




摘要是论文的重要组成部分,它是以提供文献内容梗概为目的,不加评论和补充解释,简明、确切地记述文献重要内容的短文。根据我国《文摘编写规则》 GB6447-86规定,摘要必须有目的、方法、结果和结论。 /












摘要是论文的重要组成部分,它是以提供文献内容梗概为目的,不加评论和补充解释,简明、确切地记述文献重要内容的短文。根据我国《文摘编写规则》 GB6447-86规定,摘要必须有目的、方法、结果和结论。 /













2.论文摘要应具有独立性和自含性,即不阅读全文,也能获得必要的信息,得到与原文同等量的主要信息。 /

3.摘要可以是陈述式的,也可以是信息式的,或者二者兼而有之。作为一般的学术论文,通常采用信息式的摘要,其内容主要包括:研究课题的目的、研究方法、所获结果及结论;评论、综述性[1] [2] 下一页 本文来自: 一流设计吧() 详细出处参考: /onews.asp?id=2477

















在回顾前人所作的研究工作时, 不宜面面俱到, 应找具有代表性的、与本研究关系最密切的资料来阐述, 避免写成文献综述。(2)注意深度。

在论述本人所作研究时, 一些普及的、为公众所熟知的原理和知识, 不必一一赘述。如教科书中早已有的公式, 众所周知的基础理论等等。

(3)审慎评价。在介绍自己的研究成果时, 切忌拔高或降低。

比如一些词汇: “ 国内首创”、“从未见报道”、“ 国际水平”、“国内领先”、“填补空白”等, 都属拔高的评价; 而诸如“不足之处敬请原谅”、“限于时间和水平”、“请读者批评指正”等语言, 则属大可不必客气的俗语, 均应避免使用。只要如实报道自己的成果就行了, 质量高低读者自会评价。

2、论文摘要应包含以下内容:(1)从事这一研究的目的和重要性; (2)研究的主要内容,指明完成了哪些工作; (3)获得的基本结论和研究成果,突出论文的新见解; (4)结论或结果的意义。参考资料来源:搜狗百科 - 论文摘要 参考资料来源:搜狗百科 - 论文引言。






根据内容的不同, 摘要可分为以下三大类: 报道性摘要、指示性摘要和报道-指示性摘要

(1) 报道性摘要: 也常称作信息性摘要或资料性摘要, 其特点是全面、简要地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数据和结论. 通常, 这种摘要可以部分地取代阅读全文.

(2) 指示性摘要: 也常称为说明性摘要、描述性摘要或论点摘要, 一般只用二三句话概括论文的主题, 而不涉及论据和结论, 多用于综述、会议报告等. 该类摘要可用于帮助潜在的读者来决定是否需要阅读全文.

(3) 报道-指示性摘要: 以报道性摘要的形式表述一次文献中的信息价值较高的部分, 以指示性摘要的形式表述其余部分.

















4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。


(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。



















作为现实主义的历史小说,《双城记》在反映社会历史现实的广度和深度上是其他同类描写法 国革命的小说无法比拟的。

这部作品深刻地揭露了法国大革命前激化了的社会矛盾,强烈地抨击了 贵族阶级的荒淫残暴,并对下层人民的苦难寄予了深切的同情。小说揭示了一条真理,即压抑在法 国农民心头的愤怒,必将像火山一样爆发出来,不可避免地要发生一场革命。

显然,狄更斯是从人 道主义的立场出发,阐明了法国革命的合理性。但在革命真正爆发之后,他又清醒地看到了革命的 某些阴暗面,如过度的暴力和无休无止的杀人复仇等等。

在狄更斯笔下,整个革命被描写成一场毁 灭一切的巨大灾难,它无情地惩罚罪恶的贵族阶级,也盲目地杀害无辜的人们。 这篇小说也塑造了很多具有典型意义的人物形象。

作者痛加鞭挞的厄弗里蒙地侯爵兄弟成为本 书中落后的封建贵族的代表,他们胡作非为,犯下了种种罪行;而代尔纳作为贵族的叛逆者恰与他 们形成了鲜明的对比。书中的得伐石夫妇等革命群众的形象是较为复杂的,他们一方面受到封建贵 族的残酷压迫,具有下层人民的一般美德,但一旦在革命深人之后,隐藏在他们身上的悖逆人性也 不可遏止地显现出来,最终也死于自己所一手倡导的革命。

而作者真正想颂扬的还是代尔纳和卡顿 这两个具有人道主义精神的理想人物。尤其是卡顿这个人物,他对露茜的深沉的爱是催人泪下的, 他崇高的人格也是撼人心魄的。

这些人物形象的塑造使得本书具有非常动人的艺术感染力。总体来看,这部小说把冤狱、爱情与复仇三个互相独立而又互相关联的故事交织在一起,情节 错综,头绪纷繁,而又以两个地名将整个故事连接起来,为我们展示了一幅恢弘的历史画卷。

这部 小说虽然没有作者早期创作阶段所特有的幽默、讽刺等特色,但其肃穆浓郁的历史积淀还是使本书 具有超凡的艺术魅力,成为作者此类艺术风格的代表作。





在狄更斯笔下,整个革命被描写成一场毁灭一切的巨大灾难,它无情地惩罚罪恶的贵族阶级,也盲目地杀害无辜的人们D这篇小说也塑造了很多具有典型意义的人物形象。 作者痛加鞭挞的厄弗里蒙地侯爵兄弟成为本书中落后的封建贵族的代表,他们胡作非为,犯下了种种罪行;而代尔纳作为贵族的叛逆者恰与他们形成了鲜明的对比。

书中的得伐石夫妇等革命群众的形象是较为复杂的,他们一方面受到封建贵族的残酷压迫,且具有下层人民的一般美德,但一旦在革命深人之后,隐藏在他们身上的悖逆人性也不可遏止地显现出来,最终也死于自己所一手倡导的革命。 而作者真正想颂扬的还是代尔纳和卡顿这两个具有人道主义精神的理想人物。


总体来看,这部小说把冤狱、爱情与复仇三个互相独立而又互相关联的故事交织在一起,情节错综,头绪纷繁,而又以两个地名将整个故事连接起来,为我们展示了一副恢弘的历史画卷。 这部小说虽然没有作者早期创作阶段所特有的幽默、讽刺等特色,但其肃穆浓郁的历史积淀还是使本书具有超凡的艺术魅力,成为作者此类艺术风格的代表作。

3.狄更斯 双城记 英美文学论文

查尔斯·约翰·赫芬姆·狄更斯(Charles John Huffam Dickens,1812年2月7日~1870年6月9日) 英国维多利亚时期的著名小说家,他的作品至今依然盛行,并对英国文学发展起到重要影响。

早年 狄更斯1812年出生于英国朴次茅斯(Portsmouth),是海军职员约翰·狄更斯和伊丽莎白·巴洛所生的第二个孩子。狄更斯5岁时全家就迁居占松(Chatham),10岁时又搬到康登镇(Camden Town,今属伦敦)。



狄更斯并没有接受很多的正规教育,基本上是靠自学成才。 记者生涯 狄更斯后来成为一名《晨报》的国会记者,专门采访英国下议院的政策辩论,也时常环游英伦采访各种选举活动。

他开始在各刊物上发表文章,并最终收集成《博兹札记》(Sketches by Boz)出版,这是他的第一部散文集。但真正使他成名的是1836年出版的《匹克威克外传》(The Pickwick Papers)。

创作生涯 之后狄更斯连续出版了多部广受欢迎的小说,包括了《雾都孤儿》(Oliver Twist)、《尼古拉斯·尼克贝》(Nicholas Nickleby)和《老古玩店》(The Old Curiocity Shop)。1841年完成了《巴纳比·拉奇》(Barnaby Rudge)后,狄更斯前往他所向往的美国。

虽然他在那里受到了热烈的欢迎,狄更斯最终依然对那片新大陆感到失望。他在美国的见闻被收入进其在1842年出版的《美国纪行》(American Notes)。

1843年他出版了引起极大反响的小说《圣诞颂歌》(A Christmas Carol),这部小说是他的圣诞故事系列的第一部。随后他又以自己的美国之行为背景,发表了另一部小说《马丁·翟述伟》(Martin Chuzzlewit)。

1844至1846年间狄更斯游历了欧陆各国,在旅行期间继续进行写作。1849年他出版了自传题材的小说《大卫·科波菲尔》(David Copperfield),这部小说的内容与狄更斯的个人经历有很大关系。

狄更斯以后的小说显得更为尖锐并具批判性,其中比较著名的包括了《荒凉山庄》(Bleak House)、《艰难时世》(Hard Times)、《小杜丽》(Little Dorrit)、《双城记》(A Tale of Two Cities)和《远大前程》(Great Expectations)等。 1850年,狄更斯创办了自己的周刊《家常话》(Household Words),收录了自己和其他一些作家的小说。

1859年另一份刊物《一年四季》(All the Year Round)也开始发行。狄更斯本人的多部作品都是最先以连载的形式在这两份刊物上发表的。

狄更斯不仅是一位多产的写作者,也是一位积极的表演者。他把公众朗读会(public readings)化作两小时独角戏剧表演,而“速书”(prompt books/prompt copies)则是他为此所作的准备记录:在原作上划框,择要而出,省去枝蔓,偶尔添点新笑话——对这位天才的表演者,人物表情记号是不需要的。

狄氏朗读 /演剧会始于1853年12月,至其生命终了,十余年间行脚遍及大西洋两岸。“速书”是狄更斯为自己写的舞台说明(stage directions),为狄更斯研究和后来的衍生戏剧/影视创作提供了鲜活的参照。

(source: Dickens Museum, London) 1870年6月9日狄更斯与世长辞,临终时他的第一部侦探小说《艾德温·德鲁德之谜》(The Mystery of Edwin Drood)也未能完成。他去世后被安葬在西敏寺的诗人角,他的墓碑上如此写道:“他是贫穷、受苦与被压迫人民的同情者;他的去世令世界失去了一位伟大的英国作家。”

(He was a sympathiser to the poor, the suffering, and the oppressed; and by his death, one of England's greatest writers is lost to the world.)。 作品 《大卫·科波菲尔》、《远大前程》、《雾都孤儿》、《尼古拉斯·尼克贝》和《圣诞颂歌》被认为是狄更斯最优秀的几部作品,特别是带自传体性质的小说《大卫·科波菲尔》被很多人视作是狄更斯的代表作,而另一部作品《小杜丽》则以其尖酸刻薄的讽刺闻名。




人物形象与思想意义 有人把《双城记》的主要人物分为四大类:理想的正面人物形象(梅尼特、查里斯、代尔那、露茜),自我牺牲的怪人(卡尔登、普洛斯),革命人民的代表(得伐石夫妇),贵族、资产阶级坏蛋(厄弗里蒙地侯爵、巴尔塞)。这四类分法,对人物的具体划分以及对各类人物在小说中的地位和关系的分析,都有值。

4.请英语达人帮帮忙 我现在急需一篇毕业论文<英语在生活中对人们的影

How to make someone fall in love with you Good day everyone! Let's talk about love. I am sure that would get your attention. Learn how to win love! Learn how to capture a heart! Make that person you love, love you back. Be a hunk or a fox. Be a magnet for love. Let me tell you some secrets right now. First, be “in the know.” Be a detective of love. Collect all the information you can. Investigate your dreamboat. Knowledge is power. Know everything before you begin you courtship. Meanwhile, get you body into shape. Look sexy and attractive. Look and feel good, both inside and out. Second, be honest about how you feel. Ask your love interest out! Break the ice as soon as possible. Say, “I really think you are special. I'd like to know more about you. Would you like to go out on a date?” Being direct is the modern way. This approach saves time and worry. This approach will surprise and impress. Third, make you dates unforgettable. Make them creative and exciting. Make that person wild about you. Talk about his or her hobbies. Do the things he or she likes to do. Make him or her love to be with you. Share you hopes and dreams. Share your passions and joys. Your enthusiasm should light up his or her heart. Fourth, be confident and caring. Be humorous and kind. Listen twice as much as you speak. Boys must be chivalrous and humble. Girls must be charming and vivacious. Both must be intelligent and polite. Be yourself and relax. Be sure to compliment and praise. Make sure everything you say is true. Finally, be serious about love. Never compromise your standards. Never mislead or play foolish games. Be patient and selfless. Be mature and realistic. Never love for any reason but love. Good luck, Romeos and Juliets! Now, be a Cupid with you arrow! Now go win the true love you deserve. .你看看吧,借鉴一下。




Spring Festival .

My favorite festival is spring festival. It is often in February. I like it because I can receive some gifts and much money on the New Years' Eve. I can eat a big and delicious food. And I can watch spring festival party in CCTV on TV and play with my cousin.

Now, more and more western festivals come into China. The Christmas day is the popular western festival in China. I think play western festival is great. Because it is can help us realize western culture. But I do not think we should forget Chinese festivals, because they are our traditional festivals. So we should not forget Chinese festivals

The Spring Festival

Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. The dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the Gregorian calendar, so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February.

To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Year's Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country.






















Generally speaking, a speech may have the following stylistic characteristics: To begin with, it must be very persuasive. Thus the sentence patterns are very well-organized, with repetitions, parallelism and contrasts frequently used. Secondly, it should be emotional so as to be convincing, because the speaker should face the audience directly and his words should not only be orderly and informative but also be expressive and inspiring. Therefore, the stylistic devices such as similes and metaphors are often involved. Finally, in many cases, written-conversational style is usually used with not very formal diction and not very complicated sentence structure. Bibliography: [1]. Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have a Dream, August 28, 1963 [2]. Wang Shouyuan, Essentials of English Stylistics, Shandong University Press, July, 2000 [3]. Pan Shaozhang, English Rhetoric and Writing, Shanghai Transportation University Press, December, 1998 [4]. Widdowson, H. G. Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature, Longman, 1975 [5]. Leech, G. N. “ 'This bread I break' Language and interpretation”. In D.C. Freeman. (ed.). Linguistics and Literature Style. New York:Holt, Rinhart & Winston. Acknowledgements: It was really a laborious task to accomplish a B.A thesis. Many people gave me support and help in the process of writing the paper. I'd like first to give my grate to my dear teacher, vice professor Mr. Liu Fagong, who generously gave me his kindly help and instructions during the whole process of my paper-writing. Then I'd like to give my many thanks to my classmates who helped me a lot with my information collecting and paper-polishing. Most important of all, I want to give my thanks to my mother university and all the teachers in the English College, who educated and cultivated me to be a qualified teacher in the future. A Brief Introduction to the Author: Su Zhanghai, a student in Class One 1988 Grade, majoring in English Education, and a well-to-be teacher in Shandong Agricultural University, who whole-heartedly gives his best wishes to all the teachers in Qufu Normal University.Article resource :。


图像处理 image processing


MATLAB在图像处理中的应用 Applications of MATLAB in Image Processing

英文文献 英文版本(超全面的)



positing or optical compositing (combination of two or more images). Used in filmmaking to make a "matte"

Interpolation, demosaicing, and recovery of a full image from a raw image format using a Bayer filter pattern

Image editing (e.g., to increase the quality of a digital image)

Image differencing

Image registration (alignment of two or more images)

Image stabilization

Image segmentation

Extending dynamic range by combining differently exposed images


Jane Eyre — A Beautiful Soul Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think: We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past. We remember her pursuit of justice. It's like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side. We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God's feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality. We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence… When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality. Actually, she wasn't pretty, and of course, the ordinary appearance didn't make others feel good of her, even her own aunt felt disgusted with it. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down on and to tease, so when Miss Ingram met Jane Eyre, she seemed quite contemptuous, for that she was obviously much more prettier than 'the plain and ugly governess'. But as the little governess had said: 'Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!' This is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre's mind. God hadn't given her beauty and wealth, but instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thinking brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the power inside her body. In my mind, though a person's beauty on the face can make others once feel that one is attractive and charming, if his or her mind isn't the same beautiful as the appearance, such as beauty cannot last for, when others find that the beauty which had charmed them was only a falsity, it's not true, they will like the person no more. For a long time, only a person's great virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as AN EVERLASTING BEAUTY, just as Kahill Gibran has said, that 'Beauty is a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted'. I can feel that how beauty really is, as we are all fleshly men, so we can't distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but fleshly men, so we can't distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but as there are great differences in our souls, and from that, we can know that whether a man is noble or ordinary, and even obscure, that is, whether he is beautiful or not. Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.。


Introduction to Civil Engineering Papers Civil Engineering for the development of a key role, first as a material foundation for the civil engineering construction materials, followed by the subsequent development of the design theory and construction technology. Every time a new quality of building materials, civil engineering will be a leap-style development.People can only rely on the early earth, wood and other natural materials in the construction activities, and later appeared in brick and tile that artificial materials, so that the first human to break the shackles of natural building materials. China in the eleventh century BC in the early Western Zhou Dynasty created the tile. The first brick in the fifth century BC to the third century BC, when the tomb of the Warring States Period. Brick and tile better than the mechanical properties of soil, materials, and easy to manufacture.The brick and tile so that people began to appear widely, to a large number of housing construction and urban flood control project, and so on. This civil engineering technology has been rapid development. Up to 18 to the 19th century, as long as two thousand years, brick and tile has been a major civil engineering construction materials, human civilization has made a great contribution to the even was also widely used in the present.The application of a large number of steel products is the second leap in civil engineering. Seventeen 1970s the use of pig iron, the early nineteenth century, the use of wrought iron bridges and the construction of housing, which is a prelude to the emergence of steel.From the beginning of the mid-nineteenth century, metallurgical industry, smelting and rolling out high tensile and compressive strength, ductility, uniformity of the quality of construction steel and then produce high-strength steel wire, steel cables. As a result of the need to adapt to the development of the steel structure have been flourishing. In addition to the application of the original beam, arch structure, the new truss, a framework, the structure of network, cable structures to promote the gradual emergence of the structure of Yan in the form of flowers.From the brick building long-span structures, stone structures, a few meters of wood, steel structure to the development of tens of meters, a few hundred meters, until modern km above. So in the river, cross the bridge from shelves, on the ground since the construction of skyscrapers and high-rise tower, even in the laying of underground railway, to create an unprecedented miracle.In order to meet the needs of the development of steel works, on the basis of Newton's mechanics, material mechanics, structural mechanics, structural engineering design theory came into being, and so on. Construction machinery, construction technology and construction organization design theory also development, civil engineering from the experience of rising to become science, engineering practice and theoretical basis for both is a different place, which led to more rapid development of civil engineering.During the nineteenth century, 20, made of Portland cement, concrete has come out. Concrete can aggregate materials, easy-to-concrete structures forming, but the tensile strength of concrete is very small, limited use. By the middle of the nineteenth century, the surge in steel production, with the emergence of this new type of reinforced concrete composite construction materials, which bear the tension steel, concrete bear the pressure and play their own advantages. Since the beginning of the 20th century, reinforced concrete is widely used in various fields of civil engineering.From the beginning of the 1930s, there have been pre-stressed concrete. Pre-stressed concrete structure of the crack resistance, rigidity and carrying capacity, much higher than the reinforced concrete structure, which uses an even wider area. Civil Engineering into the reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete dominant historical period. Concrete buildings to bring about the emergence of new economic, aesthetic structure in the form of engineering, civil engineering so that a new construction technology and engineering design of the structure of the theory. This is another leap in the development of civil engineering.A project to build the facilities in general to go through the investigation, design and construction in three stages, require the use of geological prospecting projects, hydro-geological survey, engineering survey, soil mechanics, mechanical engineering, engineering design, building materials, construction equipment, engineering machinery, building the economy , And other disciplines and 。



呵呵 (因字数有限制,我可发给你) 英语本科毕业论文 The Spirit of Revolt of Tess --Study in Tess of the D'Urbervilles Thesis statement: Everyone knows that Tess's life is a great tragedy, but she is still a courageous woman who dares to fight by all means. In order to defeat the unfortunate fate she always resists the decadent society, the traditional concept, and the hypocrisy religion. Outline Ⅰ.Brief Introduction to Tess of the d'Urbervilles A. Women's role in industrial movements during 19th century in England B. A brief commentary of the novel 1. the writer --Thomas hardy 2. general introduction of the novel Ⅱ.Tess's spirit of revolt all through her life A. Tess's fight to the moribund society 1. the moribund society 2. Tess's fight to the moribund society B. Tess's resistance to the traditional moral concept 1. the traditional moral concept 2. Tess's resistance to the traditional moral concept C. Tess's resistance to the hypocritical religion 1.the hypocritical religion in that time 2. Tess's resistance to the hypocritical religion D. Tess's resistance to the unfortunate marriage 1.Tess's unfortunate marriage 2. Tess's resistance to the unfortunate marriage Ⅲ.Conclusion: In a word, Tess has shown a powerful woman's image to common people with her unyielding spirit of revolt. She, to the moribund society, traditional old morals, hypocritical religion, capitalist marriage system, has carried on the strongest revealing and criticism. Her kindhearted enlightenment, noble emotion, strong personality, and her resistance in imbuing all rooted in the hearts of the people forever, worth savoring. Abstract This paper mainly focuses on the spirit of revolt of Tess. First of all, this paper begins with a brief introduction to the novel. Then, this paper makes a brief commentary of the novel. Moreover, it concentrates on :(1) Tess's fight to the moribund society. (2) Tess's resistance to the traditional moral concept. (3) Tess's resistance to the hypocritical religion. (4) Tess's resistance to the unfortunate marriage. And at last the paper reveals that Tess is actually a character with the spirit of revolt all through her life. key words:tragedy,Spirit of revolt,industrial movement,unfortunate fate 内容提要 本文研究的是小说主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”。首先,本文对小说的背景做了介绍。

然后,对文本进行简要评论。再次,本文主要从以下四个方面对文本主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”进行集中讨论:(1) 苔丝对腐朽社会的抗争;(2) 苔丝对传统的道德观念的反抗;(3) 苔丝对伪善的宗教的反抗;(4) 苔丝对不幸婚姻的反抗。

最后,揭示出苔丝整个人生经历中的反抗精神。 关键词:悲剧,反抗精神,工业运动,不幸命运。

6.毕业论文 用英语怎么说

毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英 [ˈθi:sɪs] 美 [ˈθisɪs] 。




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3、He has finished his thesis.


4、She's finished writing her thesis.


5、Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.


The article has a clear-cut thesis and arguments, but lacks reasoning.



diploma work


His graduation thesis is coming on quite well.


It is time to start work on my thesis.


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she worked assiduously on the senior thesis.


As a senior, Peter is writing his thesis.


For the remain six credit hour, you can either write a thesis or take two more selected courses.


degree paper


A treatise; an essay.


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论文摘要是对论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,要求扼要地说明研究工作的目的、研究方法和最终结论等,重点是结论,是一篇具有独立性和完整性的短文,根据内容的不同,摘要可分为以下三大类:报道性摘要、指示性摘要和报道指示性摘要。 中文摘要一般不宜超过300字,外文摘要不宜超过250个实词。


扩展资料: 毕业论文撰写意义: 1、撰写毕业论文是检验学生在校学习成果的重要措施,也是提高教学质量的重要环节。大学生在毕业前都必须完成毕业论文的撰写任务。


毕业论文是大学生才华的第一次显露,是向祖国和人民所交的一份有分量的答卷,是投身社会主义现代化建设事业的报到书。 一篇毕业论文虽然不能全面地反映出一个人的才华,也不一定能对社会直接带来巨大的效益,对专业产生开拓性的影响。

但是,实践证明,撰写毕业论文是提高教学质量的重要环节,是保证出好人才的重要措施。 2、通过撰写毕业论文,提高写作水平是干部队伍“四化”建设的需要。



在经济建设中,作为领导人员和机关的办事人员,要写指示、通知、总结、调查报告等应用文;要写说明书、广告、解说词等说明文;还要写科学论文、经济评论等议论文。 在当今信息社会中,信息对于加快经济发展速度,取得良好的经济效益发挥着愈来愈大的作用。


参考资料来源:百度百科——论文摘要 参考资料来源:百度百科——毕业论文。







1、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。



4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。

5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。
















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第一页写题目 作者 导师

第二页写 outline 讲的时候注意介绍各部分的逻辑关系

第三页写 literature review 或者叫 theoretical basis 几句话带过就行 这个不重要

第四页开始写主体部分 多用表格

最后是conclusion 要写limitations

答辩一般是十到十五分钟 千万别超时


Good morning, distinguished teachers andclassmates. My name is Futing and my supervisor is Fangyan. , I have finishedmy paper, with her sincere guidance. Although she is not here, I'd like toexpress my gratitude to her. Now I will present my efforts to you andgratefully welcome any corrections.The title of mypaper is “An Analysis of the Characterization of theGrotesque in Winesburg, Ohio” Next, it is thecontents of my paper. Introduction presents an brief introductionto Sherwood Anderson and Winesburg, Ohio. Anderson(1876-1941) is one ofthe most important writers on American short story in 20th century. He earns areputation as “a writers' writer”. Winesburg, Ohio, This book has 25 shortstories and it gives us a vivid description of the living condition and socialenvironment of grotesque..Here, Anderson defines the grotesques asthe combination of the twist and sweetness. No matter how horrible they seem tothe ordinary people's eyes, they still have so many and shining qualities whichmake them sweet and beautiful. Moreover, Anderson never mean to make thegrotesques ugly, but takes them as examples to present the unsuccessful people'slife in America in his times.In this part, I discussed the images in details bygiving 3 examples.Then, the thesis turns to a detaileddiscussion of the characters. I put weight on the physical deformities and thepsychological problems. Their physical deformities are outside signs orexpressions, such as Doctor Reefy's “large knuckles of his hands” thereare two kinds of representative psychological problems. The first problem istheir inability to communicate, the grotesques cannot find a right way tocommunicate with each other. The second is their inability to distinguishillusion and reality, so, the grotesques are unable to live happily in reality. Whereafter, This part studies the causes ofgrotesquery. The causes include the personal causes and the social causes. In conclusion, Sherwood Anderson's use of“grotesque” is quitedifferent. He shows great understanding towards them. Although they havephysical deformities and psychological problems, they never give up the searchfor love and understanding. In modern society, we are all facing the high-speeddevelopment of technology and economy, as well as the weakness in human nature.In this case, people need more powerful inner support and even stronger belieffor a better life.作品特点,Though its structure seems loose,Winesburg, Ohio is unified in time, place, character, theme, style, and form togreater extent than any of his later connections,functionalfigure George Willard. this novel gives us a vivid description of theliving condition and social environment of Winesburg grotesques.主题,show the indifference between people Many of Anderson's contributions to Americanliterature reflect his own struggles between the material and spiritual worldsas husband, father, author, and businessman and also cover issues aswide-ranging from labor conditions to marriage.Triumph of the egg The Purpose ofmy paper is to make contributions so that we can know more about the grotesqueand their complicated world. Besides,I try to find out the significant meaningbehind grotesque.The Significanceof my paper is : A.To let the readers make sure about what is grotesques and their complicatedinner world and their struggle between the social reality and the ideal. B. Toimprove my own research levels from both the theoretic aspects and thepractical aspects.personal causes, they need love but they don't communicate.Always indulging in their own world. 不堪回首的往事,mostof them fail to satisfy their wishes.social causes, in the background of a transition of America from theagricultural society to the industrial society.工业发展,快速发展的价值观破坏了他们的生活,是他们无法适应时代只是一味的坚持自己的真理Personal 通过小城镇反映了整个美国的状态 安德森被认为是美国现代小说的指路标,小城畸人打破了人物“不是好人就是坏蛋”定型的写法 The reason ,I have read this novel in the literaturecourse.I just wondering what is grotesque? And I even don't know the meaning ofthe word. I wanna know more about it.WHAT IS G: it'skind of people who take one of the truths to himself and try to live by it thenbecome a grotesque.。


Good morning, distinguished teachers andclassmates. My name is Futing and my supervisor is Fangyan. , I have finishedmy paper, with her sincere guidance. Although she is not here, I'd like toexpress my gratitude to her. Now I will present my efforts to you andgratefully welcome any corrections.The title of mypaper is “An Analysis of the Characterization of theGrotesque in Winesburg, Ohio”Next, it is thecontents of my paper. Introduction presents an brief introductionto Sherwood Anderson and Winesburg, Ohio. Anderson(1876-1941) is one ofthe most important writers on American short story in 20th century. He earns areputation as “a writers' writer”. Winesburg, Ohio, This book has 25 shortstories and it gives us a vivid description of the living condition and socialenvironment of grotesque..Here, Anderson defines the grotesques asthe combination of the twist and sweetness. No matter how horrible they seem tothe ordinary people's eyes, they still have so many and shining qualities whichmake them sweet and beautiful. Moreover, Anderson never mean to make thegrotesques ugly, but takes them as examples to present the unsuccessful people'slife in America in his times.In this part, I discussed the images in details bygiving 3 examples.Then, the thesis turns to a detaileddiscussion of the characters. I put weight on the physical deformities and thepsychological problems. Their physical deformities are outside signs orexpressions, such as Doctor Reefy's “large knuckles of his hands” thereare two kinds of representative psychological problems. The first problem istheir inability to communicate, the grotesques cannot find a right way tocommunicate with each other. The second is their inability to distinguishillusion and reality, so, the grotesques are unable to live happily in reality. Whereafter, This part studies the causes ofgrotesquery. The causes include the personal causes and the social causes. In conclusion, Sherwood Anderson's use of“grotesque” is quitedifferent. He shows great understanding towards them. Although they havephysical deformities and psychological problems, they never give up the searchfor love and understanding. In modern society, we are all facing the high-speeddevelopment of technology and economy, as well as the weakness in human nature.In this case, people need more powerful inner support and even stronger belieffor a better life.作品特点,Though its structure seems loose,Winesburg, Ohio is unified in time, place, character, theme, style, and form togreater extent than any of his later connections,functionalfigure George Willard. this novel gives us a vivid description of theliving condition and social environment of Winesburg grotesques.主题,show the indifference between people Many of Anderson's contributions to Americanliterature reflect his own struggles between the material and spiritual worldsas husband, father, author, and businessman and also cover issues aswide-ranging from labor conditions to marriage.Triumph of the eggThe Purpose ofmy paper is to make contributions so that we can know more about the grotesqueand their complicated world. Besides,I try to find out the significant meaningbehind grotesque.The Significanceof my paper is : A.To let the readers make sure about what is grotesques and their complicatedinner world and their struggle between the social reality and the ideal. B. Toimprove my own research levels from both the theoretic aspects and thepractical aspects.personal causes, they need love but they don't communicate.Always indulging in their own world. 不堪回首的往事,mostof them fail to satisfy their wishes.social causes, in the background of a transition of America from theagricultural society to the industrial society.工业发展,快速发展的价值观破坏了他们的生活,是他们无法适应时代只是一味的坚持自己的真理Personal 通过小城镇反映了整个美国的状态安德森被认为是美国现代小说的指路标,小城畸人打破了人物“不是好人就是坏蛋”定型的写法The reason ,I have read this novel in the literaturecourse.I just wondering what is grotesque? And I even don't know the meaning ofthe word. I wanna know more about it.WHAT IS G: it'skind of people who take one of the truths to himself and try to live by it thenbecome a grotesque.。


Good morning,Distinguished professors and teachers, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the oral defense. (或Welcome to attend the oral defense.) :I am XX. First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, professorXX, for his intellectual guidance, invaluable instructions and comments on my thesis. It is with his valuable assistance that I have finally accomplished this thesis.My topic is On the tragedy figures at historical turning points(Comparison of KongYiji and Rip Van )The whole thesis consists of 6 parts. The first part will give a brief introduction of the negative, evasive and conservative attitudes of Kong and Rip as well as the topic's significance in the real society. And the second part is going to analyze the figures' background to show the historical necessity of the tragedies. In the third part, the tragic heroes' failing in the character according to their living environment will be further discussed and the fourth part is to talk about their different tendency of dispositions and behaviors in the society. Then the author will dig into the root causes of the tragedies in the fifth part, and sum up the whole paper to reveal the ideological weak points of the two countries separately in the last part.Thank you!。
















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1.求英文论文 关于英语学习体会一篇 寒假英语学习总结一篇 1000字左右

1.体会 I think learning English needs a lot of practice !we need to practise listening,writing,reading ,watching ,talking and thinking in English. By listening we can improve our ability in understanding others.So I listen to tapes every morning!By writing we can improve our expressing our minds.I keep a diary every two days,which helps me a lot! By reading we can make our sight larger and learn much more knowledge that we cannot in Chinese!I fall love in reading!By watching English videos we can know how to correct our spoken English!By talking in it we will understand how great our English is and it can give us a lot more confidence!So when i meet a foreigher I never miss him/her!By thinking in English can let us get into the language deeply.Although it sounds hard to us,we should believe a great saying"Practice makes perfect!" 2.总结 I did my winter holiday home work every day.Besides,I read many English stories,which helped me a lot.I enjoyed reading interesting ones and I could translate them into Chinese and told my parents and they were always pleased.My parents allowed me to surf the net an hour a day and it brought me a great deal of pleasure!From some blogs I learn that success needs one's hardwork!I often tell myslf,"No pains,no gains!",which is also my motto.By learning English in the holidays I believe that in the coming semester my English will be greater and greater! THanks to you ,my dear English teacher for your advice before the winter holidays.I will follow and carry on your spirit in learning English forever!Thanks again!。


" "OK!" "Now, Zhou Hua, please." Zhou Hua answered in a lowvoice, "I am like hamburgers, so I often eat hamburgers." We all laughed. "What? Do you look like hamburgers? I don't think so! I know you mean that you like eating hamburgers. But your sentence was wrong. You can't use 'any', we know 'like' here is a preposition. 'be like' means '像……',however, 'like' used as a verb, means '喜欢'. Now you should say, I like eating hamburgers. Do you understand?" That was an interesting class. I remembered something about the word. It's great fun to learn English. I thank Miss Yang very much.(第二篇)享受学习英语的乐趣 在“我和你,心连心,同住地球村”的今天,英语早已成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。















How to improve your English in full detail (my experience) The Third Edition To be good at English is not particularly easy but not terribly hard either.Before you start to learn sentences, or new words, the first and also the most important step is the "pronunciation". To pronounce perfectly you should buy a tape to assist you to learn and practise. This is the fundamental step to learn English, ignore or pay no attention to this step; you will not learn proper English and you will find the later steps more and more difficult. If you are solid and accurate in pronunciation, you will find the later steps much easier and you will stand firmly on the right track.After mastering the pronunciation perfectly, it is the time to accumulate new words and useful expressions. Of course start from the simplest words like “hello, hi, you, me, he, him, his, her”, etc。

. and expressions like “how are you, how old are you, how do you do”, etc。

. It is essential to write the words on a piece of paper so that you remember them well. Actually everyone had done these at his/her primary school.*************Now let me tell you how I learnt English in China. ******************* Speaking:In China, you won't have enough chances to speak English. What I did was in the morning I got up early and read aloud the texts in the textbooks. The initial aim was to achieve the same speed as the tape, and then being able to read aloud the texts with the same style as the English announcer in the tape. By doing this, it helps you to consolidate your pronunciation and grammar.Listening:Nowadays it is much easier to learn English in China because you can watch some TV channels in English. The more channels in English the better because you can choose your preferred programmes and it helps you to learn English with interests of your own, hence ideal for listening and expression/words accumulations.Writing:It is also very useful to write diaries. On writing diaries, it is not useful if you just write it without the care of grammar and spelling. When you finish you should always read your diaries again to check for errors and refine your sentences (e.g. remove repetitive words, use better expressions, and sort out the structure of the sentences).Reading:It is also very important to read story books in English, starting from thin ones with not many new words. Read as many thin books as you possibly can. Little by Little you will want to read thicker books, and your reading ability will get even better.Putting four elements together:I have to emphasise that when you do all these reading, listening, writing and speaking; you should join them together as a whole, apply the new words you learn from watching TV, reading books to your writing and speaking.The enhancement of learning comes from getting hold of the possible opportunities to speak English (in China or abroad):In China, you should try to go to local English corner to practise your oral English. If you are abroad then you should make a lot of English or international friends so you always have the opportunity to speak English.On Spoken English, attitude is very important. You need to be very keen and you must not be shy. Never be afraid to make mistakes. Always think that a talk in English with some one will help you significantly.You can think in this way: since my parents have paid so much to support me to study abroad, the money is partly spent on the international environment for learning English; therefore I ought to try my best to take every opportunity to practise my English. My English has risen to a higher level in the last 2 years, because I talk in English most of the time. Having some international friends is particularly useful indeed. Summing up the activities:I have also been watching TV too. The real improvement lies in staying with international friends long enough and watching a lot of TV such as news, football, dramas, documentaries etc。

. Writing diaries also helps me to remember good words, good expressions and practise sentence structuring.*****Now, I have finished talking about how to learn and improve General English.It is the time to switch to "Your Major in English" ******************************* Knowing general English on its own is not going to be sufficient for most people. Skills are as important as mastering another language. General English helps people to communicate with each other in their lives. Technical English helps you to take on challenges to change the world for the highest, to earn money for your living for the lower.Some people who have a degree in English go abroad to learn something different but heavily based on the language such as Media study, 。


英语毕业论文-How to improve your students。

. 阅读关键词:英语毕业论文-How to improve your students。. At the moment, most of the teachers of English are trying their best to make their students improve their written English.But how to improve writing level isn't easy. You should put hearts into it and pay much more attation to the grammar knowledge,spelling,sentences,phrases and so on.I'll tell you my ideas about how to improve your students' writing level. First of all, we had better ask our students to make some simple sentences according to the English grammar knowledge. If they can write down some corrct sentences,they are sure to write some passages.Sometimes we can still let them translate a few interesting sentences.If they keep on making sentences, they will be confident in writing compositions.Because phrases and sentences are the basic requirement for the students of English. Secondly, we can ask our students to discuss about the interesting and instructive topics.For example,the students have learned somethinbg about travel.Let them discuss where they have ever been to and which places are beautiful and interesting.First,we can ask them to write down the outlines of the story.In my opinion,this is one of the most effective methods to improve their writing skills.In this way,they'll be interested ion expressing their ideas in English.In fact,interest is the best teacher in learing everything.So I suggest that we teachers of English should develop the studentsi' interests.Step by step,they are glad and active to write compositions.The teachers needn't force them to write,while they'll be active to express their thoughts. Thirdly, I suggest that we should guide our students to write after they have finished looking at some interesting and instructive pictures which are formed onto a story. At the beginning,we had better guide them to have some discussion about it.Then they can make up a whloe story in the limited time.I advise that the pictures we'll choose should be easy for them to read .If they can understand the maening of the story very easily,they are able to express their ideas better,otherwise they'll be bored Fourthly, our students should try to form good habits of making diaries every day, at least they had better write down some stories every week. As teachers of English, we should encourage them to write more in English.On the other hand, we should be strict in our work and with our students. We should ask our students to hand in their compositions on time and ought to check their articles in time. My last advice is that we can hold some English Composition Competition regularly. We'll give the excellent students some prizes and put up their compositions on the wall of the classrooms.By doing this,they are willing to write once they have free time.They'll be interested in it.If some of them can really write wonderful aticles,we can introduce their articles to some English magazines or newspapers,such as English Weekly, which is very popular to most of the middle school students in our country. All in all, it's very important and necessary for us teachers of English to improve our students writing level. We should try all kinds of the most advanced methods to teach them to write more and better. The more,the better! 3.翻译学:翻译学的选题一般可以在两个方向上进行:翻译理论以及翻译活动。


应该注意的是,在对翻译活动作研究时,往往需要某种翻译理论支撑,总结规律,并对这一活动作出评价,要避免仅仅时例子的罗列。 二.英语专业毕业论文格式要求 学位论文包括前置、主体、附录等三个部分。

(一)前置 1.英文封面:由论文英文题目、解释、作者、指导老师姓名和职称、时间组成。 2.目录:由论文的中、英文摘要、篇、章、条、款以及参考书目、附录等序号、题名和页码组成,排在英文封面之后另页。

3.中、英文内容摘要:摘要是论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,宜以最简洁的语言介绍论文的概要、作者的突出论点、新见解或创造性成果以及实验方法、数据或结论,是一篇完整的短文,可以独立使用,中文摘要一般在200字左右 4关键词:关键词是用以表示全文主题内容信息的单词或术语。为便于文献检索,学位论文应注明三至五个具有代表意义中、外文“关键词”,这些关键词就是论文的中心词,以显著的字符另起一行,分别排在中、外文摘要的左下方。


(二)主体部分 主题部分包括引言(Introduction)、正文(Body)、结论(Conclusion)、参。


Remember took notice the joyful mood, until now to computer write comments time, just detection, three years in the blink of an eye on the past. This article reviews three years of college life, the in the mind always filled with gratitude, grateful to my teacher training, be grateful for the support and trust and classmates forgiveness. Below is my these years of comments: A, personal experiences Someone said, the university but is outspread, high school will have to continue here that desperately laboured at high school; But others said, stepped into university, the future and career had security, can goint. I think, the university is a picture of a blank scroll, waiting for you to use wisdom and hands of discus youth depict belong to oneself. With the words of "being sincere to tough" to yourself, I stepped into the oath the university. Just enter the school gate in when I can say I'm disappointed thoroughly school rather too desolate it. But in later have to study and life, in JingGuanXi this family, I feel very honored, between the classmate, learning atmosphere britherhood sisters, everybody help each other, continuous progress. Experienced military training, to participate in various community activities, oneself also continues to grow. I think, though a man's strength is slim, but as long as you work hard, always pays off. Freshman from hell to paradise, turning points, adapt to the range of university life. We just have laboured at from that in the senior high school out finally lets his good relaxation, but we adapt to the range of university life, look at the others all busy joining a club activities, I also want to join them and they become friends, is he can learn something. Sophomore, study specialized knowledge of the year at the teacher's impetus, discussion, analysis and correction scheme, these are all class without of problem to solve, always want to experience a few back to end the debate named. Every time the teacher organizations class for debate didn't a classmate will actively take part in, the classroom atmosphere is very active. Also got a very good effect. I use after school time in the school library work-study, where I also learned a lot, watched a lot of celebrity name language. Use the time after school part-time, though very tired, but feel very satisfying, meanwhile, also increased my social experience, face different people, and what should communicate with them better and better, how to put their own work efficiency etc., much exercise myself, I feel very necessary, but the premise is to do well in our studies, perhaps is to give his set a goal, such as research, then for this goal, that's better than playing games, idling better. Junior, school introduces a practice work yourself to for two months and in the process I learned all of people don't like I think like that, we just saw their high wages, and did not see the bitterness behind them, I rely on their own efforts got life first sum of money, the heart that happy. Back to school after finished the rest of the course, started the true practice career. Graduation design, a resume, interview these things one then one, didn't find a job all feel inappropriate, not we can not reach the practice the requirement of the unit is our own too picky, this time is my most distressed, and students about their also is same. But I want to believe yourself, unremitting efforts, there will be a bright future in waved to us. Say to the learning methods, everyone's are different, as far as I'm concerned, I like to preview, meet don't understand of ask in classroom teacher, usually also will use the library resources, many Internet search, see more kinds of extra readings do, learn more knowledge, improve their quality. Second, Thanksgiving This three years, without the teacher's care, borrow this opportunity to thank our beloved teacher. I was born to a poor family, to apply for a loan, from in the work-study, from a timid girl, to now calmly, all of this are inseparable from the teacher gave me opportunities and help, I also deeply realize the timber for our university teacher pay difficultly labor, here I will be to them our deepest thanks and high respects! Remember the teacher said a word: "to society, you'll need to adapt to the environment, and not to change it, although can be complicated, but as long as you put things right, do yourself, you will always have success." These words gave me a lot of enlightenment. So in the internship period, I want strict demands on themselves, and adapt to the new work environment, constantly learning new knowledge, continued to make progress, improve their ability of solid exercise, the study of applied to practice and internship application to paper, the internship 。


My Experience of learning English

get sick and tired of learning boring grammar games and lifeless words. It goes without saying that I didn't enjoy learning English in the past. Frankly speaking, I even decided to give it up.

But now, great changes have taken place on me and every change is the change to the better. Not only did I pass band four and band six College English Test(CET) very easily with high marks but more importantly I began to use English. It was a miracle but I made it, yet how do I account for this? The factors are quite common: the English movie and soap play. As far as I am concerned, movies and soap plays are of great help in promoting my interest in learning English. In fact, it is supposed to be a nice experience of studying a foreign language, if it were not, people would lose interest in and say no to it by instinct. In my opinion, the picture and the soap play are created to cater for people's needs for enjoyment, they also the best materials of English study, you can take advantage of movies (especially Disney cartoons) to practice your listening skills and enhance your pronunciation. Soap plays, like Friends, to some extent, show you a real daily life in America nowadays. With regards to students, those who are lack of language using environment, soap plays provide a virtual life in west for them to participate in. It can be imagined that their understanding of English culture background can be improved and they will know how to use English in a right way. Above all, because of movies and soap plays.

language study is not dull but fun for those who like me. That's my experience of learning English, if you don't believe it, just try!




呵呵 (因字数有限制,我可发给你) 英语本科毕业论文 The Spirit of Revolt of Tess --Study in Tess of the D'Urbervilles Thesis statement: Everyone knows that Tess's life is a great tragedy, but she is still a courageous woman who dares to fight by all means. In order to defeat the unfortunate fate she always resists the decadent society, the traditional concept, and the hypocrisy religion. Outline Ⅰ.Brief Introduction to Tess of the d'Urbervilles A. Women's role in industrial movements during 19th century in England B. A brief commentary of the novel 1. the writer --Thomas hardy 2. general introduction of the novel Ⅱ.Tess's spirit of revolt all through her life A. Tess's fight to the moribund society 1. the moribund society 2. Tess's fight to the moribund society B. Tess's resistance to the traditional moral concept 1. the traditional moral concept 2. Tess's resistance to the traditional moral concept C. Tess's resistance to the hypocritical religion 1.the hypocritical religion in that time 2. Tess's resistance to the hypocritical religion D. Tess's resistance to the unfortunate marriage 1.Tess's unfortunate marriage 2. Tess's resistance to the unfortunate marriage Ⅲ.Conclusion: In a word, Tess has shown a powerful woman's image to common people with her unyielding spirit of revolt. She, to the moribund society, traditional old morals, hypocritical religion, capitalist marriage system, has carried on the strongest revealing and criticism. Her kindhearted enlightenment, noble emotion, strong personality, and her resistance in imbuing all rooted in the hearts of the people forever, worth savoring. Abstract This paper mainly focuses on the spirit of revolt of Tess. First of all, this paper begins with a brief introduction to the novel. Then, this paper makes a brief commentary of the novel. Moreover, it concentrates on :(1) Tess's fight to the moribund society. (2) Tess's resistance to the traditional moral concept. (3) Tess's resistance to the hypocritical religion. (4) Tess's resistance to the unfortunate marriage. And at last the paper reveals that Tess is actually a character with the spirit of revolt all through her life. key words:tragedy,Spirit of revolt,industrial movement,unfortunate fate 内容提要 本文研究的是小说主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”。首先,本文对小说的背景做了介绍。

然后,对文本进行简要评论。再次,本文主要从以下四个方面对文本主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”进行集中讨论:(1) 苔丝对腐朽社会的抗争;(2) 苔丝对传统的道德观念的反抗;(3) 苔丝对伪善的宗教的反抗;(4) 苔丝对不幸婚姻的反抗。

最后,揭示出苔丝整个人生经历中的反抗精神。 关键词:悲剧,反抗精神,工业运动,不幸命运。


: I - information-gathering. Students experience during the same time to read the relevant reference books or information, or searching for information from the Internet. D - data analysis, called for the selection of the necessary analysis of the data, and then contrasted with the experience of the content. E -. From the experience of all aspects of the process of evaluation. SWOC model can be used a detailed analysis of (S edge, W disadvantages, O opportunity, C challenge). A - Action experience. Please schedule to do with operations related to cost analysis and risk analysis.。


Happiness is the most precious thing in the world, which can be obtained in different ways. From my point of view, being in a good mood anytime and anywhere is the first thing for those who want to be happy. There is an old saying going like this, "happy is he who is content." I can't agree with it any more. I still remember a story my mother told me when I was a child. A millionaire tried every means to seek after pleasure but to feel unhappy. It's not unique, but has its counterpart that poor men to whose name not having a thing always feel happy. Why are they so different? The answer is that the rich is being thinking how he can gain more while the poor is satisfied with what he owns at hand-health, freedom, love and so on. Furthermore, love makes great difference to happiness. If you have love in your heart, you will have happiness in your life. Love consists of two parts, one is to love others, and the other is to be loved by others. Lei Feng set a good example for all of us. He served the people wholeheartedly until the last minute of his life. He regarded serving the people as the happiest thing. There are numbers of similar inspirational stories to be found. In addition, being loved by others can also lead you to happiness. Courage from your parents when frustrated, care from your lover when ill, help from your friends when in trouble… all of these will make you the happiest person in the world. The last but not least is to act happily. Putting on a happy face and thinking interesting things are helpful to trigger happy feelings. Wile happiness is precious, it is easy to get。









1、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。



4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。

5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。









献,可以在谷歌,用英文文献名+空格+PDF 这样比较容易找到。







4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。 主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。

5、论文正文: (1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。 〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容: a.提出-论点; b.分析问题-论据和论证; c.解决问题-论证与步骤; d.结论。

6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。 中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息 所列参考文献的要求是: (1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。 (2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。































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原文就是指原作品,原件,即作者所写作品所用的语言。如莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》原文是英语。 译文就是翻译过来的文字,如在中国也可以找到莎士比亚《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的中文版本,这个中文版本就称为译文 。



1、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。



4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。

5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。






A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Idioms(题目:二号,黑体,加粗,居中,除了英语小词外,其他单词首字母都要大写;另外:除了题目外,论文中所有英文的字体均采用“Times New Roman”)(学院、专业、学号、作者姓名、指导教师姓名(小四号宋体字,加粗),依次排印在论文题目下,上空二行,居中)【Abstract】 This paper centers on the different expressions of …… (英文摘要:上空二行;题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用其他任何标点符号;采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗;单倍行距。)

【Key Words】 idiom; comparison; English; Chinese (英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他标点符号,采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗,除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后空一格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何标点符号;单倍行距。)1. Introduction (顶格,除了第一个单词及专有名词外,其他单词首字母都不要大写;标题最后不用任何标点符号,上空两行)In both English and Chinese, …. So, this essay is trying to focus on the differences between Chinese and English idoms in terms of their essential meaning, customary usage and typical expression (Chang Liang, 1993:44; Li Guangling, 1999). (段落第一行缩进4个英文字符;夹注的标注法:出现在夹注中的作者必须与文后的参考文献形成一一对应关系;注意一个或多个作者间的标点符号,时间、页码等的标注法;另外,汉语参考文献的作者要以拼音形式出现,不能出现汉语姓氏;夹注出现在标点符号之前)2. The similarities between English idioms and Chinese idioms In English, …. And it can be clearly seen in the below examples:(1) I don't know。

我不知道。 (2) I am not a poet. 我不是诗人。

(正文中的例子以(1),(2)…为序号排列,直至最后一个例子;而①, ②…则为脚注或尾注的上标序号)3. The differences between English idioms and Chinese idioms3.1 The characteristics of English idioms(正文章节序号编制:章的编号:1. ,2., 3.,…;节的编号:1.1,1.2…,2.1,2.2…;小节的编号为:1.1.1, 1.1.2…。小节以下层次,采用希腊数字加括号为序,如(i),(ii)…;之后再采用字母加括号,如(a), (b),…;每章题目左顶格,小四号字,加粗;每节(及小节以下)题目左顶格,小四号字,不加粗但要斜体;所有章节的题目都单独一行,最后不加任何标点符号)….In conclusion, ….3.2 The characteristics of Chinese idioms….Feng (1998) found some problems as shown in the following examples (注意此句中夹注的另一种写法):(9) We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.(10) People take no thought of the value of time until they lose it.….3.2.1 The analysis of the differences between English and Chinese idioms… (i) ….….(ii) ….…. 4. Conclusion….Bibliography (References) (小四号,加粗,后面不加任何标点符号) Sanved, ed. The Oxford book of American literary anecdotes[C]. New York: OUP, 1981.常亮,“关于英语的偏离否定”[J] 。

《外国语文》,1993,4:44。 冯树健,“否定之否定新说”[J] 。

《英语辅导》,1998,6:11。 李光陵,“不完全否定浅析” [J] 。

《大学英语》,2000,30:30。 (论文最后的参考文献中所有文献的排列顺序:尾注:按照编号顺序。



[to] pick 14 prefectures of guangxi zhuang autonomous region have their party's news in an organ, propaganda work plays an important role. The party of financial support to reduce or even cancel, party also took to the city to raise the road. Henceforth, the advertising business condition, directly related to the survival and development of the whole city party. This paper tries to the city from guangxi history and current situation of the development of the party, the party of the city of advertising business opportunities, competitive and guangxi region-county fang-tsang party of advertising business, in order to seek the advertising business of its breakthrough.[key] guangxi, Municipal party, Advertising businessDon't of the machine translation, hope more professional help, and in time of emergency before June 1, translation of translation has good, thank you, cent,。






3、Simulated Annealing Approach to the Optimal Synthesis of Distillation Column with Intermediate Heat Exchangers


5、Magnetic Heat Transfer Enhancements on Fin-Tube Heat Exchangers

6、Influence of Thermal Conductivity on Interface Shape during Growth of Sapphire Crystal Using a Heat-Exchanger-Method

7、Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Horizontal Ground Heat Exchanger in Frozen Soil Layer

8、An Explicit Solution for Thermal Calculation and Synthesis of Superstructure Heat Exchanger Networks

9、EBSD analysis on aluminum brazing sheet for automotive heat exchangers



1、FLOW RESISTANCE AND HEAT TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS OF A NEW-TYPE PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER 2、ANALYTICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF FLOW DISTRIBUTION IN MANIFOLDS FOR HEAT EXCHANGERS 3、Simulated Annealing Approach to the Optimal Synthesis of Distillation Column with Intermediate Heat Exchangers 4、CONDENSATION HEAT TRANSFER OF R-134A IN HORIZONTAL STRAIGHT AND HELICALLY COILED TUBE-IN-TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS 5、Magnetic Heat Transfer Enhancements on Fin-Tube Heat Exchangers 6、Influence of Thermal Conductivity on Interface Shape during Growth of Sapphire Crystal Using a Heat-Exchanger-Method 7、Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Horizontal Ground Heat Exchanger in Frozen Soil Layer 8、An Explicit Solution for Thermal Calculation and Synthesis of Superstructure Heat Exchanger Networks 9、EBSD analysis on aluminum brazing sheet for automotive heat exchangers 10、SIMULATION AND ANALYSIS OF FLOW PATTERN IN CROSS-CORRUGATED PLATE HEAT EXCHANGERS。



一.设计任务和设计条件某生产过程的流程如图所示,反应器的混合气体经与进料物流患热后,用循环冷却水将其从110℃进一步冷却至60℃之后,进入吸收塔吸收其中的可溶组分。已知混和气体的流量为227301㎏/h,压力为6.9MPa ,循环冷却水的压力为0.4MPa ,循环水的入口温度为29℃,出口温度为39℃ ,试设计一台列管式换热器,完成该生产任务。

物性特征:混和气体在35℃下的有关物性数据如下(来自生产中的实测值):密度定压比热容 =3.297kj/kg℃热导率 =0.0279w/m粘度循环水在34℃ 下的物性数据:密度 =994.3㎏/m3定压比热容 =4.174kj/kg℃热导率 =0.624w/m℃粘度二. 确定设计方案1. 选择换热器的类型两流体温的变化情况:热流体进口温度110℃ 出口温度60℃;冷流体进口温度29℃,出口温度为39℃,该换热器用循环冷却水冷却,冬季操作时,其进口温度会降低,考虑到这一因素,估计该换热器的管壁温度和壳体温度之差较大,因此初步确定选用浮头式换热器。2. 管程安排从两物流的操作压力看,应使混合气体走管程,循环冷却水走壳程。

但由于循环冷却水较易结垢,若其流速太低,将会加快污垢增长速度,使换热器的热流量下贱,所以从总体考虑,应使循环水走管程,混和气体走壳程。三. 确定物性数据定性温度:对于一般气体和水等低黏度流体,其定性温度可取流体进出口温度的平均值。

故壳程混和气体的定性温度为T= =85℃管程流体的定性温度为t= ℃根据定性温度,分别查取壳程和管程流体的有关物性数据。对混合气体来说,最可靠的无形数据是实测值。

若不具备此条件,则应分别查取混合无辜组分的有关物性数据,然后按照相应的加和方法求出混和气体的物性数据。混和气体在35℃下的有关物性数据如下(来自生产中的实测值):密度定压比热容 =3.297kj/kg℃热导率 =0.0279w/m粘度 =1.5*10-5Pas循环水在34℃ 下的物性数据:密度 =994.3㎏/m3定压比热容 =4.174kj/kg℃热导率 =0.624w/m℃粘度 =0.742*10-3Pas四. 估算传热面积1. 热流量Q1==227301*3.297*(110-60)=3.75*107kj/h =10416.66kw2.平均传热温差 先按照纯逆流计算,得=3.传热面积 由于壳程气体的压力较高,故可选取较大的K值。

假设K=320W/(㎡k)则估算的传热面积为Ap=4.冷却水用量 m= =五. 工艺结构尺寸1.管径和管内流速 选用Φ25*2.5较高级冷拔传热管(碳钢),取管内流速u1=1.3m/s。2.管程数和传热管数 可依据传热管内径和流速确定单程传热管数Ns=按单程管计算,所需的传热管长度为L=按单程管设计,传热管过长,宜采用多管程结构。

根据本设计实际情况,采用非标设计,现取传热管长l=7m,则该换热器的管程数为Np=传热管总根数 Nt=612*2=12243.平均传热温差校正及壳程数 平均温差校正系数按式(3-13a)和式(3-13b)有 R=P=按单壳程,双管程结构,查图3-9得平均传热温差 ℃由于平均传热温差校正系数大于0.8,同时壳程流体流量较大,故取单壳程合适。4.传热管排列和分程方法 采用组合排列法,即每程内均按正三角形排列,隔板两侧采用正方形排列。

见图3-13。取管心距t=1.25d0,则 t=1.25*25=31.25≈32㎜隔板中心到离其最.近一排管中心距离按式(3-16)计算S=t/2+6=32/2+6=22㎜各程相邻管的管心距为44㎜。

管数的分成方法,每程各有传热管612根,其前后关乡中隔板设置和介质的流通顺序按图3-14选取。5.壳体内径 采用多管程结构,壳体内径可按式(3-19)估算。

取管板利用率η=0.75 ,则壳体内径为D=1.05t按卷制壳体的进级档,可取D=1400mm6.折流板 采用弓形折流板,去弓形之流板圆缺高度为壳体内径的25%,则切去的圆缺高度为H=0.25*1400=350m,故可 取h=350mm取折流板间距B=0.3D,则 B=0.3*1400=420mm,可取B为450mm。折流板数目NB=折流板圆缺面水平装配,见图3-15。


8.接管壳程流体进出口接管:取接管内气体流速为u1=10m/s,则接管内径为圆整后可取管内径为300mm。管程流体进出口接管:取接管内液体流速u2=2.5m/s,则接管内径为圆整后去管内径为360mm六. 换热器核算1. 热流量核算(1)壳程表面传热系数 用克恩法计算,见式(3-22)当量直径,依式(3-23b)得=壳程流通截面积,依式3-25 得壳程流体流速及其雷诺数分别为普朗特数粘度校正(2)管内表面传热系数 按式3-32和式3-33有管程流体流通截面积管程流体流速普朗特数(3)污垢热阻和管壁热阻 按表3-10,可取管外侧污垢热阻管内侧污垢热阻管壁热阻按式3-34计算,依表3-14,碳钢在该条件下的热导率为50w/(m•K)。

所以(4) 传热系数 依式3-21有(5)传热面积裕度 依式3-35可得所计算传热面积Ac为该换热器的实际传热面积为Ap该换热器的面积裕度为传热面积裕度合适,该换热器能够完成生产任务。2. 壁温计算因为管壁很薄,而且壁热阻很小,故管壁温度可按式3-42计算。




一.设计任务和设计条件某生产过程的流程如图所示,反应器的混合气体经与进料物流患热后,用循环冷却水将其从110℃进一步冷却至60℃之后,进入吸收塔吸收其中的可溶组分。已知混和气体的流量为227301㎏/h,压力为6.9MPa ,循环冷却水的压力为0.4MPa ,循环水的入口温度为29℃,出口温度为39℃ ,试设计一台列管式换热器,完成该生产任务。

物性特征:混和气体在35℃下的有关物性数据如下(来自生产中的实测值):密度定压比热容 =3.297kj/kg℃热导率 =0.0279w/m粘度循环水在34℃ 下的物性数据:密度 =994.3㎏/m3定压比热容 =4.174kj/kg℃热导率 =0.624w/m℃粘度二. 确定设计方案1. 选择换热器的类型两流体温的变化情况:热流体进口温度110℃ 出口温度60℃;冷流体进口温度29℃,出口温度为39℃,该换热器用循环冷却水冷却,冬季操作时,其进口温度会降低,考虑到这一因素,估计该换热器的管壁温度和壳体温度之差较大,因此初步确定选用浮头式换热器。2. 管程安排从两物流的操作压力看,应使混合气体走管程,循环冷却水走壳程。

但由于循环冷却水较易结垢,若其流速太低,将会加快污垢增长速度,使换热器的热流量下贱,所以从总体考虑,应使循环水走管程,混和气体走壳程。三. 确定物性数据定性温度:对于一般气体和水等低黏度流体,其定性温度可取流体进出口温度的平均值。

故壳程混和气体的定性温度为T= =85℃管程流体的定性温度为t= ℃根据定性温度,分别查取壳程和管程流体的有关物性数据。对混合气体来说,最可靠的无形数据是实测值。

若不具备此条件,则应分别查取混合无辜组分的有关物性数据,然后按照相应的加和方法求出混和气体的物性数据。混和气体在35℃下的有关物性数据如下(来自生产中的实测值):密度定压比热容 =3.297kj/kg℃热导率 =0.0279w/m粘度 =1.5*10-5Pas循环水在34℃ 下的物性数据:密度 =994.3㎏/m3定压比热容 =4.174kj/kg℃热导率 =0.624w/m℃粘度 =0.742*10-3Pas四. 估算传热面积1. 热流量Q1==227301*3.297*(110-60)=3.75*107kj/h =10416.66kw2.平均传热温差 先按照纯逆流计算,得=3.传热面积 由于壳程气体的压力较高,故可选取较大的K值。

假设K=320W/(㎡k)则估算的传热面积为Ap=4.冷却水用量 m= =五. 工艺结构尺寸1.管径和管内流速 选用Φ25*2.5较高级冷拔传热管(碳钢),取管内流速u1=1.3m/s。2.管程数和传热管数 可依据传热管内径和流速确定单程传热管数Ns=按单程管计算,所需的传热管长度为L=按单程管设计,传热管过长,宜采用多管程结构。

根据本设计实际情况,采用非标设计,现取传热管长l=7m,则该换热器的管程数为Np=传热管总根数 Nt=612*2=12243.平均传热温差校正及壳程数 平均温差校正系数按式(3-13a)和式(3-13b)有 R=P=按单壳程,双管程结构,查图3-9得平均传热温差 ℃由于平均传热温差校正系数大于0.8,同时壳程流体流量较大,故取单壳程合适。4.传热管排列和分程方法 采用组合排列法,即每程内均按正三角形排列,隔板两侧采用正方形排列。

见图3-13。取管心距t=1.25d0,则 t=1.25*25=31.25≈32㎜隔板中心到离其最.近一排管中心距离按式(3-16)计算S=t/2+6=32/2+6=22㎜各程相邻管的管心距为44㎜。

管数的分成方法,每程各有传热管612根,其前后关乡中隔板设置和介质的流通顺序按图3-14选取。5.壳体内径 采用多管程结构,壳体内径可按式(3-19)估算。

取管板利用率η=0.75 ,则壳体内径为D=1.05t按卷制壳体的进级档,可取D=1400mm6.折流板 采用弓形折流板,去弓形之流板圆缺高度为壳体内径的25%,则切去的圆缺高度为H=0.25*1400=350m,故可 取h=350mm取折流板间距B=0.3D,则 B=0.3*1400=420mm,可取B为450mm。折流板数目NB=折流板圆缺面水平装配,见图3-15。


8.接管壳程流体进出口接管:取接管内气体流速为u1=10m/s,则接管内径为圆整后可取管内径为300mm。管程流体进出口接管:取接管内液体流速u2=2.5m/s,则接管内径为圆整后去管内径为360mm六. 换热器核算1. 热流量核算(1)壳程表面传热系数 用克恩法计算,见式(3-22)当量直径,依式(3-23b)得=壳程流通截面积,依式3-25 得壳程流体流速及其雷诺数分别为普朗特数粘度校正(2)管内表面传热系数 按式3-32和式3-33有管程流体流通截面积管程流体流速普朗特数(3)污垢热阻和管壁热阻 按表3-10,可取管外侧污垢热阻管内侧污垢热阻管壁热阻按式3-34计算,依表3-14,碳钢在该条件下的热导率为50w/(m•K)。

所以(4) 传热系数 依式3-21有(5)传热面积裕度 依式3-35可得所计算传热面积Ac为该换热器的实际传热面积为Ap该换热器的面积裕度为传热面积裕度合适,该换热器能够完成生产任务。2. 壁温计算因为管壁很薄,而且壁热阻很小,故管壁温度可按式3-42计算。


5.谁有与固定管板式换热器有关的的英文文献 ~

Based on the papers[1] and[2], the equations, given in TEMA, ASME VIII - 1, CODAP, GB 151 - 89 and JG4732- 95, for calculating the stresses of the tubes and the shell in the fixed tubesheet exchangers were analyzed. It is pointed out again that the stresses of the tubes and the shell in the dangerous operating conditions have the significant meaning.

文献名称 有关规范对固定管板式换热器设计中管子、壳体应力规定的分析

Article Name

英文(英语)翻译 Fixed Tubesheet Exchangers Stipulated by Some Relevant Codes;

作者 桂康宁;

Author Gui KangningEducation and Training Center;Jin Ling Petrochemical Co.Nan Jing 210046;


Author Agencies 金陵石化公司教育培训中心 南京;


Article From 中国科学院上海冶金研究所; 材料物理与化学(专业) 博士论文 2000年度

关键词 固定管板式换热器; 设计规范; 危险工况; 管子应力; 壳体应力;

Keywords fixed tubesheet exchanger;design code;dangerous operating condition;tube stress;shell stress;































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