



毕业论文参考文献规范格式 一、参考文献的类型 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下: M——专著 C——论文集 N——报纸文章 J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——报告 对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。 对于英文参考文献,还应注意以下两点: ①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是: 姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, M.R.,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & I.Gordon.; ②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly。

二、参考文献的格式及举例 1.期刊类[格式][序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码.[举例] [1] 王海粟.浅议会计信息披露模式[J].财政研究,2004,21(1):56-58. [2] 夏鲁惠.高等学校毕业论文教学情况调研报告[J].高等理科教育,2004(1):46-52. [3] Heider, E.R.& D.C.Oliver. The structure of color space in naming and memory of two languages [J]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1999, (3): 62 – 67. 2.专著类[格式][序号]作者.书名[M].出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码.[举例][4] 葛家澍,林志军.现代西方财务会计理论[M].厦门:厦门大学出版社,2001:42. [5] Gill, R. Mastering English Literature [M]. London: Macmillan, 1985: 42-45. 3.报纸类[格式][序号]作者.篇名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次).[举例] [6] 李大伦.经济全球化的重要性[N]. 光明日报,1998-12-27(3). [7] French, W. Between Silences: A Voice from China[N]. Atlantic Weekly, 1987-8-15(33). 4.论文集[格式][序号]作者.篇名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码.[举例] [8] 伍蠡甫.西方文论选[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979:12-17. [9] Spivak,G. “Can the Subaltern Speak?”[A]. In C.Nelson & L. Grossberg(eds.). Victory in Limbo: Imigism [C]. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988, pp.271-313. [10] Almarza, G.G. Student foreign language teacher's knowledge growth [A]. In D.Freeman and J.C.Richards (eds.). Teacher Learning in Language Teaching [C]. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1996. pp.50-78. 5.学位论文[格式][序号]作者.篇名[D].出版地:保存者,出版年份:起始页码.[举例] [11] 张筑生.微分半动力系统的不变集[D].北京:北京大学数学系数学研究所, 1983:1-7. 6.研究报告[格式][序号]作者.篇名[R].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码.[举例] [12] 冯西桥.核反应堆压力管道与压力容器的LBB分析[R].北京:清华大学核能技术设计研究院, 1997:9-10. 7.条例[格式][序号]颁布单位.条例名称.发布日期[举例][15] 中华人民共和国科学技术委员会.科学技术期刊管理办法[Z].1991—06—05 8.译著[格式][序号]原著作者. 书名[M].译者,译.出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码. 三、注释 注释是对论文正文中某一特定内容的进一步解释或补充说明。注释前面用圈码①、②、③等标识。

四、参考文献 参考文献与文中注(王小龙,2005)对应。标号在标点符号内。

多个都需要标注出来,而不是1-6等等 ,并列写出来。为满意回答。




It is ho nor for the a uthor to parti cipa te in the rese arch and const ruction of E-card system of Xia men Univer sity. And from it, the author de eply unde rstood the details of the construction and application of E-Card in the Campus. The E-Card System is an important part and fou ndation of the digital const ruction of campus .Also it pro vides compre hensive data collecti on platform for the digital campus. Using the construction of E-Ca rd sy stem of Xiamen Univer sity as an example,this essay will illustrate design a nd implem ent of E-Card w hich include but no t limited to the history and development of E-Card,digital campus , design prin ciple of E- Card, function of E-Card ,platform construction of basic dat abase, the t opology of network,syste m se curity and the patulous application of E -Card system. At the be gi nning of essay, the autho r anal yzes development of E-Card and the connection between E-Card s ystem and digital campus. S imultaneously, t he author an alyzes the present situation for application of campus E-Card. In chapter Ⅱ,the author discusses how to construct a k ind of ma naged E-card system by th e object of co nstruction, mode, prin ciple and module of each function. Chapter Ⅲ mainly introduces the design of key da tabase which is also calle d ba sic database and implement o f data-exchange between basic database and the u nits pro vided by it . Chapter Ⅳ mainly fo cus on the spe cial character of Xiam en Unive rsity's E-Ca rd called rice-free-s upply syst em whose applicati on is an event of special significance. Also this system demonst rate s Xiamen University's personali zed manag ement gi ving priority to the students. Now other campuses in China are rushing to imitate this kin d of system. In cha pter Ⅴ, t he author pre sents network of E-card. The network of E-card is very special w hich h is different from local area network. As the data transferred by network of E-card is financial date and it should be conn ected with bank network, high s tandard for safety is r equired in it. In this chapter, the auth or labors the design of private network and VPN. As people always focus on the safety issue for E-card system, chapter Ⅵ set out the comprehensive implement of safety for E-card system by network of system, server, terminal unit , operating system, databa se system, date transmission and excha nge, antiv irus system. E-card system reflects the situation of study and Life Living for the teachers and students in campus. The system can provide a decision-making basis for the manager by graph after the work of data mining and analysis of all data. All the contents will de monstrate in the last c hapter.。




其他的论文参考文献规范格式如下:希望对你的学习研究有所帮助,解决问题还望采纳答案哦。 一、参考文献的类型 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下: M——专著 C——论文集 N——报纸文章 J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——报告 对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。

对于英文参考文献,还应注意以下两点: ①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是: 姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, M.R.,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & I.Gordon.; ②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly。 二、参考文献的格式及举例 1.期刊类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码. 【举例】 [1] 王海粟.浅议会计信息披露模式[J].财政研究,2004,21(1):56-58. [2] 夏鲁惠.高等学校毕业论文教学情况调研报告[J].高等理科教育,2004(1):46-52. [3] Heider, E.R.& D.C.Oliver. The structure of color space in naming and memory of two languages [J]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1999, (3): 62 – 67. 2.专著类 【格式】[序号]作者.书名[M].出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码. 【举例】[4] 葛家澍,林志军.现代西方财务会计理论[M].厦门:厦门大学出版社,2001:42. [5] Gill, R. Mastering English Literature [M]. London: Macmillan, 1985: 42-45. 3.报纸类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次). 【举例】 [6] 李大伦.经济全球化的重要性[N]. 光明日报,1998-12-27(3). [7] French, W. Between Silences: A Voice from China[N]. Atlantic Weekly, 1987-8-15(33). 4.论文集 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码. 【举例】 [8] 伍蠡甫.西方文论选[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979:12-17. [9] Spivak,G. “Can the Subaltern Speak?”[A]. In C.Nelson & L. Grossberg(eds.). Victory in Limbo: Imigism [C]. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988, pp.271-313. [10] Almarza, G.G. Student foreign language teacher's knowledge growth [A]. In D.Freeman and J.C.Richards (eds.). Teacher Learning in Language Teaching [C]. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1996. pp.50-78. 5.学位论文 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[D].出版地:保存者,出版年份:起始页码. 【举例】 [11] 张筑生.微分半动力系统的不变集[D].北京:北京大学数学系数学研究所, 1983:1-7. 6.研究报告 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[R].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码. 【举例】 [12] 冯西桥.核反应堆压力管道与压力容器的LBB分析[R].北京:清华大学核能技术设计研究院, 1997:9-10. 7.条例 【格式】[序号]颁布单位.条例名称.发布日期 【举例】[15] 中华人民共和国科学技术委员会.科学技术期刊管理办法[Z].1991—06—05 8.译著 【格式】[序号]原著作者. 书名[M].译者,译.出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码. 三、注释 注释是对论文正文中某一特定内容的进一步解释或补充说明。

注释前面用圈码①、②、③等标识。 四、参考文献 参考文献与文中注(王小龙,2005)对应。

标号在标点符号内。多个都需要标注出来,而不是1-6等等 ,并列写出来。




MLA格式简要规范MLA格式简要规范 1. 独著姓,名.书名.出版地:出版社,出版年代.Bambrough,Renford..NewYork:TheNewAmericanLibrary,1963. 2.两至三名作者姓,名,名姓,and名姓.书名.出版地:出版社,出版年代.Horton,RodW.,andHerbertW.Edwards..NewYork:Appleton-Century-Crofts,Inc.,1952.Atwan,Robert,DonaldMcquade,andJohnWright.Edsels,Luckies,andFrigidaires:.NewYork:Dell,1979. 3.四名或以上作者 姓,名, etal.书名.出版地:出版社,出版年代.Belenky,MaryField,et,al.Women'sWaysofKnowing:TheDevelopmentofSelf,Voice,andMind.NewYork:Basic,1986. 4. 机构作者 机构名称.书名.出版地:出版社,出版年代...4thed.Washington:,1994. 5. 匿名作者 书名.出版地:出版社,出版年代..NewYork:NewYorkTimesBooks,1980. 6. 同一作者两本以上著作 以书名第一个主要单词的首字母顺序排列先后,作者的姓名放在第一条文献条目前,第二条文献条目前用三个连字号。Bloom,Harold.TheAnxietyof




APA,是【American Psychological Association】的缩写,同时也是【美国心理学会】的英文名。该学会成立于1892年,是美国最大的心理学组织。

APA格式,也就是APA style便是该学会在1952年出版的长达61页的《APA Publication Manual 》中所提倡的APA出版物相关书写指南,后被推广于整个学术界中,形成了现在学术论文中引用参考文献时的最重要的书写格式之一。

这种格式被广泛应用于心理学、医学、教育学、行为学等社会科学(Social Sciences)类研究领域的论文之中。


MLA,是【Modern Language Association】的缩写,同时也是【美国现代语言学会】的英文名。该学会成立于1883年,是美国最主要的文献学、文学、语言学研究机构之一。

MLA格式,也就是MLA style。相较于APA style,MLA style的形成过程非常缓慢。这种格式被首次提倡于1951年的《MLA Style Sheet》之中,但真正成型则是始于1977年的《The MLA Handbook(MLA手册)》。后者先后改版过很多次,其中的第二版问世于1998年,名为《MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing》,即“MLA格式和学术出版指南”。

这种格式被广泛应用于英文系(English studies),现代语言文学(Modern languages and literatures), 比较文学(Comparative literature)文学批评(Literary criticism),媒体研究(Media studies),文化研究(Cultural studies)等人文领域(Humanities)的学术论文之中。







APA:作者. (出版年). 论文标题. 期刊, 刊号, 页数.

MLA:作者. 论文标题. 期刊, 刊号(出版年): 页数.


APA:作者. (出版年). 书名:副标题. 出版社所在地:出版社名称.

MLA:作者. 书名:副标题. 出版社名称, 出版年.


[1]张葳. 从中美篮球校园文化差异看高校篮球文化建设[J]. 湖北体育科技,2011,(3).

[2]陈军宏. 中西大学校园文化差异及其整合[J]. 职业时空,2009,(9).

[3]袁素卓,李东. 校园文化差异剖析与交际策略[J]. 辽宁教育行政学院学报,2007,(3).

[4]黄剑平. 五“D”理论和中美大学校园文化差异[J]. 河北理工大学学报(社会科学版),2008,(2).

[5]李越红. 中西方校园文化差异浅析[J]. 山西农业大学学报(社会科学版),2004,(3).




[1] 赵红,赵敏. 如何实现高效率的仓储管理[J]. 经营管理者, 2009, (04) .

[2] 张二磊. 仓储管理运作效率提高途径[J]. 中国市场, 2009, (19) .

[3] 林志华. 现代企业仓储管理新的要求[J]. 市场周刊(新物流), 2009, (03) .

[4] 王勇. 5S管理与仓储管理精细化[J]. 中国储运, 2009, (02) .

[5] 罗俊. 物流公司仓储管理案例分析[J]. 现代商贸工业, 2009, (11) .

[6] 王敏浩. 浅谈物流中心仓储业的自动化管理[J]. 全国商情(经济理论研究), 2009, (07) .

[7] 张萍. 浅谈如何加强企业物资仓储管理[J]. 经营管理者, 2009, (09) .

[8] 姜超峰. 仓储管理与技术应用前景[J]. 中国储运, 2009, (01) .

[9] 张晓平,华希勤,王振荣. 关于仓储流程管理的思考[J]. 梅山科技, 2006, (03) .

[10] 朱丽慧. 提高梅山仓储管理效率的探讨[J]. 梅山科技, 2008, (S1) .



Transport or transportation is the movement of people and goods from one location to another. Transport is performed by various modes, such as air, rail, road, water, cable, pipeline and space. The field can be divided into infrastructure, vehicles, and operations. Infrastructure consists of the fixed installations necessary for transport, and may be roads, railways, airways, waterways, canals and pipelines, and terminals such as airports, railway stations, bus stations, wharehouses, trucking terminals, refueling depots (including fueling docks and fuel stations) and seaports. Terminals may both be used for interchange of passengers and cargo, and for maintenance. Vehicles traveling on these networks include vehicles of appropriate types such as automobiles, bicycles, buses, trains, trucks people, helocopters and aircraft. Operations deal with the way the vehicles are operated, and the procedures set for this purpose including financing, legalities and policies. In the transport industry, operations and ownership of infrastructure can be either public or private, depending on the country and mode. Passenger transport may be public, where operators provide scheduled services, or private. Freight transport has become focused on containerization, although bulk transport is used for large volumes of durable items. Transport plays an important part in economic growth and globalization, but has a deteriorizing impact on the environment. While it is heavily subsidized by governments, good planning of transport is essential to make traffic flow, and restrain urban sprawl. Mode Main article: Mode of transport A mode of transport is a technological solution that used a fundamentally different vehicle, infrastructure and operations. The transport of a person or cargo may be by one or more modes, the latter called intermodal transport. Each mode has its advantages and disadvantages, and will be chosen for a trip depended on the nature of the purpose, cargo and destination. While there transport in air and on water has their own mode, land transport has several modes. Human-powered transport remains common in developing countries [edit] Human-powered Main article: Human-powered transport Human-powered transport is the transport of person(s) and/or goods using human muscle-power. Like animal-powered transport, human-powered transport has existed since time immemorial in the form of walking, running and swimming. Modern technology has allowed machines to enhance human-power. Many forms of human-powered transport remain popular for reasons of cost-saving, leisure, physical exercise and environmentalism. Human-powered transport is sometimes the only type available, especially in underdeveloped or inaccessible regions. It is considered an ideal form of sustainable transportation. Although humans are able to walk without infrastructure, the transport can be enhanced through the use of roads, especially when enforcing the human power with vehicles, such as bicycles and inline skates. Human-powered vehicles have also been developed for highly encumbering environments, such as snow and water, by watercraft rowings and skiing; even the air can be entered with human-powered aircraft. [edit] Animal-powered Main article: Animal-powered transport Animal-powered transport is the use of working animals for the movement of people and goods. Humans may ride some of the animals directly, use them as pack animals for carrying goods, or harness them, alone or in teams, to pull sleds or wheeled vehicles. Animals are superior to people in their speed, endurance and carrying capacity; prior to the Industrial Revolution they were used for all land transport impracticable for people, and they remain an important mode of transport in less developed areas of the world. [edit] Air Main article: Aviation Scandinavian Airlines System MD-80 airliner at Kiruna Airport, SwedenA fixed-wing aircraft, commonly called airplane, is a heavier-than-air craft where movement of the air in relation to the wings is used to generate lift. The term is used to distinguish from rotary-wing aircraft, where the movement of the lift surfaces relative to the air generates lift. A gyroplane is both fixed-wing and rotary-wing. Fixed-wing aircraft range from small trainers and recreational aircraft to large airliners and military cargo aircraft. Two necessities for aircraft are air flow over the wings for lift, and an area for landing. The majority of aircraft also need an airport with the infrastructure to receive maintenance, restocking, refueling and for the loading and unloading of crew, cargo and passengers. 。



20世纪 80年代以来,在区域经济一体化趋势下,区域经济合作成为一种普遍的经济现象,区域问物流、商流、信息流、资金流等不断涌现,物流活动日趋频繁。

如何减少物流距离、缩短物流时问、降低物流费 用,成为区域经济协调发展亟需解 决的问题。在这个背景下,区域物流 成为现代物流发展中的一个重要领 域,受到全世界的广泛关注 ,各国都 十分重视区域物流的研究。

进入21 世纪,我国各级政府、产业界和理论 界高度重视并切实推进区域物流发 展,促进商品及各种要素的高效流 动和配置优化。 为实现区域经济社会的可持续 发展,要对区域物流进行统筹协调、合理规划、整体控制,实现区域物流 各要素的系统最优 目标。

区域物流 涉及物资在区域内的实体流动、区 域间的货物集敞过程 ,重点解决一 个区域内的物流系统优化 问题 ,保 障整个区域的物流活动满足生产活 动、消费生活的需要,提高区域经济 运行质量,促进区域经济协调发展。 区域物流中的“区域”是具有特 定经济意义的地区范围,电可称之 为经济区域。

区域物流作为区域经 济活动的重要组成部分,是区域功 能得以发挥的有力支柱,体现区域资源的合理配置和有效利用,满足区域经济社会可持续发展的战略需要此,区域物流的价值取向是区域经济社会的协调及可持续发展。 区域物流作为区域经济社会的 个子系统,涉及区域物资的运输配 送、仓储保管、现代包装、装卸搬运、流通加工、信息处理等领域,其产生 和发展是随着社会分工协作和地区 经济专业化的发展而发展的。

第一 次社会大分工后,自给自足的自然经 济仍占统治地位,商品生产和交换的 比重很小,地区间的联系很弱,一般 只在农业部落和游牧部落之问存在 零星的、分散的物资流动。第二次社 会大分工后,手工业、矿业、小规模原 材料工业、简单制造业等应运而生, 商品生产和交换不断发展,但是受交 通条件、运输条件等经济基础的制 约,物资流通范围较小。

第三次社会 大分工后,出现了专门从事商品交换 的商人,商品交换向纵深发展,物资 流通日趋频繁,一个或少数几个条件 优越的地区与其他地区开始分化,产 生了一个或几个区域性的、以条件优 越地区为中心、周围地区为外围的二元结构。随着商品经济的发展,中心区经济迅速发展,对资源的需求大幅度扩张,与其他地区之间的物流联系不断加强;外围地区也逐渐得到开发 ,成为区域的次级中心,形成主中心、次中心相互衔接的多核结构区域经济。


区域经济理论强调区域经济增 长需要区域 内和区域之间的物流、商 流 、信息流、资金流。没有高效的物 资流动,就不会有增长的极化和扩散 效应,梯度推移也就不会实现;没有 物资的合理流动,就不能促进区域经 济社会的可持续发展。

另一方面,区 域经济理论可以应用于物流产业的 定位分析,指导区域物流发展。例如, 将增长极理论应用到区域物流规划, 可集中在以下几个方面:物流基础设 施建设,应注 资源增长极”、“产业 增长极”和“城市增长极”有机结合, 避免重复建设;物流园区的建设,应注重增长极的诱发效应、极化效应、渗透效应和扩散效应;重点物流园区的建设,应注重“增长极核效应”。

Since the 1980s, the trend of regional economic integration, regional economic cooperation has become a common phenomenon in the economy, asked the regional logistics, business flow, information flow, capital flow, and other emerging services, logistics activities have become more frequent. How to reduce the distance between the logistics, logistics shorten the time to reduce logistics costs, as a regional economic coordinated development of the urgent need to resolve. Against this background, to become the regional logistics of modern logistics development in an important field by the world wide attention, both countries attach great importance to regional logistics. In the 21st century, our country at all levels of government, industry and the community attached great importance to theoretical and practical logistics to promote regional development and promotion of commodities and various elements of the high-performance mobile and optimize the configuration. To achieve regional sustainable economic and social development, it is necessary to carry out the logistics of the regional co-ordination, planning and reasonable, overall control, regional logistics elements of the system optimal goal. Regional logistics supplies in the region involving physical movement of goods between the regional-open process, a focus on the region's logistics optimization system to protect the region as a whole to meet the logistics activities of the production, consumption need。


Business logisticsLogistics as a business concept evolved in the 1950s due to the increasing complexity of supplying businesses with materials and shipping out products in an increasingly globalized supply chain, leading to a call for experts called supply chain logisticians. Business logistics can be defined as "having the right item in the right quantity at the right time at the right place for the right price in the right condition to the right customer", and is the science of process and incorporates all industry sectors. The goal of logistics work is to manage the fruition of project life cycles, supply chains and resultant efficiencies.In business, logistics may have either internal focus (inbound logistics), or external focus (outbound logistics) covering the flow and storage of materials from point of origin to point of consumption (see supply chain management). The main functions of a qualified logistician include inventory management, purchasing, transportation, warehousing, consultation and the organizing and planning of these activities. Logisticians combine a professional knowledge of each of these functions to coordinate resources in an organization. There are two fundamentally different forms of logistics: one optimizes a steady flow of material through a network of transport links and storage nodes; the other coordinates a sequence of resources to carry out some project.[edit]Production logisticsThe term production logistics is used to describe logistic processes within an industry. The purpose of production logistics is to ensure that each machine and workstation is being fed with the right product in the right quantity and quality at the right time. The concern is not the transportation itself, but to streamline and control the flow through value-adding processes and eliminate non–value-adding ones. Production logistics can be applied to existing as well as new plants. Manufacturing in an existing plant is a constantly changing process. Machines are exchanged and new ones added, which gives the opportunity to improve the production logistics system accordingly. Production logistics provides the means to achieve customer response and capital efficiency.Production logistics is becoming more important with decreasing batch sizes. In many industries (e.g. mobile phones), a batch size of one is the short-term aim, allowing even a single customer's demand to be fulfilled efficiently. Track and tracing, which is an essential part of production logistics—due to product safety and product reliability issues—is also gaining importance, especially in the automotive and medical industries.出处 wikipedia。

5.第三方物流有关英文文献 给一份看看 谢谢了

第三方物流,Third Party Logistics,简称:3PL1. 3rd Party Logistics Study 2012 [2012第三方物流市场报告]petitive advantages),通过这些竞争优势获取供应商/制造商们的服务合约(service contract),获取报酬和利润(profit)。对3PL来说,服务顾客,追求顾客的满意度(customer satisfaction)是宗旨(ultimate objective)。

提供增值(value add)服务是客户的需求,也是3PL获利的基础(basis)。人脉(network)和信息系统(information network)是3PL最宝贵的资产。

和客户(供应商/生产商们)建立长久的合作关系(coopration;partnership)是3PL的目标,也是持续发展(sustainable growth)和盈利的基础。合作(collaboration),互信(trust),信息共享(information sharing),战略化的统一[标准和观念](strategic allignment in standards and principles)是实现长期合作的途径和方法。

要成为成功的3PL必须知道自己的SWOT (strengthes:内部优势,weaknesses:内部弱点,opportunies:市场机遇,threats:外部威胁),然后找到适合自身的市场定位(market niche)和相应的竞争发展战略(competition strategy)才行。=====================================希望以上这些词汇对你有帮助。

6.仓库管理系统计算机毕业论文 英文摘要应该怎么写


This thesis is founded on the development of army material management system. The author takes charge of the designing and implement of planar bar code using in storehouse management.

This thesis particularly expounds the society background and technique background of the planar bar code application module and the necessity of this system's development. This thesis expounds the system research, system analysis and the foundation of new system logical model in the development of system. In addition, this thesis expounds the detailed designing of system. In the end, this thesis expounds all kinds of idiographic technology problems and corresponding resolvents.

KEYWORDS: Planar bar code, Storehouse management, Bar code scanning, management system更多的可以参考一下5173论文网,那边资料很多!~


MartinChristoPher.[M].Beijing: 董蕊.供应链管理与第三方物流策划【M』.北京:中国经济出版社,2003 楼前飞,严伟.浅析我国第三方物流的发展现状及对策[J].物流技 术,2005(11) Donald J.Bowersox,David J.Closs,(1998). Outi Manunen . (2000)An Activity-Based Costing Model for Logistics Operations of Manufacturers and Wholesalers . vol.3,no.1 Wendy W.Qu ,James H. Boodbinder, Paul Iyogun. (1999)An integrated inventory-transportation system with modified periodic policy for mulitiple products .. 骆温平著,(2001)《第三方物流:理论、操作与案例》,上海社会科学院出版社记得采纳啊。


Management problemsIntegrated project team planningManaged communications across many peopleA formal decision-making processAn integrated test plan and managed test processApplying lessons learned from earlier implementations to later implementationsUser problemsTechnical problemsERPComplexity造成的问题二Management problemsUser problemsPeople obstacles, 62%Business process issues, 16%Information technology (technical issues), 12%Technical problemsERPComplexity造成的问题三Management problemsUser problemsTechnical problemsNonrobust and incomplete ERP packagesComplex and undefined ERP-to-legacy-system interfacesMiddleware technology bugsPoor custom codePoor system performanceERP Intractable的原因[3]ReliabilityBig-bang seductionOvereager customizationCultural hurdleERP 的Hidden Costs [3] scheduleSparing the bestDelayed ROI (Return on Investment)Model-Based Architecting and Software Engineering[3]Success modelTechnological vs. comprehensiveProduct modelMonolithic vs. UnitizedProcess modelBig-bang vs. incrementalModel of Risk Factors[2]External Business ContextOrganization ContextIS ContextEnterprise System ProjectModel of Risk Factors in ES Implementation [2]FoxMeyer vs. Dow Corning之一[2]FoxMeyer vs. Dow Corning之二[2]FoxMeyer vs. Dow Corning差异[2]Organizational cultureDow Corning has an open culture- less open - forced by a contract with UHC in 90 daysUse of ConsultantsFoxMeyer-AndersenDow Corning - no consultant, but ask for SAP's helpProject leadershipFoxMeyer- no steering committee nor strong PMDow Corning- VP + planning committeeModel-based analysisFoxMeyer's reaction to Environment ChangeDown Corning's ability to withstand environmental changeProject Resolution by Type [4]Type I Successful 16.2%Completed on time and within budgetAll required functions and features initially specifiedType 2 Challenged 52.7%Completed and operationalSuffered budget overruns and/or program slipsOffered fewer functions and features than originally specifiedType 3 Impaired 31.1%Cancelled or abandoned at some point of the life cycleIS Failure by Lyytinen and Hirschheim [4]Correspondence FailureBudget and time scheduleInteraction FailureUser usage, attitudes and FailureMeet the stakeholders' requirements, expectations or values.其它高失败率的IS导入资料仓储系统(Wixom and Watson, 2002)1/2到2/3 是失败的客户关系管理系统(Payton and Zahay, 2003)50%-70%是失败的供应链管理系统(Elmuti, 2002)仅2%厂商认为自己的SCM是世界级的参考文献Krasner, H. (2000). Ensuring E-Business Success by Learning from ERP Failure, IEEE IT Pro, January/February, pp. 22-27.Scott, J. E. and Vessey, I (2002). Managing Risks in Enterprise Systems Implementations, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 74-81.Vogt, C. (2002). Intractable ERP: A Comprehensive Analysis of Failed Enterprise-Resource-Planning Projects, Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 62-68.Yeo, K. T. (2002). Critical Failure Factors in Information System Projects, International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 20, pp. 241-246.参考文献-ERPKrasner, H. (2000). Ensuring E-Business Success by Learning from ERP Failure, IEEE IT Pro, January/February, pp. 22-27.Scott, J. E. and Vessey, I (2002). Managing Risks in Enterprise Systems Implementations, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 74-81.Vogt, C. (2002). Intractable ERP: A Comprehensive Analysis of Failed Enterprise-Resource-Planning Projects, Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 62-68.Yeo, K. T. (2002). Critical Failure Factors in Information System Projects, International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 20, pp. 241-246.参考文献-OthersWixom, B. H. and Watson, H. J. (2001), An empirical investigation of the factors affecting data warehousing success, MIS Quarterly; 25(1), pp. 17-41.Payton, F. C. and Zahay, D. (2003), Understanding Why Marketing Does not Use the Corporate Data Warehouse for CRM Applications, Journal of Database Management; 10(4), pp. 315-326.Elmuti, D. (2002), The perceived impact of supply chain management on organizational effectiveness, Journal of Supply Chain Management; 38(3), pp. 49-57.。





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设计标题: 企业人力资源管理系统 备 注: 源码+执行程序+论文 论文简介 AbstractAlong with the global information development, the enterprise information construction also catches up with the time the step .The human resources management system management system essential target is supports the enterprise the personnel management and business processes services labor intensity, the auxiliary business management, assists the high-level leadership decision-making, enhances the enterprise the working efficiency, thus enables the enterprise to obtain the better social efficiency and the economic efficiency by the few investments, looks like the human affairs system, the checking attendance management system management system and so on belongs to the human resources management system management system category .It is the unit realizes the modernization foundation engineering, is enhances the unit the management level, the service operating efficiency and the grade of service essential method .How therefore many programmers all possibly do face develop a set of quite perfect human resources management system management system the question.Along with the computer technology rapid development, the computer in the business management the application popularization, uses the computer realization enterprise human affairs wages imperative the management .This system union company actual human affairs, the financial system, pass through the actual demand analysis, uses function formidable Visual Basic6.0 makes the human resources management system management system which develops for the development kit.The overall system from conforms to the operation easily, the contact surface friendly, nimble, practical, the safe request embarks, completes the human affairs, the human resources management entire process, joined including recently the staff when the dossier establishment, the staff exited, the position and so on the change cause staff personnel management work and so on information revision, staff information inquiry, statistics as well as recently staff human resources supervisory work and so on wages addition, information revision .After the actual use proof, the human affairs human resources management system management system which this article designs may satisfy the company human affairs, the human resources management aspect need.The paper mainly introduced this topic development background, must complete function and development process .Key explanation system design key point, design concept, difficult technology and solutionKey Words: DataBase , Visual Basic 6.0, HumanResource Management System目录摘要 2Abstract 3第一章 绪论 51.1 课题来源 51.2 开发工具的选择 6第二章 系统概述 102.1 编写目的 102.2 系统功能概述 112.3 Access 概述 12第三章 系统分析 133.1. 系统需求分析 133.1.1. 功能需求 133.1.2. 数据需求 143.1.3. 运行环境 143.2. 数据流程分析 153.2.1. 数据流程图 153.2.2. 数据E-R图 163.3. 系统功能模块分析 173.4. 用户需求分析 18第四章 系统设计 194.1. 软件模块结构设计 194.2. 数据库设计 21第五章 系统实现 255.1. 系统用户管理模块 255.2. 基础数据维护模块 285.3. 员工档案管理模块 295.4. 绩效考勤管理模块 335.5. 工资管理模块 375.6. 权限管理模块 425.7. 统计分析模块 485.8. 打印功能 49总结 51致 谢 52参考文献(仅供参考) 53访问网站 。








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wikipedia "marketing" 有非常多的连结中英文都有Marketing is an integrated communications-based process through which individuals and communities discover that existing and newly-identified needs and wants may be satisfied by the products and services of others.Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. The term developed from the original meaning which referred literally to going to market, as in shopping, or going to a market to buy or sell goods or services.Marketing practice tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants, which are often discovered through market research. Seen from a systems point of view, sales process engineering views marketing as a set of processes that are interconnected and interdependent with other functions, whose methods can be improved using a variety of relatively new approaches.Marketing is influenced by many of the social sciences, particularly psychology, sociology, and economics. Anthropology and neuroscience are also small but growing influences. Market research underpins these activities through advertising, it is also related to many of the creative arts. The marketing literature is also infamous for re-inventing itself and its vocabulary according to the times and the culture.Four PsMain article: Marketing mixIn the early 1960s, Professor Neil Borden at Harvard Business School identified a number of company performance actions that can influence the consumer decision to purchase goods or services. Borden suggested that all those actions of the company represented a “Marketing Mix”. Professor E. Jerome McCarthy, also at the Harvard Business School in the early 1960s, suggested that the Marketing Mix contained 4 elements: product, price, place and promotion. * Product: The product aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual goods or services, and how it relates to the end-user's needs and wants. The scope of a product generally includes supporting elements such as warranties, guarantees, and support. * Pricing: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts. The price need not be monetary; it can simply be what is exchanged for the product or services, e.g. time, energy, or attention. Methods of setting prices optimally are in the domain of pricing science. * Placement (or distribution): refers to how the product gets to the customer; for example, point-of-sale placement or retailing. This third P has also sometimes been called Place, referring to the channel by which a product or service is sold (e.g. online vs. retail), which geographic region or industry, to which segment (young adults, families, business people), etc. also referring to how the environment in which the product is sold in can affect sales. * Promotion: This includes advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and personal selling. Branding refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand, or company.。


1.A.Jueland and S.Shugan. Managing Channal Profits[J]. Marketing Science,1983(2):239~272 2.P. Rey and J.Stiglitz. Vertical Restraint and Producers Competition[J]. European Economic Review,1988,32:561~568 3.Choi S.Chan.Price Competition in a Channel Structure with a Common Retailer[J].Markting Science,1991,10(4):271~296 4.G.Shaffer.Slotting Allowances and Retail Price Maintenance:A Comparison of Facilitating Practices[J]. RAND Journal of Economics,1991,22(1):120~135。






























[18]中国烟草在线merce and e-marketing issues in regional Australia[J]. Information Technology & Tourism, 2002, 5(1): 13-23.


Adam S, Mulye R, Deans K R, et al. E-marketing in perspective: a three country comparison of business use of the Internet[J]. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 2002, 20(4): 243-251.


Gilmore A, Gallagher D, Henry S. E-marketing and SMEs: operational lessons for the future[J]. European Business Review, 2007, 19(3): 234-247.


Sigala M. Modelling e-marketing strategies: Internet presence and exploitation of Greek Hotels[J]. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 2001, 11(2/3): 83-104.


Harrison-Walker L J. If you build it, will they come? Barriers to international e-marketing[J]. Journal of Marketing Theory and practice, 2002: 12-21.


Krishnamurthy S, Singh N. The international e-marketing framework (IEMF) Identifying the building blocks for future global e-marketing research[J]. International Marketing Review, 2005, 22(6): 605-610.


Yan R. Cooperative advertising, pricing strategy and firm performance in the e-marketing age[J]. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2010, 38(4): 510-519.


Krishnamurthy S. Introducing E-MARKPLAN: A practical methodology to plan e-marketing activities[J]. Business Horizons, 2006, 49(1): 51-60.


Definitions of marketingMarketing is the management of exchange relationships. This emphasizes the role of marketing in relating to the world outside the organization. All relationships between the organization and the out side world, especially when they relate to customers, need to be managed. The organization will be judged by customers, suppliers, competitors and other according to their personal experience. Marketing is the management process which identifies, anticipates and supplies customer requirement efficiently and profitably. Marketing is concerned with meeting business objectives by providing customer satisfactions. When people buy products or services they do not simply want the products, they also want the benefits from using the products or services. Products and services help to solve a customer's problem. It is the solution to these problems that customers are buying. Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution or ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organization goals. Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from organizations' to their customers. Marketing is the process of determining customer demand for a product, motivating its sale and distributing it into ultimate consumption at a profit. Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements efficiently and profitably. Characteristics of marketing-oriented companyMarket orientation (market-oriented)Refers to the enterprise in accordance with its own power to match the target market and target user groups requested to design, produce, and deliver products and services. Advantages Disadvantages  Product tailored to the needs of the customer Research and development enables the market-led company to keep ahead of the competition Opportunities arise out of a continuous research thrust Knowing you customer enables you to communicate more efficiently, with cost-effective marketing communications Produce what you can sell rather than sell what you produce Leads to long-term relationships with high customer satisfaction  Extensive market research needed into customer needs/wants Expensive and time consuming – time delay for product to market 'Me-too' products that can undercut because there are no costs of research and development Irrational customer behavior – no amount of research will alter the fickle nature of the average customer Dynamic nature of market place – today's products become tomorrow's throwaways Too narrow a focusDue to economic development, people's incomes increase, accelerating the pace of life, increasing social interaction, has quietly changed the concept of life, the rapid development of tertiary industry, the food service industry has been seen a lot of favorable market opportunities.1. The increased population eating out of China's population and family structure has undergone great changes with more and more single people. This family structure and lifestyles change may lead to changes in consumer behaviors, more and more people are reluctant to spend too much time on cooking, thus increasing the population eating out.2. The rise a healthy trend of People's living standards improve the living began to focus on the health effects of diet, emphasizing nutrition and food hygiene, respect for dining. People who pursue their own health to the restaurant industry will be tremendous opportunities for a broad market.3. The development of tourism. At present tourism is one of the fastest-growing sectors in China, rising per capita tourist spending, tourism region expanded. For tourists, the food culture is also one of the attractive elements.Meiwei restaurant should to meet market and consumer changes, provide customers with convenient, healthy Chinese fast food. Elements of marketing conceptThe marketing concept is the attitude that business decisions should be based on what the customer wants. Marketing concept is the enterprise business decision-making, organization and management of marketing activities, the basic guiding ideology that is business philosophy. It is a concept, an attitude, or a corporate way of thinking. Marketing concept is a "consumer demand as the center, market as the starting point" business guideline.Marketing conceptThe key to achieving business goals to determine the correct target market needs, all to the consumer as the center, and than the competition more 。

8.跪求 服务营销 英文参考文献 跪求

[1] 靳医兵. 知识经济与服务营销[J]. 商业经济文荟 , 2001,(01) [2] 何振亮. 为什么服务营销不足?[J]. 经营管理者 , 2005,(05) [3] 钱红. 服务营销与企业竞争[J]. 云南民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版) , 1997,(02) [4] 郭箐楠, 敖楚斌. 营销新趋势:服务营销[J]. 科技与管理 , 2001,(03) [5] 陈晔, 苗泽华. 服务营销是市场利器[J]. 经济论坛 , 2001,(07) [6] 陈祝平. 论开展对服务营销的研究[J]. 财经研究 , 1993, (04) [7] 姚作为. 透视服务营销的分析框架[J]. 南方经济 , 2005,(03) [8] 宋润生. 论汽车服务营销的理念[J]. 深圳职业技术学院学报 , 2003,(02) [9] 虞晶. 服务营销之我见[J]. 科技情报开发与经济 , 2005,(04) [10] 俞利军. 从吃说起——服务营销面面观[J]. 网际商务 , 2001,(Z1)。



1.英语论文 参考文献怎么在文中标注出







留学生在参考文献的列举,或者可以说是陈列方面有比较多的标注方法,常见的有五种:Harvard referencing system哈佛文献标记系统;CMS:Chicago Manual of Style(CMS)芝加哥写作和文献标注系统;APA Style:American Psychological Association美国心理学会写作和文献标记办法;AMA:American Medical Association美国医学会文献标注系统;MLA:现代语言学会写作和文献标注系统。但是最常用的就是前两种,今天来说一下哈佛文献的注释格式吧!





如果你写的中文文章,就按照国内杂志的统一格式书写,附如下 如果要发表在国外杂志,按照各杂志特定格式引用,和国内的是不一样的。

1 参考文献是对期刊论文引文进行统计和分析的重要信息源之一,在本规范中采用GB7714推荐的顺序编码制格式著录。­ ­ 2 参考文献著录项目­ a.主要责任者(专著作者、论文集主编、学位申报人、专利申请人、报告撰写人、期刊文章作者、析出文章作者)。


­ b.文献题名及版本(初版省略)。­ c.文献类型及载体类型标识。

­ d.出版项(出版地、出版者、出版年)。­ e.文献出处或电子文献的可获得地址。

­ f.文献起止页码。­ g.文献标准编号(标准号、专利号……)。

­ ­ 3 参考文献类型及其标识­ (1) 根据GB3469规定,以单字母方式标识以下各种参考文献类型:­ 参考文献类型 专著 论文集 报纸文章 期刊文章 学位论文 报告 标准 专利 ­ 文献类型标识 M C N J D R S P ­ (2) 对于专著、论文集中的析出文献,其文献类型标识建议采用单字母“A”;对于其他未说明的文献类型,建议采用单字母“Z”。­ (3) 对于数据库(database)、计算机程序(computer program)及电子公告(electronic bulletin board)等电子文献类型的参考文献,建议以下列双字母作为标识:­ 电子参考文献类型 数据库 计算机程序 电子公告­ 电子文献类型标识 DB CP EB ­ (4) 电子文献的载体类型及其标识­ 对于非纸张型载体的电子文献,当被引用为参考文献时需在参考文献类型标识中同时标明其载体类型。

本规范建议采用双字母表示电子文献载体类型:­ 磁带 (magnetic tape)——MT,磁盘(disk)——DK,光盘(CD-ROM)——CD,­ 联机网络(online)——OL,并以下列格式表示包括了文献载体类型的参考文献类型标识:­ [文献类型标识/载体类型标识]如: ­ [DB/OL]——联机网上数据库(database online)­ [DB/MT]——磁带数据库(database on magnetic tape)­ [M/CD]——光盘图书(monograph on CD-ROM)­ [CP/DK]——磁盘软件(computer program on disk)­ [J/OL]——网上期刊(serial online)­ [EB/OL]——网上电子公告(electronic bulletin board online)­ 以纸张为载体的传统文献在引作参考文献时不必注明其载体类型。­ ­ 4 文后参考文献表编排格式­ 参考文献按在正文中出现的先后次序列表于文后;表上以“参考文献:”(左顶格)或“[参考文献]”(居中)作为标识;参考文献的序号左顶格,并用数字加方括号表示,如[1]、[2]、…,以与正文中的指示序号格式一致。

参照ISO690及ISO690-2,每一参考文献条目的最后均以“.”结束。各类参考文献条目的编排格式及示例如下: ­ ­ a.专著、论文集、学位论文、报告­ [序号]主要责任者.文献题名[文献类型标识].出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页码(可选).­ [1] 刘国钧,陈绍业,王凤翥.图书馆目录 ­­.北京:高等教育出版社,1957.15-18.­ [2] 辛希孟.信息技术与信息服务国际研讨会论文集:A集[C].北京:中国社会科学出版社,1994.­ [3] 张筑生.微分半动力系统的不变集[D].北京:北京大学数学系数学研究所,1983.­ [4] 冯西桥.核反应堆压力管道与压力容器的LBB分析 ­­.北京:清华大学核能技术设计研究院,1997.­ ­ b.期刊文章­ [序号]主要责任者.文献题名[J].刊名,年,卷(期):起止页码.­ [5] 何龄修.读顾城《南明史》[J].中国史研究,1998,(3):167-173.­ [6] 金显贺,王昌长,王忠东,等.一种用于在线检测局部放电的数字滤波技术[J].清华大学学报(自然科学版),1993,33(4):62-67.­ ­ c.论文集中的析出文献­ [序号]析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名[A].原文献主要责任者(任选).原文献题名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年.析出文献起止页码.­ [7] 钟文发.非线性规划在可燃毒物配置中的应用[A].赵玮.运筹学的理论与应用——中国运筹学会第五届大会论文集[C].西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,1996.468-471.­ ­ d.报纸文章­ [序号]主要责任者.文献题名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次).­ [8] 谢希德.创造学习的新思路[N].人民日报,1998-12-25(10).­ ­ e. 国际、国家标准­ [序号]标准编号,标准名称[S].­ [9] GB/T16159-1996,汉语拼音正词法基本规则[S].­ ­ f.专利­ [序号]专利所有者.专利题名[P].专利国别:专利号,出版日期.­ [10] 姜锡洲.一种温热外敷药制备方案[P].中国专利:881056073,1989-07-26.­ ­ g.电子文献­ [序号]主要责任者.电子文献题名[电子文献及载体类型标识].电子文献的出处或可获得地址,发表或更新日期/引用日期(任选).­ [11] 王明亮.关于中国学术期刊标准化数据库系统工程的进展[EB/OL]. ,1998-08-16/1998-10-04.­ [12] 万锦坤.中国大学学报论文文摘(1983-1993).英文版[DB/CD].北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1996.­ ­ h.各种未定义类型的文献­ [序号]主要责任者.文献题名[Z]。




指后面的参考文献的格式吗? 格式有多种,下面一种算国际上比较通行的:

[1]. Arends, R.I. 2005. Learning to Teach (Sixth Edition). Xi'an: Shannxi Normal University Publishing House.


[2]. Breen, M.P. & Littlejohn, A. (Eds.). 2002. Classroom Decision-Making. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.


如果你写的中文文章,就按照国内杂志的统一格式书写,附如下 如果要发表在国外杂志,按照各杂志特定格式引用,和国内的是不一样的。

1 参考文献是对期刊论文引文进行统计和分析的重要信息源之一,在本规范中采用GB7714推荐的顺序编码制格式著录。­ ­ 2 参考文献著录项目­ a.主要责任者(专著作者、论文集主编、学位申报人、专利申请人、报告撰写人、期刊文章作者、析出文章作者)。


­ b.文献题名及版本(初版省略)。­ c.文献类型及载体类型标识。

­ d.出版项(出版地、出版者、出版年)。­ e.文献出处或电子文献的可获得地址。

­ f.文献起止页码。­ g.文献标准编号(标准号、专利号……)。

­ ­ 3 参考文献类型及其标识­ (1) 根据GB3469规定,以单字母方式标识以下各种参考文献类型:­ 参考文献类型 专著 论文集 报纸文章 期刊文章 学位论文 报告 标准 专利 ­ 文献类型标识 M C N J D R S P ­ (2) 对于专著、论文集中的析出文献,其文献类型标识建议采用单字母“A”;对于其他未说明的文献类型,建议采用单字母“Z”。­ (3) 对于数据库(database)、计算机程序(computer program)及电子公告(electronic bulletin board)等电子文献类型的参考文献,建议以下列双字母作为标识:­ 电子参考文献类型 数据库 计算机程序 电子公告­ 电子文献类型标识 DB CP EB ­ (4) 电子文献的载体类型及其标识­ 对于非纸张型载体的电子文献,当被引用为参考文献时需在参考文献类型标识中同时标明其载体类型。

本规范建议采用双字母表示电子文献载体类型:­ 磁带 (magnetic tape)——MT,磁盘(disk)——DK,光盘(CD-ROM)——CD,­ 联机网络(online)——OL,并以下列格式表示包括了文献载体类型的参考文献类型标识:­ [文献类型标识/载体类型标识]如: ­ [DB/OL]——联机网上数据库(database online)­ [DB/MT]——磁带数据库(database on magnetic tape)­ [M/CD]——光盘图书(monograph on CD-ROM)­ [CP/DK]——磁盘软件(computer program on disk)­ [J/OL]——网上期刊(serial online)­ [EB/OL]——网上电子公告(electronic bulletin board online)­ 以纸张为载体的传统文献在引作参考文献时不必注明其载体类型。­ ­ 4 文后参考文献表编排格式­ 参考文献按在正文中出现的先后次序列表于文后;表上以“参考文献:”(左顶格)或“[参考文献]”(居中)作为标识;参考文献的序号左顶格,并用数字加方括号表示,如[1]、[2]、…,以与正文中的指示序号格式一致。

参照ISO690及ISO690-2,每一参考文献条目的最后均以“.”结束。各类参考文献条目的编排格式及示例如下: ­ ­ a.专著、论文集、学位论文、报告­ [序号]主要责任者.文献题名[文献类型标识].出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页码(可选).­ [1] 刘国钧,陈绍业,王凤翥.图书馆目录 ­­.北京:高等教育出版社,1957.15-18.­ [2] 辛希孟.信息技术与信息服务国际研讨会论文集:A集[C].北京:中国社会科学出版社,1994.­ [3] 张筑生.微分半动力系统的不变集[D].北京:北京大学数学系数学研究所,1983.­ [4] 冯西桥.核反应堆压力管道与压力容器的LBB分析 ­­.北京:清华大学核能技术设计研究院,1997.­ ­ b.期刊文章­ [序号]主要责任者.文献题名[J].刊名,年,卷(期):起止页码.­ [5] 何龄修.读顾城《南明史》[J].中国史研究,1998,(3):167-173.­ [6] 金显贺,王昌长,王忠东,等.一种用于在线检测局部放电的数字滤波技术[J].清华大学学报(自然科学版),1993,33(4):62-67.­ ­ c.论文集中的析出文献­ [序号]析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名[A].原文献主要责任者(任选).原文献题名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年.析出文献起止页码.­ [7] 钟文发.非线性规划在可燃毒物配置中的应用[A].赵玮.运筹学的理论与应用——中国运筹学会第五届大会论文集[C].西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,1996.468-471.­ ­ d.报纸文章­ [序号]主要责任者.文献题名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次).­ [8] 谢希德.创造学习的新思路[N].人民日报,1998-12-25(10).­ ­ e. 国际、国家标准­ [序号]标准编号,标准名称[S].­ [9] GB/T16159-1996,汉语拼音正词法基本规则[S].­ ­ f.专利­ [序号]专利所有者.专利题名[P].专利国别:专利号,出版日期.­ [10] 姜锡洲.一种温热外敷药制备方案[P].中国专利:881056073,1989-07-26.­ ­ g.电子文献­ [序号]主要责任者.电子文献题名[电子文献及载体类型标识].电子文献的出处或可获得地址,发表或更新日期/引用日期(任选).­ [11] 王明亮.关于中国学术期刊标准化数据库系统工程的进展[EB/OL]. ,1998-08-16/1998-10-04.­ [12] 万锦坤.中国大学学报论文文摘(1983-1993).英文版[DB/CD].北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1996.­ ­ h.各种未定义类型的文献­ [序号]主要责任者.文献题名[Z]。



接下来就为大家介绍英语论文参考文献格式要求,欢迎阅读。 I.文内引用 (一)直接引用 1.引用中的省略 原始资料的引用:在正文中直接引用时,应给出作者、年份,并用带括号的数字标出页码。

若有任何资料省略,使用英文时,应用3个省略号在句中标出(…),中文用6个(……);若两句间的资料省略,英文应用4个省略号标出(‥‥),中文用6个(……)。若要在直接引用插入自己的解释,应使用方括号[ ]。

若在资料中有什么错误拼写、错误语法或标点错误会使读者糊涂,应在引用后立即插入[sic],中文用[原文如此]。下面是一些示例: 例一:The DSM IV defines the disorder [dysthymic] as being in a chronically depressed mood that occurs for "most of the day more days than not for at least two years (Criterion A) 。

. In children, the mood may be irritable rather than depressed, and the required minimum duration is only one year" (APA, 1994, p. 345). 例二:Issac (1995) states that bipolar disorder "is not only uncommon but may be the most diagnostic entity in children and adolescents in similar settings 。. and may be the most common diagnosis in adolescents who are court-remanded to such settings" (p.275). 2.大段落引用 当中文引用超过160字时,不使用引号,而使用“块”的形式(引用起于新的一行,首行缩进4个空格,两端对齐,之后每行都缩进)。

当英文引用超过40字时,不使用引号,而使用“块”的形式(引用起于新的一行,首行缩进5个空格,左对齐,之后每行都缩进)。 Elkind (1978) states: In general, our findings support Piaget's view that perceptions as well as intelligence are neither entirely inborn nor entirely innate but are rather progressively constructed through the gradual development of perceptual regulations. The chapter has also attempted to demonstrate the applicability of Piaget's theory to practical issues by summarizing some research growing out of an analysis of beginning reading. (p.183) (二)间接引用 1.基本格式 同作者在同一段中重复被引用时,第一次必须写出日期,第二次以后则日期可省略。

a.英文文献:In a recent study of reaction times, Walker (2000) described the method…Walker also found…。 b.中文文献:李福印(2004)提出概念隐喻的重要性,…;李福印同时建议…。

2. 单一作者 a. 英文文献:姓氏(出版或发表年代)或(姓氏,出版或发表年代)。 例如:Porter (2001)…或…(Porter, 2001)。

b. 中文文献:姓名(出版或发表年代)或(姓名,出版或发表年代)。 例如:杨惠中(2011)…或…(杨惠中,2011)。

3.两个作者 英文引用时,在圆括号内使用两名作者的姓氏,并使用“&”来连接,在正文中,使用“and”连接两名作者。 中文引用时,在圆括号内使用两名作者的姓名,并用顿号“、”来连接,在正文中,使用 “和”、“与”、“及”等字连接两名作者。

例如: (Smith & Jones, 1994), or Smith and Jones (1994) found。. In 1994 Smith and Jones researched。

. Always cite both names in text. 陈国华和田兵(2008)认为…或…(陈国华、田兵,2008) 4.三至五个作者 英文第一次引用参考资料时,列出所有的作者的姓氏,除最后一名作者之前在正文中使用逗号加“and”、在圆括号内使用逗号加“&”连接外,之前的其他作者之间使用逗号“,”;之后引用时,英文用第一个作者的姓随之以“et al.”。 中文第一次引用参考资料时,列出所有作者的姓名,除最后两名作者之间用“和”连接外,之前的其他作者之间使用顿号“、”;之后引用时,用第一名作者加“等”字。

例如: Strasburger, Jorgensen, and Randles (1996) found differences。. (第一次使用). Strasburger et al. (1996) also created tests。

. (在段落中第二次使用). Starsburger et al. found discrepancies。. (在同一段落中再次使用,此时省略年份). 卫乃兴、李文中与濮建忠(2005)指出…或…(卫乃兴、李文中、濮建忠,2005)。

(第一次使用) 卫乃兴等(2005)指出…或…(卫乃兴等,2005)。(第二次使用) 5.六个作者及以上 使用英文时,只用第一个人的姓氏加“et al.”;使用中文时,只列出第一名作者的姓名,再加上“等”。

例如: Pouliquen et al. (2003)……或……(Pouliquen et al., 2003) 王洪俊等(2007)…或…(王洪俊等,2007) 6.团体作者 使用中文时,第一次用全称,比如,(首都师范大学教育科学学院[首师大教科院],2001);之后可以用简称,比如,首师大教科院(2001)的调查表明……。 使用英文时,第一次引用时,拼出团体,比如, (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 1996);以后用团体缩写加年份表示,比如,The NIMH (1996) examined。

.。 7.没有作者的文献 当一部作品没有作者时,在文中引用参考文献目录单中的前几个字(通常是标题)和年份。

比如,一项关于成年人抑郁症的调查(“Study Finds。


[24] Allen, Richard S, Charles S. White, Margaret B. Takeda, Rewards and organizational performance in Japan and the United States,[J]. 2004, 7-14.Rewards and organizational performance in Japan and the United States这貌似不是一本书吧,是他们的成就的表现。

如果不是你就把这换成他们的书。[25] Marylin M. Helms, A comparison, Compensation and Benefits Review [J]. 2004, 7-14.[26] Andrews, Alice O,The effect of the chief executive officer's financial orientation,[M]. 2000,25(1), 93-106.[27] Theresa M, Welbourne, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice [M]. 2000,25(1), 93-106.[28] Heneman, Robert L., Judith W. Tansky, Sheng Wang , Compensation practices in small entrepreneurial and high-growth companies in the United States and China,[M],2002,13-22 [29]Zhong-Ming Wang, Compensation and Benefits Review,[M],2002,13-22 希望有帮助。

呵呵 你看看,对你有帮助:毕业论文参考文献规范格式 一、参考文献的类型 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下:M——专著 C——论文集 N——报纸文章 J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——报告 对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。对于英文参考文献,还应注意以下两点:①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是: 姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, M.R.,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & I.Gordon.;②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly。

二、参考文献的格式及举例1.期刊类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码.【举例】 [1] 王海粟.浅议会计信息披露模式[J].财政研究,2004,21(1):56-58.[2] 夏鲁惠.高等学校毕业论文教学情况调研报告[J].高等理科教育,2004(1):46-52.[3] Heider, E.R.& D.C.Oliver. The structure of color space in naming and memory of two languages [J]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1999, (3): 62 – 67.2.专著类 【格式】[序号]作者.书名[M].出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码.【举例】[4] 葛家澍,林志军.现代西方财务会计理论[M].厦门:厦门大学出版社,2001:42.[5] Gill, R. Mastering English Literature [M]. London: Macmillan, 1985: 42-45.3.报纸类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次).【举例】 [6] 李大伦.经济全球化的重要性[N]. 光明日报,1998-12-27(3).[7] French, W. Between Silences: A Voice from China[N]. Atlantic Weekly, 1987-8-15(33).4.论文集 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码.【举例】 [8] 伍蠡甫.西方文论选[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979:12-17.[9] Spivak,G. “Can the Subaltern Speak?”[A]. In C.Nelson & L. Grossberg(eds.). Victory in Limbo: Imigism [C]. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988, pp.271-313.[10] Almarza, G.G. Student foreign language teacher's knowledge growth [A]. In D.Freeman and J.C.Richards (eds.). Teacher Learning in Language Teaching [C]. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1996. pp.50-78.5.学位论文 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[D].出版地:保存者,出版年份:起始页码.【举例】 [11] 张筑生.微分半动力系统的不变集[D].北京:北京大学数学系数学研究所, 1983:1-7.6.研究报告 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[R].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码.【举例】 [12] 冯西桥.核反应堆压力管道与压力容器的LBB分析[R].北京:清华大学核能技术设计研究院, 1997:9-10.7.条例 【格式】[序号]颁布单位.条例名称.发布日期 【举例】[15] 中华人民共和国科学技术委员会.科学技术期刊管理办法[Z].1991—06—058.译著 【格式】[序号]原著作者. 书名[M].译者,译.出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码.三、注释 注释是对论文正文中某一特定内容的进一步解释或补充说明。注释前面用圈码①、②、③等标识。

四、参考文献 参考文献与文中注(王小龙,2005)对应。标号在标点符号内。

多个都需要标注出来,而不是1-6等等 ,并列写出来。











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写英语论文不可能只遇到英语参考文献对不对,还有很多中国人自己发表的研究性论文啊什么的都可以作为文献来参考。我们要求参考文献在30个以上,其中外文文献(就是非中文的文献,从出版社到作者都是外国的那种)不能低于一半就是15个。然后这个论文引用是有格式要求的。具体来说,就是:1,专著类:作者. 书名[M]. 出版社所在地:出版社名称,该书出版时间:页码.,2,期刊类:作者. 文章标题[J]. 文章发表的期刊名,文章发表的年(第几期):页码(起止页码).参考文献是要另起一页写的。



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