
1.帮我整一个船舶专业英语的论文 300字左右

An analysis of NC machine tools in the exterior design of visual communication the relationship between art and technology, and further elaborated understanding of the laws of the United States, flexible CNC machine tools to master the performance of appearance form, so that they could be more image, vivid, fast product information to convey mechanical point of view.

Design is an artistic creation activities, its essence is "in accordance with the laws of the United States Weiren creation," which is decided on the design of the study can not be divorced from the aesthetic category. Although the "America" is not the sole property of the design and the ultimate goal, but in terms of design results, the United States has become a factor in considering the merits of the extent of the standard.

My previous machine modeling in the United States in the role of inadequate attention, less emphasis on the export of machinery products applied to the shapes of the aesthetics go, therefore, the product although the performance, rugged and so reached the international level, but is still unpopular and a lack of competition capacity. In addition, the mechanical modeling the combination of neglect and ergonomics is obviously incompatible with the needs of foreign markets, thus losing competitiveness. Therefore, the excellent mechanical products must create a combination of beauty in order to achieve the greatest social and economic benefits.

From the above analysis can be drawn, machine tool operator contact with more parts are the focus of ergonomic design of machine tools. Such components require not only handsome in appearance, simple structure, but also to grasp the "people-oriented" design principle to allow the operator easy to use, comfortable, working efficiency greatly improved.


关于船舶电站容量确定和计算方法 论文关键词:电站;负荷;系数;容量;计算 论文摘要:本文主要阐述了船舶电站容量确定和计算方法,针对三类负荷介绍了电力负荷计算两步骤和过程,以及在设计实践中的一些问题提出自己的看法。

正确合理地计算船舶电站的容量,将直接影响到船舶运行的经济指标,并且影响着船舶的生命力量,所以具有很重要的意义。船舶电站计算的基本理论,不仅设计人员要掌握,对于运行管理人员来说也是非常重要的,它可以帮助机舱管理人员正确深入地了解船舶电站的特点,从而能够根据不同的运行情况,相应的改变电力系统的运行方式,充分发挥电站的功能,使电力系统保证安全、可靠、经济、优质,(在电压和频率偏差允许围内)另外,在监造船舶和接管 船舶过程中,对所接船舶能够做出有理论的校验和评价。

在进行船舶设计时,船体的型式和尺寸及推进系统都可以由模型实验决定,但是船舶电站容量的选择至今尚无类似的办法,只能根据统计规律采用近似的估算方式。 电站容量的计算方法有许多种类,一般用的最多的是概率论法,昼夜航行图表法和负荷系数法。


将电站容量计算好后,就可以查对产品目录,根据发电机组标准和配套情况,选用发电机。 由于船上各用电设备的 工作情况与船舶的 运行工况有关,不论用什么方法计算电站容量都是按照船舶不同的工况分别进行的。



船舶电站容量的确定,必须经过船舶电力负荷计算,其结果作为选择发电机容量的依据,计算结果正确与否将直接影响发电机容量的选择,发电机容量选择不合适,势必将直接影响全船电器设配的使用要求,导致船舶航行不安全,也有可能由于船舶电站容量过大,造成电站低负荷,低效率运行,柴油发电机组功率得不到充分的利用,并相应地造成配套电气设配(主开关、仪表、电缆等)容量增大,导致船舶造价提高。用此电力负荷计算在整个船舶电气设计中是一项较为重要的 工作,应考虑周密、细致、慎重、否则将给船舶带来隐患。


目前,船舶电力负荷计算方法虽多,上述以介绍过了,下面以三类负荷法的计算步骤浅谈一下。 1、确定全船机械,照明及生活等设配的情况下,查出机械配套电机的额定参数,计算照明等其它用电设配的装置功率,并按设配工作性质进行分类,甲板机械、舵室辅机机修机械、冷藏通风、弱电设配、照明设配、生活设配、通讯导航等。

2、对于不同类型、用途的船舶划分为几种船舶运行工况,如航行状态、进出港、靠离码头、停泊、装卸货、应急状态等。 3、按确定各工况下所需使用的电机、电气设配以及它们使用情况进行负荷分类,即Ⅰ类负荷——连续使用额的负载,Ⅱ类负荷——短时或重复短时使用的负荷,Ⅲ类负荷——偶然短时使用的负荷,以及按操作规程规定可以在电站尖峰负荷时间外使用的负荷。


若有两台及两台以上同类型机械设配额定 电机,还需根据实际使用台数进行计算。 望可以帮到您。

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Introduction-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a long time the drift boat has been the famous wooden McKenzie style built in the 1930s and 1940s by Woodie Hindman or Tom Kaarhus from Norway in McKenzie river country. With the appearance of new materials such as Aluminum and fiberglass we have seen an evolution in design and shape, sometimes for the good sometimes for the worse. A number of drift boat companies got started by a passionate fly fisherman who wanted to make a living building drift boats, but knew little about composite materials in particular and boat design in general. The movie "A River Runs Through It" gave a boost to fly fishing in 1998 and helped those companies to survive for a while.The way to do it was by making a copy of a copy with little or no modification and no consideration for the esthetic. The result is today a lot of frustrated drift boats owners. For example fifteen years ago, boats were wrongly built with core material into the bottom, today they are falling apart. Potential buyers are very skeptical, because they ave heard the horror stories.There is no reason however not to expect more than just a floating platform that will get you down the river. In sailing design there is an old saying:"if the boat is beautiful, she is a fast boat!" A shiny, waxed and clean drift boat can be the pride of its owner. If a cheap wooden or fiberglass boat will get you to the same fishing spots as well as a more fancy one, in the long run it may worth it to opt for the quality. But quality is time and time is money, some times the size of the budget available leaves no choice.>>> BACK TO TOP Design-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main difference between a drift boat and any other boat is that the drift boat goes the wrong way. We don't really need a hull designed for speed as the boat travels at the speed of the water. The only time we need speed is when we want to escape a danger or go back up current. In an urgent situation, a light boat is more important than a sophisticated hull design, but a light boat with a wrong rear end design pushing the water can also be a disadvantage.Size:As the principle of Archimedes says, the displacement of the boat will define the draft of the boat--so the measurements and the weight are crucial.Length:There are at least two different ways to measure a drift boat: some measure the centerline from bow to transom, which makes sense and is called LOA for length overall. Others measure it along the gunnels which make no sense at all, I would call that an "EGO" complex. The overall length of a boat doesn't mean much anyway; we should be talking more about length of the water line, LWL. In boat design, the longer the LWL, the faster the boat, we don't really need that for a drift boat as the maneuverability is the most prized quality wanted. In most cases, we could probably cut off a foot or two not needed at both ends of most drift boats, keeping the same floor space but saving weight and limiting windage. Try to picture yourself carrying two five gallons buckets of water attached at the end of a 2x4 on your shoulders as the Chinese people carry loads. If you have an eight-foot long 2x4, you will spin around faster than if you have a sixteen-foot long 2x4. It does not help the maneuverability to have the front fisherman seventeen feet from the rear fisherman seated way back on the transom. The rear seat placed on a dry storage at the transom is the worse scenario. Most of the time the seat is placed on a swivel but the movement is so limited to a few degrees on each side that the swivel is just here for extra weight.If the weight is well placed, the boat will spin on a dime. It is also a good thing for the front fisherman to see what's going on under water in the front of the boat instead watching the bow of the Titanic.Width:The drift boat goes the wrong way, unlike any other boat. We need a small rear end that acts as front end and that is definitely out of the water in any circumstances. That means at least with three people in the boat and the anchor hanging out, a seat placed at the rear end will put the transom down; pushing the water while rowing back, not good! We also need a bottom wide enough not to have to counterbalance every time someone leans on the side to grab or release a fish for fear that it is your last trip because you are going to sink and you are not wearing your life jacket. The max width called Beam can be Bmax for maximum width at the hull or BWL for beam at waterline. The BWL needs to be placed at the right place also; The right placement is a combination between 。


For a long time the drift boat has been the famous wooden McKenzie style built in the 1930s and 1940s by Woodie Hindman or Tom Kaarhus from Norway in McKenzie river country. With the appearance of new materials such as Aluminum and fiberglass we have seen an evolution in design and shape, sometimes for the good sometimes for the worse. A number of drift boat companies got started by a passionate fly fisherman who wanted to make a living building drift boats, but knew little about composite materials in particular and boat design in general. The movie "A River Runs Through It" gave a boost to fly fishing in 1998 and helped those companies to survive for a while.

The way to do it was by making a copy of a copy with little or no modification and no consideration for the esthetic. The result is today a lot of frustrated drift boats owners. For example fifteen years ago, boats were wrongly built with core material into the bottom, today they are falling apart. Potential buyers are very skeptical, because they ave heard the horror stories.

There is no reason however not to expect more than just a floating platform that will get you down the river. In sailing design there is an old saying:

"if the boat is beautiful, she is a fast boat!"

A shiny, waxed and clean drift boat can be the pride of its owner. If a cheap wooden or fiberglass boat will get you to the same fishing spots as well as a more fancy one, in the long run it may worth it to opt for the quality. But quality is time and time is money, some times the size of the budget available leaves no choice.

5.急求一篇船舶类英文文献和中文翻译 翻译需要1000字 在线等

Ship commissioning is the act or ceremony of placing a ship in active service, and may be regarded as a particular application of the general concepts and practices of project commissioning. The term is most commonly applied to the placing of a warship in active duty with its country's military forces. The ceremonies involved are often rooted in centuries old naval tradition.Ship naming and launching endow a ship hull with her identity, but many milestones remain before she is completed and considered ready to be designated a commissioned ship. The engineering plant, weapon and electronic systems, galley, and multitudinous other equipment required to transform the new hull into an operating and habitable warship are installed and tested. The prospective commanding officer, ship's officers, the petty officers, and seamen who will form the crew report for training and intensive familiarization with their new ship.Prior to commissioning, the new ship undergoes sea trials to identify any deficiencies needing correction. The preparation and readiness time between christening-launching and commissioning may be as much as three years for a nuclear powered aircraft carrier to as brief as twenty days for a World War II landing ship. The USS Monitor, of American Civil War fame, was commissioned less than three weeks after launch.[edit]United States NavyCommissioning in the early United States Navy under sail was attended by no ceremony. An officer designated to command a new ship received orders similar to those issued to Captain Thomas Truxtun in 1798:Sir, I have it in command from the president of the United States, to direct you to repair with all due speed on board the ship Constellation lying at Baltimore. It is required that no Time be lost in carrying the Ship into deep water, taking on board her Cannon, Ammunition, Water, Provisions & Stores of every kind — completing what work is yet to be done shipping her Complement of Seamen and Marines, and preparing her in every respect for Sea 。

It is the President's express Orders, that you employ the most vigorous Exertions, to accomplish these several Objects and to put your Ship as speedily as possible in a situation to sail at the shortest notice.In Truxtun's time, the prospective commanding officer had responsibility for overseeing construction details, outfitting the ship, and recruiting his crew. When a captain determined that his new ship was ready to take to sea, he mustered the crew on deck, read his orders, broke the national ensign and distinctive commissioning pennant, and caused the watch to be set and the first entry to be made in the log. Thus, the ship was placed in commission.Commissionings were not public affairs, and unlike christening-and-launching ceremonies, were not recorded by newspapers. The first specific reference to commissioning located in naval records is a letter of November 6, 1863, from Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles to all navy yards and stations. The Secretary directed: "Hereafter the commandants of navy yards and stations will inform the Department, by special report of the date when each vessel preparing for sea service at their respective commands, is placed in commission."Subsequently, various editions of Navy regulations mentioned the act of putting a ship in commission, but details of a commissioning ceremony were not prescribed. Through custom and usage, however, a fairly standard practice emerged, the essentials of which are outlined in current Navy regulations.Officers and crew members of the new ship are assembled on the quarterdeck or other suitable area. Formal transfer of the ship to the prospective commanding officer is done by the Naval District Commandant or his representative. The transferring officer reads the commissioning directive, the national anthem is played, the ensign is hoisted, and the commissioning pennant broken. The prospective commanding officer reads his orders, assumes command, and the first watch is set.Craft assigned to Naval Districts and shore bases for local use, such as harbor tugs and floating drydocks, are not usually placed in commission but are instead given an "in service" status. They do fly the national ensign, but not a commissioning pennant.In recent years, commissionings have come to be more public occasions. Guests, including the ship's sponsor, are frequently invited to attend, and a prominent individual may deliver a commissioning address. On May 3, 1975, more than twenty thousand people witnessed the commissioning of USS Nimitz at Norfolk, Virginia. The carrier's sponsor, 。


Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------For a long time the drift boat has been the famous wooden McKenzie style built in the 1930s and 1940s by Woodie Hindman or Tom Kaarhus from Norway in McKenzie river country. With the appearance of new materials such as Aluminum and fiberglass we have seen an evolution in design and shape, sometimes for the good sometimes for the worse. A number of drift boat companies got started by a passionate fly fisherman who wanted to make a living building drift boats, but knew little about composite materials in particular and boat design in general. The movie "A River Runs Through It" gave a boost to fly fishing in 1998 and helped those companies to survive for a while.The way to do it was by making a copy of a copy with little or no modification and no consideration for the esthetic. The result is today a lot of frustrated drift boats owners. For example fifteen years ago, boats were wrongly built with core material into the bottom, today they are falling apart. Potential buyers are very skeptical, because they ave heard the horror stories.There is no reason however not to expect more than just a floating platform that will get you down the river. In sailing design there is an old saying:"if the boat is beautiful, she is a fast boat!"A shiny, waxed and clean drift boat can be the pride of its owner. If a cheap wooden or fiberglass boat will get you to the same fishing spots as well as a more fancy one, in the long run it may worth it to opt for the quality. But quality is time and time is money, some times the size of the budget available leaves no choice.>>> BACK TO TOP <<


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本文主要为您介绍室内设计北欧风格毕业论文范本,内容包括北欧家具设计的启示与感想2000字论文,求一篇室内设计毕业论文范文,求一室内设计的毕业论文,要文章,写不出来的别来添乱,谢谢..搜。特的珍品。 北欧家具设计创新的启示 当今中国已




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