

NC technology development trends1 NC system developments at home and abroad With the rapid development of computer technology, the traditional beginning of a fundamental change manufacturing, the industrial developed countries spent huge sums of money on the modern manufacturing technology research and development, to create a new model. In modern manufacturing systems, CNC technology is the key to technology, which combines microelectronics, computers, information processing, automatic detection, automatic control, such as the integration of advanced, a high-precision, high-efficiency, flexible automation, and other characteristics, the manufacturing industry Flexible automation, integrated, intelligent play the pivotal role. At present, NC technology is undergoing a fundamental change, from a special closed-loop control mode to general-purpose real-time dynamic open all closed-loop control mode. In the integrated on the basis of the CNC systems ultra-thin, ultra-light; on the basis of the intelligent, integrated computers, multimedia, fuzzy control, neural network and other technical disciplines, NC system to achieve high-speed, high-precision, Efficient control, automatic processing can be amended to regulate compensation and the parameters for an online intelligent fault diagnosis and treatment of the network based on the CAD / CAM and CNC systems integration as one machine network, makes the central government centralized control of the group control processing. For a long time, China''s CNC system for traditional closed architecture, but only as a non-intelligent CNC machine controller. Process variables based on experience in the form of pre-fixed parameters, processing procedures before the actual processing by hand or through CAD / CAM and automatic programming system prepared. CAD / CAM and CNC have no feedback control link, the entire manufacturing process CNC is a closed ring-opening implementing agencies. In a complex and changing environment under the conditions of processing tool in the process of composition, workpiece material, spindle speed, feed rate, tool path, cutting depth, step, allowance and other processing parameters, not at the scene circumstances under external interference and real-time dynamic random factors, not by random amendment feedback control link CAD / CAM settings volume, in turn, affect the work of CNC machining efficiency and product quality. Clearly, the traditional fixed CNC system that controlled mode and closed architecture, limiting the CNC to the development of more intelligent control variables, can no longer meet the increasingly complex manufacturing process, therefore, the CNC technology in the potential for change inevitable.。


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A switching power source having a digital control system is provided. The switching power source includes a switching circuit 40 for switching an input power, an output circuit 50 for converting the switching output into a DC output, and a digital control 70. The digital control 70 is adapted to receive an output voltage analog signal AS1 and an output current analog signal AS2, and to convert the signals AS1 and AS2 into digital signals. It further functions to calculate, based on the digital signals, a command value for determining at least one of the switching frequency and the on or off time of the main switch 42. The operation of the main switch 42 is controlled in accordance with the command value. Information on power source input voltage or load terminal voltage is obtained through an assumption based on the signals AS1 and AS2.


A controlled stabilized high-voltage power supply for a photomultiplier tube

A small-size stabilized high-voltage power supply for a photomultiplier tube with remote digital and analog regulation of the output voltage is designed. The output voltage is smoothly regulated from 0.5 to 3 kV, the load current is 0–2 mA, and the ripple factor is 0.008%. The supply voltage is 12–16 V.


去百度文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:秦园园 毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译班级:学号:姓名:学院:软件学院专业:指导教师:2014年6月英文文献出自《IBM System Journal,2006,44(2):33-37》作者:Malcolm DavisStruts——An Open-source MVC ImplementationThis article introduces Struts, a Model-View-Controller implementation that uses servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology. Struts can help you control change in your Web project and promote specialization. Even if you never implement a system with Struts, you may get some ideas for your future servlets and JSP page in grade school put HTML pages on the Internet. However, there is a monumental difference between a grade school page and a professionally developed Web site. The page designer (or HTML developer) must understand colors, the customer, product flow, page layout, browser compatibility, image creation, JavaScript, and more. Putting a great looking site together takes a lot of work, and most Java developers are more interested in creating a great looking object interface than a user interface. JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology provides the glue between the page designer and the Java developer.If you have work。


如需全文,请发邮箱过来Electronic trading platforms and the cost-effective distribution of open market option (OMO) pension annuities AbstractOver the next years, the ageing profile of the UK population will lead to a sharp increase in the volumes of pension annuity sales. Every individual that participates in a defined contribution occupational or a personal pension scheme is obliged to convert the capital accumulated into a regular post-retirement income by purchasing an annuity before the age of 75. To ensure a more competitive market the UK Financial Services Authority has ruled that from 1 September 2002 pensioners must be informed that they have the right to purchase their annuities from suppliers other than their current pension provider—this is termed exercising an open market option (OMO).However, the complicated nature of pensions and annuities means the purchase of an annuity is highly dependent upon the information provided by the sellers of these products and the advice received. Given that OMO's are supposed to encourage purchasers to be able to access information on a whole range of annuities from the various suppliers in the market, a single web-based hub that linked manufacturers, distributors and existing industry portals seemed the obvious solution to the challenges facing the industry following the government legislation. However, while the industry recognised that a single product purchasing and servicing system would meet the data management needs of all its stakeholders and carry enormous potential to realise cost and business process efficiencies, the competitive nature of the industry and the slow decision making processes within the individual companies has meant that the project to build 'The Annuity Exchange' has suffered a number of setbacks and delays.This article describes the business case for 'The Annuity Exchange', its objectives and design, and the technical/industry engagement issues it has faced.Keywords: E-commerce; Financial services; Pension annuitiesArticle Outline1. Introduction2. Background: the UK pensions system and the regulatory structure of advice2.1. Recent trends in the UK pensions system2.2. The changing structure of advice3. Previous information management strategies and their shortcomings4. An industry-wide dynamic quotations model4.1. Access to the intermediary portal4.2. Costs and benefits of The Annuity Exchange4.3. Issues with The Annuity Exchange project5. 。


14.4.2 外文文献各类外文文献的文后参考文献格式与中文示例相同;为了计算机检索方便,建议题名的首字母及各个实词的首字母大写,期刊的刊名等可用全称或按ISO 4规定的缩写格式。

为了减少外文刊名引用不规范所造成的引文统计及链接误差,建议以(SXXXX-XXXX)格式在刊名后加ISSN号。例:[24]JONES R M.Mechanics of Composite Materials[M].New York:McGraw Hill Book Company,1975.[25]Marcel Merle.Sociologie des Relations Internationales[M]. 4th ed. Paris: Dalloz,1988.[26]CHERNIK B E. Introduction to Library Services for Library Technicians[M]. Littleton,Colo.:Libraries Unlimited,Inc,1982.[27]International Federation of Library Association and Institutions.Names of Persons:National Usages for Entry in Catalogues[M]. 3rd ed.London:IFLA International Office for UBC,1977ر[28]Klaus Hildbrand.Das Drite Reich[M].Müchen:Bund-Verlag GmbH,1979.[29]Григорян С В.Рудничная Геохимия[M].Москва: Недра,1992。


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