, as the frequent biblical allusions in the novel remind us. Just as Tess's clan was once glorious and powerful but is now sadly diminished, so too did the early glory of the first humans, Adam and Eve, fade with their expulsion from Eden, making humans sad shadows of what they once were. Tess thus represents what is known in Christian theology as original sin, the degraded state in which all humans live, even when—like Tess herself after killing Prince or succumbing to Alec—they are not wholly or directly responsible for the sins for which they are punished. This torment represents the most universal side of Tess: she is the myth of the human who suffers for crimes that are not her own and lives a life more degraded than she deserves.Alec d'Urberville An insouciant twenty-four-year-old man, heir to a fortune, and bearer of a name that his father purchased, Alec is the nemesis and downfall of Tess's life. His first name, Alexander, suggests the conqueror—as in Alexander the Great—who seizes what he wants regardless of moral propriety. Yet he is more slippery than a grand conqueror. His full last name, Stoke-d'Urberville, symbolizes the split character of his family, whose origins are simpler than their pretensions to grandeur. After all, Stokes is a blunt and inelegant name. Indeed, the divided and duplicitous character of Alec is evident to the very end of the novel, when he quickly abandons his newfound Christian faith upon remeeting Tess. It is hard to believe Alec holds his religion, or anything else, sincerely. His supposed conversion may only be a new role he is playing.This duplicity of character is so intense in Alec, and its consequences for Tess so severe, that he becomes diabolical. The first part of his surname conjures associations with fiery energies, as in the stoking of a furnace or the flames of hell. His devilish associations are evident when he wields a pitchfork while addressing Tess early in the novel, and when he seduces her as the serpent in Genesis seduced 。


Firia Fogg, the hero of this book and bet around the world in 80 days Passepartout, his servant Fiks of England a hapless police, follow the road of Phileas Fogg, many arrests failure A sacrificial Princess Ai Eda of India, was rescued by the master and servant, and eventually get married with him The novel vividly shaped the image of Mr. Falk. He is calm, kind, adventure to help conduct, and doom fighting courage, steady, accurate personality, true to life likeness to show in front of us. The trip did win twenty thousand pounds, but the travel cost Mr Fukatsu nineteen thousand pounds, the money from the point of view, he did not get anything, however, Mr. Fukatsu was to gain happiness. After India, he and Passepartout with the justice, courage, resourcefulness and save the beautiful lady Ai Eda, became the wife of Mr Fukatsu, Mr Fukatsu has become the most happy person in the world. Novel road road image is also very beautiful. " He is a decent and pleasant like guy ", the way of India, in order to save Mrs. Ai Eda, Passepartout and the owner is implementing a risky rescue plan. It was he, Passepartout, " stole fire funeral altar in the thick smoke, through the dark night the young woman rescued from the hands of death ". It was he, Passepartout, calmly walked the freak people. Passepartout was once again proven: Fortune favours the brave. When they ride the train, across America, train encountered Indians attacked and robbed. The battle raged, critical, bold and brave Passepartout, use their own circus performer that a set of lightweight flexible work, in the speed of the train compartment hidden forward, finally breaking the locomotive, battle righteousness save car passenger's life.。


The British youth lubinxun strand is lousy to like the voyage since the childhood, once leaving the house to South America three times to take a trip everywhere.He keeps in mind to wander about the whole world high far life ambition on first, taking leave the family, crossing Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Oceans, experiencing numerous insurance feeling in soul-stirring voyage, afterwards whole ship at Pacific Ocean up the misery die a tragic death, on the boat of person all be buried the bottom of sea, have him one person however can the miracle sort ground live down, and arrive at an unmanned smoke island alone up. He gets the apocalypse of the life from the despairing blind side, the strong strand of lubinxun of personality is lousy to live for 28 years independently on the island.He is on the isolated island the 劳 makes to living the interest, expanding the wasteland, the turn keeps the animal, producing the paddy rice and wheats, year by year with solitude for companion, overcame various ordinary peoples hard difficulty for overcome.《 Holy Bible 》 become his spirit to pay the pillar, by dint of astonishing perseverance and stubborn not the labor of the interest, he covers to have the house, the results corn, raise and train the goat, use the skin the manufacture clothes.He once matches wits with wild beast, also once with cannibalism meat of savage country people 斗 is courageously.Afterwards he rescued an aborigines, calling him as" Friday", accept he makes the servant.He with not together and usually of perseverance and courage, overcame the difficult hardship of the hard imagination, the hands that use the diligence, created a home for exist for the oneself. Lousy help captain of strand of lubinxun fought down the sailor of the insurrection, didn't return England until a British ship of the 28 year arrives at that island neighborhood.At this time his parents both die, the strand of lubinxun is lousy to take back he is Brazil manorial of be subjected to the benefit all, and give those to a part help over him of people.。


Aimee HowellMs. PorebaWorld LiteratureMay 25, 2004Is Jane Eyre a role model for young girls? Jane Eyre is thought, to some, to be one of the greatest romance novels of all time. Jane Eyre was published in the mid-1800s, which dampens on the aspect of how sexual the book can get and how raunchy it cannot get. The relationship between Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester is said to be an “unconditional love story”(back cover of book). I believe that this novel makes a young girl, like me, think that everything can turn out like a fairytale. It leads you to believe that if you are in love that everything will work out. Jane Eyre gives the false impression that you don't have to work hard to be wealthy and you can always count on a rich uncle or marrying a rich man. This book shows that women do not have any good qualities except having rich ties. This leads on to the fact that I have nothing in common with Jane Eyre besides that facts that we are both female and follow Christian teachings. Jane Eyre's experiences were very unfortunate but not uncommon. Jane Eyre complains that people did not like her, but not everyone is going to like you, that is how life is. Mrs. Reed treated her very poorly like she was not a little girl who had feelings. She always took her own children's side over Jane's, in a dispute. I do feel bad for Jane because she is an orphan and the fact that she is living with a woman and her children, who would not have cared less whether she lived or died. Also, Jane's conflict with Mr. Brocklehurst, when he put her on a pedestal and falsely accused her of being a liar, should had made her want to overcome the trap that he set for her. These situations should have given her the leverage to want to show those people that she is more than just an orphan slave child. For instance, when somebody tells me that I am not capable of doing something, it motivates me to prove them that I am more than I seem. In my opinion, life's struggles give you a ladder to climb on to reach an even higher success. Jane's relationship with Mr. Rochester is much more complicated. It seems as though Mr. Rochester had some trouble expressing his feelings toward Ms. Jane Eyre. For instance, when Jane asked him for time off to visit Mrs. Reed, he plays a money tug-of-war and says to her “You little niggard! Refusing me a pecuniary request! Give me five pounds, Jane” (228). The fact that Jane refused to give the money back to Mr. Rochester shows one of the only times when Jane actually stands up for herself. As a young woman reading Jane Eyre, situations like this are teaching me to disobey my elders and are giving the impression that I can only stand up for myself when the argument is petty. If I were in that situation and it was my own money, I would have answered just like Jane, instead of being completely rude. But since it is Mr. Rochester's money (no matter what portion fulfilled her wages), I would have politely told him that I need some form of money for my trip to Gateshead and would have accepted his answer, whatever it was. This is another reason why Jane and I are so different. “I have had more trouble with that child than any one would believe…I wish she had died”(235) Mrs. Reed had said. But instead of speaking what she really felt, Jane Eyre just answered back nonchalantly “A strange wish, Mrs. Reed: why do you hate her so?”(235). I was very disappointed with Jane's answer. I know that a form of sympathy should be portrayed in this type of predicament, but Jane is facing the same lady, who made her life miserable and continued to tell her that she was inferior to her own kids, deathbed or not. Jane told Mrs. Reed before she left to go to Lowood, that she hated her, so I do not understand why she would give such a cowardly answer, now. Hearing anybody say that they wished you were dead is a very serious request. It is not something that you just hear and let go. I think that Mrs. Reed, delirious or not, is a very selfish woman. She was upset because her husband used to give Jane more attention than his own children. Jane did not have any parents, so I believe that Mr. Reed was trying to fill a gap in her heart that could never really be filled. If I were Jane, I would have spoken my mind. The way Jane reacted portrays to young girls that people can treat them horribly and they are not supposed to do anything about it. In conclusion, I think that should have acted very differently in each one of these situations. I was also dissatisfied and frustrated with the way that the book ended. It seems as though Bronte just needed a way for Jane's life to turn into the perfect fairytale. 。


里面的人物性格特征很明显 像思嘉 在那个年代她作为一个女性能为自己的土地争取到最大的利益 我很佩服她 瑞德的个性是个不适合在那个年代的 不过他可以为了自己的女儿和那些表面上虚伪的人称兄道弟 斯佳丽除了有智慧外还有责任心 负担着四五口人 她本质上是个小女孩即使在战后历经磨难瑞特把注意力转移到邦尼身上 她后来对钱十分渴求 心理学上称为追求安全感 战争之苦让她没有安全感 所以她总会做身处迷雾的梦 而最后她才发现瑞特是她梦中的谜底 失去了才懂得珍惜,我很可怜这个女人,却不能对他的一些做法苟同.在那个时代,他能够坚强的活下来 确实不易,然而爱情决不是一个人可以任意挥霍的资本! 当爱情就在你身边的时候,记得要认清 要珍惜 要呵护! 最后的结局让我很失望也感到失落,当失去的时候才知道谁才是自已真正爱的人,真爱往往就在身边,却失之交臂 in her eyes,nothing is more important than him .She could run through the war, but she hasn't grown up by this.she didn't know what she want,and always run after the thing she couldn't get,and was never satisfied with her condition. the result is terrible ,she lost what she had ! after all tomorrow is another day ! 中文名:飘 英语名:Gone with the wind 法语名:Autant en emporte le vent 导演:Victor Fleming 原著:《飘》(玛格丽特·米切尔著) 出品:米高梅公司 主演:Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Leslie Howard, Olivia de Havilland, Hattie McDaniel等 1936年,美国女作家玛格丽特·米切尔的畅销小说《飘》问世了。

好莱坞制片人大卫·O·谢尔兹尼克出五万美元买下了拍摄权,并先后动用十八位编剧将这部三卷集的小说改写成电影剧本。 《乱世佳人》(GONE WITH THE WIND)是好莱坞影史上最值得骄傲的一部旷世巨片,影片放映时间长达4小时,观者如潮。



1861年南北战争爆发的前夕,塔拉庄园的千金小姐郝思嘉爱上了另一庄园主的儿子艾希利,但艾希利却选择了表妹——温柔善良的韩媚兰为终身伴侣。郝思嘉出于妒恨,抢先嫁给了韩媚 兰的弟弟查尔斯。

不久,美国南北战争爆发了。艾希利和查尔斯作 为征兵上了前线。

查尔斯很快就在战争中死去了。郝思嘉成了寡妇, 但她内心却一直热恋着艾希利。


郝思嘉一心只想着去追求艾希利,结果也遭到拒绝。 在战争中,美国南方军遭到失败,亚特兰大城里挤满了伤兵。



在北方军大军压境之日,郝思嘉哀求白瑞德帮忙护送她和刚生 下孩子的韩媚兰回塔拉庄园。白瑞德告诉郝思嘉他不能目睹南方军 溃败而不去助一臂之力,他要参加南方军作战,他留下一把手枪并 和郝思嘉拥吻告别。

郝思嘉只好独自勇敢地驾驶马车回到塔拉庄园, 这时家里已被北方军士兵抢先洗动一空,母亲在惊吓中死去。 不久,战争结束了。

生活依然困苦。北方来的统治者要庄园主 缴纳重税,郝思嘉在绝望中去亚特兰大城找白瑞德借钱,但得知他 已被关进监狱。

归来的途中,郝思嘉遇上了本来要迎娶她妹妹的暴 发户弗兰克,为了要重振破产的家业,她骗取弗兰克和自己结了婚。 郝思嘉在弗兰克经营的木材厂非法雇用囚犯,并和北方来的商人大做生意。


弗兰克和艾希利因加入了反政府的秘密组织,在一次集会时遭 北方军包围,弗兰克中弹死亡,艾希利负伤逃亡,在白瑞德帮助下 回到韩媚兰身边。郝思嘉再次成为寡妇。

此时,白瑞德前来向她求 婚,她终于与一直爱她的搞私运军火和粮食致富的白瑞德结了婚。 婚后,夫妻二人住在亚特兰大的豪华大宅。

一年后,女儿邦妮出生, 白瑞德把全部感情投注到邦妮身上。郝思嘉偶然翻阅艾希利的照片 被白瑞德发现,终于导致了二人感情的破裂。




6.《鲁滨逊漂流记》关于人物性格分析的英文论文 写大胆精神和冒险精神
















Thesis: An Analysis on Robinson's Characteristics.I. IntroductionRobinson's virtues tend to be personal. His perseverance, diligence, resourcefulness, and solitary courage make him an exemplary individual. But his vices are socially-rooted, and his urge to subjugate others is really annoying.Ⅱ. The literary Background of England in 18th CenturyThe principal achievement in the eighteenth-century in the western world is the Enlightenment in literature, mainly including France's literary Enlightenment Movement, Britain's Realistic Novel and Germany's National Literature. Stimulated by the Enlightenment Movement and also the help of the industrial and commercial development in England, Britain's Realistic Novel has come in vogue. It has inherited and developed previous traditional literature formally, and renovated the writing style, which has successfully demonstrated a sense of particular glamour and strong vitality.Intellectuals of Enlightenment Movement has pointed out that at the very beginning of our origins there was harmony between human society and nature, and people led a happy life in the reason-inclination society. However, the development of feudal civilization, absolutism and religious superstition broke up the rapport between the internal logos and harmonious happy life, which consequently brought out a rather dark society where human beings turned to be benumbed and unresponsive. As a result, that everyone would live happily in an ideal society calls for scientific and cultural knowledge based upon everlasting rationality and itself to edify people's spirit, so that earthling's fatuous behaviors could be wiped out, absolutism absolutely abolished, religiously superstitious lies from governors ultimately smashed. On the other hand, work hard to overturn by violence the feudal absolutism in order to create a free rational country upholding equality, philanthropism and innate right of man。



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