




广泛应用于机电一体化产品中,如:数控机床、包装机械、计算机外围设备、复印机、传真机等。 AbstractThis article mainly elaborated has been hanging the movement control system merit, introduced was hanging the movement control system function, the principle and the design process. Is hanging the movement control system is one of in control engineering domain important applications, its main target is to is controlled the object the movement condition, including path, speed and position implementation check. The movement control system compares with other control systems, has the system model simply, the check algorithm is unitary, also not complex characteristic and so on non-linearity and coupling situation. Also is precisely because the movement control system can implement to the path, the running rate, the pointing accuracy as well as the repetition precision accuracy control requirement, has the broad application foreground in each category of control engineering, therefore the movement control system has at present become in the check study application domain very much significant the research direction. Through the monolithic integrated circuit to stepping monitor check, implemented the motor-driven to cause the object at on the board which inclined the movement, The control section is the SST89E52 monolithic microcomputer which SST Corporation produces primarily, with when the 1602LCD liquid crystal screen and according to turned has implemented with the user interactive, through the keyboard entry different control command, the liquid-crystal display was allowed to display the setting value and the run the coordinates. The electrical machinery control section used LM324N four to transport puts and is connected the electronic primary device voluntarily to develop the 42BYG205 stepping monitor actuation electric circuit to implement the electrical machinery accuracy control. The algorithm partially for will suit the monolithic integrated circuit system to operate carries on optimizes many times, will reduce the microprocessor the operand. Has completed the object voluntarily the movement and according to the different setup path movement. Key words Magneto; 1602LCD; LM324N; Drive circuit 选择步进电机时,首先要保证步进电机的输出功率大于负载所需的功率。


一般地说最大静力矩Mjmax大的电机,负载力矩大[1 ]。 选择步进电机时,应使步距角和机械系统匹配,这样可以得到机床所需的脉冲当量。


精度是由电机的固有特性所决定。 选择功率步进电机时,应当估算机械负载的负载惯量和机床要求的启动频率,使之与步进电机的惯性频率特性相匹配还有一定的余量,使之最高速连续工作频率能满足机床快速移动的需要。

基于单片机的悬挂运动控制系统,具有硬件电路结构简单,精确度高,抗干扰性强等优点。1.2 课题目的培养综合运用四年大学所学知识去分析问题和解决实际问题的能力。

在实践中检验所学知识,从而加强理论与实践的相结合。 体验一个科研项目开发的全过程,学会单片机开发应用方法,锻炼应用能力,动手能力。


1.3 课题意义随着社会的发展、科技的进步以及人们生活水平的逐步提高,各种方便于生活的自动控制系统开始进入了人们的生活,以单片机为核心的自动门系统就是其中之一。同时也标志了自动控制领域成为了数字化时代的一员[ 3]。







因此,自动化是工业、农业、国防和科学技术现代化的重要条件和显著标志。Machine or device in the absence of intervention procedures or instructions required automatic operation or control of the process and its goal is \u0026quot;steady, accurate and fast.\u0026quot; Automation technology is widely used in industry, agriculture, military, scientific research, transportation, business, health, services, and family and so on. The use of automation technology not only to take people from the heavy manual labor, some mental and poor and dangerous working conditions of liberation, but also to expand people\u0026#39;s organ function, significantly raising labor productivity, enhance human understanding of the world and the ability to change the world . Therefore, the automation industry, agriculture, national defense and modernization of science and technology。



CommunicationFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchFor other uses, see Communication (disambiguation).Communication is the process of transferring information from a sender to a receiver with the use of a medium in which the communicated information is understood by both sender and receiver. It is a process that allows organisms to exchange information by several methods. Communication requires that all parties understand a common language that is exchanged. There are auditory means, such as speaking, singing and sometimes tone of voice, and nonverbal, physical means, such as body language, sign language, paralanguage, touch, eye contact, or the use of writing. Communication is defined as a process by which we assign and convey meaning in an attempt to create shared understanding. This process requires a vast repertoire of skills in intrapersonal and interpersonal processing, listening, observing, speaking, questioning, analyzing, and evaluating. Use of these processes is developmental and transfers to all areas of life: home, school, community, work, and beyond. It is through communication that collaboration and cooperation occur.[1] Communication is the articulation of sending a message, through different media [2] whether it be verbal or nonverbal, so long as a being transmits a thought provoking idea, gesture, action, etc.Communication happens at many levels (even for one single action), in many different ways, and for most beings, as well as certain machines. Several, if not all, fields of study dedicate a portion of attention to communication, so when speaking about communication it is very important to be sure about what aspects of communication one is speaking about. Definitions of communication range widely, some recognizing that animals can communicate with each other as well as human beings, and some are more narrow, only including human beings within the parameters of human symbolic interaction.Nonetheless, communication is usually described along a few major dimensions: Content (what type of things are communicated), source, emisor, sender or encoder (by whom), form (in which form), channel (through which medium), destination, receiver, target or decoder (to whom), and the purpose or pragmatic aspect. Between parties, communication includes acts that confer knowledge and experiences, give advice and commands, and ask questions. These acts may take many forms, in one of the various manners of communication. The form depends on the abilities of the group communicating. Together, communication content and form make messages that are sent towards a destination. The target can be oneself, another person or being, another entity (such as a corporation or group of beings).Communication can be seen as processes of information transmission governed by three levels of semiotic rules:Syntactic (formal properties of signs and symbols), pragmatic (concerned with the relations between signs/expressions and their users) and semantic (study of relationships between signs and symbols and what they represent). Therefore, communication is social interaction where at least two interacting agents share a common set of signs and a common set of semiotic rules. This commonly held rule in some sense ignores autocommunication, including intrapersonal communication via diaries or self-talk.In a simple model, information or content (e.g. a message in natural language) is sent in some form (as spoken language) from an emisor/ sender/ encoder to a destination/ receiver/ decoder. In a slightly more complex form a sender and a receiver are linked reciprocally. A particular instance of communication is called a speech act. In the presence of "communication noise" on the transmission channel (air, in this case), reception and decoding of content may be faulty, and thus the speech act may not achieve the desired effect.Theories of coregulation describe communication as a creative and dynamic continuous process, rather than a discrete exchange of information.。

4.求关于PLC 机械手的英文文献 不带翻译


更一般地说,它是一种职能到位的生活智能机器,机器人尤其可取的是某些工作职能。它他们和人类不同,他们不会感到疲惫和厌倦, 可以在环境条件差和真空,甚至是危险的环境下工作,他们不会因为一味地重复工作感到厌倦放下手边的工作。

机器人不同于一般机械设备的特征是机器人可以自己进行工作,并对内外部的工作状况进行检测,将检测到的结果反馈给控制系统,由控制系统下达命令来调整下一步的动作,更为重要的是机器人往往有能力去尝试不同的方法来完成某项任务。 常见的工业机器人由于受到制造精度的限制,他们的外型看上去都非常的庞大和笨重,机器人在程序的控制下进行高效和高精度的工作。


“机器人”在古时候是指的是一个人, 现代“机器人“一词最早出现在20世纪的捷克语中,在捷克语中机器人的意思是奴隶、仆人或被强迫工作的劳动力。 机器人与人有很大的区别,但他们也非常的灵活,能够完成各种不同的工作。

据剧作家卡雷尔`卡培科介绍, 最初的机器人就像弗兰肯斯坦博士的怪物—-不是用机械式的方法,而是有化学和生物的原理造出来。从这些最初的生物创作来看,这和目前的机械机器人流行文化没有多大不同。

目前机器人领域已经有了许许多多的具有基本物理和导航能力机器人,同时,人们也开始将机器人运用于从娱乐到卫生保健等各个部门的日常生活中,进而完全取代人类。 许多爱好智能机器人的研究者正在不遗余力的进行机器人的设计。

此外,机器人可用于更普遍的工作,例如清洁卫生的工作。 然而发明机器人的最初目的是代替人类在肮脏、枯燥和危险下进行工作,可是现在他们现被当作个人助理。

随着科学技术发展到一个新的境界, 机器人将会具有更多的智慧,对人类的未来产生重大影响。f机械,机电类毕业设计1毕业设计 可伸缩带式输送机结构设计 2毕业设计 AWC机架现场扩孔机设计3毕业论文复合化肥混合比例装置及PLC控制系统设计 4机械设计课程设计 带式输送机说明书和总装图4毕业设计 冲压废料自动输送装置 5专用机床PLC控制系统的设计 6课程设计 带式输送机传动装置 7毕业论文 桥式起重机副起升机构设计 8毕业论文 两齿辊破碎机设计 9 63CY14-1B轴向柱塞泵改进设计(共32页,19000字) 10毕业设计 连杆孔研磨装置设计 11毕业设计 旁承上平面与下心盘上平面垂直距离检测装置的设计 12.. 机械设计课程设计 带式运输机传动装置设计 13皮带式输送机传动装置的一级圆柱齿轮减速器 14毕业设计(论文) 立轴式破碎机设计 15毕业设计(论文) C6136型经济型数控改造(横向) 16高空作业车工作臂结构设计及有限元分析 17 2007届毕业生毕业设计 机用虎钳设计 18毕业设计无轴承电机的结构设计 19毕业设计 平面关节型机械手设计 20毕业设计 三自由度圆柱坐标型工业机器人 21毕业设计XKA5032A/C数控立式升降台铣床自动换刀设计 22毕业设计 四通管接头的设计 23课程设计:带式运输机上的传动及减速装置 24毕业设计(论文) 行星减速器设计三维造型虚拟设计分析 25毕业设计论文 关节型机器人腕部结构设计 26本科生毕业设计全套资料 Z32K型摇臂钻床变速箱的改进设计/ 27毕业设计 EQY-112-90 汽车变速箱后面孔系钻削组合机床设计 28毕业设计 D180柴油机12孔攻丝机床及夹具设计 29毕业设计 C616型普通车床改造为经济型数控车床 30毕业设计(论文)说明书 中单链型刮板输送机设计 液压类毕业设计1毕业设计 ZFS1600/12/26型液压支架掩护梁设计2毕业设计 液压拉力器 3毕业设计 液压台虎钳设计 4毕业设计论文 双活塞液压浆体泵液力缸设计 5毕业设计 GKZ高空作业车液压和电气控制系统设计 数控加工类毕业设计1课程设计 设计低速级斜齿轮零件的机械加工工艺规程 2毕业设计 普通车床经济型数控改造 3毕业论文 钩尾框夹具设计(镗φ92孔的两道工序的专用夹具) 。

4 机械制造工艺学课程设计 设计“拨叉”零件的机械加工工艺规程及工艺装备(年产量5000件)5课程设计 四工位专用机床传动机构设计 6课程设计说明书 设计“推动架”零件的机械加工工艺及工艺设备 7机械制造技术基础课程设计 制定CA6140车床法兰盘的加工工艺,设计钻4*φ9mm孔的钻床夹具 8械制造技术基础课程设计 设计“CA6140车床拨叉”零件的机械加工工艺及工艺设备 9毕业设计 轴类零件设计 10毕业设计 壳体零件机械加工工艺规程制订及第工序工艺装备设计 11毕业设计 单拐曲轴零件机械加工规程设计说明书 12机械制造课程设计 机床传动齿轮的工艺规程设计(大批量) 13课程设计 轴零件的机械加工工艺规程制定 14毕业论文 开放式CNC(Computer Numerical Control)系统设计15毕业设计 单拐曲轴工艺流程 16毕业设计 壳体机械加工工艺规程 17毕业设计 连杆机械加工工艺规程 18毕业设计(论文) 子程序在冲孔模生产中的运用——编制数控加工(1#-6#)标模。





溴化锂制冷机即溴化锂吸收式制冷机 用溴化锂水溶液为工质,其中水为制冷剂,溴化锂为吸收剂。溴化锂属盐类,为白色结晶,易溶于水和醇,无毒,化学性质稳定,不会变质。溴化锂水溶液中有空气存在时对钢铁有较强的腐蚀性。溴化锂吸收式制冷机因用水为制冷剂,蒸发温度在0℃以上,仅可用于空气调节设备和制备生产过程用的冷水。这种制冷机可用低压水蒸汽或75℃以上的热水作为热源,因而对废气、废热、太阳能和低温位热能的利用具有重要的作用。


6.关于dcs的外文论文 最好有汉语翻译

Let's start off this chapter by defining the term web application. We've all seen regular client-side applications, but what exactly is a web application? Loosely, it can be defined as an application running on a server a user accesses through a thin, general-purpose client. Today, the most common client is a web browser on a PC or workstation, but other kinds of clients are rapidly joining the party, such as wireless PDAs, cell phones, and other specialized devices. The lofty goal here is to access all the information and services you need from any type of device that happens to be in front of you. This means that the same simple client program must be able to talk to many different server applications, and the applications must be able to work with many different types of clients. To satisfy this need, the protocol of how a client and a server talk to each other must be defined in detail. That's exactly what the HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP) is for. The communication model defined by HTTP forms the foundation for all web application design. A basic understanding of HTTP is key to developing applications that fit within the constraints of the protocol, no matter which server-side technology you use. In this chapter, we look at the most important details of HTTP you need to be aware of as a web application developer. One other item: this book is about using JSP as the server-side technology, so that's what we'll focus on. As you saw in Chapter 1, JSP is based on the Java servlet technology. Both technologies share a lot of terminology and concepts, so knowing a bit about servlets will help you even when you develop pure JSP applications. To really understand and use the full power of JSP, you need to know a fair bit about servlets. Hence, we'll take a look at servlet fundamentals in the last section of this chapter. server using the specified protocol. An HTTP request message consists of three things: a request line, request headers, and possibly a request body. The request line starts with the request method name, followed by a resource identifier and the protocol version used by the browser: GET /index.html HTTP/1.0 The most commonly used request method is named GET. As the name implies, a GET request is used to retrieve a resource from the server. It's the default request method, so if you type a URL in the browser's address field, or click on a link, the request will be sent as a GET request to the server. The request headers provide additional information the server may use to process the request. The message body is included only in some types of requests, like the POST request discussed later. Here's an example of a valid HTTP request message:。

7.天津职业技术师范大学 交通运输专业怎么样



天津职业技术师范大学 汽车与交通学院



















9. 具有较扎实的自然科学基础、较好的人文与社会科学基础;

10. 系统地掌握本专业领域较宽广的技术理论,主要包括机械、电工与电子技术基础、计算机应用等基础知识,掌握本专业必需的汽车检测维修技术的基本技能及汽车运用和汽车市场营销的基本方法;

11. 具有本专业领域内汽车运用工程专业方向所必要的专业知识,了解其学科前沿及发展趋势;

12. 具有一定的应用相关知识、技术和技能解决社会、生产实践问题的能力;

13. 掌握一门外语,具有一定的听、说及阅读专业外文文献的能力;

14. 实行双证书制,获得一项职业资格证书;

15. 具有较强的自学能力和创新意识,具有初步的科学研究、科技开发及组织管理能力。










广泛应用于机电一体化产品中,如:数控机床、包装机械、计算机外围设备、复印机、传真机等。 AbstractThis article mainly elaborated has been hanging the movement control system merit, introduced was hanging the movement control system function, the principle and the design process. Is hanging the movement control system is one of in control engineering domain important applications, its main target is to is controlled the object the movement condition, including path, speed and position implementation check. The movement control system compares with other control systems, has the system model simply, the check algorithm is unitary, also not complex characteristic and so on non-linearity and coupling situation. Also is precisely because the movement control system can implement to the path, the running rate, the pointing accuracy as well as the repetition precision accuracy control requirement, has the broad application foreground in each category of control engineering, therefore the movement control system has at present become in the check study application domain very much significant the research direction. Through the monolithic integrated circuit to stepping monitor check, implemented the motor-driven to cause the object at on the board which inclined the movement, The control section is the SST89E52 monolithic microcomputer which SST Corporation produces primarily, with when the 1602LCD liquid crystal screen and according to turned has implemented with the user interactive, through the keyboard entry different control command, the liquid-crystal display was allowed to display the setting value and the run the coordinates. The electrical machinery control section used LM324N four to transport puts and is connected the electronic primary device voluntarily to develop the 42BYG205 stepping monitor actuation electric circuit to implement the electrical machinery accuracy control. The algorithm partially for will suit the monolithic integrated circuit system to operate carries on optimizes many times, will reduce the microprocessor the operand. Has completed the object voluntarily the movement and according to the different setup path movement. Key words Magneto; 1602LCD; LM324N; Drive circuit。


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本文主要为您介绍汉语言文学毕业论文课题申报模板,内容包括毕业论文格式,汉语言文学毕业论文选题,汉语言文学开题报告怎么写?从哪些方面入手。毕业论文格式标准 引言 1.1 制订本标准的目的是为了统一规范我省电大本科汉语言文学类毕业论文








本文主要为您介绍染整毕业论文3000字,内容包括谁能提供染整方面的毕业论文,有没有关于染整专业的毕业论文和设计,求一篇与染织专业有关的论文,1000到2000字左右~谢谢各位大神了~。大豆蛋白纤维的低损伤染整工艺研究 进入21世纪,绿色环保纺织








本文主要为您介绍上下料机械手毕业设计论文,内容包括机械手毕业设计,搬运机械手及控制设计的毕业设计,那位朋友可以给我几篇机械类毕业论文?。引 言在现代工业中,生产过程的机械化、自动化已成为突出的主题。随着工业现代化的进一步发展,自动




本文主要为您介绍汉语言文学毕业论文课题申报模板,内容包括毕业论文格式,汉语言文学毕业论文选题,汉语言文学开题报告怎么写?从哪些方面入手。毕业论文格式标准 引言 1.1 制订本标准的目的是为了统一规范我省电大本科汉语言文学类毕业论文








本文主要为您介绍染整毕业论文3000字,内容包括谁能提供染整方面的毕业论文,有没有关于染整专业的毕业论文和设计,求一篇与染织专业有关的论文,1000到2000字左右~谢谢各位大神了~。大豆蛋白纤维的低损伤染整工艺研究 进入21世纪,绿色环保纺织